pg = pg or {} pg.GuideMgr = singletonClass("GuideMgr") slot0 = pg.GuideMgr slot0.ENABLE_GUIDE = true slot0.MANAGER_STATE = { LOADING = 0, BREAK = 4, IDLE = 1, BUSY = 2, STOP = 3 } slot1 = 1 slot2 = 2 slot3 = 3 slot4 = 4 slot5 = 5 slot6 = { MODE2 = 2, MODE1 = 1 } function slot0.Init(slot0, slot1) print("initializing guide manager...") slot0.managerState = uv0.MANAGER_STATE.LOADING slot0.sceneStore = {} PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetUI("GuideUI", true, function (slot0) uv0._go = slot0 uv0._tf = uv0._go.transform uv0._go:SetActive(false) uv0.UIOverlay = tf(GameObject.Find("Overlay/UIOverlay")) uv0._go.transform:SetParent(uv0.UIOverlay, false) uv0.guiderTF = findTF(uv0._go, "Guider") uv0.styleTF1 = findTF(uv0.guiderTF, "mode1") uv0.styleTF2 = findTF(uv0.guiderTF, "mode2") uv0.initChatBgH = uv0.styleTF2.sizeDelta.y SetActive(uv0.guiderTF, false) uv0._bg = findTF(uv0._go, "BG") uv0.bgAlpha = uv0._bg:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)) uv0.bgAlpha.alpha = 0.2 uv0._closeBtn = uv0._bg:Find("close_btn") uv0.uiLongPress = GetOrAddComponent(uv0._closeBtn, typeof(UILongPressTrigger)) uv0.uiLongPress.longPressThreshold = 10 uv0.fingerTF = findTF(uv0._go, "finger") SetActive(uv0.fingerTF, false) uv0._signRes = findTF(uv0._go, "signRes") uv0.signPool = {} uv0.curSignList = {} uv0.fingerSprites = {} eachChild(findTF(uv0._go, "resources"), function (slot0) table.insert(uv0.fingerSprites, slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite) end) uv0.sceneFunc = nil uv0.inited = true uv0.finder = uv0:Finder() uv0.managerState = uv1.MANAGER_STATE.IDLE uv0.material = uv0._tf:Find("resources/material"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material uv2() end) end function slot0.isRuning(slot0) return slot0.managerState == uv0.MANAGER_STATE.BUSY end function slot0.transformPos(slot0, slot1) return tf(slot0._go):InverseTransformPoint(slot1) end function slot0.canPlay(slot0) if pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance()._go.activeSelf then return false, 1 end if pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():IsRunning() then return false, 2 end if slot0.managerState == uv0.MANAGER_STATE.BUSY then return false, 3 end return true end function slot0.onSceneAnimDone(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.inited then return end if not table.contains(slot0.sceneStore, slot1.view) then table.insert(slot0.sceneStore, slot1.view) end if slot0.sceneFunc then slot0.sceneFunc(slot1.view) end end function slot0.onSceneExit(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.inited then return end if table.contains(slot0.sceneStore, slot1.view) then table.removebyvalue(slot0.sceneStore, slot1.view) end end function slot0.checkModuleOpen(slot0, slot1) return table.contains(slot0.sceneStore, slot1) end function slot0.isPlayed(slot0, slot1) return pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():IsPlayed(slot1) end function, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if not uv0.ENABLE_GUIDE then return end slot5, slot6 = slot0:canPlay() print("play guide >>", slot1, slot5) slot0.erroCallback = slot4 if slot5 then slot0.currentGuide = require("" .. slot1) slot0:addDelegateInfo() if slot2 then slot0.curEvents =, function (slot0) if not slot0.code then return true elseif type(slot0.code) == "table" then return _.any(uv0, function (slot0) return table.contains(uv0.code, slot0) end) else return table.contains(uv0, slot0.code) end end) else slot0.curEvents = slot7 end slot0:prepareGuider(slot3) slot8 = {} for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot0.curEvents or {}) do table.insert(slot8, function (slot0) uv0:doCurrEvent(uv2, function () if uv0.managerState ~= uv1.MANAGER_STATE.IDLE then uv0.scenes = {} uv2() else uv0.erroCallback() uv0.erroCallback = nil end end) end) end slot0.managerState = uv0.MANAGER_STATE.BUSY seriesAsync(slot8, function () uv0:endGuider(uv1) end) elseif slot3 then slot3() end end function slot0.prepareGuider(slot0, slot1) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.START_GUIDE) slot0._go.transform:SetAsLastSibling() slot0._go:SetActive(true) SetActive(slot0.fingerTF, false) slot0.bgAlpha.alpha = 0.2 slot0.uiLongPress.onLongPressed:AddListener(function () uv0:endGuider(uv1) end) end function slot0.doCurrEvent(slot0, slot1, slot2) function slot3(slot0) if uv0.waitScene and uv0.waitScene ~= "" and not table.contains(uv1.scenes, uv0.waitScene) then function uv1.sceneFunc(slot0) if uv0.waitScene == slot0 or table.contains(uv1.sceneStore, uv0.waitScene) then uv1.sceneFunc = nil uv2() end end uv1.sceneFunc() else slot0() end end function slot4() if uv0.hideui then uv1:hideUI(uv0, uv2) elseif uv0.stories then uv1:playStories(uv0, uv2) elseif uv0.notifies then uv1:sendNotifies(uv0, uv2) elseif uv0.showSign then uv1:showSign(uv0, uv2) elseif uv0.doFunc then uv0.doFunc() uv2() elseif uv0.doNothing then uv2() else uv1:findUI(uv0, uv2) end end if slot1.delay ~= nil then slot0.delayTimer = Timer.New(function () uv0(uv1) end, slot1.delay, 1) slot0.delayTimer:Start() else slot3(slot4) end end function slot0.showSign(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot1.showSign function () slot0 = uv0.type slot1 = uv0.duration slot2 = uv0.simultaneously slot3 = uv0.clickUI slot4 = uv0.clickArea slot5 = uv0.longPress slot7 = {} for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(uv0.signList) do slot13 = slot12.signType uv1.curSignList[#uv1.curSignList + 1] = { signType = slot13, sign = uv1:getSign(slot13, slot12) } if type(slot12.pos) == "string" then if slot14 == "useCachePos" then slot14 = WorldGuider.GetInstance():GetTempGridPos(slot12.cachedIndex) end elseif type(slot14) == "table" then slot14 = Vector3.New(slot14[1], slot14[2], slot14[3]) end if slot14 then setLocalPosition(slot16, slot14) end slot7[#slot7 + 1] = slot17 end function recycle_handler() for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(uv0) do slot5 = uv1.curSignList[slot4] uv1:recycleSign(slot5.signType, slot5.sign) uv1.curSignList[slot4] = nil end if not uv2 then uv1:finishCurrEvent(uv3, uv4) end end slot9 = uv1.curSignList[slot7[1]].sign if slot0 == 2 then uv1:updateUIStyle(uv2, false, nil) slot10 = findTF(slot9, "btn") if slot3 then setActive(slot9, false) uv1.finder:Search({ path = slot3.path, delay = slot3.delay, pathIndex = slot3.pathIndex, conditionData = slot3.conditionData, found = function (slot0) uv0.cloneTarget = uv0:cloneGO(go(slot0), uv0._tf, uv1) setActive(uv0.cloneTarget, false) uv2.localPosition = uv0.cloneTarget.localPosition - Vector3(uv0.cloneTarget.sizeDelta.x * (uv0.cloneTarget.pivot.x - 0.5), uv0.cloneTarget.sizeDelta.y * (uv0.cloneTarget.pivot.y - 0.5), 0) if uv1.sizeDeltaPlus then uv3.sizeDelta = uv0.cloneTarget.sizeDelta + Vector2(uv1.sizeDeltaPlus[1], uv1.sizeDeltaPlus[2]) else uv3.sizeDelta = uv0.cloneTarget.sizeDelta end setActive(uv2, true) end, notFound = function () uv0:endGuider(uv1) end }) elseif slot4 then slot10.sizeDelta = Vector2.New(slot4[1], slot4[2]) end slot11 = GetOrAddComponent(slot10, typeof(UILongPressTrigger)) slot11.onLongPressed:RemoveAllListeners() slot11.onReleased:RemoveAllListeners() if slot5 == 1 then slot11.onLongPressed:AddListener(function () recycle_handler() end) else slot11.onReleased:AddListener(function () recycle_handler() end) end return end if slot0 == 3 then slot9.sizeDelta = Vector2.New(slot4[1], slot4[2]) uv1:updateUIStyle(uv2, true, uv3) else if slot2 then uv1:finishCurrEvent(uv2, uv3) end if slot1 ~= nil then uv1.curSignList[slot8].signTimer = Timer.New(function () recycle_handler() end, slot1, 1) uv1.curSignList[slot8].signTimer:Start() end end end() end function slot0.getSign(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3, slot4 = nil slot5 = slot2.atlasName slot6 = slot2.fileName if slot0.signPool[slot1] ~= nil and #slot0.signPool[slot1] > 0 then slot3 = table.remove(slot0.signPool[slot1], #slot0.signPool[slot1]) else if slot1 == 1 or slot1 == 6 then slot4 = findTF(slot0._signRes, "wTask") elseif slot1 == 2 then slot4 = findTF(slot0._signRes, "wDanger") elseif slot1 == 3 then slot4 = findTF(slot0._signRes, "wForbidden") elseif slot1 == 4 then slot4 = findTF(slot0._signRes, "wClickArea") elseif slot1 == 5 then slot4 = findTF(slot0._signRes, "wShowArea") end slot3 = tf(Instantiate(slot4)) end if slot1 == 6 then setImageSprite(findTF(slot3, "shadow"), LoadSprite(slot5, slot6), true) end setActive(slot3, true) setParent(slot3, slot0._go.transform) slot3.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, 0) slot3.localScale = return slot3 end function slot0.recycleSign(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.signPool[slot1] == nil then slot0.signPool[slot1] = {} end if #slot0.signPool[slot1] > 3 or slot1 == 6 then Destroy(slot2) else table.insert(slot3, slot2) setParent(slot2, slot0._signRes) setActive(slot2, false) end end function slot0.destroyAllSign(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.curSignList) do if slot5.signTimer ~= nil then slot5.signTimer:Stop() slot5.signTimer = nil end slot0:recycleSign(slot5.signType, slot5.sign) slot0.curSignList[slot4] = nil end end function slot0.sendNotifies(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1.notifies) do table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) pg.m02:sendNotification(uv0.notify, uv0.body) slot0() end) end seriesAsync(slot3, function () uv0:finishCurrEvent(uv1, uv2) end) end function slot0.playStories(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1.stories) do table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(uv0, slot0, true) end) end seriesAsync(slot3, function () uv0:finishCurrEvent(uv1, uv2) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.START_GUIDE) end) end function slot0.hideUI(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1.hideui) do table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) uv0.finder:SearchTimely({ path = uv1.path, delay = uv1.delay, pathIndex = uv1.pathIndex, found = function (slot0) SetActive(slot0, not uv0.ishide) uv1() end, notFound = function () uv0:endGuider(uv1) end }) end) end parallelAsync(slot3, function () uv0:finishCurrEvent(uv1, uv2) end) end function slot0.findUI(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = true seriesAsync({ function (slot0) if not uv0.baseui then slot0() return end uv1.finder:Search({ path = uv0.baseui.path, delay = uv0.baseui.delay, pathIndex = uv0.baseui.pathIndex, conditionData = uv0.baseui.conditionData, found = slot0, notFound = function () uv0:endGuider(uv1) end }) end, function (slot0) if not uv0.ui then slot0() return end uv1 = false uv2.finder:Search({ path = uv0.ui.path, delay = uv0.ui.delay, pathIndex = uv0.ui.pathIndex, conditionData = uv0.ui.conditionData, found = function (slot0) Canvas.ForceUpdateCanvases() uv0.cloneTarget = uv0:cloneGO(slot0.gameObject, uv0._go.transform, uv1.ui) uv0:addUIEventTrigger(slot0, uv1, uv2) uv0:setFinger(slot0, uv1.ui) uv3() end, notFound = function () if uv0.ui.notfoundSkip then uv1:finishCurrEvent(uv0, uv2) else uv1:endGuider(uv2) end end }) end }, function () uv0:updateUIStyle(uv1, uv2, uv3) end) end function slot0.SetHighLightLine(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0._tf:InverseTransformPoint(slot1.position) slot0.highLightLine = cloneTplTo(findTF(slot0._signRes, "wShowArea"), slot0._tf) slot3 = 15 slot0.highLightLine.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot1.sizeDelta.x + slot3, slot1.sizeDelta.y + slot3) slot0.highLightLine.pivot = slot1.pivot slot0.highLightLine.localPosition = Vector3(slot2.x, slot2.y, 0) + Vector3((slot1.pivot.x - 0.5) * slot3, (slot1.pivot.y - 0.5) * slot3, 0) end function slot0.updateUIStyle(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.bgAlpha.alpha = slot1.alpha or 0.2 SetActive(slot0.guiderTF, if then slot0:updateContent(slot1) if then slot0.finder:Search({ path =, delay =, pathIndex =, found = function (slot0) if then uv1:SetHighLightLine(slot0) else uv1.cloneTarget = uv1:cloneGO(go(slot0), uv1._tf, end end, notFound = function () uv0:endGuider() end }) end end onButton(slot0, slot0._go, function () uv0:finishCurrEvent(uv1, uv2) if and then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE[]) end end, SFX_PANEL) setButtonEnabled(slot0._go, slot2) end function slot0.updateContent(slot0, slot1) slot2 = or {} slot3 = slot2.dir or 1 slot4 = slot2.mode or 1 slot5 = slot2.posX or 0 slot6 = slot2.posY or 0 SetActive(slot0.styleTF1, slot4 == uv0.MODE1) SetActive(slot0.styleTF2, slot4 == uv0.MODE2) slot7, slot8 = nil if slot4 == uv0.MODE1 then slot7 = slot0.styleTF1 slot8 = Vector3(18, -31, 0) elseif slot4 == uv0.MODE2 then slot7 = slot0.styleTF2 slot8 = Vector3(-27, 143, 0) end slot9 = slot7:Find("char"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot9.sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/guide_atlas", "guide" .. (slot2.char or "")) slot9:SetNativeSize() slot9.material = slot2.char and slot0.material slot9.gameObject.transform.pivot = getSpritePivot(slot10) setAnchoredPosition(slot9.gameObject.transform, { x = slot8.x, y = slot8.y }) slot11 = slot3 == 1 and Vector3(1, 1, 1) or Vector3(-1, 1, 1) slot7.localScale = slot11 slot7:Find("content").localScale = slot11 setText(slot12, HXSet.hxLan(slot2.text or "")) if CHAT_POP_STR_LEN_MIDDLE < #slot12:GetComponent(typeof(Text)).text then slot14.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft else slot14.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter end slot15 = slot14.preferredHeight + 120 if slot4 == uv0.MODE2 and slot0.initChatBgH < slot15 then slot7.sizeDelta = Vector2.New(slot7.sizeDelta.x, slot15) else slot7.sizeDelta = Vector2.New(slot7.sizeDelta.x, slot0.initChatBgH) end if slot4 == uv0.MODE1 then slot16 = slot2.hand or { w = 0, x = -267, y = -96 } slot7:Find("hand").localPosition = Vector3(slot16.x, slot16.y, 0) slot7:Find("hand").eulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, slot16.w) end setAnchoredPosition(slot0.guiderTF, Vector2(slot5, slot6)) end function slot0.Finder(slot0) function slot2(slot0, slot1) slot2 = -1 for slot6 = 1, slot0.childCount do if (not slot0:GetChild(slot6 - 1):GetComponent(typeof(LayoutElement)) or not slot8.ignoreLayout) and slot2 + 1 == slot1 then break end end return slot2 end function slot3(slot0, slot1) if not IsNil(GameObject.Find(slot0)) then if slot1 and slot1 == -999 then for slot7 = 0, tf(slot2).childCount do if not IsNil(tf(slot2):GetChild(slot7)) and go(slot8).activeInHierarchy then return slot8 end end elseif slot1 and slot1 ~= -1 then if uv0(tf(slot2), slot1) >= 0 and slot3 < tf(slot2).childCount and not IsNil(tf(slot2):GetChild(slot3)) then return slot4 end else return tf(slot2) end end end function slot4(slot0, slot1) if uv0(slot0, -1) ~= nil then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot2:Find(slot7) then return slot8 end end end end return { Search = function (slot0, slot1) slot0:Clear() slot3 = 20 slot4 = 0 slot5 = slot1.delay or 0 slot0.findUITimer = Timer.New(function () uv0 = uv0 + uv1 if pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():OnLoading() then return end if uv2 < uv0 then if uv3 == 0 then print("not found ui >>", uv4.path) uv5:Clear() uv4.notFound() return end slot0 = nil if (uv4.conditionData == nil or uv6(uv4.path, uv4.conditionData)) and uv7(uv4.path, uv4.pathIndex) and go(slot0).activeInHierarchy then uv5:Clear() uv4.found(slot0) return end uv3 = uv3 - 1 end end, 0.5, -1) slot0.findUITimer:Start() slot0.findUITimer.func() end, SearchTimely = function (slot0, slot1) slot0:Clear() if uv0(slot1.path, slot1.pathIndex) then slot1.found(slot2) else slot1.notFound() end end, Clear = function (slot0) if slot0.findUITimer then slot0.findUITimer:Stop() slot0.findUITimer = nil end end } end function slot0.cloneGO(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = tf(Instantiate(slot1)) slot4.sizeDelta = tf(slot1).sizeDelta SetActive(slot4, true) slot4:SetParent(slot2, false) if slot3.hideChildEvent then eachChild(slot4, function (slot0) if slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Button)) then slot1.enabled = false end end) end if slot3.hideAnimtor and slot4:GetComponent(typeof(Animator)) then slot5.enabled = false end if slot3.childAdjust then for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot3.childAdjust) do if LeanTween.isTweening(slot4:Find(slot9[1]).gameObject) then LeanTween.cancel(slot10.gameObject) end if slot10 and slot9[2] == "scale" then slot10.localScale = Vector3(slot9[3][1], slot9[3][2], slot9[3][3]) elseif slot10 and slot9[2] == "position" then slot10.anchoredPosition = Vector3(slot9[3][1], slot9[3][2], slot9[3][3]) end end end if slot0.targetTimer then slot0.targetTimer:Stop() slot0.targetTimer = nil end if not slot3.pos and not slot3.scale and not slot3.eulerAngles then slot0.targetTimer = Timer.New(function () if not IsNil(uv0) and not IsNil(uv1) then uv1.position = uv0.transform.position slot0 = uv1.localPosition uv1.localPosition = Vector3(slot0.x, slot0.y, 0) slot1 = uv0.transform.localScale uv1.localScale = Vector3(slot1.x, slot1.y, slot1.z) if uv2.image and type(uv2.image) == "table" then slot2 = nil slot4 = nil slot4 = (not uv2.image.isRelative or == "" and uv1 or tf(uv1):Find( and GameObject.Find( if not IsNil((not uv2.image.isChild or tf(uv0):Find(uv2.image.source)) and GameObject.Find(uv2.image.source)) and not IsNil(slot4) then slot6 = slot4:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) if slot2:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) and slot6 then slot8 = slot6.sprite if slot5.sprite and slot8 and slot7 ~= slot8 then slot6.enabled = slot5.enabled setImageSprite(slot4, slot7) end end end end end end, 0.01, -1) slot0.targetTimer:Start() slot0.targetTimer.func() else if slot3.pos then slot4.localPosition = Vector3(slot3.pos.x, slot3.pos.y, slot3.pos.z or 0) elseif slot3.isLevelPoint then slot4.localPosition = LuaHelper.ScreenToLocal(slot2, GameObject.Find("LevelCamera"):GetComponent(typeof(Camera)):WorldToScreenPoint(slot1.transform.parent:TransformPoint(slot1.transform.localPosition)), GameObject.Find("OverlayCamera"):GetComponent(typeof(Camera))) else slot4.position = slot1.transform.position slot5 = slot4.localPosition slot4.localPosition = Vector3(slot5.x, slot5.y, 0) end slot5 = slot3.scale or 1 slot4.localScale = Vector3(slot5, slot5, slot5) if slot3.eulerAngles then slot4.eulerAngles = Vector3(slot3.eulerAngles[1], slot3.eulerAngles[2], slot3.eulerAngles[3]) else slot4.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, 0) end end return slot4 end function slot0.setFinger(slot0, slot1, slot2) SetActive(slot0.fingerTF, true) slot5 = slot2.scale and 1 / slot2.scale or 1 slot0.fingerTF.localScale = Vector3(slot5, slot5, 1) slot6 = slot2.fingerPos and Vector3(slot2.fingerPos.posX, slot2.fingerPos.posY, 0) or Vector3(slot1.sizeDelta.x / 2, -(slot1.sizeDelta.y / 2), 0) slot7 = Vector3(0, 0, 0) if slot2.fingerPos then slot7 = Vector3(slot2.fingerPos.rotateX or 0, slot2.fingerPos.rotateY or 0, slot2.fingerPos.rotateZ or 0) end if slot0.cloneTarget then slot0.fingerTF:SetParent(slot0.cloneTarget, false) end setAnchoredPosition(slot0.fingerTF, slot6) slot0.fingerTF.localEulerAngles = slot7 end function slot0.addUIEventTrigger(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot2.ui slot5 = slot1 if slot0.cloneTarget:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)) then slot7.alpha = 1 end if slot4.eventIndex then slot5 = slot1:GetChild(slot4.eventIndex) slot6 = slot0.cloneTarget:GetChild(slot4.eventIndex) elseif slot4.eventPath then if IsNil(GameObject.Find(slot4.eventPath)) then slot5 = slot1 end if slot0.cloneTarget:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) == nil then GetOrAddComponent(slot0.cloneTarget, typeof(Image)).color = Color(1, 1, 1, 0) end end if (slot4.triggerType and slot4.triggerType[1] or uv0) == uv0 then onButton(slot0, slot6, function () if not IsNil(uv0) then uv1:finishCurrEvent(uv2, uv3) if uv4.onClick then uv4.onClick() else triggerButton(uv0) end end end, SFX_PANEL) setButtonEnabled(slot6, true) elseif slot8 == uv1 then onToggle(slot0, slot6, function (slot0) if IsNil(uv0) then return end uv1:finishCurrEvent(uv2, uv3) if uv4.triggerType[2] ~= nil then triggerToggle(uv0, uv4.triggerType[2]) else triggerToggle(uv0, true) end end, SFX_PANEL) setToggleEnabled(slot6, true) else if slot8 == uv2 then slot9 = slot5:GetComponent(typeof(EventTriggerListener)) slot10 = slot6:GetComponent(typeof(EventTriggerListener)) slot10:AddPointDownFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if not IsNil(uv0) then uv1:OnPointerDown(slot1) end end) slot10:AddPointUpFunc(function (slot0, slot1) uv0:finishCurrEvent(uv1, uv2) if not IsNil(uv3) then uv4:OnPointerUp(slot1) end end) return end if slot8 == uv3 then if slot6:GetComponent(typeof(EventTriggerListener)) == nil then slot9 = go(slot6):AddComponent(typeof(EventTriggerListener)) end slot9:AddPointDownFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if not IsNil(uv0) then uv1:finishCurrEvent(uv2, uv3) end end) elseif slot8 == uv4 then if slot6:GetComponent(typeof(EventTriggerListener)) == nil then slot9 = go(slot6):AddComponent(typeof(EventTriggerListener)) end slot9:AddPointUpFunc(function (slot0, slot1) uv0:finishCurrEvent(uv1, uv2) end) end end end function slot0.finishCurrEvent(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.bgAlpha.alpha = 0.2 removeOnButton(slot0._go) slot0:destroyAllSign() SetParent(slot0.fingerTF, tf(slot0._go), false) SetActive(slot0.fingerTF, false) SetActive(slot0.guiderTF, false) slot0.fingerTF.localScale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) if slot0.cloneTarget then SetActive(slot0.cloneTarget, false) Destroy(slot0.cloneTarget) slot0.cloneTarget = nil end if slot0.targetTimer then slot0.targetTimer:Stop() slot0.targetTimer = nil end if slot0.findUITimer then slot0.findUITimer:Stop() slot0.findUITimer = nil end if slot0.highLightLine then Destroy(slot0.highLightLine) slot0.highLightLine = nil end if slot2 then slot2() end end function slot7(slot0) slot0:clearDelegateInfo() if slot0.delayTimer then slot0.delayTimer:Stop() slot0.delayTimer = nil end if slot0.targetTimer then slot0.targetTimer:Stop() slot0.targetTimer = nil end slot0:destroyAllSign() slot0.finder:Clear() if slot0.cloneTarget then SetParent(slot0.fingerTF, slot0._go) Destroy(slot0.cloneTarget) slot0.cloneTarget = nil end slot0._go:SetActive(false) removeOnButton(slot0._go) if slot0.curEvents then slot0.curEvents = nil end if slot0.currentGuide then slot0.currentGuide = nil end slot0.uiLongPress.onLongPressed:RemoveAllListeners() end function slot0.addDelegateInfo(slot0) pg.DelegateInfo.New(slot0) slot0.isAddDelegateInfo = true end function slot0.clearDelegateInfo(slot0) if slot0.isAddDelegateInfo then pg.DelegateInfo.Dispose(slot0) slot0.isAddDelegateInfo = nil end end function slot0.mask(slot0) SetActive(slot0._go, true) end function slot0.unMask(slot0) SetActive(slot0._go, false) end function slot0.endGuider(slot0, slot1) uv0(slot0) slot0.managerState = uv1.MANAGER_STATE.IDLE pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.END_GUIDE) if slot1 then slot1() end end function slot0.onDisconnected(slot0) if slot0._go.activeSelf then slot0.prevState = slot0.managerState slot0.managerState = uv0.MANAGER_STATE.BREAK SetActive(slot0._go, false) if slot0.cloneTarget then SetActive(slot0.cloneTarget, false) end end end function slot0.onReconneceted(slot0) if slot0.prevState then slot0.managerState = slot0.prevState slot0.prevState = nil SetActive(slot0._go, true) if slot0.cloneTarget then SetActive(slot0.cloneTarget, true) end end end