function AddCfgBaseInfo(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.all) do if rawget(slot0[slot5], "base") ~= nil then rawset(slot6, "base", nil) setmetatable(slot6, { __index = slot0[slot7] }) end end end function GetSpeNum(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do if type(slot6) == "number" then slot1 = slot1 + slot6 elseif slot7 == "table" then slot1 = GetSpeNum(slot6, slot1) elseif slot7 == "string" then slot1 = slot1 + (tonumber(slot6) or 0) end end return slot1 end function GetDataValue(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.all) do slot1 = GetSpeNum(slot0[slot6], 0) end return slot1 end function CheckTables(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do if type(slot6) == "number" or slot7 == "string" then if slot6 ~= slot1[slot5] then return false end elseif slot7 == "table" and not CheckTables(slot6, slot1[slot5]) then return false end end return true end AddCfgBaseInfo(pg.equip_data_statistics) AddCfgBaseInfo(pg.weapon_property) AddCfgBaseInfo(pg.equip_data_template) AddCfgBaseInfo(pg.aircraft_template) AddCfgBaseInfo(pg.enemy_data_statistics) ys.EquipDataStatisticVertify = GetDataValue(pg.equip_data_statistics) ys.WeaponPropertyVertify = GetDataValue(pg.weapon_property) ys.ShipStatisticsVertify = GetDataValue(pg.ship_data_statistics) ys.EnemyStatisticsVertify = GetDataValue(pg.enemy_data_statistics) ys.ExpeditionDataVertify = GetDataValue(pg.expedition_data_template) ys.BattleVertifyTable = { { hash = ys.EquipDataStatisticVertify, hashCheck = ys.EquipDataStatisticVertify, data = pg.equip_data_statistics }, { hash = ys.WeaponPropertyVertify, hashCheck = ys.WeaponPropertyVertify, data = pg.weapon_property }, { hash = ys.ShipStatisticsVertify, hashCheck = ys.ShipStatisticsVertify, data = pg.ship_data_statistics }, { hash = ys.EnemyStatisticsVertify, hashCheck = ys.EnemyStatisticsVertify, data = pg.enemy_data_statistics }, { hash = ys.ExpeditionDataVertify, hashCheck = ys.ExpeditionDataVertify, data = pg.expedition_data_template } } function GetBattleCheck() return math.floor(ys.EquipDataStatisticVertify + ys.WeaponPropertyVertify + ys.ShipStatisticsVertify + ys.EnemyStatisticsVertify + ys.ExpeditionDataVertify + GetSpeNum(pg.skillCfg, 0) + GetSpeNum(pg.buffCfg, 0)) end ys.BattleConfigVertify = GetSpeNum(ys.Battle.BattleConfig, 0) ys.BattleConstVertify = GetSpeNum(pg.bfConsts, 0) ys.BattleShipLevelVertify = {} slot0 = _G slot1 = _G slot2 = pg slot3 = ys slot4 = math slot5 = math slot6 = string.len slot7 = string.len slot8 = string.byte slot9 = string.byte slot10 = string.char slot11 = string.char slot12 = bit.bxor slot13 = bit.bxor slot14 = slot15 = slot16 = bit.bor slot17 = bit.bor slot18 = bit.rshift slot19 = bit.lshift slot20 = table.concat slot21 = table.concat slot22 = ipairs slot23 = ipairs slot24 = pairs slot25 = pairs slot26 = xpcall slot27 = pcall slot28 = tonumber slot29 = tonumber slot30 = tostring slot31 = tostring slot32 = table.getn slot33 = table.getn slot34 = loadstring slot35 = GetSpeNum slot36 = GetDataValue slot37 = GetBattleCheck slot38 = 0 slot39 = 1 slot40 = 8 slot41 = 255 slot42 = 65535 slot43 = 59092 slot44 = 2086 slot45 = 46550 slot46 = 15300 slot48 = 47263 slot49 = 26932 slot50 = "XANA can make mistakes too!" slot51 = "I'll never make it.XANA is a flawless programme and I'm only human" slot52 = "" slot53, slot54, slot55, slot56, slot57, slot58 = nil slot59 = ys.BattleVertifyTable function slot60(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0 slot3 = slot1 return function (slot0) slot3 = nil for slot8, slot9 in uv8(slot0) do slot1 = uv0 .. function () return uv0(uv1(uv2(uv3, uv1(uv4(uv5, uv6), uv7)), uv7)) end() slot2 = uv3((slot9 + uv1) * uv9 + uv10, uv11) end return slot1 end end slot61 = slot0[slot60(slot41, slot49)({ 229, 60, 135, 242, 48, 174, 31 })] slot62 = slot60(slot40, slot39)({ 210, 94, 183, 25, 255, 46, 173, 122, 188, 155, 250, 121 }) slot63 = slot60(slot46, slot43)({ 231, 79, 53, 236, 89, 168, 132, 83, 133, 209, 106, 195 }) slot64 = slot0[slot60(slot48, slot49)({ 253, 97, 54, 135, 67, 211, 65, 96 })] slot65 = slot60(slot42, slot40)({ 246, 208, 146, 24, 167, 68, 78 }) slot66 = slot60(slot42, slot40)({ 237, 210, 126, 84 }) slot67 = slot60(slot45, slot42)({ 225, 168, 187, 164, 95 }) slot68 = slot60(slot45, slot42)({ 251, 86, 108 }) slot69 = slot60(slot45, slot42)({ 230, 55, 113, 91, 53 }) slot70 = slot60(slot45, slot42)({ 230, 55, 127, 185 }) slot71 = slot60(slot43, slot40)({ 246, 222, 240, 153, 154, 236, 97, 200, 131, 20, 131, 104, 215 }) slot72 = slot60(slot48, slot49)({ 242, 112, 132, 176, 44, 139, 34, 111, 197, 157, 240 }) slot73 = slot60(slot45, slot43)({ 230, 38, 210, 99 }) slot74 = slot60(slot44, slot41)({ 193, 158, 144, 50 }) slot75 = slot60(slot42, slot39)({ 195, 209, 105, 162, 249, 208, 237 }) slot76 = slot60(slot40, slot43)({ 211, 75, 45, 230, 183, 40, 169, 185, 11, 213, 38, 212, 172, 179, 149, 185 }) slot77 = slot60(10100, slot46)({ 243, 149, 129, 178, 31, 230, 217, 167, 104, 87 }) slot78 = slot60(slot40, slot45)({ 244, 147, 206, 229, 22, 148, 14, 3, 84, 181, 197 }) slot79 = slot60(slot45, slot42)({ 228, 3, 135, 251 }) slot80 = slot60(slot44, slot43)({ 243, 157, 87, 148, 86, 162, 153, 8, 248, 24, 118, 148, 219, 208, 248, 56, 100 }) slot81 = slot60(slot45, slot42)({ 225, 168, 166, 162, 4, 231, 242 }) slot82 = slot60(slot45, slot42)({ 230, 43, 81, 163, 71, 133, 192, 164 }) slot83 = slot60(slot45, slot43)({ 199, 49, 59, 178, 103, 127 }) function slot84() uv0[uv1][uv2]() end function slot85(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil function slot3() uv0() if uv1 then uv1[uv2](uv1) end end slot2 = uv1[uv2][uv3](slot0, slot1, uv4) slot2[uv5](slot2) end function () uv0 = uv1[uv2](uv1[uv3]()) end() function () uv0 = uv1[uv2] uv3 = uv4[uv5][uv6]() uv7 = uv8 and uv9[uv10](uv9[uv11]()) uv12 = { [uv13] = uv14, [uv15] = uv7 and uv16[uv17](uv7) or "" } uv18 = uv19[uv20](354, 683) end() function () slot1 = uv0[uv1][uv2]() function slot2() if not uv0[uv1] then uv2[uv3](uv4, uv5) uv6(uv7, uv8) end end function slot3() if not uv0[uv1] then uv2[uv3][uv4]()[uv5](uv6, uv7, uv8) uv0[uv9] = uv10 uv11(uv12, uv13) end end uv3[uv15] = function (slot0) uv0(uv1) end end()