slot0 = class("ChapterOpRoutine", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) end function slot0.initData(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.op = slot1 = slot2 slot0.chapter = slot3 slot0.items = {} slot0.fullpath = nil slot0.flag = 0 end function slot0.doDropUpdate(slot0) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs( do slot8 = Item.New(slot7) table.insert(slot0.items, slot8) slot0:sendNotification(GAME.ADD_ITEM, slot8) end end function slot0.doMapUpdate(slot0) slot4 = slot0.chapter if > 0 then _.each(slot1.map_update, function (slot0) if slot0.item_type == ChapterConst.AttachStory and slot0.item_data == ChapterConst.StoryTrigger then if uv0.cellAttachments[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot0.pos.row, slot0.pos.column)] then if slot2.flag == 3 and slot0.item_flag == 4 and pg.map_event_template[slot2.attachmentId].gametip ~= "" then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n(slot3)) end slot2.attachment = slot0.item_type slot2.attachmentId = slot0.item_id slot2.flag = slot0.item_flag = slot0.item_data else uv0.cellAttachments[slot1] = ChapterCell.New(slot0) end elseif slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachNone and slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachBorn and slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachBorn_Sub then uv0:mergeChapterCell(ChapterCell.New(slot0)) end end) slot2 = bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) slot3 = bit.bor(slot0.extraFlag or 0, ChapterConst.DirtyAutoAction) end slot0.flag = slot2 slot0.extraFlag = slot3 end function slot0.doCellFlagUpdate(slot0) slot3 = slot0.chapter if > 0 then _.each(slot1.cell_flag_list, function (slot0) if uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.pos.row, slot0.pos.column) then slot1:updateFlagList(slot0) else slot1 = ChapterCell.New(slot0) end uv1.chapter:updateChapterCell(slot1) end) slot2 = bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyCellFlag) end slot0.flag = slot2 end function slot0.doAIUpdate(slot0) slot4 = slot0.chapter if > 0 then _.each(slot1.ai_list, function (slot0) uv0:mergeChampion(ChapterChampionPackage.New(slot0)) end) slot2 = bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyChampion) slot3 = bit.bor(slot0.extraFlag or 0, ChapterConst.DirtyAutoAction) end slot0.flag = slot2 slot0.extraFlag = slot3 end function slot0.doShipUpdate(slot0) slot4 = slot0.chapter.fleet if > 0 then _.each(slot1.ship_update, function (slot0) if uv0:getShip( and slot1.hpRant * slot0.hp_rant == 0 and slot1:getShipType() == ShipType.WeiXiu then uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, ChapterConst.DirtyStrategy) end uv0:updateShipHp(, slot0.hp_rant) end) slot2 = bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) end slot0.flag = slot2 end function slot0.doBuffUpdate(slot0) slot2 = slot0.chapter if then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1.buff_list) do if not _.include(slot2.buff_list, slot7) then table.insert(slot2.buff_list, slot7) end end end end function slot0.doExtraFlagUpdate(slot0) slot2 = slot0.chapter slot3 = getProxy(ChapterProxy) if > 0 or #slot1.del_flag_list > 0 then slot3:updateExtraFlag(slot2, slot1.add_flag_list, slot1.del_flag_list) slot3:updateChapter(slot2, bit.bor(ChapterConst.DirtyStrategy, ChapterConst.DirtyCellFlag)) end end function slot0.doRetreat(slot0) slot2 = slot4 = slot0.chapter if then if #slot4.fleets > 0 then _.each(slot4.fleets, function (slot0) if ~= then table.insert(uv1, slot0) end end) slot4.fleets = {} slot4.findex = 1 slot3 = bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment, ChapterConst.DirtyChampion, ChapterConst.DirtyStrategy) end else slot4:retreat( slot3 = 0 end slot0.flag = slot3 end function slot0.doMove(slot0) slot1 = slot0.op slot4 = slot0.chapter.fleet slot5 = nil if > 0 then slot5 =, 1) slot7, slot8 = slot3:findPath(ChapterConst.SubjectPlayer, slot4.line, { row = slot1.arg1, column = slot1.arg2 }) if slot7 < PathFinding.PrioObstacle and #slot8 >= #slot2.move_path then slot5 = slot8 end slot9 = slot2.move_path[#slot2.move_path] slot4.line = { row = slot9.row, column = slot9.column } end slot0.fullpath = slot5 slot3:IncreaseRound() slot0.flag = 0 end function slot0.doOpenBox(slot0) slot3 = slot0.chapter slot5 = slot3.fleet.line slot6 = slot3:getChapterCell(slot5.row, slot5.column) slot6.flag = 1 slot3:updateChapterCell(slot6) if pg.box_data_template[slot6.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.BoxStrategy then slot8 = slot7.effect_id slot4:achievedOneStrategy(slot8) table.insert(slot0.items, Item.New({ count = 1, type = DROP_TYPE_STRATEGY, id = slot8 })) slot2 = bit.bor(bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment), ChapterConst.DirtyStrategy) elseif slot7.type == ChapterConst.BoxSupply then slot8, slot9 = slot3:getFleetAmmo(slot4) slot4.restAmmo = slot4.restAmmo + math.min(slot8 - slot9, slot7.effect_id) slot2 = bit.bor(slot2, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("level_ammo_supply_p1", slot7.effect_id)) end slot0.flag = slot2 end function slot0.doPlayStory(slot0) slot2 = slot0.chapter slot4 = slot2.fleet.line slot5 = slot2:getChapterCell(slot4.row, slot4.column) slot5.flag = 1 slot2:updateChapterCell(slot5) slot0.flag = bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) end function slot0.doAmbush(slot0) if slot0.op.arg1 == 1 then slot4 = slot0.chapter.fleet.line if slot2:getChapterCell(slot4.row, slot4.column).flag == 2 then slot2:clearChapterCell(slot4.row, slot4.column) end pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot5.flag == 0 and i18n("chapter_tip_aovid_failed") or i18n("chapter_tip_aovid_succeed")) end end function slot0.doStrategy(slot0) slot1 = slot0.flag slot4 = slot0.chapter.fleet if pg.strategy_data_template[slot0.op.arg1].type == ChapterConst.StgTypeForm then for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot4.stgIds) do if pg.strategy_data_template[slot10].type == ChapterConst.StgTypeForm then slot4.stgIds[slot9] = end end PlayerPrefs.SetInt("team_formation_" .., pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("chapter_tip_change", elseif slot5.type == ChapterConst.StgTypeConsume then slot4:consumeOneStrategy( pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("chapter_tip_use", end if == ChapterConst.StrategyExchange then slot6 = slot3:getFleetById( slot7 = slot3:getFleetById(slot2.arg2) slot7.line = slot6.line slot6.line = slot7.line slot1 = bit.bor(slot1, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) end slot0.flag = bit.bor(slot1, ChapterConst.DirtyStrategy) end function slot0.doRepair(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(ChapterProxy) slot1.repairTimes = slot1.repairTimes + 1 slot2, slot3, slot4 = ChapterConst.GetRepairParams() if slot2 < slot1.repairTimes then slot5 = getProxy(PlayerProxy) slot6 = slot5:getData() slot6:consume({ gem = slot4 }) slot5:updatePlayer(slot6) end end function slot0.doSupply(slot0) slot1 = slot0.flag slot2 = slot0.chapter slot3 = slot2.fleet slot4, slot5 = slot2:getFleetAmmo(slot3) slot6 = slot3.line slot7 = slot2:getChapterCell(slot6.row, slot6.column) slot8 = math.min(slot7.attachmentId, slot4 - slot5) slot7.attachmentId = slot7.attachmentId - slot8 slot3.restAmmo = slot3.restAmmo + slot8 slot2:updateChapterCell(slot7) if slot7.attachmentId > 20 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("level_ammo_supply_p1", slot8)) elseif slot7.attachmentId > 0 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("level_ammo_supply", slot8, slot7.attachmentId)) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("level_ammo_empty", slot8)) end slot0.flag = bit.bor(slot1, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) end function slot0.doSubState(slot0) slot0.chapter.subAutoAttack = slot0.op.arg1 slot0.flag = bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyStrategy) end function slot0.doCollectAI(slot0) slot2 = slot0.flag slot3 = slot0.chapter slot0.aiActs = {} if then _.each(slot1.submarine_act_list, function (slot0) table.insert(uv0.aiActs, SubAIAction.New(slot0)) end) end if slot1.escort_act_list then _.each(slot1.escort_act_list, function (slot0) table.insert(uv0.aiActs, TransportAIAction.New(slot0)) end) end _.each(slot1.ai_act_list, function (slot0) table.insert(uv0.aiActs, ChapterAIAction.New(slot0)) end) _.each(slot1.fleet_act_list, function (slot0) table.insert(uv0.aiActs, FleetAIAction.New(slot0)) end) end function slot0.doBarrier(slot0) slot1 = slot0.flag slot2 = slot0.op slot3 = slot0.chapter slot6 = _.detect(pg.box_data_template.all, function (slot0) return pg.box_data_template[slot0].type == ChapterConst.BoxBarrier end) if slot3:getChapterCell(slot2.arg1, slot2.arg2).attachment ~= ChapterConst.AttachBox or slot4.attachmentId ~= slot6 then slot4.attachment = slot5 slot4.attachmentId = slot6 slot4.flag = 1 end slot3.modelCount = slot3.modelCount + (slot4.flag == 1 and -1 or 1) slot4.flag = 1 - slot4.flag slot3:updateChapterCell(slot4) slot0.flag = bit.bor(slot1, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment, ChapterConst.DirtyStrategy) end function slot0.doRequest(slot0) if > 0 then slot5 = slot1.move_path[#slot1.move_path] slot0.chapter.fleet.line = { row = slot5.row, column = slot5.column } slot2 = bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) end slot0.flag = slot2 end function slot0.doSkipBattle(slot0) slot0.flag = bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment, ChapterConst.DirtyAchieve, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet, ChapterConst.DirtyChampion) end function slot0.doTeleportSub(slot0) slot1 = slot0.op slot0.fullpath = { _.detect(slot0.chapter.fleets, function (slot0) return == end).startPos, { row = slot1.arg1, column = slot1.arg2 } } end function slot0.doEnemyRound(slot0) slot1 = slot0.chapter slot1:IncreaseRound() if slot1:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeDefence then slot0.flag = bit.bor(slot0.flag, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) end end function slot0.doTeleportByPortal(slot0) if not (slot0.fullpath and slot0.fullpath[#slot0.fullpath]) then return end slot3 = nil if slot0.op.type == ChapterConst.OpMove then slot3 = slot0.chapter:GetCellEventByKey("jump", slot1.row, slot1.column) elseif slot0.op.type == ChapterConst.OpSubTeleport then slot3 = slot2:GetCellEventByKey("jumpsub", slot1.row, slot1.column) end if not slot3 then return end slot4 = { row = slot3[1], column = slot3[2] } if slot0.op.type == ChapterConst.OpMove and slot2:getFleet(FleetType.Normal, slot4.row, slot4.column) then return end slot0.teleportPaths = slot0.teleportPaths or {} table.insert(slot0.teleportPaths, { row = slot1.row, column = slot1.column }) table.insert(slot0.teleportPaths, slot4) end return slot0