slot0 = class("RemouldShipCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() slot4 = slot2.remouldId slot5 = slot2.materialIds or {} if not slot2.shipId or not slot4 then return end if getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData().gold < pg.transform_data_template[slot4].use_gold then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_no_resource")) return end slot13 = 0 if getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot3).transforms[slot4] and slot11.transforms[slot4].level == #slot8.effect then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_remould_max_level")) return end for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot8.use_item[slot13 + 1] or {}) do if getProxy(BagProxy):getItemCountById(slot20[1]) < slot20[2] then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_no_item_1")) return end end if slot8.use_ship ~= 0 then if table.getCount(slot5) ~= slot8.use_ship then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_remould_material_ship_no_enough")) return end for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot5) do if not slot10:getShipById(slot20) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_remould_material_ship_on_exist")) return end end end for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot8.ship_id) do if slot20[1] == slot11.configId and slot7:getMaxEquipmentBag() <= getProxy(EquipmentProxy):getCapacity() then slot22 = Clone(slot11) slot22.configId = slot20[2] for slot26, slot27 in ipairs(slot22.equipments) do if slot27 and slot22:isForbiddenAtPos(slot27, slot26) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("equipment_cant_unload")) return end end end end pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(12011, { ship_id = slot3, remould_id = slot4, material_id = slot5 }, 12012, function (slot0) if slot0.result == 0 then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_REMOULD_SHIP, uv0.groupId) if uv1 then uv0.transforms[uv2].level = uv0.transforms[uv2].level + 1 else uv0.transforms[uv2] = { level = 1, id = uv2 } end slot2 = getProxy(NavalAcademyProxy):getStudentByShipId(uv3) _.each(uv4.ship_id, function (slot0) if slot0[1] == uv0.configId then slot2 = uv0.skills uv0.configId = slot0[2] uv0.skills = {} slot3 = pg.ship_data_template[uv0.configId].buff_list if uv1 then slot4 = uv1:getSkillId(uv0) slot6 = slot3[table.indexof(pg.ship_data_template[uv0.configId].buff_list, slot4)] if not table.contains(slot3, slot4) and slot6 ~= slot4 then uv1:updateSkillId(slot6) uv2:updateStudent(uv1) end end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot3) do if not slot2[slot8] then slot9 = { exp = 0, level = 1, id = slot8, level = slot10.level, exp = slot10.exp } if slot2[slot1[slot7]] then -- Nothing end pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_remould_material_unlock_skill", pg.skill_data_template[slot8].name)) end uv0.skills[] = slot9 end if slot2[11720] and not uv0.skills[11720] then uv0.skills[11720] = slot2[11720] end end end) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(uv4.use_item[uv5] or {}) do uv6:removeItemById(slot7[1], slot7[2]) end slot3 = getProxy(PlayerProxy) slot4 = slot3:getData() slot4:consume({ gold = uv4.use_gold }) slot3:updatePlayer(slot4) if uv4.skin_id ~= 0 then uv0:updateSkinId(uv4.skin_id) table.insert({}, { count = 1, type = DROP_TYPE_SKIN, id = uv4.skin_id }) if getProxy(CollectionProxy):getShipGroup(uv0.groupId) and not slot7.trans then slot7.trans = true slot6:updateShipGroup(slot7) end end if uv4.skill_id ~= 0 and not uv0.skills[uv4.skill_id] then uv0.skills[uv4.skill_id] = { exp = 0, level = 1, id = uv4.skill_id } pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_remould_material_unlock_skill", HXSet.hxLan(pg.skill_data_template[uv4.skill_id].name))) end uv0:updateName() uv7:updateShip(uv0) for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(uv8 or {}) do uv7:removeShipById(slot10) end slot6 = nil slot6 = coroutine.create(function () for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(uv0.equipments) do if slot4 and not uv0:canEquipAtPos(slot4, slot3) then uv1:sendNotification(GAME.UNEQUIP_FROM_SHIP, { shipId =, pos = slot3, callback = uv2 }) coroutine.yield() end end uv1:sendNotification(GAME.REMOULD_SHIP_DONE, { ship = uv3:getShipById(uv4), id = uv5, awards = uv6 }) end) function () if uv0 and coroutine.status(uv0) == "suspended" then slot0, slot1 = coroutine.resume(uv0) end end() return end pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(errorTip("ship_remouldShip", slot0.result)) end) end return slot0