slot0 = class("GetShipCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot1:getBody().type or 1 slot5 = slot2.callBack slot6 = slot2.isBatch slot7 = slot2.canSkipBatch slot8 = slot2.isSkip slot9 = slot2.anim if not getProxy(BuildShipProxy):getBuildShip(slot2.pos) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_getShip_error_noShip")) if slot5 then slot5() end return end if not slot11:isFinish() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_getShip_error_notFinish")) if slot5 then slot5() end return end if not slot6 and getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData():getMaxShipBag() <= #getProxy(BayProxy):getShips() then NoPosMsgBox(i18n("switch_to_shop_tip_noDockyard"), openDockyardClear, gotoChargeScene, openDockyardIntensify) if slot5 then slot5() end return end pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(12025, { type = slot3, pos = slot4 }, 12026, function (slot0) if slot0.result == 0 then if uv8 then uv8(function () uv0:removeBuildShipByIndex(uv1) if Ship.New(uv2.ship):isMetaShip() and not and Player.isMetaShipNeedToTrans(slot0.configId) then if MetaCharacterConst.addReMetaTransItem(slot0) then slot0:setReMetaSpecialItemVO(slot1) end else uv3:addShip(slot0) end uv0:setBuildShipState() if slot0:getRarity() >= 4 and not getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData():GetCommonFlag(GAME_RESTOREVIEW_ALREADY) then pg.SdkMgr.GetInstance():StoreReview() uv4:sendNotification(GAME.COMMON_FLAG, { flagID = GAME_RESTOREVIEW_ALREADY }) end if uv5 and not and slot0:getRarity() < 4 then uv4:sendNotification(GAME.SKIP_SHIP_DONE) uv6(slot0) else uv4:sendNotification(GAME.GET_SHIP_DONE, { ship = slot0, quitCallBack = uv6, canSkipBatch = uv7, isBatch = uv8 }) end end, uv9.type) else slot1() end else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(errorTip("ship_getShip", slot0.result)) end end) end return slot0