slot0 = class("TransformEquipmentCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.CheckEquipmentFormulasSucceed(slot0, slot1) slot2 = getProxy(PlayerProxy) slot3 = getProxy(BagProxy) slot4 = {} slot5 = slot1 for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot0) do slot12 = Equipment.GetRevertRewardsStatic(slot5) slot5 = Equipment.GetEquipRootStatic(slot5) for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(pg.equip_upgrade_data[slot10].material_consume) do slot4[slot19] = (slot4[slot18[1]] or slot3:getItemCountById(slot19) or 0) - slot18[2] if slot4[slot19] < 0 then return false, pg.item_data_statistics[slot19] and end end = ( or slot2:getRawData().gold or 0) - slot11.coin_consume if < 0 then return false, pg.item_data_statistics[id2ItemId(1)].name end for slot17, slot18 in pairs(slot12) do slot4[slot17] = (slot4[slot17] or 0) + slot18 end slot5 = slot11.target_id end return true end function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() slot5 = slot2.equipmentId slot6 = slot2.formulaIds slot7 = nil if slot2.shipId then slot5 = getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot3):getEquip(slot2.pos).id elseif slot5 ~= 0 then slot5 = getProxy(EquipmentProxy):getEquipmentById(slot5).id end slot8, slot9 = uv0.CheckEquipmentFormulasSucceed(slot6, slot5) if not slot8 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_no_x", slot9)) return end slot10 = {} slot11 = {} function slot12() slot0 = getProxy(BagProxy) slot1 = getProxy(PlayerProxy) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv0) do if slot5 == "gold" then slot7 = slot1:getData() if slot6 > 0 then slot7:consume({ gold = math.abs(slot6) }) slot1:updatePlayer(slot7) elseif slot6 < 0 then slot7:addResources(slot8) slot1:updatePlayer(slot7) end elseif slot6 > 0 then slot0:removeItemById(slot5, slot6) elseif slot6 < 0 then slot0:addItemById(slot5, -slot6) end end table.clear(uv0) end slot13 = slot5 function slot14() uv0() slot4 = ((not uv1 or getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(uv1):getEquip(uv2)) and getProxy(EquipmentProxy):getEquipmentById(uv3)):MigrateTo(uv4) if nil then if not slot2:isForbiddenAtPos(slot4, uv2) then if slot3:hasSkin() then slot4:setSkinId(slot3:getSkinId()) end slot2:updateEquip(uv2, slot4) slot0:updateShip(slot2) else if slot3:hasSkin() then slot2:updateEquipmentSkin(uv2, 0) slot1:addEquipmentSkin(slot3:getSkinId(), 1) end slot2:updateEquip(uv2, nil) slot0:updateShip(slot2) uv1 = nil slot1:addEquipment(slot4) end else slot1:removeEquipmentById(, 1) slot1:addEquipmentById(, 1) end return slot2, slot3, slot4 end slot15 = slot7 slot16, slot17, slot18 = nil table.eachAsync(slot6, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) seriesAsync({ function (slot0) pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(uv0 and 14013 or 14015, uv0 and { ship_id = uv0, pos = uv1, upgrade_id = uv2 } or { equip_id = uv3, upgrade_id = uv2 }, uv0 and 14014 or 14016, slot0) end, function (slot0, slot1) if slot1.result == 0 then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(pg.equip_upgrade_data[uv0].material_consume) do uv1[slot9] = (uv1[slot8[1]] or 0) + slot8[2] end = ( or 0) + slot2.coin_consume for slot8, slot9 in pairs(Equipment.GetRevertRewardsStatic(uv2)) do if slot8 ~= "gold" then uv1[slot8] = (uv1[slot8] or 0) - slot9 uv3[slot8] = (uv3[slot8] or 0) + slot9 end end if pg.equip_data_template[uv2] then slot6 = slot5.destory_gold or 0 = ( or 0) - slot6 = ( or 0) + slot6 end uv4 = uv2 uv2 = slot2.target_id uv5, uv6, uv7 = uv8() uv9() else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(ERROR_MESSAGE[slot1.result] .. slot1.result) uv10:sendNotification(GAME.TRANSFORM_EQUIPMENT_FAIL) end end }) end, function () if not uv0 and uv1.shipId then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("equipment_upgrade_equipped_unavailable", getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(uv1.shipId):getName(), end uv5:sendNotification(GAME.TRANSFORM_EQUIPMENT_DONE, { ship = uv3, equip = uv4, newEquip = uv2 }) uv5.LoadLayer(Context.New({ mediator = EquipmentTransformInfoMediator, viewComponent = EquipmentTransformInfoLayer, data = { equipVO = uv6 }, onRemoved = function () if getProxy(ContextProxy):getCurrentContext():getContextByMediator(EquipmentInfoMediator) then pg.m02:retrieveMediator(slot2.mediator.__cname):getViewComponent():closeView() end slot4 = pg.m02:retrieveMediator(slot1.mediator.__cname):getViewComponent() seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:emit(BaseUI.ON_ACHIEVE, { { count = 1, id = uv1 and or 0, type = DROP_TYPE_EQUIP } }, slot0) end, function (slot0) onNextTick(slot0) end, function (slot0) if not next(uv0) then slot0() return end slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv0) do if slot5 == "gold" then table.insert(slot1, { type = DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE, id = res2id(slot5), count = slot6 }) else table.insert(slot1, { type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM, id = slot5, count = slot6 }) end end uv1:emit(BaseUI.ON_AWARD, { items = slot1, title = AwardInfoLayer.TITLE.REVERT, removeFunc = slot0 }) end, function (slot0) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.TRANSFORM_EQUIPMENT_AWARD_FINISHED, uv1) end }) end }), true) end) end function slot0.LoadLayer(slot0) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.LOAD_LAYERS, { parentContext = getProxy(ContextProxy):getCurrentContext(), context = slot0 }) end return slot0