slot0 = class("GetCanBePutFurnituresForThemeCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() slot4 = slot2.callback if slot2.theme:IsOccupyed(uv0.GetAllFloorFurnitures(), getProxy(DormProxy).floor) then uv0.SortListForPut(slot3:GetUsableFurnituresForFloor(slot6, slot5)) if slot4 then slot4(false, slot8) end else slot9 = {} for slot13, slot14 in pairs(Clone(slot3:GetAllFurniture())) do table.insert(slot9, slot14) end uv0.SortListForPut(slot9) if slot4 then slot4(true, slot9) end end end function slot0.GetAllFloorFurnitures() slot0 = {} uv0.GetCurrFloorHouse(slot0) uv0.GetOtherFloorHouse(slot0) return slot0 end function slot0.Insert(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot1:GetFurnituresAndPapers()) do slot0[] = slot7 end end function slot0.GetCurrFloorHouse(slot0) uv0.Insert(slot0, getBackYardProxy(BackYardHouseProxy):getData()) end function slot0.GetOtherFloorHouse(slot0) uv0.Insert(slot0, StartUpBackYardCommand.GetHouseByDorm({ furnitures = getProxy(DormProxy):getData():getOtherFloorFurnitrues(getProxy(DormProxy).floor) })) end function slot0.IsUsing(slot0) GetCanBePutFurnituresForThemeCommand.GetCurrFloorHouse({}) GetCanBePutFurnituresForThemeCommand.GetOtherFloorHouse({}) return ~= "" and (slot0:IsUsing(slot1) or slot0:IsUsing(slot2)) end function slot0.SortListForPut(slot0) slot1 = pg.furniture_data_template table.sort(slot0, function (slot0, slot1) if (slot0.parent ~= 0 and 1 or 0) == (slot1.parent ~= 0 and 1 or 0) then if (uv0[] and uv0[].type == Furniture.TYPE_STAGE and 1 or 0) == (uv0[] and uv0[].type == Furniture.TYPE_STAGE and 1 or 0) then return table.getCount(slot1.child or {}) < table.getCount(slot0.child or {}) else return slot5 < slot4 end else return slot0.parent < slot1.parent end end) end return slot0