MetaCharacterConst = {} slot0 = MetaCharacterConst slot0.Meta_Type_Act_PT = 1 slot0.Meta_Type_Pass = 3 slot0.REPAIR_ATTRS = { AttributeType.Cannon, AttributeType.Torpedo, AttributeType.Air, AttributeType.Reload } slot0.ENERGY_ATTRS = { AttributeType.Durability, AttributeType.Cannon, AttributeType.Torpedo, AttributeType.AntiAircraft, AttributeType.Air, AttributeType.AntiSub, AttributeType.Expend } slot0.UIConfig = { [970701] = { 29, -4, 1.35, 1.35, -250, 0, -250, 0, -250, 0 }, [970702] = { 29, -73.3, 1.4, 1.4, -300, -58, -300, -58, -300, -58 }, [970201] = { 41.6, -102.3, 1, 1, -300, -58, -300, -58, -300, -58 }, [970703] = { -13.9, -11.3, 1, 1, -441.2, -58, -441.2, -58, -441.2, -58 }, [970501] = { -29.43, -2.55, 1, 1, -379.9, -4.4, -379.9, -4.4, -379.9, -4.4 } } slot0.META_ART_RESOURCE_PERFIX = "metaship/" slot0.META_ACTIVE_LASTFIX = "_active" slot0.META_DISACTIVE_LASTFIX = "_disactive" slot0.META_BANNER_PERFIX = "banner_" slot0.META_NAME_PERFIX = "name_" slot0.META_TOAST_PERFIX = "toast_" function slot0.GetMetaCharacterPaintPath(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == true then slot2 = slot0 .. uv0.META_ACTIVE_LASTFIX return uv0.META_ART_RESOURCE_PERFIX .. slot2, slot2 else slot2 = slot0 .. uv0.META_DISACTIVE_LASTFIX return uv0.META_ART_RESOURCE_PERFIX .. slot2, slot2 end end function slot0.GetMetaCharacterBannerPath(slot0) slot1 = uv0.META_BANNER_PERFIX .. slot0 return uv0.META_ART_RESOURCE_PERFIX .. slot1, slot1 end function slot0.GetMetaCharacterNamePath(slot0) slot1 = uv0.META_NAME_PERFIX .. slot0 return uv0.META_ART_RESOURCE_PERFIX .. slot1, slot1 end function slot0.GetMetaCharacterToastPath(slot0) slot1 = uv0.META_TOAST_PERFIX .. slot0 return uv0.META_ART_RESOURCE_PERFIX .. slot1, slot1 end function slot0.GetMetaShipGroupIDByConfigID(slot0) return math.floor(slot0 / 10) end function slot0.isMetaRepairRedTag(slot0) if not slot0 then return false end if not getProxy(BayProxy):getMetaShipByGroupId(slot0) then return false end if not slot1:getMetaCharacter() then return false end slot3 = false for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(MetaCharacterConst.REPAIR_ATTRS) do if slot2:getAttrVO(slot8):isCanRepair() == true then break end end return slot3 end function slot0.isMetaEnergyRedTag(slot0) if not slot0 then return false end if not getProxy(BayProxy):getMetaShipByGroupId(slot0) then return false end if not slot1:getMetaCharacter() then return false end slot3 = true if not slot2:getBreakOutInfo():hasNextInfo() then slot3 = false end slot5, slot6 = slot4:getLimited() if slot1.level < slot5 or slot2:getCurRepairExp() < slot6 then slot3 = false end slot7, slot8 = slot4:getConsume() slot9, slot10, slot11 = nil if getProxy(BagProxy):getItemCountById(slot8[1].itemId) < slot8[1].count then slot3 = false end if getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData().gold < slot7 then slot3 = false end return slot3 end function slot0.isMetaTacticsRedTag(slot0) return getProxy(MetaCharacterProxy):getRedTag(slot0) end function slot0.isMetaSynRedTag(slot0) if not slot0 then return false end if not getProxy(BayProxy):getMetaShipByGroupId(slot0) then return false end if not slot1:getMetaCharacter() then return false end slot3 = getProxy(MetaCharacterProxy):getMetaProgressVOByID(slot0) slot3:setDataBeforeGet() if slot3:isPassType() then return false end if not slot3:isShow() then return false end slot4 = false if slot3.metaPtData then slot4 = slot3.metaPtData:CanGetAward() end return slot4 end function slot0.isMetaMainSceneRedTag(slot0) if not slot0 then return false end if getProxy(BayProxy):getMetaShipByGroupId(slot0) then return false end slot2 = getProxy(MetaCharacterProxy):getMetaProgressVOByID(slot0) slot2:setDataBeforeGet() if slot2:isPassType() then return false end if not slot2:isShow() then return false end if slot2:getMetaProgressPTState() == MetaProgress.STATE_CAN_FINISH or slot3 == MetaProgress.STATE_CAN_AWARD then return true end end function slot0.isAnyMetaRedPoint() for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(getProxy(MetaCharacterProxy):getMetaProgressVOList()) do if (uv0.isMetaMainSceneRedTag( or uv0.isMetaRepairRedTag( or uv0.isMetaEnergyRedTag( or uv0.isMetaTacticsRedTag( or uv0.isMetaSynRedTag( == true then return true end end return false end function slot0.getFinalSkillIDListByMetaGroupID(slot0) slot1 = nil for slot5 = 1, 4 do if pg.ship_data_template[slot0 * 10 + slot5] then slot1 = slot6 end break end slot2 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(pg.ship_data_template[slot1].buff_list_display) do table.insert(slot2, slot7) end return slot2 end function slot0.getTacticsSkillIDListByShipConfigID(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(pg.ship_data_template[slot0].buff_list_display) do if MetaCharacterConst.isMetaTaskSkillID(slot8) then table.insert(slot1, slot8) end end return slot1 end function slot0.getMetaSkillTacticsConfig(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(pg.ship_meta_skilltask) do if slot6.skill_ID == slot0 and slot6.level == slot1 then return slot6 end end end function slot0.addReMetaTransItem(slot0, slot1) if not and slot0:isMetaShip() and Player.isMetaShipNeedToTrans(slot0.configId) then slot2 = Player.metaShip2Res(slot0.configId) if not slot1 then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2) do pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.ADD_ITEM, Item.New({ type = slot7.type, id =, count = slot7.count })) end end return Item.New({ type = slot2[1].type, id = slot2[1].id, count = slot2[1].count }) end end function slot0.isMetaTaskSkillID(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(pg.ship_meta_skilltask) do if slot5.skill_ID == slot0 then return true end end return false end return slot0