slot0 = class("SnapshotSelectCharLayer", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot0.ON_INDEX = "SnapshotSelectCharLayer.ON_INDEX" slot0.SELECT_CHAR = "SnapshotSelectCharLayer.SELECT_CHAR" slot0.TOGGLE_UNDEFINED = -1 slot0.TOGGLE_CHAR = 0 slot0.TOGGLE_LINK = 1 slot0.TOGGLE_BLUEPRINT = 2 slot0.ShipIndex = { display = { index = IndexConst.FlagRange2Bits(IndexConst.IndexAll, IndexConst.IndexOther), camp = IndexConst.FlagRange2Bits(IndexConst.CampAll, IndexConst.CampOther), rarity = IndexConst.FlagRange2Bits(IndexConst.RarityAll, IndexConst.Rarity5) }, index = IndexConst.Flags2Bits({ IndexConst.IndexAll }), camp = IndexConst.Flags2Bits({ IndexConst.CampAll }), rarity = IndexConst.Flags2Bits({ IndexConst.RarityAll }) } function slot0.setShipGroups(slot0, slot1) slot0.shipGroups = slot1 end function slot0.setProposeList(slot0, slot1) slot0.proposeList = slot1 end function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "snapshotselectchar" end function slot0.back(slot0) if slot0.exited then return end slot0:emit(uv0.ON_CLOSE) slot0.scrollValue = 0 end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.toggleType = uv0.TOGGLE_UNDEFINED slot0.topTF = slot0:findTF("blur_panel/adapt/top") slot0.backBtn = slot0:findTF("back_btn", slot0.topTF) slot0.indexBtn = slot0:findTF("index_button", slot0.topTF) slot0.toggleChar = slot0:findTF("list_card/types/char") slot0.toggleLink = slot0:findTF("list_card/types/link") slot0.toggleBlueprint = slot0:findTF("list_card/types/blueprint") slot0.cardItems = {} slot0.cardList = slot0:findTF("list_card/scroll"):GetComponent("LScrollRect") function slot0.cardList.onInitItem(slot0) uv0:onInitCard(slot0) end function slot0.cardList.onUpdateItem(slot0, slot1) uv0:onUpdateCard(slot0, slot1) end function slot0.cardList.onReturnItem(slot0, slot1) uv0:onReturnCard(slot0, slot1) end slot0:initSelectSkinPanel() cameraPaintViewAdjust(false) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():OverlayPanel(slot0._tf) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.backBtn, function () uv0:back() end) onToggle(slot0, slot0.toggleChar, function () if uv0.toggleType == uv1.TOGGLE_CHAR then return end uv0.toggleType = uv1.TOGGLE_CHAR uv0:updateCardList() end) onToggle(slot0, slot0.toggleLink, function () if uv0.toggleType == uv1.TOGGLE_LINK then return end uv0.toggleType = uv1.TOGGLE_LINK uv0:updateCardList() end) onToggle(slot0, slot0.toggleBlueprint, function () if uv0.toggleType == uv1.TOGGLE_BLUEPRINT then return end uv0.toggleType = uv1.TOGGLE_BLUEPRINT uv0:updateCardList() end) onButton(slot0, slot0.indexBtn, function () slot0 = Clone(uv0.ShipIndex.display) if uv1.toggleType == uv0.TOGGLE_LINK then = nil end uv1:emit(uv0.ON_INDEX, { display = slot0, index = uv0.ShipIndex.index, camp =, rarity = uv0.ShipIndex.rarity, callback = function (slot0) uv0.ShipIndex.index = slot0.index if then = end uv0.ShipIndex.rarity = slot0.rarity uv1:updateCardList() end }, SFX_PANEL) end) triggerToggle(slot0.toggleChar, true) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) cameraPaintViewAdjust(true) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnOverlayPanel(slot0._tf) end function slot1(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == uv0.TOGGLE_CHAR and not slot1 then return slot2 elseif slot0 == uv0.TOGGLE_LINK and slot1 then return slot2 - 10000 elseif slot0 == uv0.TOGGLE_BLUEPRINT then return slot2 - 20000 end return -1 end function slot0.updateCardList(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2 = _.filter(pg.ship_data_group.all, function (slot0) return pg.ship_data_group[slot0].handbook_type == uv0.toggleType end) if uv0.ShipIndex.index == bit.lshift(1, IndexConst.IndexAll) and uv0.ShipIndex.rarity == bit.lshift(1, IndexConst.RarityAll) and == bit.lshift(1, IndexConst.CampAll) and slot0.toggleType == uv0.TOGGLE_CHAR then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2) do slot9 = nil slot10 = false if pg.ship_data_group[slot7] then slot9 = slot0.shipGroups[slot8.group_type] slot10 = Nation.IsLinkType(ShipGroup.getDefaultShipConfig(slot8.group_type).nationality) end if uv1(slot0.toggleType, slot10, slot7) ~= -1 then slot1[slot6] = { showTrans = false, code = slot11, group = slot9 } end end else for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2) do if pg.ship_data_group[slot7] then if ShipGroup.New({ id = slot8.group_type }) and IndexConst.filterByIndex(slot9, uv0.ShipIndex.index) and IndexConst.filterByRarity(slot9, uv0.ShipIndex.rarity) then slot11 = Nation.IsLinkType(slot9:getNation()) if slot0.toggleType == uv0.TOGGLE_CHAR and not slot11 and IndexConst.filterByCamp(slot9, then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = { showTrans = false, code = uv1(slot0.toggleType, slot11, slot7), group = slot0.shipGroups[slot8.group_type] } elseif slot0.toggleType == uv0.TOGGLE_LINK and slot11 then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = { showTrans = false, code = uv1(slot0.toggleType, slot11, slot7), group = slot10 } elseif slot0.toggleType == uv0.TOGGLE_BLUEPRINT and IndexConst.filterByCamp(slot9, then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = { showTrans = false, code = uv1(slot0.toggleType, slot11, slot7), group = slot10 } end end end end end slot0.cardInfos = slot1 slot0.cardList:SetTotalCount(#slot0.cardInfos, -1) slot0.cardList:ScrollTo(slot0.scrollValue or 0) end function slot2(slot0) return getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):GetAllSkinForARCamera(slot0) end function slot3(slot0) slot1 = {} slot3 = getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):getSkinList() if getProxy(CollectionProxy):getShipGroup(slot0) then for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(ShipGroup.getSkinList(slot0)) do if slot10.skin_type == ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_DEFAULT or table.contains(slot3, or slot10.skin_type == ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_REMAKE and slot4.trans or slot10.skin_type == ShipSkin.SKIN_TYPE_PROPOSE and slot4.married == 1 then slot1[] = true end end end return slot1 end function slot0.onInitCard(slot0, slot1) slot2 = SnapshotShipCard.New(slot1) onButton(slot0, slot2.go, function () if uv0.shipGroup then if HXSet.isHxSkin() then uv1:emit(uv2.SELECT_CHAR, ShipGroup.getDefaultSkin( uv1:back() return end if #uv3( > 1 then uv1:openSelectSkinPanel(slot0, uv4( elseif #slot0 == 1 then uv1:emit(uv2.SELECT_CHAR, slot0[1].id) uv1:back() end end end) slot0.cardItems[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.onUpdateCard(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.cardItems[slot2] then slot0:onInitCard(slot2) slot3 = slot0.cardItems[slot2] end if not slot0.cardInfos[slot1 + 1] then return end slot6 = nil if then slot6 = slot0.proposeList[] end slot3:update(slot5.code,, slot5.showTrans, slot6) end function slot0.onReturnCard(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.exited then return end if slot0.cardItems[slot2] then slot3:clear() end slot0.cardItems[slot2] = nil end function slot0.initSelectSkinPanel(slot0) slot0.skinPanel = slot0:findTF("selectSkinPnl") onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("select_skin/btnBack", slot0.skinPanel), function () uv0:closeSelectSkinPanel() end) slot0.skinScroll = slot0:findTF("select_skin/style_scroll", slot0.skinPanel) slot0.skinContainer = slot0:findTF("view_port", slot0.skinScroll) slot0.skinCard = slot0._tf:GetComponent(typeof(ItemList)).prefabItem[0] setActive(slot0.skinCard, false) setActive(slot0.skinPanel, false) slot0.skinCardMap = {} end function slot0.openSelectSkinPanel(slot0, slot1, slot2) setActive(slot0.skinPanel, true) slot6 = false pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0.skinPanel, slot6) for slot6 = slot0.skinContainer.childCount, #slot1 - 1 do cloneTplTo(slot0.skinCard, slot0.skinContainer) end for slot6 = #slot1, slot0.skinContainer.childCount - 1 do setActive(slot0.skinContainer:GetChild(slot6), false) end slot3 = slot0.skinContainer.childCount for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1) do if not slot0.skinCardMap[slot0.skinContainer:GetChild(slot7 - 1)] then slot0.skinCardMap[slot9] = ShipSkinCard.New(slot9.gameObject) end slot10:updateSkin(slot8, slot2[]) slot10:updateUsing(false) removeOnButton(slot9) onButton(slot0, slot9, function () if uv0 then uv1:emit(uv2.SELECT_CHAR, uv1:closeSelectSkinPanel() uv1:back() end end) setActive(slot9, true) end end function slot0.closeSelectSkinPanel(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0.skinPanel, slot0._tf) setActive(slot0.skinPanel, false) end return slot0