slot0 = class("ShipExpItemUsagePage", import("...base.BaseSubView")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "ShipExpItemUsagePage" end function slot0.OnLoaded(slot0) slot0.backBtn = slot0:findTF("frame/top/btnBack") slot0.confirmBtn = slot0:findTF("frame/buttons/confirm") slot0.recomBtn = slot0:findTF("frame/buttons/recom") slot0.clearBtn = slot0:findTF("frame/buttons/clear") slot0.levelTxt = slot0:findTF("frame/content/level/Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.expTxt = slot0:findTF("frame/content/level/exp"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.currentProgress = slot0:findTF("frame/content/level/y"):GetComponent(typeof(Slider)) slot0.tipProgress = slot0:findTF("frame/content/level/w"):GetComponent(typeof(Slider)) slot0.previewProgress = slot0:findTF("frame/content/level/g"):GetComponent(typeof(Slider)) slot0.itemIds = slot0:GetAllItemIDs() if #slot0.itemIds <= 3 then slot0.uiItemList = UIItemList.New(slot0:findTF("frame/content/items"), slot0:findTF("frame/content/items/tpl")) else slot0.uiItemList = UIItemList.New(slot0:findTF("frame/content/scrollrect/content"), slot0:findTF("frame/content/items/tpl")) end setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/content/items"), slot1) setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/content/scrollrect"), not slot1) setText(slot0:findTF("frame/top/bg/infomation/title"), i18n("ship_exp_item_title")) setText(slot0:findTF("frame/content/label"), i18n("coures_level_tip")) setText(slot0.confirmBtn:Find("pic"), i18n("ship_exp_item_label_confirm")) setText(slot0.recomBtn:Find("pic"), i18n("ship_exp_item_label_recom")) setText(slot0.clearBtn:Find("pic"), i18n("ship_exp_item_label_clear")) end function slot0.OnInit(slot0) = {} onButton(slot0, slot0._tf, function () uv0:Hide() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.backBtn, function () uv0:Hide() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.recomBtn, function () triggerButton(uv0.clearBtn) for slot4, slot5 in pairs( do slot5.value = uv0:Recommand()[] or 0 slot5:UpdateValue() end end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.clearBtn, function () for slot3, slot4 in pairs( do slot4.value = 0 slot4:UpdateValue() end end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.confirmBtn, function () if _.all(_.values(uv0.itemCnts), function (slot0) return slot0 == 0 end) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_remould_no_material")) return end function slot0(slot0) uv0:emit(ShipMainMediator.ON_ADD_SHIP_EXP,, uv0.itemCnts) if slot0 then uv0:Hide() else uv0:Flush(uv0.shipVO) end end slot2 = Clone(uv0.shipVO) slot3 = slot2:getMaxLevel() slot2.exp = slot2.exp + uv0:GetAdditionExp() slot4 = false while slot2:canLevelUp() do slot2.exp = slot2.exp - slot2:getLevelExpConfig().exp_interval slot2.level = math.min(slot2.level + 1, slot3) slot4 = true end slot5 = slot2.maxLevel <= slot2.level if slot4 and (slot2.maxLevel == slot2.level and slot2.exp > 0 or slot2.maxLevel < slot2.level) then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("coures_exp_overflow_tip", slot2.exp), onYes = function () uv0(uv1) end }) else slot0(slot5) end end, SFX_PANEL) slot0.uiItemList:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then uv0:UpdateItemPanel(uv0.itemIds[slot1 + 1], slot2) end end) end function slot0.GetItem(slot0, slot1) return getProxy(BagProxy):getItemById(slot1) or Item.New({ count = 0, type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM, id = slot1 }) end function slot0.Recommand(slot0) slot2 = Clone(slot0.shipVO) slot3 = slot0:GetAllItemIDs() table.sort(slot3, function (slot0, slot1) return slot1 < slot0 end) slot4 = pg.item_data_template for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot3) do for slot16 = 1, slot0:GetItem(slot9).count do if slot8 ~= #slot3 and slot0:PreCalcExpOverFlow(slot2, tonumber(slot4[slot9].usage_arg), tonumber(slot8 + 1 > #slot3 and 0 or slot4[slot3[slot8 + 1]].usage_arg)) then break else slot2:addExp(tonumber(slot11)) slot1[slot9] = slot1[slot9] + 1 if slot2.maxLevel == slot2.level then return slot1 end end end end return { [slot9] = 0 } end function slot0.PreCalcExpOverFlow(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot1.exp slot5 = slot1.level slot1.exp = slot1.exp + slot2 slot6 = slot1:getMaxLevel() while slot1:canLevelUp() do slot1.exp = slot1.exp - slot1:getLevelExpConfig().exp_interval slot1.level = math.min(slot1.level + 1, slot6) end slot1.exp = slot4 slot1.level = slot5 return slot6 <= slot1.level and slot3 < slot1.exp end function slot0.GetAllItemIDs(slot0) slot2 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(pg.gameset.ship_exp_books.description) do if pg.item_data_statistics[slot7] then table.insert(slot2, slot7) end end return slot2 end function slot0.Show(slot0, slot1) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0._tf) uv0.super.Show(slot0) slot0:Flush(slot1) end function slot0.Flush(slot0, slot1) slot0.itemCnts = {} slot0.shipVO = slot1 slot0:InitItems() slot0:UpdateLevelInfo() end function slot0.Hide(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0._tf, slot0._parentTf) uv0.super.Hide(slot0) end function slot0.InitItems(slot0) table.sort(slot0.itemIds, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 < slot1 end) slot0.uiItemList:align(#slot0.itemIds) end function slot0.UpdateItemPanel(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not[slot2] then slot3 = ShipExpItemUsageCard.New(slot2) slot3:SetCallBack(function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) uv0:OnAddItem(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) end)[slot2] = slot3 end slot3:Update(slot1) end function slot0.OnAddItem(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if slot0.shipVO.maxLevel == slot0.shipVO.level then slot1:ForceUpdateValue(slot0.itemCnts[slot2]) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("coures_tip_exceeded_lv")) return end slot5 = Clone(slot0.shipVO) for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot0.itemCnts) do if slot10 ~= slot2 then slot6 = 0 + tonumber(pg.item_data_template[slot10].usage_arg) * slot11 end end slot5:addExp(slot6) slot7 = pg.item_data_template[slot2].usage_arg slot8 = 0 if slot4 then slot8 = slot3 elseif slot5.level ~= slot5.maxLevel then for slot12 = 1, slot3 do slot5:addExp(tonumber(slot7)) slot8 = slot8 + 1 if slot5.maxLevel == slot5.level then break end end end if slot3 > (slot0.itemCnts[slot2] or 0) then slot8 = math.max(slot0.itemCnts[slot2] or 0, slot8) end if slot3 ~= slot8 then slot1:ForceUpdateValue(slot8) slot3 = slot8 end slot0.itemCnts[slot2] = slot3 slot0:UpdateLevelInfo() end function slot0.GetTempShipVO(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2 > 0 then slot3 = Clone(slot1) slot3:addExp(slot2) return slot3 end return slot1 end function slot0.GetAdditionExp(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.itemCnts) do slot1 = 0 + tonumber(pg.item_data_template[slot5].usage_arg) * slot6 end return slot1 end function slot0.UpdateLevelInfo(slot0) slot1 = slot0.shipVO slot0.levelTxt.text = slot1.level .. (slot0:GetTempShipVO(slot1, slot0:GetAdditionExp()).level - slot1.level <= 0 and (slot2 > 0 and "+0" or "") or "+" .. slot4 .. "") slot7 = slot1:getLevelExpConfig().exp_interval slot0.expTxt.text = string.format("%d(+%d)/%d", slot1.exp, COLOR_GREEN, slot2, slot7) slot0.currentProgress.value = slot1.exp / slot7 slot0.tipProgress.value = slot2 <= 0 and slot8 or slot8 + 0.003 slot0.previewProgress.value = slot2 <= 0 and 0 or slot4 >= 1 and 1 or slot3.exp / slot7 end function slot0.OnDestroy(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs( do slot5:Dispose() end = nil end return slot0