slot0 = class("BuildShipDetailLayer", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot1 = 10 slot2 = 2 slot3 = 1 slot4 = { "resources/1", "resources/2", "resources/3", "resources/1" } function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "BuildShipDetailUI1" end function slot0.setItems(slot0, slot1) slot0.itemVO = slot1[ITEM_ID_EQUIP_QUICK_FINISH] or { count = 0, id = ITEM_ID_EQUIP_QUICK_FINISH } end function slot0.setWorkCount(slot0, slot1) slot0.workCount = slot1 end function slot0.setBuildSpeedUpRemind(slot0, slot1) slot0.isStopSpeedUpRemind = slot1 end slot0.MODEL_INDEX = 2 function slot0.setProjectList(slot0, slot1) slot0.projectList = slot1 slot0.MODEL = (slot0.MODEL_INDEX < #slot0.projectList and slot1) or slot2 end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.UIMgr = pg.UIMgr.GetInstance() slot0.multLineTF = slot0:findTF("list_mult_line") slot0.multLineContain = slot0:findTF("list_mult_line/content") slot0.multLineTpl = slot0:findTF("project_tpl", slot0.multLineContain) slot0.multList = UIItemList.New(slot0.multLineContain, slot0.multLineTpl) slot0.singleLineTF = slot0:findTF("list_single_line") slot0.singleLineContain = slot0:findTF("list_single_line/content") slot0.singleLineTpl = slot0:findTF("project_tpl", slot0.singleLineContain) slot0.singleList = UIItemList.New(slot0.singleLineContain, slot0.singleLineTpl) slot0.listCountTF = slot0:findTF("title/value") slot0.quickCount = slot0:findTF("quick_count") slot0.quickCountTF = slot0:findTF("quick_count/value") slot0.noneBg = slot0:findTF("none_bg") slot0.allLaunch = slot0:findTF("all_launch") slot0.aniBgTF = slot0:findTF("aniBg") slot0.canvasgroup = GetOrAddComponent(slot0._tf, typeof(CanvasGroup)) end function slot0.updatePlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0._player = slot1 end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) slot0.projectTFs = {} slot0.multList:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then = "project_" .. slot1 + 1 slot0.projectTFs[slot1 + 1] = slot2 slot0:updateProject(slot1 + 1, slot0.projectList[slot1 + 1]) end end) slot0.singleList:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then = "project_" .. slot1 + 1 slot0.projectTFs[slot1 + 1] = slot2 slot0:updateProject(slot1 + 1, slot0.projectList[slot1 + 1]) end end) slot0:initProjectList() slot0:updateItem() slot0:updateListCount() slot0.aniBgTF.transform:SetParent(GameObject.Find("Overlay/UIOverlay").transform, false) onButton(slot0, slot0.allLaunch, function () if slot0:getNeedCount() > 0 and not slot0.isStopSpeedUpRemind then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ showStopRemind = true, content = i18n("ship_buildShipScene_quest_quickFinish", slot0, (slot0.itemVO.count == 0 and COLOR_RED) or COLOR_GREEN, slot0.itemVO.count), stopRamindContent = i18n("common_dont_remind_dur_login"), onYes = function () slot0:emit(BuildShipDetailMediator.LAUNCH_ALL, slot1.stopRemindToggle.isOn) end }) return end slot0:emit(BuildShipDetailMediator.LAUNCH_ALL) end, SFX_UI_BUILDING_FASTBUILDING) onButton(slot0, slot0.quickCount, function () shoppingBatch(61009, { id = pg.shop_template[61009].effect_args[1] }, 9, "build_ship_quickly_buy_tool") end) end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if slot0.isPlayAnim then return end slot0:emit(slot0.ON_BACK_PRESSED, true) end function slot0.getNeedCount(slot0) slot1 = 0 for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.projectList) do if slot6.state ~= BuildShip.FINISH then slot1 = slot1 + 1 end end return slot1 end function slot0.updateListCount(slot0) setText(slot0.listCountTF, slot0.workCount) end function slot0.updateItem(slot0) setText(slot0.quickCountTF, slot0.itemVO.count) end function slot0.initProjectList(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 6-7, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 8-17, warpins: 0 --- --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 18-23, warpins: 1 --- slot1 = pairs if not slot0.buildTimers then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 5-5, warpins: 1 --- slot2 = {} --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end for slot4, slot5 in slot1(slot2) do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-15, warpins: 1 --- pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveTimer(slot5) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 16-17, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end slot0.buildTimers = {} slot1 = (slot0.MODEL == slot0 and #slot0.projectList) or 0 setActive(slot0.multLineTF, ((slot0.MODEL == slot0 and #slot0.projectList) or 0) > 0) setActive(slot0.singleLineTF, ((slot0.MODEL == ((slot0.MODEL == slot0 and #slot0.projectList) or 0) and #slot0.projectList) or 0) > 0) slot0.multList:align((slot0.MODEL == slot0 and #slot0.projectList) or 0) slot0.singleList:align((slot0.MODEL == ((slot0.MODEL == slot0 and #slot0.projectList) or 0) and #slot0.projectList) or 0) setActive(slot0.noneBg, #slot0.projectList <= 0) return --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #5 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 24-27, warpins: 1 --- if not #slot0.projectList then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 28-28, warpins: 2 --- slot1 = 0 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #5 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #5 29-32, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #5 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #7 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #6 33-36, warpins: 1 --- if not #slot0.projectList then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 37-37, warpins: 2 --- slot2 = 0 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #6 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #7 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #7 38-42, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #7 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #9 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #8 43-44, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = false if false then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 45-45, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #8 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #9 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #9 46-51, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #9 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #11 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #10 52-53, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = false if false then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 54-54, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #10 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #11 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #11 55-72, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #11 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #13 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #12 73-74, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = false if false then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 75-75, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #12 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #13 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #13 76-77, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #13 --- end function slot0.initMultLine(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- slot0.multList:align(#slot0.projectList) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end function slot0.initSingleLine(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- slot0.singleList:align(#slot0.projectList) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end function slot0.updateProject(slot0, slot1, slot2) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- if IsNil(slot0.projectTFs[slot1]) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-8, warpins: 1 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 9-34, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = slot0:findTF("frame/finished", slot3) setActive(slot6, false) slot7 = setActive slot8 = slot0:findTF("frame/buiding", slot3) if slot2.state ~= BuildShip.ACTIVE then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 35-36, warpins: 1 --- slot9 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 37-37, warpins: 1 --- slot9 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 38-45, warpins: 2 --- slot7(slot8, slot9) slot7 = setActive slot8 = slot5 if slot2.state ~= BuildShip.FINISH then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 46-47, warpins: 1 --- slot9 = false --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 48-48, warpins: 1 --- slot9 = true --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 49-58, warpins: 2 --- slot7(slot8, slot9) slot7 = slot3:GetComponent("CanvasGroup") if slot2.state == BuildShip.INACTIVE then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 59-60, warpins: 1 --- slot8 = 0.6 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 61-61, warpins: 1 --- slot8 = 1 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #4 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 62-79, warpins: 2 --- slot7.alpha = slot8 slot9 = tonumber(pg.ship_data_create_material[slot2.type].ship_icon) --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #5 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #5 80-88, warpins: 0 --- for slot14 = 0, slot0:findTF("ship_modal", slot4).childCount - 1, 1 do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 80-88, warpins: 2 --- setActive(slot10:GetChild(slot14), false) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #5 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #6 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #6 89-93, warpins: 1 --- if slot2.state == BuildShip.ACTIVE then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 94-102, warpins: 1 --- if not slot0:findTF("shipModelBuliding" .. slot9, slot10) then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 103-114, warpins: 1 --- PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetUI("shipModelBuliding" .. slot9, true, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-33, warpins: 1 --- slot0.transform:SetParent(slot0, false) slot0.transform.localPosition = Vector3(1, 1, 1) slot0.transform.localScale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) slot0.transform:SetAsFirstSibling() = "shipModelBuliding" .. setActive(slot0, true) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 115-118, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot11, true) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 119-139, warpins: 2 --- slot12 = slot0:findTF("timer/Text", slot4) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("quick_btn", slot4), function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-6, warpins: 1 --- slot0, slot1, slot2 = BuildShip.canQuickBuildShip(BuildShip.canQuickBuildShip) if not slot0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 7-8, warpins: 1 --- if slot2 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 9-17, warpins: 1 --- GoShoppingMsgBox(i18n("switch_to_shop_tip_1"), ChargeScene.TYPE_ITEM, slot2) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 18-25, warpins: 1 --- pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot1) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 26-26, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 27-30, warpins: 1 --- if slot1.isStopSpeedUpRemind then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 31-38, warpins: 1 --- slot1:emit(BuildShipDetailMediator.ON_QUICK, slot0) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 39-53, warpins: 1 --- slot5 = pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance() slot4 = pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance().ShowMsgBox slot6 = { showStopRemind = true } slot7 = i18n slot8 = "ship_buildShipScene_quest_quickFinish" slot9 = 1 if slot1.itemVO.count ~= 0 or not COLOR_RED then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 57-57, warpins: 2 --- slot10 = COLOR_GREEN --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 58-70, warpins: 2 --- slot6.content = slot7(slot8, slot9, slot10, slot1.itemVO.count) slot6.stopRamindContent = i18n("common_dont_remind_dur_login") function slot6.onYes() -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-11, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(BuildShipDetailMediator.ON_QUICK, slot0, slot2.stopRemindToggle.isOn) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end slot4(slot5, slot6) --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 71-71, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 72-72, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- end, SFX_UI_BUILDING_FASTBUILDING) function slot13() -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-25, warpins: 1 --- pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveTimer(slot0.buildTimers[pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance()]) pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance().RemoveTimer.buildTimers[pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance()] = nil setActive(nil, false) setActive(pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance(), true) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end function slot14(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-13, warpins: 1 --- setText(slot0, pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():DescCDTime(slot0)) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end if slot0.buildTimers[slot1] then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 140-151, warpins: 1 --- pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveTimer(slot0.buildTimers[slot1]) slot0.buildTimers[slot1] = nil --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 152-167, warpins: 2 --- slot0.buildTimers[slot1] = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():AddTimer("timer" .. slot1, 0, 1, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- if slot0:getLeftTime() <= 0 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-10, warpins: 1 --- slot1() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 11-13, warpins: 1 --- slot2(slot0) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 14-14, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) return --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #6 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #7 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #7 168-172, warpins: 1 --- if slot2.state == BuildShip.FINISH then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 173-203, warpins: 1 --- slot0:setSpriteTo(slot0[tonumber(slot8.ship_icon)], slot0:findTF("ship_modal", slot5), false) onButton(slot0, slot11, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-8, warpins: 1 --- slot0:emit(BuildShipDetailMediator.ON_LAUNCHED, slot0) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot3, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- triggerButton(triggerButton) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, SFX_PANEL) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 204-208, warpins: 1 --- if slot2.state == BuildShip.INACTIVE then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 209-220, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot6, true) setActive(slot4, false) setActive(slot5, false) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #7 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #8 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #8 221-222, warpins: 4 --- --- END OF BLOCK #8 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #9 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #9 223-223, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #9 --- end function slot0.playGetShipAnimate(slot0, slot1, slot2) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-15, warpins: 1 --- slot0.canvasgroup.blocksRaycasts = false slot0.isPlayAnim = true function slot4() -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-27, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot0.buildAni, false) setParent(slot0.buildAni, slot0._tf, false) setParent.isPlayAnim = false setParent:stopCV() setParent.stopCV.canvasgroup.blocksRaycasts = true if setParent.stopCV.canvasgroup.aniTimer then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 28-35, warpins: 1 --- slot0.aniTimer:Stop() slot0.aniTimer.Stop.aniTimer = nil --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 36-39, warpins: 2 --- if slot0.buildAni then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 40-46, warpins: 1 --- Destroy(slot0.buildAni) Destroy.buildAni = nil --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 47-49, warpins: 2 --- if slot1 then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 50-52, warpins: 1 --- slot1() slot1 = nil --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 53-53, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- end function slot5() -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-33, warpins: 1 --- slot0.aniTimer = Timer.New(function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-8, warpins: 1 --- setActive(slot0.buildAni, false) slot0.buildAni() return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end, 4.5) slot0.aniTimer:Start() setParent(slot0.buildAni, GameObject.Find("Overlay/UIOverlay"), false) setActive(slot0.buildAni, true) if slot0.buildAni and slot2.build_voice ~= "" then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 38-43, warpins: 1 --- slot0:playCV(slot2.build_voice) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 44-44, warpins: 3 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end slot7 = slot0 slot6 = slot0.findTF if not pg.ship_data_create_material[slot2].build_anim then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 16-16, warpins: 1 --- slot8 = "Building" --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 17-21, warpins: 2 --- if slot6(slot7, slot8 .. "(Clone)") then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 22-28, warpins: 1 --- slot0.buildAni = go(slot6) removeOnButton(slot0.buildAni) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 29-31, warpins: 2 --- if not slot0.buildAni and not slot0.onLoading then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 35-41, warpins: 1 --- slot0.onLoading = true slot7 = LoadAndInstantiateAsync slot8 = "ui" if not slot3.build_anim then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 42-42, warpins: 1 --- slot9 = "Building" --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 43-45, warpins: 2 --- slot7(slot8, slot9, function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- if slot0.exited then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 5-11, warpins: 1 --- Destory(slot0) slot0.buildAni = nil --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 12-42, warpins: 1 --- slot0.onLoading = false slot0:SetActive(false) slot0.buildAni = slot0 slot0.buildAni.transform:SetParent(slot0._tf, false) setActive(slot0.buildAni, false) onButton(slot0, slot0.buildAni, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-3, warpins: 1 --- slot0() return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) slot0() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 43-43, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 46-48, warpins: 2 --- if slot0.onLoading then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 49-49, warpins: 1 --- --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 50-56, warpins: 1 --- slot5() onButton(slot0, slot0.buildAni, function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-3, warpins: 1 --- slot0() return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 57-58, warpins: 3 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- end function slot0.willExit(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-4, warpins: 1 --- --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 5-14, warpins: 0 --- for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.buildTimers) do -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 5-12, warpins: 1 --- pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveTimer(slot5) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 13-14, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #2 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #2 15-17, warpins: 1 --- if slot0.aniBgTF then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 18-21, warpins: 1 --- SetParent(slot0.aniBgTF, slot0._tf) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #2 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #3 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #3 22-24, warpins: 2 --- if slot0.aniTimer then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 25-30, warpins: 1 --- slot0.aniTimer:Stop() slot0.aniTimer = nil --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #3 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #4 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #4 31-38, warpins: 2 --- slot0.buildTimers = nil slot0:stopCV() if slot0.loadedCVBankName then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 39-45, warpins: 1 --- pg.CriMgr.UnloadCVBank(slot0.loadedCVBankName) slot0.loadedCVBankName = nil --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #4 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #5 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #5 46-59, warpins: 2 --- slot0.onLoading = false slot0.multList:each(function (slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-11, warpins: 1 --- eachChild(slot0:findTF("frame/buiding/ship_modal", slot1), function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnUI(, slot0) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) slot0.singleList:each(function (slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-11, warpins: 1 --- eachChild(slot0:findTF("frame/buiding/ship_modal", slot1), function (slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnUI(, slot0) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end) return --- END OF BLOCK #5 --- end function slot0.playCV(slot0, slot1) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-7, warpins: 1 --- voiceContent = "event:/cv/build/" .. slot1 if voiceContent then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 8-11, warpins: 1 --- function slot2() -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-10, warpins: 1 --- slot0:stopCV() slot0.stopCV._currentVoice = playSoundEffect(voiceContent) return --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end if slot0.loadedCVBankName then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 12-14, warpins: 1 --- slot2() --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 15-24, warpins: 1 --- pg.CriMgr:LoadCV("build", function () -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-9, warpins: 1 --- slot0 = pg.CriMgr.GetCVBankName(pg.CriMgr.GetCVBankName) if pg.CriMgr.GetCVBankName.exited then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 10-15, warpins: 1 --- pg.CriMgr.UnloadCVBank(slot0) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- else -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 16-21, warpins: 1 --- slot2() if slot2._currentVoice then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 22-23, warpins: 1 --- slot1.loadedCVBankName = slot0 --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 24-24, warpins: 3 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 25-25, warpins: 2 --- --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 26-27, warpins: 2 --- return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end function slot0.stopCV(slot0) -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 1-3, warpins: 1 --- if slot0._currentVoice then -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #0 4-8, warpins: 1 --- slot0._currentVoice:Stop(true) --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- end --- END OF BLOCK #0 --- FLOW; TARGET BLOCK #1 -- Decompilation error in this vicinity: --- BLOCK #1 9-11, warpins: 2 --- slot0._currentVoice = nil return --- END OF BLOCK #1 --- end return slot0