slot0 = class("TowerClimbingGameView", import("..BaseMiniGameView")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "TowerClimbingUI" end function slot0.GetMGData(slot0) return getProxy(MiniGameProxy):GetMiniGameData(slot0.contextData.miniGameId):clone() end function slot0.GetMGHubData(slot0) return getProxy(MiniGameProxy):GetHubByGameId(slot0.contextData.miniGameId) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("overview/back"), function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("overview/collection"), function () uv0:emit(TowerClimbingMediator.ON_COLLECTION) end, SFX_PANEL) if LOCK_TOWERCLIMBING_AWARD then setActive(slot0:findTF("overview/collection"), false) end end function slot0.UpdateTip(slot0) TowerClimbingCollectionLayer.New():SetData(slot0:GetMGData()) setActive(slot0:findTF("overview/collection/tip"), _.any({ 1, 2, 3 }, function (slot0) return uv0:GetAwardState(slot0) == 1 end)) end function slot0.Start(slot0) slot0.controller = TowerClimbingController.New() slot0.controller.view:SetUI(slot0._go) slot0.controller:SetCallBack(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0:emit(TowerClimbingMediator.ON_FINISH, slot0, slot2, slot1) end, function (slot0, slot1) print("record map score:", slot0, slot1) uv0:emit(TowerClimbingMediator.ON_RECORD_MAP_SCORE, slot0, slot1) end) slot0.controller:SetUp(slot0:PackData()) slot0:UpdateTip() end function slot0.OnSendMiniGameOPDone(slot0, slot1) if slot1.hubid == 9 and slot1.cmd == MiniGameOPCommand.CMD_SPECIAL_GAME and slot1.argList[1] == MiniGameDataCreator.TowerClimbingGameID and slot1.argList[2] == 1 then slot0:Start() elseif slot1.hubid == 9 and slot1.cmd == MiniGameOPCommand.CMD_COMPLETE or slot1.hubid == 9 and slot1.cmd == MiniGameOPCommand.CMD_SPECIAL_GAME and (slot1.argList[2] == 3 or slot1.argList[2] == 4) then slot0.controller:NetUpdateData(slot0:PackData()) slot0:UpdateTip() end end function slot0.GetTowerClimbingPageAndScore(slot0) slot1 = slot0[1] or {} for slot6 = #slot1 + 1, 3 do table.insert(slot1, { value = 0, value2 = 0, key = slot6 }) end table.sort(slot1, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0.key < slot1.key end) slot4 = 0 slot5 = 1 for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot1) do slot11 = uv0.GetAwardScores()[slot10.key] if slot10.value2 < slot11[#slot11] or slot9 == #slot1 and slot12 <= slot10.value2 then slot4 = slot10.value2 slot5 = slot10.key break end end slot6 = {} slot7 = slot0[2] or {} for slot12 = #slot7 + 1, 3 do table.insert(slot7, { value = 0, key = slot12 }) end table.sort(slot7, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0.key < slot1.key end) for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot7) do slot6[slot13.key] = slot13.value end return slot4, slot5, slot6 end function slot0.GetAwardScores() return[MiniGameDataCreator.TowerClimbingGameID].simple_config_data, function (slot0) return slot0[1] end) end function slot0.PackData(slot0) slot4, slot5, slot6 = uv0.GetTowerClimbingPageAndScore(slot0:GetMGData():GetRuntimeData("kvpElements")) print(slot4, "-", slot5) return { npcName = "TowerClimbingManjuu", life = 3, shipId = 107031, screenWidth = slot0._tf.rect.width, screenHeight = slot0._tf.rect.height, higestscore = slot4, pageIndex = slot5, mapScores = slot6, awards = uv0.GetAwardScores() } end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if slot0.controller:onBackPressed() then return end slot0:emit(uv0.ON_BACK) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot0.controller:Dispose() end return slot0