slot0 = class("RollingBallGameView", import("..BaseMiniGameView")) slot1 = "event:/ui/ddldaoshu2" slot2 = "event:/ui/boat_drag" slot3 = "event:/ui/break_out_full" slot4 = "event:/ui/sx-good" slot5 = "event:/ui/sx-perfect" slot6 = "event:/ui/sx-jishu" slot7 = "event:/ui/furnitrue_save" function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "RollingBallGameUI" end function slot0.init(slot0) slot1 = slot0:GetMGData() slot2 = slot0:GetMGHubData() slot0.tplScoreTip = findTF(slot0._tf, "tplScoreTip") slot0.tplRemoveEffect = findTF(slot0._tf, "sanxiaoxiaoshi") slot0.effectUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "effectUI") slot0.tplEffect = findTF(slot0._tf, "tplEffect") slot0.effectPoolTf = findTF(slot0._tf, "effectPool") slot0.effectPool = {} slot0.effectDatas = {} slot0.effectTargetPosition = findTF(slot0.effectUI, "effectTargetPos").localPosition slot0.rollingUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "rollingUI") slot0.rollingEffectUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "rollingEffectUI") slot0.tplGrid = findTF(slot0._tf, "tplRollingGrid") slot0.gridPoolTf = findTF(slot0._tf, "gridPool") slot0.gridsPool = {} slot0.gridDic = {} slot0.fillGridDic = {} slot0.startFlag = false slot0.dragAlphaGrid = RollingBallGrid.New(findTF(slot0.rollingUI, "dragAlphaGrid")) setActive(slot0.dragAlphaGrid:getTf(), false) slot7 = -1 slot0.timer = Timer.New(function () uv0:onTimer() end, 0.016666666666666666, slot7) for slot7 = 1, RollingBallConst.horizontal do slot0.gridDic[slot7] = {} slot0.fillGridDic[slot7] = {} for slot11 = 1, RollingBallConst.vertical do table.insert(slot0.gridDic[slot7], false) end end slot0.goodEffect = slot0:findTF("sanxiaoGood") slot0.greatEffect = slot0:findTF("sanxiaoGreat") slot0.perfectEffect = slot0:findTF("sanxiaoPerfect") slot0.caidaiTf = findTF(slot0._tf, "zhuanzhu_caidai") setActive(slot0.caidaiTf, false) slot0.startUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "startUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.startUI, "btnStart"), function () if not uv0.startFlag then setActive(uv0.startUI, false) uv0:gameStart() end end, SFX_CONFIRM) onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.startUI, "btnRule"), function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = pg.gametip.help_rollingBallGame.tip }) end, SFX_CONFIRM) setActive(slot0.startUI, true) slot0.scoreUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "scoreUI") slot0.labelCurScore = findTF(slot0.scoreUI, "labelCur") slot0.labelHigh = findTF(slot0.scoreUI, "labelHigh") slot0.scoreNew = findTF(slot0.scoreUI, "new") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.scoreUI, "btnEnd"), function () setActive(uv0.scoreUI, false) setActive(uv0.startUI, true) end, SFX_CANCEL) setActive(slot0.scoreUI, false) slot0.downProgress = findTF(slot0._tf, "downProgress") slot0.downTimeSlider = findTF(slot0.downProgress, "Slider"):GetComponent(typeof(Slider)) slot0.labelGameTime = findTF(slot0._tf, "labelGameTime") slot0.labelGameScore = findTF(slot0._tf, "labelGameScore") slot0.endLess = findTF(slot0._tf, "endLess") setActive(slot0.endLess, true) slot0.closeUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "closeUI") setActive(slot0.closeUI, false) onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.closeUI, "btnOk"), function () if not uv0.countStart then uv0:closeView() end end, SFX_CONFIRM) onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.closeUI, "btnCancel"), function () setActive(uv0.closeUI, false) end, SFX_CANCEL) slot0.overLight = findTF(slot0._tf, "overLight") setActive(slot0.overLight, false) onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0._tf, "btnClose"), function () if not uv0.startFlag then uv0:closeView() else setActive(uv0.closeUI, true) end end, SFX_CANCEL) end function slot0.getGameTimes(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData().count end function slot0.showScoreUI(slot0, slot1) if slot1 > (slot0:GetMGData():GetRuntimeData("elements") and #slot2 > 0 and slot2[1] or 0) then setActive(slot0.scoreNew, true) else setActive(slot0.scoreNew, false) end slot3 = slot1 < slot3 and slot3 or slot1 setActive(slot0.scoreUI, true) setText(slot0.labelCurScore, slot1) setText(slot0.labelHigh, slot3) slot0:StoreDataToServer({ slot3 }) if slot0:getGameTimes() > 0 then slot0:SendSuccess(0) end end function slot0.showCountStart(slot0, slot1) setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "count"), true) slot0.countIndex = 3 slot0.countStart = true pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) slot4 = {} for slot8 = 1, 3 do table.insert(slot4, function (slot0) slot1 = uv0.countIndex uv0.countIndex = uv0.countIndex - 1 slot3 = GetComponent(findTF(uv1, "show"), typeof(CanvasGroup)) seriesAsync({ function (slot0) GetSpriteFromAtlasAsync("ui/rollingBallGame_atlas", "count_" .. uv0, function (slot0) setImageSprite(uv0, slot0, true) end) LeanTween.value(go(uv1), 0, 1, 0.5):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.alpha = slot0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0() end)) end, function (slot0) LeanTween.value(go(uv0), 1, 0, 0.5):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.alpha = slot0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0() end)) end }, slot0) end) end seriesAsync(slot4, function () uv0.countStart = false setActive(uv1, false) uv2() end) end function slot0.gameStart(slot0) slot0.startFlag = true seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:showCountStart(slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0.moveDatas = {} uv0.selectGrid = nil uv0.selectEnterGrid = nil uv0.dragOffsetPos = Vector3(0, 0, 0) uv0.changeGridsDic = nil uv0.downTime = RollingBallConst.downTime uv0.comboAmount = 0 uv0.stopFlag = false uv0.onBeginDragTime = nil if uv0:getGameTimes() > 0 then uv0.gameTime = RollingBallConst.gameTime else uv0.gameTime = RollingBallConst.finishGameTime end uv0.gameTimeReal = Time.realtimeSinceStartup uv0.gameTimeFlag = true setActive(uv0.endLess, false) uv0.gameScore = 0 uv0:firstInitGrid() uv0:moveGridsBySelfPos(uv0.gridDic) uv0:timerStart() end }, nil) end function slot0.gameStop(slot0) slot0:timerStop() pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) for slot4 = #slot0.effectDatas, 1, -1 do slot0:returnEffect(slot0.effectDatas[slot4].tf) table.remove(slot0.effectDatas, slot4) end for slot4 = 1, RollingBallConst.horizontal do for slot8 = 1, RollingBallConst.vertical do if slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8] then slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8]:setEventActive(false) end end end slot0:clearUI() slot0:showScoreUI(slot0.gameScore, 1000) end function slot0.timerStart(slot0) if not slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Start() end end function slot0.timerStop(slot0) if slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Stop() end end function slot0.fallingGridDic(slot0) function slot1(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = slot1 + 1, RollingBallConst.vertical do if uv0.gridDic[slot0][slot5] then return slot5 end end return 0 end for slot5 = 1, RollingBallConst.horizontal do for slot9 = 1, RollingBallConst.vertical do if not slot0.gridDic[slot5][slot9] and RollingBallConst.vertical - slot9 > 0 and slot1(slot5, slot9) > 0 then slot0.gridDic[slot5][slot11] = false slot0.gridDic[slot5][slot9] = slot0.gridDic[slot5][slot11] slot0.gridDic[slot5][slot9]:setPosData(slot5, slot9) end end end end function slot0.firstInitGrid(slot0) for slot4 = 1, RollingBallConst.horizontal do slot0.fillGridDic[slot4] = {} for slot8 = 1, RollingBallConst.vertical do if not slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8] then if slot4 > 2 and slot0.gridDic[slot4 - 2][slot8]:getType() == slot0.gridDic[slot4 - 1][slot8]:getType() then table.insert({}, slot0.gridDic[slot4 - 2][slot8]:getType()) end if slot8 > 2 and slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8 - 2]:getType() == slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8 - 1]:getType() then table.insert(slot9, slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8 - 2]:getType()) end slot10 = slot0:createGrid(slot0:getRandomType(slot9), slot4, slot8) slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8] = slot10 slot0:setFillGridPosition(slot10, slot4, #slot0.fillGridDic[slot4]) table.insert(slot0.fillGridDic[slot4], slot10) end end end end function slot0.fillEmptyGrid(slot0) for slot4 = 1, RollingBallConst.horizontal do slot0.fillGridDic[slot4] = {} for slot8 = 1, RollingBallConst.vertical do if not slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8] then slot9 = slot0:createGrid(slot0:getRandomType(), slot4, slot8) slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8] = slot9 slot0:setFillGridPosition(slot9, slot4, #slot0.fillGridDic[slot4]) table.insert(slot0.fillGridDic[slot4], slot9) end end end end function slot0.setFillGridPosition(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot1:setPosition((slot2 - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_width, (RollingBallConst.vertical + slot3) * RollingBallConst.grid_height) end function slot0.onTimer(slot0) for slot4 = #slot0.moveDatas, 1, -1 do slot5 = slot0.moveDatas[slot4] slot6 = slot5.grid if slot6:getPosition().x == slot5.endX and slot6:getPosition().y == slot5.endY then slot6:setEventActive(true) table.remove(slot0.moveDatas, slot4) else slot11, slot12 = nil if math.abs(slot9 - slot7) < RollingBallConst.moveSpeed or slot9 == slot7 then slot11 = slot9 - slot7 elseif slot7 < slot9 then slot11 = RollingBallConst.moveSpeed elseif slot9 < slot7 then slot11 = -RollingBallConst.moveSpeed end if math.abs(slot10 - slot8) < RollingBallConst.moveSpeed or slot8 == slot10 then slot12 = 0 slot8 = slot10 elseif slot8 < slot10 then slot12 = RollingBallConst.moveSpeed elseif slot10 < slot8 then slot12 = -RollingBallConst.moveSpeed end slot6:setPosition(slot7 + slot11, slot8 + slot12) end end for slot4 = #slot0.effectDatas, 1, -1 do slot5 = slot0.effectDatas[slot4] slot6 = = (slot0.effectTargetPosition.x - slot6.x) * 0.002 slot5.ay = (slot0.effectTargetPosition.y - slot6.y) * 0.002 slot5.vx = slot5.vx + slot5.vy = slot5.vy + slot5.ay slot6.x = slot6.x + slot5.vx slot6.y = slot6.y + slot5.vy = slot6 if slot6.x < slot0.effectTargetPosition.x then slot0:returnEffect( table.remove(slot0.effectDatas, slot4) end end if slot0.onBeginDragTime and slot0.downTime > 0 then slot0.downTime = slot0.downTime - (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - slot0.onBeginDragTime) * 1000 slot0.onBeginDragTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup if slot0.downTime <= 0 then slot0.downTime = 0 if slot0.selectGrid then slot2 = slot0.selectGrid slot2:onEndDrag() slot0:onGridUp(slot2) slot2:addUpCallback(function (slot0, slot1) uv0:onGridUp(uv1) end) slot2:addDragCallback(function (slot0, slot1) uv0:onGridDrag(uv1, slot0, slot1) end) end end end slot0.downTimeSlider.value = slot0.downTime / RollingBallConst.downTime if slot0.gameTimeFlag and slot0.gameTime > 0 and not isActive(slot0.closeUI) then slot0.gameTime = slot0.gameTime - (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - slot0.gameTimeReal) * 1000 if slot0.gameTime > 0 and slot0.gameTime <= 8000 and not isActive(slot0.overLight) then setActive(slot0.overLight, true) end if slot0.gameTime <= 0 then slot0.gameTime = 0 setActive(slot0.overLight, false) slot0.stopFlag = true end end slot0.gameTimeReal = Time.realtimeSinceStartup if math.floor(slot0.gameTime / 60000) < 10 then slot1 = "0" .. slot1 or slot1 end if math.floor(slot0.gameTime % 60000 / 1000) < 10 then slot2 = "0" .. slot2 or slot2 end if math.floor(math.floor(slot0.gameTime % 1000) / 10) < 10 then slot3 = "0" .. slot3 or slot3 end setText(slot0.labelGameTime, slot1 .. ":" .. slot2 .. ":" .. slot3) if #slot0.moveDatas == 0 then if slot0.stopFlag then slot0:gameStop() return end if slot0.checkSuccesFlag then slot0.checkSuccesFlag = false slot0:checkSuccessGrid() end if slot0.isMoveing then slot0.isMoveing = false end elseif not slot0.isMoveing then slot0.isMoveing = true end end function slot0.moveGridsByChangeDic(slot0) slot0.moveDatas = {} for slot4 = 1, #slot0.changeGridsDic do for slot9 = 1, #slot0.changeGridsDic[slot4] do if slot5[slot9].grid ~= slot0.selectGrid then slot0:moveGridToPos(slot10.grid, slot10.posX, slot10.posY) end end end if #slot0.moveDatas > 0 then slot0:timerStart() end end function slot0.moveGridsBySelfPos(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.moveDatas = {} for slot6 = 1, #slot1 do for slot10 = 1, #slot1[slot6] do if slot1[slot6][slot10] and slot11 ~= slot2 then slot0:moveGridToPos(slot11, slot11:getPosData()) end end end if #slot0.moveDatas > 0 then slot0:timerStart() end end function slot0.moveGridToPos(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot1:getPosition().x slot5 = slot1:getPosition().y slot7 = (slot3 - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_height if math.floor((slot2 - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_width) == math.floor(slot2) and math.floor(slot7) == math.floor(slot3) then return end slot1:setEventActive(false) table.insert(slot0.moveDatas, { grid = slot1, endX = slot6, endY = slot7 }) end function slot0.updateMoveGridDic(slot0) for slot4 = 1, #slot0.changeGridsDic do for slot9 = 1, #slot0.changeGridsDic[slot4] do if slot5[slot9].grid then slot10.grid:setPosData(slot10.posX, slot10.posY) end end end slot0:sortGridDic() end function slot0.sortGridDic(slot0) slot1 = {} function slot2(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = 1, #uv0 do slot6, slot7 = uv0[slot5]:getPosData() if slot6 == slot0 and slot7 == slot1 then return table.remove(uv0, slot5) end end return nil end for slot6 = 1, #slot0.gridDic do for slot10 = 1, #slot0.gridDic[slot6] do if slot0.gridDic[slot6][slot10] ~= slot6 or nil ~= slot10 then table.insert(slot1, slot0.gridDic[slot6][slot10]) slot0.gridDic[slot6][slot10] = false end end end for slot6 = 1, #slot0.gridDic do for slot10 = 1, #slot0.gridDic[slot6] do if slot0.gridDic[slot6][slot10] == false then slot0.gridDic[slot6][slot10] = slot2(slot6, slot10) end end end end function slot0.checkSuccessGrid(slot0) slot1 = nil slot0:updateRemoveFlag() slot0.gameTimeFlag = false slot2 = {} seriesAsync({ function (slot0) for slot4 = 1, RollingBallConst.horizontal do for slot8 = 1, RollingBallConst.vertical do slot9 = uv0.gridDic[slot4][slot8] slot9:setEventActive(false) if slot9:getRemoveFlagV() or slot9:getRemoveFlagH() then slot11, slot12 = slot9:getPosData() if not uv1[slot9:getRemoveId()] then uv1[slot10] = { amount = 0, posList = {} } end uv1[slot10].amount = uv1[slot10].amount + 1 table.insert(uv1[slot10].posList, { x = slot11, y = slot12 }) uv0:returnGrid(slot9) uv0.gridDic[slot4][slot8] = false if not uv2 then uv2 = true end end end end slot0() end, function (slot0) if uv0 then LeanTween.delayedCall(go(uv1.rollingUI), 0.7, System.Action(function () uv0() end)) uv1:updateScore(uv2) uv1:updateCombo() pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv3) else uv1.comboAmount = 0 slot0() end end, function (slot0) if not uv0.stopFlag then uv0:fallingGridDic() uv0:fillEmptyGrid() uv0:moveGridsBySelfPos(uv0.gridDic, nil) if uv1 then uv0.checkSuccesFlag = true end end slot0() end }, function () uv0.gameTimeFlag = true end) end function slot0.updateCombo(slot0) setActive(slot0.goodEffect, false) setActive(slot0.greatEffect, false) setActive(slot0.perfectEffect, false) if slot0.comboAmount == 2 then setActive(slot0.goodEffect, true) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) elseif slot0.comboAmount == 3 then setActive(slot0.greatEffect, true) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) elseif slot0.comboAmount >= 4 then setActive(slot0.perfectEffect, true) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv1) end if slot0.comboAmount > 1 then if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.caidaiTf)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.caidaiTf)) end LeanTween.delayedCall(go(slot0.caidaiTf), 3, System.Action(function () setActive(uv0.caidaiTf, false) end)) setActive(slot0.caidaiTf, true) end end function slot0.updateScore(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1) do slot0.comboAmount = slot0.comboAmount + 1 end slot2 = 10 * slot0.comboAmount for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot1) do slot9 = nil slot9 = slot8.amount == 3 and 1 or slot8.amount == 4 and 1.5 or 2 slot3 = 0 + slot2 * slot9 * slot8.amount for slot14 = 1, #slot8.posList do slot0:addGridScoreTip(slot8.posList[slot14], slot2 * slot9) slot0:addRemoveEffect(slot8.posList[slot14]) end end LeanTween.delayedCall(go(slot0.labelGameScore), 0.7, System.Action(function () if LeanTween.isTweening(go(uv0.labelGameScore)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(uv0.labelGameScore)) end slot1 = uv0.gameScore + uv1 LeanTween.value(go(uv0.labelGameScore), uv0.gameScore, slot1, 1.7):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) setText(uv0.labelGameScore, math.floor(slot0)) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () setText(uv0.labelGameScore, uv1) end)) uv0.gameScore = slot1 pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv2) end)) end function slot0.updateRemoveFlag(slot0) for slot4 = 1, RollingBallConst.horizontal do for slot8 = 1, RollingBallConst.vertical do slot0:checkGridRemove(slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8], slot4, slot8) end end end function slot0.checkGridRemove(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot1:getRemoveFlagH() and slot2 < RollingBallConst.horizontal - 1 then slot6 = nil for slot11 = slot2, RollingBallConst.horizontal do if slot1:getType() == slot0.gridDic[slot11][slot3]:getType() and true then slot4 = 0 + 1 table.insert({}, slot0.gridDic[slot11][slot3]) if slot0.gridDic[slot11][slot3]:getRemoveId() then slot6 = slot0.gridDic[slot11][slot3]:getRemoveId() end else slot5 = nil end end if slot4 and slot4 >= 3 then for slot11 = 1, #slot7 do slot7[slot11]:setRemoveFlagH(true, slot6 or slot0:getGridRemoveId()) end end end if not slot1:getRemoveFlagV() and slot3 < RollingBallConst.vertical - 1 then slot6 = nil for slot11 = slot3, RollingBallConst.vertical do if slot1:getType() == slot0.gridDic[slot2][slot11]:getType() and true then slot4 = 0 + 1 table.insert({}, slot0.gridDic[slot2][slot11]) if slot0.gridDic[slot2][slot11]:getRemoveId() then slot6 = slot0.gridDic[slot2][slot11]:getRemoveId() end else slot5 = nil end end if slot4 and slot4 >= 3 then for slot11 = 1, #slot7 do slot7[slot11]:setRemoveFlagV(true, slot6 or slot0:getGridRemoveId()) end end end end function slot0.onGridDown(slot0, slot1) if slot0.isMoveing or slot0.selectGrid or #slot0.moveDatas > 0 then return end pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) slot0.selectGrid = slot1 slot0.selectGrid:getTf():SetAsLastSibling() end function slot0.onGridUp(slot0, slot1) slot0.selectGrid = nil if slot0.changeGridsDic then slot0:updateMoveGridDic() slot0.changeGridsDic = nil end slot0:clearDragAlpha() slot0.onBeginDragTime = nil slot0:moveGridsBySelfPos(slot0.gridDic, nil) slot0.checkSuccesFlag = true slot0.downTime = RollingBallConst.downTime end function slot0.checkChangePos(slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3 = slot1:getPosData() slot4, slot5 = slot0.selectGrid:getPosData() if slot1 == slot0.selectGrid or slot4 ~= slot2 and slot5 ~= slot3 then slot0:moveGridsBySelfPos(slot0.gridDic, slot0.selectGrid, function () end) slot0.selectEnterGrid = nil slot0.changeGridsDic = nil slot0.changePosY = nil slot0.changePosX = nil else if slot0.changePosX == slot2 and slot0.changePosY == slot3 then return end slot0.changePosY = slot3 slot0.changePosX = slot2 slot0:updateEnterGrid(slot0.changePosX, slot0.changePosY) slot0:moveGridsByChangeDic() end end function slot0.onGridBeginDrag(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0.isMoveing or not slot0.selectGrid or slot1 ~= slot0.selectGrid then return end slot0.onBeginDragTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup slot0.downTime = RollingBallConst.downTime slot4 = slot0.selectGrid:getTf() slot5, slot6 = slot0.selectGrid:getPosData() slot0:setDragAlpha(slot5, slot6, slot0.selectGrid:getType()) slot0.changePosY = nil slot0.changePosX = nil slot0.dragOffsetPos.x = slot3.position.x - slot4.transform.localPosition.x slot0.dragOffsetPos.y = slot3.position.y - slot4.transform.localPosition.y end function slot0.onGridDrag(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot0.selectGrid or slot1 ~= slot0.selectGrid then return end if not slot0.uiCam then slot0.uiCam = GameObject.Find("UICamera"):GetComponent("Camera") end slot5 = slot0.rollingUI:InverseTransformPoint(slot0.uiCam:ScreenToWorldPoint(slot3.position)) slot7 = slot5.y - RollingBallConst.grid_height / 2 if slot5.x - RollingBallConst.grid_width / 2 < 0 then slot6 = 0 end if slot7 < 0 then slot7 = 0 end if slot6 > (RollingBallConst.horizontal - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_width then slot6 = (RollingBallConst.horizontal - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_width end if slot7 > (RollingBallConst.vertical - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_height then slot7 = (RollingBallConst.vertical - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_height end slot0.selectGrid:changePosition(slot6, slot7) if slot0:getGridByPosition(slot0.selectGrid:getPosition()) and slot8 ~= slot0.selectGrid then slot9, slot10 = slot8:getPosData() slot11, slot12 = slot0.selectGrid:getPosData() if math.abs(slot9 - slot11) + math.abs(slot10 - slot12) == 1 then slot0:updateMove(slot9, slot10) elseif math.abs(slot14) < math.abs(slot13) then if slot13 > 0 then slot9 = slot11 + 1 end if slot13 < 0 then slot9 = slot11 - 1 end slot0:updateMove(slot9, slot12) else if slot14 > 0 then slot10 = slot12 + 1 end if slot14 < 0 then slot10 = slot12 - 1 end slot0:updateMove(slot11, slot10) end end end function slot0.updateMove(slot0, slot1, slot2) if RollingBallConst.horizontal < slot1 or RollingBallConst.vertical < slot2 then return end slot0:changeDragGrid(slot1, slot2) slot0:updateMoveGridDic() slot0.changeGridsDic = nil slot0:moveGridsBySelfPos(slot0.gridDic, slot0.selectGrid) slot0:setDragAlpha(slot1, slot2, slot0.selectGrid:getType()) end function slot0.getGridByPosition(slot0, slot1) slot3 = math.floor((slot1.y + RollingBallConst.grid_height / 2) / RollingBallConst.grid_height) + 1 if math.floor((slot1.x + RollingBallConst.grid_width / 2) / RollingBallConst.grid_width) + 1 >= 1 and slot2 <= RollingBallConst.horizontal and slot3 >= 1 and slot3 <= RollingBallConst.vertical then return slot0.gridDic[slot2][slot3] end return nil end function slot0.updateEnterGrid(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3, slot4 = slot0.selectGrid:getPosData() slot0.changeGridsDic = {} for slot8 = 1, #slot0.gridDic do slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8] = {} for slot12 = 1, #slot0.gridDic[slot8] do if slot8 ~= slot3 and slot12 ~= slot4 then table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot8, posY = slot12 }) elseif slot8 == slot3 and slot12 == slot4 then table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot1, posY = slot2 }) elseif slot8 == slot3 then if slot4 < slot12 and slot12 <= slot2 then table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot8, posY = slot12 - 1 }) elseif slot12 < slot4 and slot2 <= slot12 then table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot8, posY = slot12 + 1 }) else table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot8, posY = slot12 }) end elseif slot12 == slot4 then if slot3 < slot8 and slot8 <= slot1 then table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot8 - 1, posY = slot12 }) elseif slot8 < slot3 and slot1 <= slot8 then table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot8 + 1, posY = slot12 }) else table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot8, posY = slot12 }) end end end end end function slot0.changeDragGrid(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3, slot4 = slot0.selectGrid:getPosData() slot0.changeGridsDic = {} for slot8 = 1, #slot0.gridDic do slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8] = {} for slot12 = 1, #slot0.gridDic[slot8] do if slot8 == slot1 and slot12 == slot2 then table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot3, posY = slot4 }) elseif slot8 == slot3 and slot12 == slot4 then table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot1, posY = slot2 }) else table.insert(slot0.changeGridsDic[slot8], { grid = slot0.gridDic[slot8][slot12], posX = slot8, posY = slot12 }) end end end end function slot0.createGrid(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = nil slot5 = #slot0.gridsPool if #slot0.gridsPool > 0 then slot4 = table.remove(slot0.gridsPool, 1) else slot4 = RollingBallGrid.New(tf(Instantiate(slot0.tplGrid))) slot4:addDownCallback(function (slot0, slot1) uv0:onGridDown(uv1) end) slot4:addUpCallback(function (slot0, slot1) uv0:onGridUp(uv1) end) slot4:addBeginDragCallback(function (slot0, slot1) uv0:onGridBeginDrag(uv1, slot0, slot1) end) slot4:addDragCallback(function (slot0, slot1) uv0:onGridDrag(uv1, slot0, slot1) end) setActive(slot4:getTf(), true) end slot4:setParent(slot0.rollingUI) slot4:setType(slot1) slot4:setPosData(slot2, slot3) return slot4 end function slot0.setDragAlpha(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.dragAlphaGrid:setPosition((slot1 - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_width, (slot2 - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_height) slot0.dragAlphaGrid:setType(slot3) setActive(slot0.dragAlphaGrid:getTf(), true) end function slot0.clearDragAlpha(slot0) setActive(slot0.dragAlphaGrid:getTf(), false) end function slot0.returnGrid(slot0, slot1) slot0:removeGrid(slot1) slot1:clearData() slot1:setParent(slot0.gridPoolTf) slot1:setEventActive(false) table.insert(slot0.gridsPool, slot1) end function slot0.removeGrid(slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3 = slot1:getPosData() if not slot0.gridDic[slot2][slot3] then slot0.gridDic[slot2][slot3] = false end end function slot0.getRandomType(slot0, slot1) if slot1 then slot2 = {} for slot6 = 1, RollingBallConst.grid_type_amount do if not table.contains(slot1, slot6) then table.insert(slot2, slot6) end end return slot2[math.random(1, #slot2)] end return math.random(1, RollingBallConst.grid_type_amount) end function slot0.addGridScoreTip(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot5 = slot0:getScoreTip() slot7 = (slot1.y - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_height slot5.localPosition = Vector3((slot1.x - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_width, slot7, 0) setText(findTF(slot5, "text"), "+" .. slot2) LeanTween.moveLocalY(go(slot5), slot7 + 30, 0.5):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0:returnScoreTip(uv1) end)) end function slot0.addRemoveEffect(slot0, slot1) slot4 = slot0:getRemoveEffect() slot4.localPosition = Vector3((slot1.x - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_width + 50, (slot1.y - 1) * RollingBallConst.grid_height + 50, -350) LeanTween.delayedCall(go(slot4), 0.7, System.Action(function () uv0:returnRemoveEffect(uv1) end)) end function slot0.getRemoveEffect(slot0) if not slot0.removeEffectPool then slot0.removeEffectPool = {} slot0.removeEffects = {} end slot1 = nil if #slot0.removeEffectPool > 1 then slot1 = table.remove(slot0.removeEffectPool, #slot0.removeEffectPool) else slot1 = tf(Instantiate(slot0.tplRemoveEffect)) setParent(slot1, slot0.rollingEffectUI, false) table.insert(slot0.removeEffects, slot1) end setActive(slot1, true) return slot1 end function slot0.returnRemoveEffect(slot0, slot1) setActive(slot1, false) table.insert(slot0.removeEffectPool, slot1) end function slot0.getScoreTip(slot0) if not slot0.scoreTipPool then slot0.scoreTipPool = {} slot0.scoreTips = {} end slot1 = nil if #slot0.scoreTipPool > 1 then slot1 = table.remove(slot0.scoreTipPool, #slot0.scoreTipPool) else slot1 = tf(Instantiate(slot0.tplScoreTip)) setParent(slot1, slot0.rollingEffectUI, false) table.insert(slot0.scoreTips, slot1) end setActive(slot1, true) return slot1 end function slot0.returnScoreTip(slot0, slot1) setActive(slot1, false) table.insert(slot0.scoreTipPool, slot1) end function slot0.addEffect(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot0:getEffect() setParent(slot3, slot0.effectUI, false) setActive(slot3, true) slot3.localPosition = slot0.effectUI:InverseTransformPoint(slot1) table.insert(slot0.effectDatas, { vx = 2, ax = 0, ay = 0, vy = 2, tf = slot3 }) end function slot0.clearUI(slot0) slot0.moveDatas = {} slot0.startFlag = false slot0.stopFlag = false setText(slot0.labelGameScore, "0000") setText(slot0.labelGameTime, "") setActive(slot0.endLess, true) slot0.downTimeSlider.value = 1 setActive(slot0.closeUI, false) setActive(slot0.overLight, false) slot0:clearDragAlpha() for slot4 = #slot0.effectDatas, 1, -1 do slot0:returnEffect(slot0.effectDatas[slot4].tf) table.remove(slot0.effectDatas, slot4) end for slot4 = 1, RollingBallConst.horizontal do for slot8 = 1, RollingBallConst.vertical do if slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8] then slot0:returnGrid(slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8]) slot0.gridDic[slot4][slot8] = false end end end end function slot0.getEffect(slot0) if #slot0.effectPool > 0 then return table.remove(slot0.effectPool, #slot0.effectPool) end return tf(Instantiate(slot0.tplEffect)) end function slot0.returnEffect(slot0, slot1) SetParent(slot1, slot0.effectPoolTf, false) table.insert(slot0.effectPool, slot1) end function slot0.getGridRemoveId(slot0) if not slot0.removeId then slot0.removeId = 0 end slot0.removeId = slot0.removeId + 1 return tostring(slot0.removeId) end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if not slot0.startFlag then slot0:emit(uv0.ON_BACK_PRESSED) end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) if slot0.timer and slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Stop() end if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.caidaiTf)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.caidaiTf)) end if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.labelGameScore)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.labelGameScore)) end if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.rollingUI)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.rollingUI)) end if slot0.scoreTips then for slot4 = 1, #slot0.scoreTips do if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.scoreTips[slot4])) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.scoreTips[slot4])) end end end if slot0.removeEffects then for slot4 = 1, #slot0.removeEffects do if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.removeEffects[slot4])) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.removeEffects[slot4])) end end end slot0.timer = nil end return slot0