slot0 = class("PokeMoleView", import("..BaseMiniGameView")) slot1 = 1 slot2 = 2 slot3 = 3 slot4 = { 1000, 230 } slot5 = { 300, 100 } slot6 = "backyard" slot7 = "event:/ui/jida" slot8 = "event:/ui/quanji" slot9 = "event:/ui/baozhaxiaoshi" slot10 = "" slot11 = "" slot12 = "event:/ui/ddldaoshu2" slot13 = 0.5 slot14 = 90 slot15 = { { speed = 60, life = 1, enable_time = 1, type = 1, score = 100, damage_time = 1 }, { speed = 65, life = 1, enable_time = 1, type = 2, score = 150, damage_time = 1 }, { speed = 50, life = 2, enable_time = 2, type = 3, score = 200, damage_time = 1 }, { speed = 55, life = 1, enable_time = 1, type = 4, score = 150, damage_time = 1 } } slot16 = { level_up_time = { 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 }, enemy_apear_time = { 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1.5, 1 }, enemy_max = { 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 }, enemy_amounts = { { 70, 30 }, { 70, 30 }, { 70, 40 }, { 70, 40, 20 }, { 70, 50, 20 } } } slot17 = 3 slot18 = { 1, 2, 3 } slot19 = 10 slot20 = 10 function slot21(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { ctor = function (slot0) slot0._tf = uv0 slot0._callback = uv1 slot0._animator = GetComponent(slot0._tf, typeof(Animator)) slot0._attakeCount = 0 slot0._attakeCd = 0 slot0._specialTime = 0 slot0._specialCount = 0 slot0.atkCollider = GetComponent(findTF(slot0._tf, "atkCollider"), typeof(BoxCollider2D)) slot0.specialCollider = GetComponent(findTF(slot0._tf, "specialCollider"), typeof(BoxCollider2D)) slot1 = GetComponent(slot0._tf, typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot1:SetStartEvent(function () end) slot1:SetTriggerEvent(function () if uv0._callback then uv0._callback(uv0:getColliderData()) if uv0:getSpecialState() then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv1) end end end) slot1:SetEndEvent(function () end) end, getColliderData = function (slot0) slot1 = nil slot1 = (not slot0:getSpecialState() or slot0.specialCollider) and slot0.atkCollider return { pos = slot1.bounds.min, boundsLength = { width = slot1.bounds.max.x - slot1.bounds.min.x, height = slot1.bounds.max.y - slot1.bounds.min.y }, damage = slot0:getDamage() } end, atk = function (slot0) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) slot0._animator:SetTrigger("atk") slot0._attakeCd = uv1 end, specialAtk = function (slot0) slot0._animator:SetTrigger("special") slot0._attakeCd = uv0 end, getDamage = function (slot0) if slot0._specialTime > 0 then return 3 end return 1 end, reset = function (slot0) slot0._animator:SetTrigger("reset") end, setActive = function (slot0, slot1) SetActive(slot0._tf, slot1) end, setParent = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) SetParent(slot0._tf, slot1) slot0:setActive(slot2) end, attakeAble = function (slot0) return slot0._attakeCd == 0 end, moveTo = function (slot0, slot1) slot1.y = slot1.y + 100 slot0._tf.anchoredPosition = slot1 end, attakeCount = function (slot0, slot1) slot0._attakeCount = slot0._attakeCount + slot1 * 4 if slot0._attakeCount > 8 then slot0._attakeCount = 8 end if slot0._attakeCount > 0 then slot0._animator.speed = 0 end end, addSpecialCount = function (slot0, slot1) if slot0._specialTime == 0 then slot0._specialCount = slot0._specialCount + slot1 if uv0 <= slot0._specialCount then slot0._specialCount = uv0 end end end, useSpecial = function (slot0) if slot0._specialTime and uv0 <= slot0._specialCount then slot0._specialCount = 0 slot0._specialTime = uv1 return true end return false end, SetSiblingIndex = function (slot0, slot1) slot0._tf:SetSiblingIndex(slot1) end, getSpecialState = function (slot0) return slot0._specialTime > 0 end, step = function (slot0) if slot0._attakeCount > 0 then slot0._attakeCount = slot0._attakeCount - 1 if slot0._attakeCount == 0 then slot0._animator.speed = 1 end end if slot0._attakeCd > 0 then slot0._attakeCd = slot0._attakeCd - Time.deltaTime slot0._attakeCd = slot0._attakeCd < 0 and 0 or slot0._attakeCd end if slot0._specialTime > 0 then slot0._specialTime = slot0._specialTime - Time.deltaTime slot0._specialTime = slot0._specialTime < 0 and 0 or slot0._specialTime end end, inSpecial = function (slot0) return slot0._specialTime > 0 end, getSpecialData = function (slot0) return slot0._specialTime, slot0._specialCount end, clear = function (slot0) slot0._specialTime = 0 slot0._specialCount = 0 slot0:reset() end, useAtk = function (slot0) if slot0:inSpecial() then slot0:specialAtk() else slot0:atk() end end } slot2:ctor() return slot2 end function slot22(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { ctor = function (slot0) slot0.playerTpl = uv0 slot0.sceneTf = uv1 slot0._playerPos = findTF(slot0.sceneTf, "playerPos") slot0.uiCam = GameObject.Find("UICamera"):GetComponent("Camera") slot0.dragDelegate = GetOrAddComponent(findTF(slot0.sceneTf, "clickBounds"), "EventTriggerListener") slot0.dragDelegate.enabled = true slot0.dragDelegate:AddPointDownFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.player and uv0.player:attakeAble() then uv0.player:moveTo(uv0._playerPos:InverseTransformPoint(uv0.uiCam:ScreenToWorldPoint(slot1.pressPosition))) uv0.player:reset() uv0.player:useAtk() end end) end, createPlayer = function (slot0) if slot0.player == nil then slot0.player = uv0(tf(Instantiate(slot0.playerTpl)), function (slot0) uv0:playerActHand(slot0) end) slot0.player:setParent(slot0._playerPos, true) end end, playerActHand = function (slot0, slot1) if slot0.playerHandle then slot0.playerHandle(slot1) end end, setPlayerHandle = function (slot0, slot1) slot0.playerHandle = slot1 end, step = function (slot0) if slot0.player then slot0.player:step() end end, getSpecialData = function (slot0) if slot0.player then return slot0.player:getSpecialData() end return nil, end, useSpecial = function (slot0) if slot0.player then return slot0.player:useSpecial() end end, attakeCount = function (slot0, slot1) if slot0.player then slot0.player:attakeCount(slot1) end end, addSpecialCount = function (slot0, slot1) if slot0.player then slot0.player:addSpecialCount(slot1) end end, clear = function (slot0) if slot0.player then slot0.player:clear() end end } slot2:ctor() return slot2 end function slot23(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { ctor = function (slot0) slot0._tf = uv0 slot0._data = uv1 slot0._life = 0 slot0._enable = false slot0._attakeAble = false slot0._animator = GetComponent(slot0._tf, typeof(Animator)) slot0._boxCollider = GetComponent(slot0._tf, "BoxCollider2D") slot1 = GetComponent(slot0._tf, typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot1:SetStartEvent(function () if uv0._callback then uv0._callback(uv1) end end) slot1:SetTriggerEvent(function () if uv0._callback then uv0._callback(uv1) end end) slot1:SetEndEvent(function () uv0._enable = false if uv0._callback then uv0._callback(uv1) end end) end, setHandle = function (slot0, slot1) slot0._callback = slot1 end, getSpeed = function (slot0) return slot0._data.speed end, step = function (slot0) if slot0._enableTime > 0 then slot0._enableTime = slot0._enableTime - Time.deltaTime if slot0._enableTime < 0 then slot0._enable = true slot0._enableTime = 0 end end end, apear = function (slot0) slot0._animator:SetTrigger("pop") slot0._enableTime = math.random() * slot0._data.enable_time + 0.5 slot0._life = slot0._attakeAble = true end, move = function (slot0) end, stop = function (slot0) slot0._animator:SetBool("stop", true) end, damage = function (slot0, slot1) slot0._life = slot0._life - slot1 if slot0._life <= 0 then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) slot0:dead() else slot0._animator:SetTrigger("damage") slot0._enable = false slot0._enableTime = slot0._data.damage_time end end, dead = function (slot0) slot0._animator:SetTrigger("dead") slot0._enable = false slot0._enableTime = 0 slot0._attakeAble = false end, steal = function (slot0) slot0._animator:SetTrigger("steal") slot0._enable = false slot0._attakeAble = false end, move = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0._tf.anchoredPosition slot3.x = slot3.x + slot1 slot3.y = slot3.y + slot2 slot0._tf.anchoredPosition = slot3 slot4 = slot0._tf.localScale slot4.x = Mathf.Abs(slot0._tf.localScale.x) * -1 * Mathf.Sign(slot1) slot0._tf.localScale = slot4 end, moveTo = function (slot0, slot1) slot0._tf.anchoredPosition = slot1 slot2 = slot0._tf.localScale slot2.x = Mathf.Abs(slot0._tf.localScale.x) * Mathf.Sign(slot0._tf.localPosition.x) slot0._tf.localScale = slot2 end, setParent = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) SetParent(slot0._tf, slot1) slot0:setActive(slot2) end, setActive = function (slot0, slot1) SetActive(slot0._tf, slot1) end, SetSiblingIndex = function (slot0, slot1) slot0._tf:SetSiblingIndex(slot1) end, getPosition = function (slot0) return slot0._tf.anchoredPosition end, getType = function (slot0) return slot0._data.type end, getMoveAble = function (slot0) return isActive(slot0._tf) and slot0._enable end, getAttakeAble = function (slot0) return isActive(slot0._tf) and slot0._attakeAble end, getBounds = function (slot0) return slot0._boxCollider.bounds end, getLife = function (slot0) return slot0._life end, getScore = function (slot0) return slot0._data.score end, getBoundLength = function (slot0) if slot0.boundsData == nil then slot0.boundsData = { width = slot0._boxCollider.bounds.max.x - slot0._boxCollider.bounds.min.x, height = slot0._boxCollider.bounds.max.y - slot0._boxCollider.bounds.min.y } end return slot0.boundsData end } slot2:ctor() return slot2 end function slot24(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = { ctor = function (slot0) slot0.enemysTpl = uv0 slot0.sceneTf = uv1 slot0.enemyPos = findTF(slot0.sceneTf, "enemyPos") slot0.createPos = findTF(slot0.sceneTf, "createPos") slot0.countsWeight = {} for slot4 = 1, #uv2.enemy_amounts do slot5 = {} for slot11 = 1, #uv2.enemy_amounts[slot4] do table.insert(slot5, 0 + slot7[slot11]) end table.insert(slot0.countsWeight, slot5) end slot0.callback = uv3 slot0.callback2 = uv4 slot0.enemys = {} slot0.enemysPool = {} slot0.apearTime = 0 slot0.stepTime = 0 slot0.level = 1 slot0.cakeLife = uv5 slot0.cakeTf = findTF(slot0.sceneTf, "enemyPos/cake") slot0.cakeAniamtor = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.cakeTf, "image"), typeof(Animator)) slot4 = slot0.getCakeLifeIndex slot0.cakeAniamtor:SetInteger("life", slot4(slot0)) slot0.cakeBox = GetComponent(slot0.cakeTf, "BoxCollider2D") slot0.cakeBoundsLength = { width = slot0.cakeBox.bounds.max.x - slot0.cakeBox.bounds.min.x, height = slot0.cakeBox.bounds.max.y - slot0.cakeBox.bounds.min.y } slot0.gameScore = 0 slot0.createBounds = {} for slot4 = 0, slot0.createPos.childCount - 1 do table.insert(slot0.createBounds, slot0.createPos:GetChild(slot4)) end end, step = function (slot0) for slot4 = #uv0.level_up_time, 1, -1 do if slot0.level < slot4 and uv0.level_up_time[slot4] < slot0.stepTime and slot0.level ~= slot4 then slot0.level = slot4 print("level up :" .. slot0.level) break end end if slot0.apearTime == 0 then for slot5 = 1, slot0:getCreateCounts() do if #slot0.enemys < uv0.enemy_max[slot0.level] then slot7 = slot0:getEnemyFromPool(uv1[math.random(1, #uv1)].type) or slot0:createEnemy(slot6) table.insert(slot0.enemys, slot7) slot7:setActive(true) slot7:moveTo(slot0:getRandApearPosition()) slot7:apear() end end slot0.apearTime = uv0.enemy_apear_time[slot0.level] end table.sort(slot0.enemys, function (slot0, slot1) return slot1:getPosition().y < slot0:getPosition().y end) for slot5 = #slot0.enemys, 1, -1 do if slot0.cakeTf.localPosition.y <= slot0.enemys[slot5]:getPosition().y then slot1 = 0 + 1 end slot6:SetSiblingIndex(slot5) slot6:step() if slot6:getMoveAble() then slot7 = slot6:getPosition() if slot0:checkEnemySteal(slot6) then slot6:steal() else slot8 = Mathf.Atan2(Mathf.Abs(slot7.y), Mathf.Abs(slot7.x)) slot6:move(slot6:getSpeed() * Mathf.Cos(slot8) * -Mathf.Sign(slot7.x) * Time.deltaTime, slot6:getSpeed() * Mathf.Sin(slot8) * -Mathf.Sign(slot7.y) * Time.deltaTime) end end end slot0.cakeTf:SetSiblingIndex(slot1) slot0.apearTime = slot0.apearTime - Time.deltaTime if slot0.apearTime < 0 then slot0.apearTime = 0 end slot0.stepTime = slot0.stepTime + Time.deltaTime slot0.cakeAniamtor:SetInteger("life", slot0:getCakeLifeIndex()) end, getCreateCounts = function (slot0) slot1 = slot0.countsWeight[slot0.level] for slot6 = 1, #slot1 do if math.random(1, slot1[#slot1]) <= slot1[slot6] then return slot6 end end return 1 end, checkEnemySteal = function (slot0, slot1) return slot0:checkRectCollider(slot1:getBounds().min, slot0.cakeBox.bounds.min, slot1:getBoundLength(), slot0.cakeBoundsLength) end, checkRectCollider = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot6 = slot1.y slot7 = slot3.width slot8 = slot3.height slot10 = slot2.y slot12 = slot4.height if slot2.x <= slot1.x and slot5 >= slot9 + slot4.width then return false elseif slot5 <= slot9 and slot9 >= slot5 + slot7 then return false elseif slot10 <= slot6 and slot6 >= slot10 + slot12 then return false elseif slot6 <= slot10 and slot10 >= slot6 + slot8 then return false else return true end end, createEnemy = function (slot0, slot1) slot3 = uv0(tf(Instantiate(slot0.enemysTpl[slot1.type])), slot1) slot3:setHandle(function (slot0) uv0:enemyEventHandle(slot0, uv1) end) slot3:setParent(slot0.enemyPos, true) return slot3 end, getEnemyFromPool = function (slot0, slot1) for slot5 = 1, #slot0.enemysPool do if slot0.enemysPool[slot5]:getType() == slot1 then table.remove(slot0.enemysPool, slot5) return slot6 end end return nil end, removeEnemy = function (slot0, slot1) for slot5 = #slot0.enemys, 1, -1 do if slot0.enemys[slot5] == slot1 then table.remove(slot0.enemys, slot5) end end slot1:setActive(false) table.insert(slot0.enemysPool, slot1) end, getRandApearPosition = function (slot0) slot5 = slot2:TransformPoint(math.random() * slot0.createBounds[math.random(1, #slot0.createBounds)].sizeDelta.x / 2 * (math.random() < 0.5 and 1 or -1), math.random() * slot2.sizeDelta.y / 2 * (math.random() < 0.5 and 1 or -1), 0) return slot0.enemyPos:InverseTransformPoint(slot5.x, slot5.y, slot5.z) end, enemyEventHandle = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1 == uv0 then slot0.cakeLife = slot0.cakeLife - 1 if slot0.callback2 then slot0.callback2() end if slot0.cakeLife <= 0 and slot0.callback then slot0.callback() end slot0.cakeAniamtor:SetInteger("life", slot0:getCakeLifeIndex()) elseif slot1 == uv1 then slot0.gameScore = slot0.gameScore + slot2:getScore() slot0:removeEnemy(slot2) else slot0:removeEnemy(slot2) end end, playerActAttake = function (slot0, slot1) for slot10 = 1, #slot0.enemys do if slot0.enemys[slot10]:getAttakeAble() and slot0:checkRectCollider(slot11:getBounds().min, slot1.pos, slot11:getBoundLength(), slot1.boundsLength) then slot11:damage(slot1.damage) slot5 = 0 + 1 if slot11:getLife() == 0 then slot6 = 0 + 1 end end end return slot5, slot6 end, clear = function (slot0) slot0.stepTime = 0 for slot4 = #slot0.enemys, 1, -1 do slot5 = table.remove(slot0.enemys, slot4) slot5:setActive(false) table.insert(slot0.enemysPool, slot5) end slot0.cakeLife = uv0 slot0.gameScore = 0 slot0.level = 1 end, getCakeLife = function (slot0) return slot0.cakeLife end, getCakeLifeIndex = function (slot0) for slot4 = #uv0, 1, -1 do if uv0[slot4] <= slot0.cakeLife then return slot4 end end return 0 end, getScore = function (slot0) return slot0.gameScore end } slot4:ctor() return slot4 end function slot25(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = { ctor = function (slot0) slot0.playerController = uv0 slot0.enemyController = uv1 slot0.callback = uv2 slot0.playerController:setPlayerHandle(function (slot0) slot1, slot2 = uv0.enemyController:playerActAttake(slot0) if slot1 > 0 then uv0.playerController:attakeCount(slot1) end if slot2 > 0 then uv0.playerController:addSpecialCount(slot2) if uv0.callback then uv0.callback() end end end) end } slot3:ctor() return slot3 end slot26 = "role type loop" slot27 = "role type normal" function slot28(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { ctor = function (slot0) slot0.playerController = uv0 slot0.roleTfs = uv1 slot0.roleDatas = {} for slot4 = 1, #slot0.roleTfs do if slot4 == 2 or slot4 == 3 then -- Nothing else slot5.type = uv3 end table.insert(slot0.roleDatas, { animator = GetComponent(slot0.roleTfs[slot4], typeof(Animator)), type = uv2, loop_time = { 3, 3 }, time = 0 }) end end, step = function (slot0) slot1 = slot0.playerController:getSpecialData() for slot5 = 1, #slot0.roleDatas do if slot0.roleDatas[slot5].type == uv0 then if slot6.time == 0 then slot6.animator:SetTrigger("loop") slot6.time = math.random() * slot6.loop_time[1] + slot6.loop_time[2] else slot6.time = slot6.time - Time.deltaTime if slot6.time < 0 then slot6.time = 0 end end end if slot6.special and slot1 == 0 then slot6.animator:SetTrigger("reset") slot6.special = false end end end, special = function (slot0) for slot4 = 1, #slot0.roleDatas do slot5 = slot0.roleDatas[slot4] slot5.animator:SetTrigger("special") slot5.special = true end end, fail = function (slot0) for slot4 = 1, #slot0.roleDatas do slot0.roleDatas[slot4].animator:SetTrigger("fail") end end, reset = function (slot0) for slot4 = 1, #slot0.roleDatas do slot0.roleDatas[slot4].animator:SetTrigger("reset") end end } slot2:ctor() return slot2 end function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "PokeMoleGameUI" end function slot0.getBGM(slot0) return uv0 end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) slot0:initData() slot0:initUI() end function slot0.initData(slot0) slot0.settlementFlag = false slot0.gameStartFlag = false slot0.timer = Timer.New(function () uv0:onTimer() end, 1 / (Application.targetFrameRate or 60), -1, true) end function slot0.initUI(slot0) slot0.clickMask = findTF(slot0._tf, "clickMask") slot0.countUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/CountUI") slot0.countAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.countUI, "count"), typeof(Animator)) slot0.countDft = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.countUI, "count"), typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot0.countDft:SetTriggerEvent(function () end) slot0.countDft:SetEndEvent(function () setActive(uv0.countUI, false) uv0:gameStart() end) slot0.leaveUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/LeaveUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.leaveUI, "ad/btnOk"), function () uv0:resumeGame() uv0:onGameOver() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.leaveUI, "ad/btnCancel"), function () uv0:resumeGame() end, SFX_CANCEL) slot0.pauseUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/pauseUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.pauseUI, "ad/btnOk"), function () setActive(uv0.pauseUI, false) uv0:resumeGame() end, SFX_CANCEL) slot0.settlementUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/SettleMentUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad/btnOver"), function () setActive(uv0.settlementUI, false) uv0:openMenuUI() end, SFX_CANCEL) slot0.menuUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/menuUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.menuUI, "btnBack"), function () uv0:closeView() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.menuUI, "btnRule"), function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = pg.gametip.securitycake_help.tip }) end, SFX_CANCEL) slot5 = SFX_CANCEL onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.menuUI, "btnStart"), function () setActive(uv0.menuUI, false) uv0:readyStart() end, slot5) slot0.gameUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "ui/gameUI") slot0.textTime = findTF(slot0.gameUI, "time") slot0.textScore = findTF(slot0.gameUI, "score") slot0.hearts = {} for slot5 = 1, 3 do table.insert(slot0.hearts, findTF(slot0.gameUI, "heart" .. slot5 .. "/img")) end onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.gameUI, "btnStop"), function () uv0:stopGame() setActive(uv0.pauseUI, true) end) onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.gameUI, "btnLeave"), function () uv0:stopGame() setActive(uv0.leaveUI, true) end) slot0.specialSlider = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.gameUI, "btnSpecial/Slider"), typeof(Slider)) slot0.touchSlider = findTF(slot0.specialSlider, "touch") slot0.specialEffect = findTF(slot0.gameUI, "btnSpecial/baoweidangao_extiao") slot0.arrowTf = findTF(slot0.gameUI, "btnSpecial/arrow") function slot5() if uv0.playerController and uv0.playerController:useSpecial() then uv0.bgRoleController:special() end end onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.gameUI, "btnSpecial"), slot5) slot0.sceneTf = findTF(slot0._tf, "scene") slot0.playerTpl = findTF(slot0._tf, "playerTpl") slot0.playerController = uv0(slot0.playerTpl, slot0.sceneTf) slot0.enemyTpls = {} for slot5 = 1, 4 do table.insert(slot0.enemyTpls, findTF(slot0._tf, "enemy" .. slot5 .. "Tpl")) end slot0.enemyController = uv1(slot0.enemyTpls, slot0.sceneTf, function () uv0.bgRoleController:fail() uv0:onGameOver() end, function () uv0:gameUIUpdate() end) slot0.attakeController = uv2(slot0.playerController, slot0.enemyController, function () uv0:gameUIUpdate() end) slot2 = {} for slot7 = 1, 4 do table.insert(slot2, findTF(slot0._tf, "bg_background/role/role" .. slot7)) end slot0.bgRoleController = uv3(slot2, slot0.playerController) slot0:updateMenuUI() slot0:openMenuUI() if not slot0.handle then slot0.handle = UpdateBeat:CreateListener(slot0.Update, slot0) end UpdateBeat:AddListener(slot0.handle) end function slot0.updateMenuUI(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getGameUsedTimes() setActive(findTF(slot0.menuUI, "btnStart/tip"), slot0:getGameTimes() > 0) slot0:CheckGet() end function slot0.openMenuUI(slot0) setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "scene_front"), false) setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "scene_background"), false) setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "scene"), false) setActive(slot0.gameUI, false) setActive(slot0.menuUI, true) slot0:updateMenuUI() end function slot0.showSettlement(slot0) setActive(slot0.settlementUI, true) GetComponent(findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad"), typeof(Animator)):Play("settlement", -1, 0) if slot0.enemyController:getScore() >= (slot0:GetMGData():GetRuntimeData("elements") and #slot2 > 0 and slot2[1] or 0) then slot0:StoreDataToServer({ slot3 }) end setText(findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad/highText"), slot4) setText(findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad/currentText"), slot3) if slot0:getGameTimes() and slot0:getGameTimes() > 0 then slot0:SendSuccess(0) end end function slot0.Update(slot0) slot0:AddDebugInput() end function slot0.AddDebugInput(slot0) if slot0.gameStop or slot0.settlementFlag then return end slot1 = Application.isEditor and Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) and slot0.playerController and slot0.playerController:useSpecial() end function slot0.CheckGet(slot0) setActive(findTF(slot0.menuUI, "got"), false) if slot0:getUltimate() and slot0:getUltimate() ~= 0 then setActive(findTF(slot0.menuUI, "got"), true) end if slot0:getUltimate() == 0 then if slot0:getGameUsedTimes() < slot0:getGameTotalTime() then return end pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.SEND_MINI_GAME_OP, { hubid = slot0:GetMGHubData().id, cmd = MiniGameOPCommand.CMD_ULTIMATE, args1 = {} }) setActive(findTF(slot0.menuUI, "got"), true) end end function slot0.clearUI(slot0) end function slot0.readyStart(slot0) setActive(slot0.countUI, true) slot0.countAnimator:Play("count") pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) slot0.bgRoleController:reset() end function slot0.gameStart(slot0) slot0.gameStartFlag = true slot0.gameStepTime = 0 slot0.gameLastTime = uv0 setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "scene_front"), true) setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "scene_background"), true) setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "scene"), true) setActive(slot0.gameUI, true) slot0.playerController:createPlayer() slot0:timerStart() slot0:gameUIUpdate() end function slot0.onTimer(slot0) slot0:gameStep() end function slot0.gameStep(slot0) slot0.playerController:step() slot0.enemyController:step() slot0.bgRoleController:step() slot0.gameLastTime = slot0.gameLastTime - Time.deltaTime setText(slot0.textScore, slot0.enemyController:getScore()) if slot0.gameLastTime <= 0 then slot0.gameLastTime = 0 slot0:onGameOver() end setText(slot0.textTime, math.ceil(slot0.gameLastTime) .. "") slot1, slot2 = slot0.playerController:getSpecialData() slot2 = slot2 or 0 if slot1 > 0 then setSlider(slot0.specialSlider, 0, 1, slot1 / uv0) else setSlider(slot0.specialSlider, 0, 1, slot2 / uv1) end if slot2 == uv1 or slot1 > 0 then SetActive(slot0.touchSlider, false) SetActive(slot0.specialEffect, true) else SetActive(slot0.touchSlider, true) SetActive(slot0.specialEffect, false) end if slot0.settlementFlag then SetActive(slot0.specialEffect, false) end SetActive(slot0.arrowTf, slot2 == uv1 and slot1 == 0) end function slot0.gameUIUpdate(slot0) for slot4 = 1, #slot0.hearts do if slot4 <= slot0.enemyController:getCakeLifeIndex() then SetActive(slot0.hearts[slot4], true) else SetActive(slot0.hearts[slot4], false) end end setText(slot0.textScore, slot0.enemyController:getScore()) end function slot0.resumeGame(slot0) slot0.gameStop = false setActive(slot0.leaveUI, false) slot0:timerStart() end function slot0.stopGame(slot0) slot0.gameStop = true slot0:timerStop() end function slot0.onGameOver(slot0) if slot0.settlementFlag then return end slot0:timerStop() slot0.settlementFlag = true SetActive(slot0.specialEffect, false) setActive(slot0.clickMask, true) LeanTween.delayedCall(go(slot0._tf), 1, System.Action(function () uv0:showSettlement() uv0.enemyController:clear() uv0.playerController:clear() uv0.bgRoleController:reset() uv0.settlementFlag = false uv0.gameStartFlag = false setActive(uv0.clickMask, false) end)) end function slot0.timerStop(slot0) if slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Stop() end end function slot0.timerStart(slot0) if not slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Start() end end function slot0.getGameTimes(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData().count end function slot0.getGameUsedTimes(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData().usedtime end function slot0.getUltimate(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData().ultimate end function slot0.getGameTotalTime(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData():getConfig("reward_need") end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) if slot0.handle then UpdateBeat:RemoveListener(slot0.handle) end if slot0.timer and slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Stop() end slot0.timer = nil end return slot0