slot0 = class("LanternFestivalView", import("..BaseMiniGameView")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "LanternFestivalUI" end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) slot0.controller = LanternRiddlesController.New() slot0.controller.view:SetUI(slot0._tf) slot0.controller:SetCallBack(function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end, function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_HOME) end, function () if uv0:GetMGHubData().count > 0 then uv0:SendSuccess(0) end end, function () uv0:StoreDataToServer(uv0.controller:GetSaveData()) end) slot0.controller:SetUp(slot0:PackData()) end function slot0.PackData(slot0) slot1 = 15 slot4, slot5 = nil if slot0:GetMGData():GetRuntimeData("elements") and #slot3 > 0 then slot4 = _.slice(slot3, 1, slot1) slot5 = _.slice(slot3, slot1 + 1, slot0:GetMGHubData().usedtime) else for slot9 = 1, slot1 do table.insert({}, 0) end slot5 = {} end return { finishCount = slot2.usedtime, unlockCount = slot2.count, nextTimes = slot4, finishList = slot5 } end function slot0.OnGetAwardDone(slot0, slot1) if slot1.cmd == MiniGameOPCommand.CMD_COMPLETE then slot2 = slot0:GetMGHubData() if slot2.ultimate == 0 and slot2:getConfig("reward_need") <= slot2.usedtime then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.SEND_MINI_GAME_OP, { hubid =, cmd = MiniGameOPCommand.CMD_ULTIMATE, args1 = {} }) end end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot0.controller:Dispose() end return slot0