function slot1(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs({ { "icon_bg/slv" }, { "icon_bg/frame/IconColorful(Clone)" }, { "icon_bg/frame/Item_duang5(Clone)" }, { "icon_bg/frame/specialFrame" }, { "ship_type" }, { "icon_bg/new" }, { "icon_bg/npc" } }) do slot8 = slot0:Find(slot7[1]) if type ~= slot7[2] and not IsNil(slot8) then setActive(slot8, false) end end slot0:Find("icon_bg/frame"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).enabled = true end return { __name = "EquipmentTransformUtil", SameDrop = function (slot0, slot1) if slot0.type ~= slot1.type then return false end if slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_EQUIP then return EquipmentProxy.SameEquip(slot0.template, slot1.template) else return == end end, CheckEquipmentFormulasSucceed = function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = getProxy(PlayerProxy) slot3 = getProxy(BagProxy) slot4 = {} slot5 = slot1 for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot0) do slot11 = pg.equip_upgrade_data[slot10] slot12 = Equipment.GetRevertRewardsStatic(slot5) slot14 = 0 if pg.equip_data_template[slot5] then slot14 = slot13.destory_gold or 0 end slot5 = Equipment.GetEquipRootStatic(slot5) for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot11.material_consume) do slot4[slot21] = (slot4[slot20[1]] or slot3:getItemCountById(slot21) or 0) - slot20[2] if slot4[slot21] < 0 then return false, pg.item_data_statistics[slot21] and end end = ( or slot2:getRawData().gold or 0) - slot11.coin_consume if < 0 then return false, pg.item_data_statistics[id2ItemId(1)].name end for slot19, slot20 in pairs(slot12) do if slot19 ~= "gold" then slot4[slot19] = (slot4[slot19] or 0) + slot20 end end = ( or 0) + slot14 slot5 = slot11.target_id end return true end, CheckTransformFormulasSucceed = function (slot0, slot1) slot3 = getProxy(BagProxy) slot4 = { gold = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().gold or 0 } slot5 = nil if slot1.type == DROP_TYPE_EQUIP then slot5 = if not slot1.template.shipId and (not getProxy(EquipmentProxy):getEquipmentById(slot5) or slot6.count <= 0) then return false, pg.equip_data_statistics[slot5].name end elseif slot1.type == DROP_TYPE_ITEM then if < slot1.composeCfg.gold_num then return false, pg.item_data_statistics[id2ItemId(1)].name elseif (slot3:getItemCountById(slot1.composeCfg.material_id) or 0) < slot1.composeCfg.material_num then return false, pg.item_data_statistics[slot1.composeCfg.material_id].name end = - slot1.composeCfg.gold_num slot5 = slot1.composeCfg.equip_id end slot6 = slot5 for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot0) do slot12 = pg.equip_upgrade_data[slot11] slot13 = Equipment.GetRevertRewardsStatic(slot6) slot15 = 0 if pg.equip_data_template[slot6] then slot15 = slot14.destory_gold or 0 end slot6 = Equipment.GetEquipRootStatic(slot6) for slot20, slot21 in ipairs(slot12.material_consume) do slot4[slot22] = (slot4[slot21[1]] or slot3:getItemCountById(slot22) or 0) - slot21[2] if slot4[slot22] < 0 then return false, pg.item_data_statistics[slot22] and end end = - slot12.coin_consume if < 0 then return false, pg.item_data_statistics[id2ItemId(1)].name end for slot20, slot21 in pairs(slot13) do if slot20 ~= "gold" then slot4[slot20] = (slot4[slot20] or slot3:getItemCountById(slot20)) + slot21 end end = ( or 0) + slot15 slot6 = slot12.target_id end return true end, CheckTransformEnoughGold = function (slot0, slot1) slot3 = getProxy(BagProxy) slot4 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().gold or 0 slot5 = 0 slot6 = 0 slot7 = true slot8 = nil if slot1.type == DROP_TYPE_EQUIP then slot8 = elseif slot1.type == DROP_TYPE_ITEM then slot6 = slot6 + slot1.composeCfg.gold_num slot7 = slot7 and slot4 - slot1.composeCfg.gold_num >= 0 slot8 = slot1.composeCfg.equip_id end slot9 = slot8 for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot0) do slot15 = pg.equip_upgrade_data[slot14] slot16 = Equipment.GetRevertRewardsStatic(slot9) slot18 = 0 if pg.equip_data_template[slot9] then slot18 = slot17.destory_gold or 0 end slot9 = Equipment.GetEquipRootStatic(slot9) slot5 = slot5 + slot15.coin_consume slot7 = slot7 and slot4 - slot15.coin_consume >= 0 for slot22, slot23 in pairs(slot16) do if slot22 ~= "gold" then slot4 = slot4 + slot23 end end slot4 = slot4 + slot18 slot9 = slot15.target_id end return slot7, slot5, slot6 end }