slot0 = class("EquipmentTransformTreeScene", import("view.base.BaseUI")) slot1 = require("Mgr/Pool/PoolPlural") slot2 = "ui/EquipmentTransformTreeUI_atlas" function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "EquipmentTransformTreeUI" end slot0.optionsPath = { "blur_panel/adapt/top/option" } slot0.MODE_NORMAL = 1 slot0.MODE_HIDESIDE = 2 function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.leftPanel = slot0._tf:Find("Adapt/Left") slot0.rightPanel = slot0._tf:Find("Adapt/Right") slot0.nationToggleGroup = slot0.leftPanel:Find("Nations"):Find("ViewPort/Content") setActive(slot0.nationToggleGroup:GetChild(0), false) slot0.nationToggleGroup:GetChild(0):Find("selectedCursor").gameObject:SetActive(false) slot0.equipmentTypeToggleGroup = slot0.leftPanel:Find("EquipmentTypes"):Find("ViewPort/Content") setActive(slot0.equipmentTypeToggleGroup:GetChild(0), false) slot0.equipmentTypeToggleGroup:GetChild(0):Find("selectedframe").gameObject:SetActive(false) slot0.TreeCanvas = slot0.rightPanel:Find("ViewPort/Content") setActive(slot0.rightPanel:Find("EquipNode"), false) setActive(slot0.rightPanel:Find("Link"), false) slot0.nodes = {} slot0.links = {} slot0.plurals = { EquipNode = uv0.New(slot0.rightPanel:Find("EquipNode").gameObject, 5), Link = uv0.New(slot0.rightPanel:Find("Link").gameObject, 8) } slot0.pluralRoot = pg.PoolMgr.GetInstance().root = slot0._tf:Find("blur_panel") slot0.loader = AutoLoader.New() end function slot0.GetEnv(slot0) slot0.env = slot0.env or {} return slot0.env end function slot0.SetEnv(slot0, slot1) slot0.env = slot1 end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():OverlayPanel( onButton(slot0,"adapt/top/back"), function () uv0:closeView() end, SFX_CANCEL) if slot0.contextData.targetEquipId then slot1, slot2 = nil slot3 = false for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.env.nationsTree) do for slot12, slot13 in pairs(slot8) do for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot13.equipments) do if slot18[3] == slot0.contextData.targetEquipId then slot2 = slot12 slot1 = slot7 slot3 = true break end end end if slot3 then break end end if slot3 then slot0.contextData.nation = slot1 slot0.contextData.equipmentTypeIndex = slot2 end end slot0:InitPage() if slot0.contextData.mode == uv0.MODE_HIDESIDE then setActive(slot0.leftPanel, false) slot1 = slot0.rightPanel.sizeDelta slot1.x = 0 slot0.rightPanel.sizeDelta = slot1 setAnchoredPosition(slot0.rightPanel, { x = 0 }) end end function slot0.GetSortKeys(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do table.insert(slot1, slot5) end table.sort(slot1, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 < slot1 end) return slot1 end function slot0.InitPage(slot0) slot0.firstInit = true slot1.mode = slot0.contextData.mode or uv0.MODE_NORMAL slot4 = uv0.GetSortKeys(slot0.env.nationsTree) if not slot1.nation or not table.contains(slot4, slot3) then slot3 = slot4[1] end if next(slot2.nationsTree[slot3]) == nil then for slot8 = 2, #slot4 do if next(slot2.nationsTree[slot4[slot8]]) ~= nil then slot3 = slot4[slot8] break end end end slot1.nation = nil slot0:UpdateNations() triggerButton(slot0.nationToggles[table.indexof(slot4, slot3) or 1]) slot0.firstInit = nil end function slot0.UpdateNations(slot0) slot0.nationToggles = slot0.Clone2Full(slot0.nationToggleGroup, #uv0.GetSortKeys(slot0.env.nationsTree)) for slot5 = 1, #slot0.nationToggles do slot6 = slot0.nationToggles[slot5] slot0.loader:GetSprite(uv1, "nation" .. slot1[slot5] .. "_disable", slot6:Find("selectedIcon")) setActive(slot6:Find("selectedCursor"), false) onButton(slot0, slot6, function () if uv0.contextData.nation ~= uv1 then if next(uv0.env.nationsTree[uv1]) == nil then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("word_comingSoon")) return end uv0.loader:GetSprite(uv2, "nation" .. uv1, uv3:Find("selectedIcon")) if uv0.contextData.nation then slot0 = table.indexof(uv4, uv0.contextData.nation) setActive(uv0.nationToggles[slot0]:Find("selectedCursor"), false) uv0.loader:GetSprite(uv2, "nation" .. uv0.contextData.nation .. "_disable", uv0.nationToggles[slot0]:Find("selectedIcon")) end uv0.contextData.nation = uv1 uv0:UpdateEquipmentTypes() slot1 = uv5.GetSortKeys(uv0.env.nationsTree[uv1])[1] if uv0.firstInit and uv0.contextData.equipmentTypeIndex and table.contains(slot0, slot2) then slot1 = slot2 end uv0.contextData.equipmentTypeIndex = nil triggerToggle(uv0.equipmentTypeToggles[table.indexof(slot0, slot1) or 1], true) end end, SFX_UI_TAG) end end function slot0.UpdateEquipmentTypes(slot0) slot0.equipmentTypeToggles = slot0.Clone2Full(slot0.equipmentTypeToggleGroup, #uv0.GetSortKeys(slot0.env.nationsTree[slot0.contextData.nation])) for slot5 = 1, #slot0.equipmentTypeToggles do slot6 = slot0.equipmentTypeToggles[slot5] slot6:GetComponent(typeof(Toggle)).isOn = false slot0.loader:GetSprite(uv1, "equipmentType" .. slot1[slot5], slot6:Find("itemName")) setActive(slot6:Find("selectedframe"), false) onToggle(slot0, slot6, function (slot0) if slot0 and uv0.contextData.equipmentTypeIndex ~= uv1 then uv0.contextData.equipmentTypeIndex = uv1 uv0:ResetCanvas() end setActive(uv2:Find("selectedframe"), slot0) end, SFX_UI_TAG) end slot0.equipmentTypeToggleGroup.anchoredPosition = slot0.leftPanel:Find("EquipmentTypes"):GetComponent(typeof(ScrollRect)).velocity = end slot3 = { 15, -4, 15, 6 } function slot0.ResetCanvas(slot0) slot1 = EquipmentProxy.EquipmentTransformTreeTemplate[slot0.contextData.nation][slot0.contextData.equipmentTypeIndex] slot0.TreeCanvas.sizeDelta = Vector2(unpack(slot1.canvasSize)) slot0.TreeCanvas.anchoredPosition = slot0.rightPanel:GetComponent(typeof(ScrollRect)).velocity = slot0:ReturnCanvasItems() for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1.equipments) do slot8 = slot0.plurals.EquipNode:Dequeue() setActive(slot8, true) setParent(slot8, slot0.TreeCanvas) table.insert(slot0.nodes, { id = slot7[3], cfg = slot7, go = slot8 }) = slot7[3] slot0:UpdateItemNode(tf(slot8), slot7) end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1.links) do for slot11 = 1, #slot7 - 1 do slot12 = slot7[slot11] slot13 = slot7[slot11 + 1] slot14 = { slot13[1] - slot12[1], slot12[2] - slot13[2] } slot15 = math.abs(slot14[2]) < math.abs(slot14[1]) slot16 = slot15 and math.abs(slot14[1]) or math.abs(slot14[2]) if slot15 then slot14[2] = 0 else slot14[1] = 0 end slot18 = math.deg2Rad * 90 * (1 - math.sign(slot14[1]) ~= 1 and slot17 or 2 - math.sign(slot14[2])) if #slot7 == 2 then slot19 = slot0.plurals.Link:Dequeue() table.insert(slot0.links, go(slot19)) setActive(slot19, true) setParent(slot19, slot0.TreeCanvas) slot0.loader:GetSprite(uv0, slot14[2] == 0 and "wirehead" or "wireline", slot19) tf(slot19).sizeDelta = Vector2(28, 26) tf(slot19).pivot = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) tf(slot19).localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, slot17 * 90) slot20 = Vector2(math.cos(slot18), math.sin(slot18)) * uv1[(slot17 - 1) % 4 + 1] tf(slot19).anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot12[1] + slot20.x, -slot12[2] + slot20.y) slot19 = slot0.plurals.Link:Dequeue() table.insert(slot0.links, go(slot19)) setActive(slot19, true) setParent(slot19, slot0.TreeCanvas) slot0.loader:GetSprite(uv0, "wiretail", slot19) tf(slot19).sizeDelta = Vector2(28, 26) tf(slot19).pivot = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) tf(slot19).localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, slot17 * 90) slot21 = Vector2(math.cos(slot18), math.sin(slot18)) * -uv1[(slot17 + 1) % 4 + 1] tf(slot19).anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot13[1] + slot21.x, -slot13[2] + slot21.y) slot19 = slot0.plurals.Link:Dequeue() table.insert(slot0.links, go(slot19)) setActive(slot19, true) setParent(slot19, slot0.TreeCanvas) slot0.loader:GetSprite(uv0, "wireline", slot19) tf(slot19).sizeDelta = Vector2(math.max(0, slot16 - uv1[(slot17 - 1) % 4 + 1] - uv1[(slot17 + 1) % 4 + 1] - 28), 16) tf(slot19).pivot = Vector2(0, 0.5) tf(slot19).localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, slot17 * 90) tf(slot19).anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot12[1] + slot20.x, -slot12[2] + slot20.y) + Vector2(math.cos(slot18), math.sin(slot18)) * 14 break end slot19 = slot0.plurals.Link:Dequeue() table.insert(slot0.links, go(slot19)) setActive(slot19, true) setParent(slot19, slot0.TreeCanvas) slot20 = 1 if slot11 == 1 then slot0.loader:GetSprite(uv0, slot14[2] == 0 and "wirehead" or "wireline", slot19) slot21 = slot16 + 14 + slot20 - uv1[(slot17 - 1) % 4 + 1] tf(slot19).sizeDelta = Vector2(slot21, 26) tf(slot19).pivot = Vector2((slot21 - slot20) / slot21, 0.5) tf(slot19).localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, slot17 * 90) tf(slot19).anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot13[1], -slot13[2]) elseif slot11 + 1 == #slot7 then slot0.loader:GetSprite(uv0, "wiretail", slot19) tf(slot19).sizeDelta = Vector2(slot16 + 14 + slot20 - uv1[(slot17 + 1) % 4 + 1], 26) tf(slot19).pivot = Vector2(slot20 / (slot16 + 14 + slot20 - uv1[(slot17 + 1) % 4 + 1]), 0.5) tf(slot19).localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, slot17 * 90) tf(slot19).anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot12[1], -slot12[2]) else slot0.loader:GetSprite(uv0, "wireline", slot19) tf(slot19).sizeDelta = Vector2(slot16 + slot20 * 2, 16) tf(slot19).pivot = Vector2(slot20 / (slot16 + slot20 * 2), 0.5) tf(slot19).localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, slot17 * 90) tf(slot19).anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot12[1], -slot12[2]) end end end end function slot0.UpdateItemNode(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot1 = tf(slot1) slot1.anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot2[1], -slot2[2]) updateDrop(slot1:Find("Item"), { id = slot2[3], type = DROP_TYPE_EQUIP }) onButton(slot0, slot1:Find("Item"), function () if not EquipmentProxy.GetTransformSources(uv0[3])[1] then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("equipment_upgrade_initial_node")) return end uv1:emit(EquipmentTransformTreeMediator.OPEN_LAYER, Context.New({ mediator = EquipmentTransformMediator, viewComponent = EquipmentTransformLayer, data = { formulaId = slot0 } })) end, SFX_PANEL) slot1:Find("Mask/NameText"):GetComponent("ScrollText"):SetText(pg.equip_data_statistics[slot2[3]].name) setActive(slot1:Find("cratfable"), _.any(slot0.env.tracebackHelper:GetSortedEquipTraceBack(slot2[3]), function (slot0) return slot0.candicates and #slot1 > 0 and TransformEquipmentCommand.CheckEquipmentFormulasSucceed(slot0.formulas, slot1[#slot1].id) end)) onButton(slot0, slot1:Find("cratfable"), function () uv0:emit(EquipmentTransformTreeMediator.OPEN_LAYER, Context.New({ mediator = EquipmentTraceBackMediator, viewComponent = EquipmentTraceBackLayer, data = { TargetEquipmentId = uv1[3] } })) end) setActive(slot1:Find("Item/new"), slot2[4] and PlayerPrefs.GetInt("ShowTransformTip_" .. slot2[3], 0) == 0) end function slot0.UpdateItemNodes(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.nodes) do slot0:UpdateItemNode(slot5.go, slot5.cfg) end end function slot0.UpdateItemNodeByID(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.nodes) do if slot1 == then slot0:UpdateItemNode(slot6.go, slot6.cfg) break end end end function slot0.ReturnCanvasItems(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.nodes) do if not slot0.plurals.EquipNode:Enqueue(slot6.go, slot1) then setParent(slot6.go, slot0.pluralRoot) end end table.clean(slot0.nodes) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.links) do if not slot0.plurals.Link:Enqueue(slot6, slot1) then setParent(slot6, slot0.pluralRoot) end end table.clean(slot0.links) end function slot0.UpdateCanvas(slot0) slot1 = EquipmentProxy.EquipmentTransformTreeTemplate[slot0.contextData.nation][slot0.contextData.equipmentTypeIndex] end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot4 = slot0._tf pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnOverlayPanel(, slot4) slot0:ReturnCanvasItems(true) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.plurals) do slot5:Clear() end slot0.loader:Clear() end function slot0.Clone2Full(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot0:GetChild(0) for slot8 = 0, slot0.childCount - 1 do table.insert({}, slot0:GetChild(slot8)) end for slot8 = slot4, slot1 - 1 do table.insert(slot2, tf(cloneTplTo(slot3, slot0))) end for slot8 = 0, slot0.childCount - 1 do setActive(slot0:GetChild(slot8), slot8 < slot1) end for slot8 = slot4, slot1 + 1, -1 do table.remove(slot2) end return slot2 end return slot0