slot0 = class("BillboardLayer", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot0.PAGE_MILITARY = "military_btn" slot0.PAGE_POWER = "fighting_btn" slot0.PAGE_CHALLENGE = "challenge_btn" slot0.PAGE_EXTRA_CHAPTER = "extra_chpater_btn" slot0.PAGE_BOSS_BATTLE = "act_boss_battle_btn" slot0.type2name = { "fighting", "collect", "pt", "pledge", "challenge", "extra_chpater", "act_boss_battle", military = "military" } slot0.type2pic = { "chara_battle", "chara_rank_collect", "chara_rank_pt", "chara_rank_collect", "challenge_rank", "title_extra_chapter", "chara_rank_boss_battle", military = "chara_rank_mil" } slot0.tpye2titleWord = { { 5, 7, 8, 1 }, { 5, 7, 8, 2 }, { 5, 7, 8, 9 }, { 5, 7, 8, 3 }, { 5, 7, 8, 4 }, { 5, 7, 8, 4 }, { 5, 7, 8, 10 }, military = { 5, 6, 8, 9 } } function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "BillboardUI" end function slot0.getRankMsgList(slot0) if not slot0.rankMsgList then slot0.rankMsgList, slot0.rankMsgInfo = getProxy(MilitaryExerciseProxy):getRankMsg() end return slot0.rankMsgList end function slot0.getRankMsgInfo(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.rankMsgInfo then slot0:getRankMsgList() end return slot0.rankMsgInfo[slot1] end function slot0.getRankMsgId(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0:getRankMsgList()) do if slot0.rankMsgInfo[slot8].type == slot1 and (not slot2 or slot2 == slot9.act_id) then return slot2 or slot1 end end return nil end function slot0.setBillboard(slot0, slot1) slot0.billboard = slot1 or {} slot0:updateBillboard() end function slot0.setRank(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) if not slot0.rankList[slot0:getRankMsgId(slot4, slot5)] then slot0.rankList[slot6] = {} end slot3 = slot3 or 1 slot0.rankList[slot6][slot3] = slot1 or {} slot0.nextTime[slot6] = slot2 if slot3 < 5 and slot0.rankList[slot6][slot3] and #slot0.rankList[slot6][slot3] >= 20 then slot0:emit(BillboardMediator.GET_POWERRANK, slot4, slot3 + 1, slot5) else slot0:updateRankCount(slot6) slot0:addRefreshTimer(slot0.nextTime[slot6], slot6) end end function slot0.setPresonalPoint(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.myPoint[slot4] = slot0.myPoint[slot0:getRankMsgId(slot2, slot3)] and math.max(slot0.myPoint[slot4], slot1) or slot1 end function slot0.setPlayerRank(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0.myPoint[slot5] = slot0.myPoint[slot0:getRankMsgId(slot3, slot4)] and math.max(slot0.myPoint[slot5], slot1) or slot1 slot0.myRank[slot5] = slot0.myRank[slot5] and math.max(slot0.myRank[slot5], slot2) or slot2 slot0:updatePlayerRankInfo(slot5) end function slot0.setSeasonInfo(slot0, slot1) slot0.seasonInfo = slot1 end function slot0.setPlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.player = slot1 end function slot0.setPlayerShip(slot0, slot1) slot0.playerShip = slot1 end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.rankList = {} slot0.myPoint = {} slot0.myRank = {} slot0.nextTime = {} slot0.initedRank = {} slot0.scroll = {} slot0.rankItems = {} slot0.rtPage = {} slot0.rtBtn = {} slot0.pageInit = {} slot0.closeBtn = slot0:findTF("top/btnBack") slot0.res = slot0:findTF("frame/res") slot0.sortBtns = slot0:findTF("frame/table_panel") slot0.tableTpl = slot0:findTF("btn_tpl", slot0.sortBtns) slot0.tipText = slot0:findTF("tip", slot0.sortBtns) slot0.mainPanel = slot0:findTF("frame/main_panel") slot0.pageTpl = slot0:findTF("page_tpl", slot0.mainPanel) slot0.militaryPage = slot0:findTF("military_page", slot0.mainPanel) slot0.collectCountAll = getProxy(CollectionProxy):getCollectionTotal() for slot5 = 1, 4 do setText(slot0:findTF("title/frame", slot0.militaryPage):GetChild(slot5 - 1), i18n("ranking_word_" .. slot0.tpye2titleWord.military[slot5])) end setActive(slot0.tableTpl, false) setActive(slot0.pageTpl, false) SetParent(slot0.tipText, slot0.res) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getRankMsgList()) do slot13 = slot0.type2name[slot0.rankMsgInfo[slot7].type] .. "_page" slot0.rtPage[slot7] = cloneTplTo(slot0.pageTpl, slot0.mainPanel, slot13) setActive(slot0.rtPage[slot7], false) for slot13 = 1, 4 do setText(slot0:findTF("title/frame", slot0.rtPage[slot7]):GetChild(slot13 - 1), i18n("ranking_word_" .. slot0.tpye2titleWord[slot8.type][slot13])) end if slot8.type == 3 then setText(slot9:GetChild(3), pg.item_data_statistics[id2ItemId(getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(slot8.act_id):getConfig("config_id"))].name) end slot0.scroll[slot7] = slot0:findTF("content/rank_list", slot0.rtPage[slot7]):GetComponent("LScrollRect") slot0.rankItems[slot7] = {} slot0.scroll[slot7].onInitItem = function (slot0) uv0.rankItems[uv1][slot0] = uv0:createRankItem(slot0) end slot0.scroll[slot7].onUpdateItem = function (slot0, slot1) if not uv0.rankItems[uv1][slot1] then uv0.rankItems[uv1][slot1] = uv0:createPowerRankItem(slot1) end slot4 = uv0:getRankMsgInfo(uv1) uv0.rankList[uv1][math.floor(slot0 / 20) + 1][slot0 % 20 + 1].medal_small = slot4.medal_small slot3.max = slot4.type == 2 and uv0.collectCountAll or nil slot3.isTypePower = slot4.type == 1 uv0:updatePowerRankTF(, slot3) end slot0.rtBtn[slot7] = cloneTplTo(slot0.tableTpl, slot0.sortBtns, slot0.type2name[slot8.type] .. "_btn") GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("ui/billboardui_atlas", slot0.type2pic[slot8.type], slot0:findTF("off/Image", slot0.rtBtn[slot7]), true) GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("ui/billboardui_atlas", slot0.type2pic[slot8.type] .. "_sel", slot0:findTF("on/Image", slot0.rtBtn[slot7]), true) onToggle(slot0, slot0.rtBtn[slot7], function (slot0) if slot0 and not uv0.pageInit[uv1] then uv0:emit(BillboardMediator.INIT_RANK, uv0:getRankMsgInfo(uv1)) uv0.pageInit[uv1] = true end setActive(uv0.rtPage[uv1], slot0) setActive(uv0.tipText, slot0) end, SFX_UI_TAG) end SetParent(slot0.tipText, slot0.sortBtns) slot0.title = slot0:findTF("title", slot0.militaryPage) slot0.content = slot0:findTF("content", slot0.militaryPage) slot0.rankContainer = slot0:findTF("rank_list/content", slot0.content) slot0.rankTpl = slot0:getTpl("rank_list/ranktpl", slot0.content) slot0.starty = slot0.rankContainer.anchoredPosition.y slot0.height = slot0.rankTpl:GetComponent(typeof(LayoutElement)).preferredHeight + slot0.rankContainer:GetComponent(typeof(VerticalLayoutGroup)).spacing slot0.scrollRect = slot0:findTF("military_page/content/rank_list", slot0.mainPanel) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.closeBtn, function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end, SFX_CANCEL) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:getRankMsgList()) do if slot0.rankMsgInfo[slot7].type == 1 or slot8.type == 2 then setActive(slot0.sortBtns:GetChild(slot6), pg.SystemOpenMgr:GetInstance():isOpenSystem(slot0.player.level, "BillboardMediator")) end end onToggle(slot0, slot0.sortBtns:Find("military_btn"), function (slot0) setActive(uv0.militaryPage, slot0) setActive(uv0.tipText, not slot0) end, SFX_UI_TAG) slot0:updatePlayerMilitaryRankInfo() slot3 = slot0.contextData.index or BillboardLayer.PAGE_MILITARY triggerToggle(slot0.sortBtns:Find(slot3), true) slot4 = slot3 == BillboardLayer.PAGE_EXTRA_CHAPTER and slot0.contextData.view == "LevelScene2" setActive(slot0.sortBtns, not slot4) setActive(slot0:findTF("frame/extra_chapter_bg"), slot4) end function slot0.filter(slot0, slot1) end function slot0.updateBillboard(slot0) if not slot0.isInitBillboard then eachChild(slot0.rankContainer, function (slot0) setActive(slot0, false) end) slot0.rankTFs = {} for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.billboard) do slot6 = nil if slot4 > 3 then slot6 = cloneTplTo(slot0.rankTpl, slot0.rankContainer) elseif slot4 > 0 and slot4 <= 3 then setActive(slot0.rankContainer:Find("ranktpl_" .. slot4), true) end slot0.rankTFs[] = slot6 end slot0.loadRanks = Clone(slot0.billboard) slot1 = getBounds(slot0.scrollRect) onScroll(slot0, slot0.scrollRect, throttle(function (slot0) if not uv0._isLoaded then return end slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv0.loadRanks) do if getBounds(uv0.rankTFs[]):Intersects(uv1) and go(slot8).activeSelf then uv0:updateRankInfo(slot6) else table.insert(slot1, slot6) end end uv0.loadRanks = slot1 end, 0.01, true)) scrollTo(slot0.scrollRect, 0, 1) slot0.isInitBillboard = true end end function slot0.updateRankTF(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) setActive(findTF(slot1, "rank"), slot2.rank <= 3) setActive(findTF(slot1, "rank_num"), slot2.rank > 3) if slot2.rank > 3 then setText(findTF(slot1, "rank_num"), slot2.rank) else slot0:setSpriteTo("resources/" .. slot2.rank, findTF(slot1, "rank"), true) end setText(findTF(slot1, "name_bg/Text"), setText(findTF(slot1, "score_bg/Text"), slot2.score) setText(findTF(slot1, "medal/Text"), "") LoadImageSpriteAsync("emblem/" .. SeasonInfo.getEmblem(slot2.score, slot2.rank), findTF(slot1, "medal")) if slot2.icon and slot2.icon ~= 0 then updateDrop(findTF(slot1, "shiptpl"), { type = DROP_TYPE_SHIP, id = slot2.icon, skinId = slot2.skinId, remoulded = slot2.remoulded, propose = slot2.proposeTime }) end setText(findTF(slot1, "shiptpl/icon_bg/lv/Text"), slot2.level) end function slot0.updateRankInfo(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.rankTFs[] slot0:updateRankTF(slot2, slot1) onButton(slot0, slot2, function () uv0:emit(BillboardMediator.OPEN_RIVAL_INFO, end) end function slot0.updatePlayerMilitaryRankInfo(slot0) slot1 = slot0:findTF("military_page/content/player_info", slot0.mainPanel) slot0:updateRankTF(slot1, { rank = slot0.seasonInfo.rank, name =, score = slot0.seasonInfo.score, icon = slot0.playerShip.configId, skinId = slot0.playerShip.skinId, level = slot0.player.level, remoulded = slot0.playerShip:isRemoulded(), proposeTime = slot0.playerShip.proposeTime }) onButton(slot0, slot1, function () uv0:scroll2PlayerRank(uv0.seasonInfo.rank) end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.scroll2PlayerRank(slot0, slot1) if math.min(#slot0.billboard - 2, slot1) > 0 then rtf(slot0.rankContainer).anchoredPosition = Vector3(0, slot0.starty + slot0.height * (slot1 - 1), 0) end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) if GameObject.Find("/UICamera/Canvas/UIMain/MilitaryExerciseUI(Clone)/bottom/buttons/rank_btn") then triggerToggle(slot1, false) end end function slot0.addRefreshTimer(slot0, slot1, slot2) function () if not uv0.refreshTimer then uv0.refreshTimer = {} end if uv0.refreshTimer[uv1] then uv0.refreshTimer[uv1]:Stop() uv0.refreshTimer[uv1] = nil end end() slot4 = slot0:getRankMsgInfo(slot2) slot0.refreshTimer[slot2] = Timer.New(function () if uv0 + 1 - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() <= 0 then uv1() uv2:emit(BillboardMediator.GET_POWERRANK, uv3.type, 1, uv3.act_id) end end, 1, -1) slot0.refreshTimer[slot2]:Start() slot0.refreshTimer[slot2].func() end function slot0.updatePowerRankTF(slot0, slot1, slot2) if then setActive(findTF(slot1, "bg_1"), slot2.rank == 1) setActive(findTF(slot1, "bg_2"), slot2.rank == 2) setActive(findTF(slot1, "bg_3"), slot2.rank == 3) setActive(findTF(slot1, "bg_nor"), slot2.rank > 3 or slot2.rank == 0) findTF(slot1, "medal").transform.localScale = slot2.rank <= 3 and Vector3(0.45, 0.45, 1) or Vector3(0.34, 0.34, 1) end setActive(findTF(slot1, "rank"), slot2.rank <= 3 and slot2.rank > 0) setActive(findTF(slot1, "rank_num"), slot2.rank > 3) setActive(findTF(slot1, "rank_none"), slot2.rank == 0) setActive(findTF(slot1, "medal_small"), slot2.medal_small) if slot2.medal_small then LoadImageSpriteAsync(slot2.medal_small, findTF(slot1, "medal_small")) end if slot2.rank <= 3 and slot2.rank > 0 then slot0:setSpriteTo("resources/" .. slot2.rank, findTF(slot1, "rank"), true) else setText(findTF(slot1, "rank_num"), slot2.rank) end setText(findTF(slot1, "nameText"), if slot2.max and slot2.max > 0 then setText(findTF(slot1, "scoreText"), string.format("%0.01f", slot2.power / slot2.max * 100) .. "%") else setText(findTF(slot1, "scoreText"), slot2.isTypePower and math.floor(slot2.power^0.667) or slot2.power) end if findTF(slot1, "medal") then if math.max(slot2.arenaRank, 1) > 14 then slot3 = 14 end LoadImageSpriteAsync("emblem/" .. slot3, findTF(slot1, "medal")) end if slot2.icon and slot2.icon ~= 0 then updateDrop(findTF(slot1, "shiptpl"), { type = DROP_TYPE_SHIP, id = slot2.icon, skinId = slot2.skinId, remoulded = slot2.remoulded, propose = slot2.proposeTime }) end setText(findTF(slot1, "shiptpl/icon_bg/lv/Text"), end function slot0.updatePlayerRankInfo(slot0, slot1) setActive(slot0:findTF("content/player_info", slot0.rtPage[slot1]), true) slot3 = slot0:getRankMsgInfo(slot1) if not slot0.collectCountAll then slot0.collectCountAll = getProxy(CollectionProxy):getCollectionTotal() end slot0:updatePowerRankTF(slot2, { rank = slot0.myRank[slot1] or 0, power = slot0.myPoint[slot1], icon = slot0.playerShip.configId, skinId = slot0.playerShip.skinId, lv = slot0.player.level, arenaRank = slot0.player.maxRank, name =, remoulded = slot0.playerShip:isRemoulded(), proposeTime = slot0.playerShip.proposeTime, medal_small = slot3.medal_small, max = slot3.type == 2 and slot0.collectCountAll or nil, isTypePower = slot3.type == 1 }) end function slot0.updateRankCount(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.initedRank[slot1] then slot0.scroll[slot1]:SetTotalCount(slot0:getRankCount(slot1), -1) slot0.initedRank[slot1] = true else slot0.scroll[slot1]:SetTotalCount(slot0:getRankCount(slot1), -1) end end function slot0.getRankCount(slot0, slot1) for slot6 = 1, #slot0.rankList[slot1] do slot2 = 0 + #slot0.rankList[slot1][slot6] end return slot2 end function slot0.createRankItem(slot0, slot1) return { go = slot1, tf = tf(slot1) } end return slot0