slot0 = class("BattleGuildBossResultLayer", import(".BattleContributionResultLayer")) function slot0.setActId(slot0, slot1) end function slot0.showRewardInfo(slot0) slot0._stateFlag = uv0.STATE_REWARD SetActive(slot0:findTF("jieuan01/tips", slot0._bg), false) slot0:displayBG() end function slot0.setPoint(slot0) slot0._contributionPoint = 0 for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.contextData.drops) do if slot6.configId == pg.guildset.guild_damage_resource.key_value then slot0._contributionPoint = slot6.count end end setActive(slot0:findTF("blur_container/activitybossConfirmPanel/playAgain"), false) end function slot0.displayShips(slot0) slot1 = { [] = slot7 } for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.shipVOs) do -- Nothing end slot3 = slot0.contextData.statistics for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do if slot3[] then slot3[].vo = slot8 end end slot4, slot5 = nil slot5 = (not slot3.mvpShipID or slot3.mvpShipID == 0 or slot3[slot3.mvpShipID].output) and 0 slot0._atkFuncs = {} slot7, slot8 = nil SetActive(slot0._atkToggle, #slot0.contextData.oldMainShips > 6) if #slot6 > 6 then onToggle(slot0, slot0._atkToggle, function (slot0) SetActive(uv0._atkContainer, slot0) SetActive(uv0._atkContainerNext, not slot0) if slot0 then uv0:skipAtkAnima(uv0._atkContainerNext) else uv0:skipAtkAnima(uv0._atkContainer) end end, SFX_PANEL) end slot9 = {} slot10 = {} for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot6) do slot16 = slot1[] or slot15 if slot3[] then slot18 = table.contains(TeamType.SubShipType, ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetPlayerShipTmpDataFromID(slot15.configId).type) slot19, slot20 = nil slot21 = 0 if slot14 > 6 then slot20 = slot0._atkContainerNext slot21 = 7 else slot20 = slot0._atkContainer slot21 = 1 end slot19 = cloneTplTo(slot0._atkTpl, slot20) slot22 = slot19.localPosition slot22.x = slot22.x + (slot14 - slot21) * 74 slot22.y = slot22.y + (slot14 - slot21) * -124 slot19.localPosition = slot22 slot23 = findTF(slot19, "result/stars") slot24 = findTF(slot19, "result/stars/star_tpl") slot25 = slot15:getStar() slot26 = slot15:getMaxStar() while slot26 > 0 do SetActive(cloneTplTo(slot24, slot23):Find("empty"), slot25 < slot26) SetActive(slot27:Find("star"), slot26 <= slot25) slot26 = slot26 - 1 end slot0:findTF("result/mask/icon", slot19):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = LoadSprite("herohrzicon/" .. slot15:getPainting()) setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("result/type", slot19), GetSpriteFromAtlas("shiptype", shipType2print(slot15:getShipType())), true) slot0:setAtkAnima(slot19, slot20, slot3[].output / slot5, slot5, slot4 and ==, slot3[].output, slot3[].kill_count) slot31 = nil slot32 = false if slot4 and == then slot32 = true slot0.mvpShipVO = slot15 slot33, slot34, slot35 = nil if slot0.contextData.score > 1 then slot33, slot35, slot34 = ShipWordHelper.GetWordAndCV(slot0.mvpShipVO.skinId, ShipWordHelper.WORD_TYPE_MVP, nil, , slot0.mvpShipVO:getCVIntimacy()) else slot33, slot35, slot34 = ShipWordHelper.GetWordAndCV(slot0.mvpShipVO.skinId, ShipWordHelper.WORD_TYPE_LOSE) end if slot35 then slot0:stopVoice() pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(slot35, function (slot0) uv0._currentVoice = slot0 end) end end if == slot3._flagShipID then slot0.flagShipVO = slot15 end slot33 = nil if slot0.expBuff or slot0.shipBuff and slot0.shipBuff[slot15:getGroupId()] then slot33 = slot0.expBuff and slot0.expBuff:getConfig("name") or slot34 and i18n("Word_Ship_Exp_Buff") end slot36 = nil if not slot18 then table.insert(slot0._shipResultCardList, BattleResultShipCard.New(cloneTplTo(slot0._extpl, slot0._expContainer))) if slot8 then slot8:ConfigCallback(function () uv0:Play() end) else slot36:Play() end slot8 = slot36 else table.insert(slot0._subShipResultCardList, BattleResultShipCard.New(cloneTplTo(slot0._extpl, slot0._subExpContainer))) if not slot7 then slot0._subFirstExpCard = slot36 else slot7:ConfigCallback(function () uv0:Play() end) end slot7 = slot36 end slot36:SetShipVO(slot15, slot16, slot32, slot33) end end if slot8 then slot8:ConfigCallback(function () uv0._stateFlag = uv1.STATE_DISPLAYED if not uv0._subFirstExpCard then uv0:skip() end end) end if slot7 then slot7:ConfigCallback(function () uv0._stateFlag = uv1.STATE_SUB_DISPLAYED uv0:skip() end) end end return slot0