slot0 = class("BackYardThemeCard") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0._go = slot1 slot0._tf = slot1.transform slot0.content = slot0._tf:Find("content") slot0.icon = slot0.content:Find("icon"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot0.discountTF = slot0.content:Find("discount") slot0.discountTxt = slot0.discountTF:Find("Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.mask = slot0.content:Find("mask") slot0.hotTF = slot0.content:Find("hot") slot0.newTF = slot0.content:Find("new") slot0.selected = slot0.content:Find("benti_s") slot0.label = slot0.content:Find("label") slot0.maskPurchased = slot0.content:Find("mask1") setActive(slot0.mask, false) setActive(slot0.maskPurchased, false) end function slot0.Update(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.themeVO = slot1 slot0.icon.sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("BackYardTheme/" .., "") slot0.icon:SetNativeSize() slot4 = slot1:HasDiscount() setActive(slot0.discountTF, slot4) if slot4 then slot0.discountTxt.text = slot1:GetDiscount() .. "%" end slot5 = false if not (slot1:getConfig("new") > 0) then slot5 = slot1:getConfig("hot") > 0 end setActive(slot0.hotTF, slot5 and not slot2) setActive(slot0.newTF, slot6 and not slot2) setActive(slot0.label, not slot5 and not slot6 and not slot4 or slot2 and not slot4) setActive(slot0.maskPurchased, slot2) end function slot0.UpdateSelected(slot0, slot1) if not IsNil(slot0.content) then setActive(slot0.selected, slot2) setAnchoredPosition(slot0.content, { y = slot1 and == and 0 or -170 }) end if not IsNil(slot0.maskPurchased) then setAnchoredPosition(slot0.maskPurchased, { y = slot2 and 0 or 33 }) end end return slot0