slot0 = class("UrExchangeTaskPage", import("...base.BaseActivityPage")) function slot0.OnInit(slot0) slot0.uilist = UIItemList.New(slot0:findTF("AD/task_list/content"), slot0:findTF("AD/task_list/content/tpl")) slot0.getBtn = slot0:findTF("AD/get_btn") slot0.gotBtn = slot0:findTF("AD/got_btn") slot0.unfinishBtn = slot0:findTF("AD/unfinish_btn") end function slot0.OnDataSetting(slot0) if not slot0:GetTaskById(slot0.activity:getConfig("config_data")[1][1]) then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.ACTIVITY_OPERATION, { cmd = 1, activity_id = }) return true else return false end end function slot0.OnUpdateFlush(slot0) slot3 ="config_data")[1], function (slot0) return uv0:GetTaskById(slot0) end) slot4 = table.remove(slot3, #slot3) function slot5(slot0) if slot0:isFinish() and not slot0:isReceive() then return 0 elseif slot0:isReceive() then return 2 else return 1 end end table.sort(slot3, function (slot0, slot1) return uv0(slot0) < uv0(slot1) end) slot0.uilist:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then uv0:UpdateTask(slot2, uv1[slot1 + 1]) end end) slot0.uilist:align(#slot3) slot7 = slot4:isReceive() slot9 = slot4:isFinish() and not slot7 and _.all(slot3, function (slot0) return slot0:isFinish() and slot0:isReceive() end) onButton(slot0, slot0.getBtn, function () if uv0 then uv1:emit(ActivityMediator.ON_TASK_SUBMIT, uv2) end end, SFX_PANEL) setActive(slot0.getBtn, slot9) setActive(slot0.unfinishBtn, not slot9 and not slot7) setActive(slot0.gotBtn, slot7) end function slot0.GetTaskById(slot0, slot1) return getProxy(TaskProxy):getTaskById(slot1) or getProxy(TaskProxy):getFinishTaskById(slot1) end function slot0.UpdateTask(slot0, slot1, slot2) setText(slot1:Find("Text"), slot2:getConfig("desc")) slot3 = slot2:getConfig("award_display")[1] slot5 = slot1:Find("item") updateDrop(slot5, { type = slot3[1], id = slot3[2], count = slot3[3] }) onButton(slot0, slot5, function () uv0:emit(BaseUI.ON_DROP, uv1) end, SFX_PANEL) setActive(slot1:Find("mark"), slot2:isFinish() and not slot2:isReceive()) if slot6 and not slot7 then onButton(slot0, slot1, function () uv0:emit(ActivityMediator.ON_TASK_SUBMIT, uv1) end, SFX_PANEL) else removeOnButton(slot1) end setActive(slot1:Find("progress_finish"), slot6 and slot7) setSlider(slot1:Find("progress"), 0, 1, slot2:getProgress() / slot2:getConfig("target_num")) setText(slot1:Find("progress/Text"), slot6 and "" or slot8 .. "/" .. slot9) end return slot0