slot0 = class("PileGameModel") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.controller = slot1 slot0.items = {} slot0.level = 0 slot0.score = 0 slot0.failedCnt = 0 slot0.deathLine = Vector2(0, 0) slot0.safeLine = Vector2(0, 0) slot0.highestScore = 0 slot0.screen = Vector2(0, 0) slot0.maxFailedCnt = PileGameConst.MAX_FAILED_CNT end function slot0.NetData(slot0, slot1) slot0.highestScore = slot1.highestScore or 0 slot0.screen = Vector2(slot1.screen.x, slot1.screen.y) end function slot0.UpdateHighestScore(slot0) if slot0.highestScore < slot0.score then slot0.highestScore = slot0.score end end function slot0.RandomPile(slot0) return PileGameConst.Prefabs[math.random(1, #PileGameConst.Prefabs)] end function slot0.AddHeadPile(slot0) return slot0:AddPile(PileGameConst.HEAD) end function slot0.AddPileByRandom(slot0) return slot0:AddPile(slot0:RandomPile()) end function slot0.AddPile(slot0, slot1) slot0.level = slot0.level + 1 slot3 = { onTheMove = false, gname =, name = slot0.level, position = Vector3(0, PileGameConst.START_Y, 0), leftMaxPosition = Vector3(-PileGameConst.MAX_SLIDE_DISTANCE, PileGameConst.START_Y, 0), rightMaxPosition = Vector3(PileGameConst.MAX_SLIDE_DISTANCE, PileGameConst.START_Y, 0), speed = slot0:GetSpeed(), dropSpeed = PileGameConst.DROP_SPEED, sizeDelta = Vector2(slot1.size[1], slot1.size[2]), pivot = PileGameConst.ITEM_PIVOT, collider = { offset = Vector2(slot1.boundary[1], slot1.boundary[2]), sizeDelta = Vector2(slot1.boundary[3], slot1.boundary[4]) }, speActionCount = slot1.speActionCount or 0 } table.insert(slot0.items, slot3) return slot3 end function slot0.GetSpeed(slot0) return PileGameConst.SLIDE_SPEED * (1 + math.floor(slot0.level / PileGameConst.SLIDE_GROWTH[1]) * PileGameConst.SLIDE_GROWTH[2]) end function slot0.AddGround(slot0) slot0.ground = { position = Vector3(0, -slot0.screen.y / 2, 0), pivot = PileGameConst.GROUND_PIVOT, sizeDelta = PileGameConst.GROUND_SIZE } end function slot0.AddDeathLineRight(slot0) slot0.deathLine.x = -PileGameConst.DEATH_LINE_DISTANCE end function slot0.AddDeathLineLeft(slot0) slot0.deathLine.y = PileGameConst.DEATH_LINE_DISTANCE end function slot0.AddSafeLineRight(slot0) slot0.safeLine.x = -PileGameConst.SAFE_LINE_DISTANCE end function slot0.AddSafeLineLeft(slot0) slot0.safeLine.y = PileGameConst.SAFE_LINE_DISTANCE end function slot0.IsStopDrop(slot0, slot1) return slot0:IsOnGround(slot1) or slot0:OnPrevItem(slot1) end function slot0.IsOnGround(slot0, slot1) return slot1.position.y <= slot0.ground.position.y end function slot0.GetIndex(slot0) return #slot0.items end function slot0.OnPrevItem(slot0, slot1) if #slot0.items - 1 > 0 then return slot0:IsOverlap(slot1, slot0.items[slot3]) end end function slot0.IsOverTailItem(slot0, slot1) if slot0.items[#slot0.items - 1] then return slot0:IsOverItem(slot1, slot2) end return false end function slot0.IsOverItem(slot0, slot1, slot2) return slot2.position.y + (0.5 - slot2.pivot.y) * slot2.sizeDelta.y + slot2.collider.offset.y + slot2.collider.sizeDelta.y / 2 >= Vector2(slot1.position.x + (0.5 - slot1.pivot.x) * slot1.sizeDelta.x + slot1.collider.offset.x, slot1.position.y + (0.5 - slot1.pivot.y) * slot1.sizeDelta.y + slot1.collider.offset.y).y - slot1.collider.sizeDelta.y / 2 end function slot0.IsOverlap(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0:IsOverItem(slot1, slot2) then slot4 = slot2.position.x + (0.5 - slot2.pivot.x) * slot2.sizeDelta.x + slot2.collider.offset.x return Vector2(slot4 - slot2.collider.sizeDelta.x / 2, slot4 + slot2.collider.sizeDelta.x / 2).x <= Vector2(slot1.position.x + (0.5 - slot1.pivot.x) * slot1.sizeDelta.x + slot1.collider.offset.x, slot1.position.y + (0.5 - slot1.pivot.y) * slot1.sizeDelta.y + slot1.collider.offset.y).x and slot3.x <= slot5.y end end function slot0.CanDropOnPrev(slot0, slot1) if #slot0.items - 1 > 0 then slot5 = slot0.items[slot3] slot6 = slot5.position.x + (0.5 - slot5.pivot.x) * slot5.sizeDelta.x + slot5.collider.offset.x return Vector2(slot6 - slot5.collider.sizeDelta.x / 2, slot6 + slot5.collider.sizeDelta.x / 2).x <= Vector2(slot1.position.x + (0.5 - slot1.pivot.x) * slot1.sizeDelta.x + slot1.collider.offset.x, slot1.position.y + (0.5 - slot1.pivot.y) * slot1.sizeDelta.y + slot1.collider.offset.y).x and slot4.x <= slot7.y end end function slot0.AddFailedCnt(slot0) slot0.failedCnt = slot0.failedCnt + 1 end function slot0.RemoveTailItem(slot0) table.remove(slot0.items, #slot0.items) end function slot0.AddScore(slot0) slot0.score = slot0.score + 1 end function slot0.IsMaxfailedCnt(slot0) return slot0.maxFailedCnt == slot0.failedCnt end function slot0.IsOverDeathLine(slot0, slot1) return slot1.position.x - slot1.collider.sizeDelta.x / 2 <= slot0.deathLine.x or slot0.deathLine.y <= slot2 + slot1.collider.sizeDelta.x / 2 end function slot0.ShouldSink(slot0) return slot0:GetIndex() == PileGameConst.SINK_LEVEL + 1 end function slot0.GetPrevItem(slot0, slot1) return slot0.items[slot1 - 1] end function slot0.GetNextPos(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.items[slot1] slot4 = 0 return Vector3(slot2.position.x, slot0:GetPrevItem(slot1) and slot3.position.y + slot3.sizeDelta.y or slot2.position.y - slot2.sizeDelta.y, 0) end function slot0.IsExceedingTheHighestScore(slot0) return slot0.score - slot0.highestScore == 1 end function slot0.RemoveFirstItem(slot0) return table.remove(slot0.items, 1) end function slot0.GetFirstItem(slot0) return slot0.items[1] end function slot0.GetTailItem(slot0) return slot0.items[#slot0.items] end function slot0.GetDropArea(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil slot4 = slot1.position.x + slot1.collider.sizeDelta.x / 2 return (slot1.position.x - slot1.collider.sizeDelta.x / 2 > slot0.deathLine.x and slot0.deathLine.y > slot4 or PileGameController.DROP_AREA_DANGER) and (slot3 > slot0.safeLine.x and slot0.safeLine.y > slot4 or PileGameController.DROP_AREA_WARN) and PileGameController.DROP_AREA_SAFE end function slot0.GetInitPos(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2 = PileGameConst.SHAKE_DIS + slot0.score * PileGameConst.SHAKE_DIS_RATIO for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.items) do table.insert(slot1, { slot7, slot7.position.x - slot2, slot7.position.x + slot2 }) end return slot1 end function slot0.Clear(slot0) slot0.level = 0 slot0.score = 0 slot0.failedCnt = 0 slot0.items = {} end function slot0.Dispose(slot0) slot0:Clear() end return slot0