slot0 = class("InvestigationLayer", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot0.Caches = {} function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "InvestigationUI" end function slot0.setInvestigation(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.finished = slot1 slot0.investigateId = slot2 setActive(slot0.scroll, not slot0.finished) setActive(slot0.fmask, slot0.finished) end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.panel = slot0:findTF("panel") slot0.close = slot0:findTF("panel/bgs/btnBack") slot0.scroll = slot0:findTF("panel/scroll") slot0.list = slot0:findTF("list", slot0.scroll) slot0.title = slot0:findTF("title", slot0.list) slot0.desc = slot0:findTF("desc", slot0.list) slot0.item = slot0:findTF("item", slot0.list) slot0.tip = slot0:findTF("tip", slot0.list) slot0.submit = slot0:findTF("submit", slot0.list) slot0.fmask = slot0:findTF("panel/fmask") setActive(slot0.item, false) setActive(slot0.tip, false) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.submit, function () if not uv0:saveScroll() then uv0.panel.localPosition = LeanTween.cancel(go(uv0.panel)) LeanTween.moveLocalX(go(uv0.panel), 10, 0.05):setFrom(-20):setLoopPingPong(3) else uv0:emit(InvestigationMediator.ON_SUBMIT, uv0.investigateId, uv1.Caches[uv0.investigateId]) end end, SFX_CONFIRM) onButton(slot0, slot0.close, function () uv0:saveScroll() uv0:emit(uv1.ON_CLOSE) end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0._tf, function () uv0:saveScroll() uv0:emit(uv1.ON_CLOSE) end, SFX_CANCEL) if not slot0.finished then slot0:loadScroll() end end function slot0.loadScroll(slot0) if not uv0.Caches[slot0.investigateId] then uv0.Caches[slot0.investigateId] = {} end slot2 = pg.questionnaire_template[slot0.investigateId] setText(slot0.title, slot2.title) setText(slot0.desc, slot2.desc) slot3 = slot0.item:GetSiblingIndex() for slot7 = #slot2.problem_list, 1, -1 do slot8 = slot2.problem_list[slot7] slot9 = pg.questionnaire_problems_template[slot8] if not slot1[slot8] then slot1[slot8] = {} end slot11 = cloneTplTo(slot0.item, slot0.list, "item_" .. slot7) slot11:SetSiblingIndex(slot3 + 1) setText(slot11:Find("desc"), slot9.desc) if slot9.optional == 1 then slot11:GetComponent(typeof(ToggleGroup)).allowSwitchOff = true end slot12 = slot11:Find("option") setActive(slot12, false) for slot17 = #slot9.options, 1, -1 do slot19 = slot10[slot17] slot20 = cloneTplTo(slot12, slot11, "option_" .. slot17) slot20:SetSiblingIndex(slot12:GetSiblingIndex() + 1) setText(slot20:Find("toggle"):Find("Label"), slot9.options[slot17][2]) if slot9.multiply == 1 then slot21:GetComponent(typeof(Toggle)).group = nil end triggerToggle(slot21, slot19 ~= nil) onToggle(slot0, slot21, function () setActive(uv0.tip, not uv0:saveScroll()) end, SFX_PANEL) setActive(slot20:Find("input"), slot18[1] == 1) if slot19 and slot19.content then setInputText(slot22, slot19.content) end end end setActive(slot0.tip, not slot0:saveScroll()) end function slot0.saveScroll(slot0) slot1 = true slot2 = {} for slot8 = 0, slot0.list.childCount - 1 do if isActive(slot0.list:GetChild(slot8)) and string.find(, "item_") then slot13 = {} for slot18 = 0, slot9.childCount - 1 do if isActive(slot9:GetChild(slot18)) and string.find(, "option_") then slot14 = 0 + 1 if slot19:Find("toggle"):GetComponent(typeof(Toggle)).isOn then if pg.questionnaire_problems_template[pg.questionnaire_template[slot0.investigateId].problem_list[0 + 1]].options[slot14][1] == 1 and getInputText(slot19:Find("input")) and string.len(slot22) > 0 then -- Nothing end slot13[slot14] = { id = slot14, content = slot22 } if slot11.multiply ~= 1 then break end end end end if slot11.optional ~= 1 and table.getCount(slot13) == 0 then slot1 = false end slot2[slot10] = slot13 end end uv0.Caches[slot0.investigateId] = slot2 return slot1 end function slot0.willExit(slot0) LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.panel)) end return slot0