slot0 = class("ColoringScene", import("view.base.BaseUI")) slot1 = 387 slot2 = 467 slot3 = 812.5 slot4 = 1200 slot5 = Vector2(49, -436.12) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "ColoringUI" end function slot0.setActivity(slot0, slot1) slot0.activity = slot1 end function slot0.setColorItems(slot0, slot1) slot0.colorItems = slot1 end function slot0.setColorGroups(slot0, slot1) slot0.colorGroups = slot1 end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.topPanel = slot0:findTF("top") slot0.btnBack = slot0:findTF("top/btnBack") slot0.title = slot0:findTF("center/title_bar/text") = slot0:findTF("center/board/container/bg") slot0.painting = slot0:findTF("center/painting") slot0.zoom ="Zoom") slot0.zoom.maxZoom = 3 slot0.cells = slot0:findTF("cells", slot0.cell = slot0:findTF("cell", slot0.lines = slot0:findTF("lines", slot0.line = slot0:findTF("line", slot0.btnHelp = slot0:findTF("top/btnHelp") slot0.btnShare = slot0:findTF("top/btnShare") slot0.colorgroupfront = slot0:findTF("center/colorgroupfront") slot0.scrollColor = slot0:findTF("color_bar/scroll") slot0.barExtra = slot0:findTF("color_bar/extra") slot0.toggleEraser = slot0:findTF("eraser", slot0.barExtra) slot0.btnEraserAll = slot0:findTF("eraser_all", slot0.barExtra) slot0.arrowDown = slot0:findTF("arrow", slot0.barExtra) setActive(slot0.cell, false) setActive(slot0.line, false) setActive(slot0.barExtra, false) slot0.loader = AutoLoader.New() end function slot0.DidMediatorRegisterDone(slot0) slot6 = "content" slot5 = #slot0.colorGroups[1]:getConfig("color_id_list") slot0.colorPlates = slot0:Clone2Full(slot0:findTF(slot6, slot0.scrollColor), slot5) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.colorPlates) do slot0.loader:GetSprite("ui/coloring_atlas", string.char(string.byte("A") + slot5 - 1), slot6:Find("icon")) end slot0.coloringUIGroupName = "ColoringUIGroupSize" .. #slot0.colorGroups PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetUI(slot0.coloringUIGroupName, false, function (slot0) slot3 = uv0 slot4 = slot3 setParent(slot0, slot3.findTF(slot4, "center")) setAnchoredPosition(slot0, uv1) tf(slot0):SetSiblingIndex(1) setActive(slot0, true) uv0.colorgroupbehind = tf(slot0) uv0.paintsgroup = {} for slot4 = uv0.colorgroupbehind.childCount - 1, 0, -1 do table.insert(uv0.paintsgroup, uv0.colorgroupbehind:GetChild(slot4)) end end) setActive(slot0.btnShare, not COLORING_ACTIVITY_CUSTOMIZED_BANNED and _.any(slot0.colorGroups, function (slot0) return slot0:canBeCustomised() end)) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnBack, function () if uv0.exited then return end uv0:uiExitAnimating() uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK, nil, 0.3) end, SOUND_BACK) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnHelp, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("coloring_help_tip") }) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnShare, function () pg.ShareMgr.GetInstance():Share(pg.ShareMgr.TypeColoring) end, SFX_PANEL) onNextTick(function () if uv0.exited then return end uv0:uiStartAnimating() end) slot0:initColoring() slot0:updatePage() end function slot0.uiStartAnimating(slot0) slot0.topPanel.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, slot0.topPanel.rect.height) shiftPanel(slot0.topPanel, nil, 0, 0.3, 0, true, true, nil) end function slot0.uiExitAnimating(slot0) shiftPanel(slot0.topPanel, nil, slot0.topPanel.rect.height, 0.3, 0, true, true, nil) end function slot0.initColoring(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnEraserAll, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("coloring_erase_all_warning"), onYes = function () if uv0.colorGroups[uv0.selectedIndex]:canBeCustomised() then uv0:emit(ColoringMediator.EVENT_COLORING_CLEAR, { activityId =, id = }) end end }) end, SFX_PANEL) slot5 = SFX_PANEL onButton(slot0, slot0.arrowDown, function () uv0.scrollColor:GetComponent(typeof(ScrollRect)).verticalNormalizedPosition = 0 end, slot5) slot1 = 1 for slot5 = 1, #slot0.colorGroups do if slot0.colorGroups[slot5]:getState() == ColorGroup.StateColoring then slot1 = slot5 break end end slot0:initInteractive() slot0.selectedIndex = 0 slot0.selectedColorIndex = 0 triggerButton(slot0.paintsgroup[Mathf.Min(slot1, #slot0.paintsgroup)], true) end function slot0.initInteractive(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.paintsgroup) do slot7 = slot0.colorGroups[slot4] onButton(slot0, slot5, function () if uv1.selectedIndex ~= uv2 and uv0:getState() ~= ColorGroup.StateLock then if uv1.paintsgroup[uv1.selectedIndex] then slot1:SetParent(uv1.colorgroupbehind) end uv1.selectedIndex = uv2 uv3:SetParent(uv1.colorgroupfront) uv1:SelectColoBar(0) uv1:updateSelectedColoring() elseif slot0 == ColorGroup.StateLock then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("coloring_lock")) end uv1:updatePage() end, SFX_PANEL) end for slot4 = 0, #slot0.colorPlates - 1 do onButton(slot0, slot0.colorPlates[slot4 + 1], function () uv0:SelectColoBar(uv1 + 1) if uv0.colorGroups[uv0.selectedIndex]:getState() == ColorGroup.StateColoring and not slot0:canBeCustomised() then if (uv0.colorItems[slot0:getConfig("color_id_list")[uv0.selectedColorIndex]] or 0) ~= 0 then if uv0:SearchValidDiagonalColoringCells(slot0, uv0.selectedColorIndex, slot2) and #slot3 > 0 then uv0:emit(ColoringMediator.EVENT_COLORING_CELL, { activityId =, id =, cells = slot3 }) end elseif not slot0:isAllFill(uv0.selectedColorIndex) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("coloring_color_not_enough")) end end end, SFX_PANEL) end onButton(slot0, slot0.toggleEraser, function () uv0:SelectColoBar(0) end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.SelectColoBar(slot0, slot1) if slot0.selectedColorIndex ~= 0 and slot0.selectedColorIndex ~= slot1 then slot3 = slot0:findTF("icon", slot0.colorPlates[slot0.selectedColorIndex]) slot4 = slot3.sizeDelta slot4.x = uv0 slot3.sizeDelta = slot4 end slot0.selectedColorIndex = slot1 if slot0.selectedColorIndex ~= 0 then slot3 = slot0:findTF("icon", slot0.colorPlates[slot0.selectedColorIndex]) slot4 = slot3.sizeDelta slot4.x = uv1 slot3.sizeDelta = slot4 end end function slot0.updatePage(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.paintsgroup) do setActive(slot5:Find("lock"), slot0.colorGroups[slot4]:getState() == ColorGroup.StateLock) setActive(slot5:Find("get"), slot7 == ColorGroup.StateAchieved) end slot2 = 0 for slot6 = #slot0.paintsgroup, 1, -1 do if slot6 ~= slot0.selectedIndex then slot0.paintsgroup[slot6]:SetSiblingIndex(slot2) slot2 = slot2 + 1 end end slot0:TryPlayStory() end function slot0.updateSelectedColoring(slot0) slot1 = slot0.colorGroups[slot0.selectedIndex] slot3 = slot1.colors for slot7 = 1, #slot0.colorPlates do setText(slot0.colorPlates[slot7]:Find("icon/x/nums"), slot0.colorItems[slot1:getConfig("color_id_list")[slot7]] or 0) end slot4 = slot1:getConfig("name") setText(slot0.title, slot4) setActive(slot0.title.parent, slot4 ~= nil) setActive(slot0.barExtra, slot1:canBeCustomised()) slot5 = slot0.scrollColor.sizeDelta slot5.y = slot1:canBeCustomised() and uv0 or uv1 slot0.scrollColor.sizeDelta = slot5 slot0.scrollColor:GetComponent(typeof(ScrollRect)).verticalNormalizedPosition = 1 setActive(slot0.scrollColor, false) setActive(slot0.scrollColor, true) slot0.cellSize = slot0:calcCellSize() slot0:updateCells() slot0:updateLines() end function slot0.updateCells(slot0) slot2, slot3 = unpack(slot0.colorGroups[slot0.selectedIndex]:getConfig("theme")) for slot7 = 0, slot2 do for slot11 = 0, slot3 do slot0:updateCell(slot7, slot11) end end slot4 ="EventTriggerListener") slot4:RemovePointClickFunc() slot4:RemoveBeginDragFunc() slot4:RemoveDragFunc() slot4:RemoveDragEndFunc() slot5 = false slot4:AddPointClickFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0 then return end slot2 = LuaHelper.ScreenToLocal(, slot1.position, GameObject.Find("UICamera"):GetComponent(typeof(Camera))) slot5 = uv2:getCell(math.floor(-slot2.y / uv1.cellSize.y), math.floor(slot2.x / uv1.cellSize.x)) if uv2:getState() == ColorGroup.StateColoring then function slot6() uv0:emit(ColoringMediator.EVENT_COLORING_CELL, { activityId =, id =, cells = uv0:searchColoringCells(uv1, uv2, uv3, uv0.selectedColorIndex) }) end if not uv2:canBeCustomised() then return elseif uv1.selectedColorIndex == 0 and not uv2:hasFill(slot3, slot4) then return end slot6() end end) slot4:AddBeginDragFunc(function () uv0 = false end) slot6 = Vector2.New( / UnityEngine.Screen.width, / UnityEngine.Screen.height) slot4:AddDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) uv0 = true if not Application.isEditor then uv1.zoom.enabled = Input.touchCount == 2 end if Application.isEditor or not uv1.zoom.enabled then slot2 = slot2.x = slot2.x + * uv2.x slot2.x = math.clamp(slot2.x, * ( - 1), 0) slot2.y = slot2.y + * uv2.y slot2.y = math.clamp(slot2.y, 0, * ( - 1)) = slot2 end end) slot4:AddDragEndFunc(function () uv0 = false end) end function slot0.updateCell(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0.colorGroups[slot0.selectedIndex] slot4 = slot3:getCell(slot1, slot2) slot5 = slot3:getFill(slot1, slot2) if slot3:getState() == ColorGroup.StateFinish or slot6 == ColorGroup.StateAchieved then slot5 = slot4 end if slot4 or slot5 then slot8 = slot0.cells:Find(slot1 .. "_" .. slot2) or cloneTplTo(slot0.cell, slot0.cells, slot7) slot8.sizeDelta = slot0.cellSize slot8.anchoredPosition = Vector2((slot5 or slot4).column * slot0.cellSize.x, -((slot5 or slot4).row * slot0.cellSize.y)) slot10 = slot8:Find("text") if slot5 then setImageColor(slot8:Find("image"), slot3.colors[slot5.type]) else setText(slot10, string.char(string.byte("A") + slot4.type - 1)) end setActive(slot9, slot5) setActive(slot10, not slot5) setActive(slot8, true) elseif slot8 then setActive(slot8, false) end end function slot0.calcCellSize(slot0) slot2, slot3 = unpack(slot0.colorGroups[slot0.selectedIndex]:getConfig("theme")) slot4 = return Vector2.New(slot4.width / slot3, slot4.height / slot2) end function slot0.updateLines(slot0) slot2, slot3 = unpack(slot0.colorGroups[slot0.selectedIndex]:getConfig("theme")) for slot7 = 1, slot3 - 1 do slot9 = slot0.lines:Find("column_" .. slot7) or cloneTplTo(slot0.line, slot0.lines, slot8) slot9.sizeDelta = Vector2.New(1, slot0.lines.rect.height) slot9.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(slot7 * slot0.cellSize.x - 0.5, 0) end for slot7 = 1, slot2 - 1 do slot9 = slot0.lines:Find("row_" .. slot7) or cloneTplTo(slot0.line, slot0.lines, slot8) slot9.sizeDelta = Vector2.New(slot0.lines.rect.width, 1) slot9.anchoredPosition = Vector2.New(0, -(slot7 * slot0.cellSize.y - 0.5)) end end function slot0.searchColoringCells(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if slot1:canBeCustomised() then return { { row = slot2, column = slot3, color = slot4 } } else slot8 = {} slot9 = {} slot10 = { slot5 } slot11 = { { row = -1, column = 0 }, { row = 1, column = 0 }, { row = 0, column = -1 }, { row = 0, column = 1 }, { row = -1, column = -1 }, { row = -1, column = 1 }, { row = 1, column = -1 }, { row = 1, column = 1 } } while #slot10 > 0 and slot0.colorItems[slot1:getConfig("color_id_list")[slot4]] > 0 do slot12 = table.remove(slot10, 1) if not slot1:hasFill(slot12.row, slot12.column) and slot12.color == slot4 then table.insert(slot8, slot12) slot7 = slot7 - 1 _.each(slot11, function (slot0) if uv0:getCell(slot0.row + uv1.row, slot0.column + uv1.column) and not (_.any(uv2, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row and slot0.column == uv0.column end) or _.any(uv3, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row and slot0.column == uv0.column end)) then table.insert(uv2, { row = slot1.row, column = slot1.column, color = slot1.type }) end end) end table.insert(slot9, slot12) end return slot8 end end function slot0.SearchValidDiagonalColoringCells(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot1:getState() ~= ColorGroup.StateColoring or slot1:canBeCustomised() or slot3 == 0 then return {} else slot5, slot6 = slot1:GetAABB() slot7 = slot6.x - slot5.x slot8 = slot6.y - slot5.y function () for slot4 = 0, uv0 + uv1 do for slot8 = 0, slot4 do slot10 = slot8 if slot4 - slot8 <= uv0 and slot10 <= uv1 and uv3:getCell(slot10 + uv2.y, slot9 + uv2.x) and slot13.type == uv4 and not uv3:getFill(slot11, slot12) then table.insert(uv5, { row = slot11, column = slot12, color = uv4 }) if uv6 <= #uv5 then return end end end end end() return slot4 end end function slot0.TryPlayStory(slot0) slot2 = slot0.selectedIndex table.eachAsync({}, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 <= uv0 and slot1 then pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot1, slot2) else slot2() end end) end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(SFX_CANCEL) triggerButton(slot0.btnBack) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot0.loader:Clear() PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnUI(slot0.coloringUIGroupName, slot0.colorgroupbehind) end function slot0.Clone2Full(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = slot1:GetChild(0) for slot9 = 0, slot1.childCount - 1 do table.insert({}, slot1:GetChild(slot9)) end for slot9 = slot5, slot2 - 1 do table.insert(slot3, tf(cloneTplTo(slot4, slot1))) end return slot3 end return slot0