pg = pg or {} pg.ship_skin_template_7 = { [203040] = { ship_group = 20304, name = "サフォーク", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ケント級重巡洋艦・サフォーク (HMS Suffolk)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "safuke", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 203040, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "safuke", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 69, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.088, 0.776, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.088, 0.776, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.251, 0.487, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.027, 0.936, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { 0.29, 0.95, -0.16 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { -0.71, 2.52, 0.07 } } } } } }, [203049] = { ship_group = 20304, name = "サフォーク改", bg_sp = "", group_index = 9, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ふぅ……やはり私もこの服を来てしまい、苦労人になっちゃいました…いくら毎日ぼけて――え?模範?カリスマ?サフォークわからないです~", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "safuke_g", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = 2, id = 203049, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "safuke_g", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 69, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.14, 0.81, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.14, 0.81, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.17, 0.16, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.14, 0.81, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { 0.29, 0.95, -0.16 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { -0.71, 2.52, 0.07 } } } } } }, [203050] = { ship_group = 20305, name = "ノーフォーク", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ノーフォーク級重巡洋艦・ノーフォーク (HMS Norfolk)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "nuofuke", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 203050, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "nuofuke", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 20, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.606, 0.501, 0 } }, vicegun = { { -0.333, 0.635, 0 } }, torpedo = { { -0.333, 0.635, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { -0.333, 0.635, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.5, 0.55, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.82, 2.19, -0.4 } } } } } }, [203060] = { ship_group = 20306, name = "ドーセットシャー", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ノーフォーク級重巡洋艦・ドーセットシャー( HMS Dorsetshire)\n図鑑報酬入手で通常建造開放", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "duosaitejun", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 203060, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "duosaitejun", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 85, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { -0.57, 1.03, 0 } }, vicegun = { { -0.57, 1.03, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.33, 0.29, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { -0.57, 1.03, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { 0.63, 0.61, 0.13 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { -0.559, 1.16, -0.52 } } } } } }, [203070] = { ship_group = 20307, name = "ヨーク", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ヨーク級重巡洋艦・ヨーク(HMS York)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yueke", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 203070, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yueke", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 23, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 18, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.008, 0.53, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.923, 0.167, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.386, 0.273, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.923, 0.167, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.565, 0.392, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.502, 0.433, 0 } } } } } }, [203071] = { ship_group = 20307, name = "真理を求めし者", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "学園で起きた数々の不思議<†ミステリー†>、それを操る黒幕<†マスターマインド†>……これが私への試練<†トリビュレーション†>というのなら、全ての真実<†トゥルース†>を見つけるまで!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yueke_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 4, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "103", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 203071, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yueke_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70250, voice_actor = 23, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 18, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.666, 0.998, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.638, 1, 0 } }, torpedo = { { -0.003, 0.011, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.614, 0.999, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.414, 2.501, 0 } } } } } }, [203072] = { ship_group = 20307, name = "碧波を召喚せしもの", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "青い海に隠されし謎の支配者<†アンノウン†>、この碧波<†アズール†>と力<†フォース†>をもって汝の顕現を願わん!……指揮官!どうしてここに?!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yueke_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 6, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "133", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 203072, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yueke_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70401, voice_actor = 23, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 18, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.829, 0.877, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.823, 0.865, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0, 0, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.806, 0.835, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.414, 2.501, 0 } } } } } }, [203078] = { ship_group = 20307, name = "ピュア・オース", bg_sp = "", group_index = 8, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ほうー、これが純白の誓い<†ピュア・オース†>という名の衣装<†バトル・スーツ†>ですか?ふふん、全ては定められし運命…指揮官よ、世界を修正してまいりましょう!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yueke_h", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = 1, id = 203078, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yueke_h", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 23, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.781, 0.877, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.619, 0.865, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0, 0, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.888, 1.005, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.639, 2.501, 0 } } } } } }, [203079] = { ship_group = 20307, name = "ヨーク改", bg_sp = "", group_index = 9, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "これは昇格<†アップグレード†>だけではなく、覚醒<†アウェイクニング†>!運命などこの私が変えてみせますわ!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yueke_g", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = 2, id = 203079, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yueke_g", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 23, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 18, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.08, 0.9, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.03, 0.96, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.13, 0.18, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.14, 0.96, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.55, 2.37, 0 } } } } } }, [203080] = { ship_group = 20308, name = "エクセター", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ヨーク級重巡洋艦・エクセター(HMS Exeter)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "aikesaite", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 203080, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "aikesaite", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 18, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { -0.212, 0.847, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.082, 0.144, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.5, 0.281, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.082, 0.144, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.556, 0.649, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.644, 0.505, 0 } } } } } }, [203081] = { ship_group = 20308, name = "栄光は祝杯とともに", bg_sp = "1101", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "乾杯です、指揮官殿。今日のパーティーも盛況で何よりです。王家の栄光に泥を塗らないよう、私も一挙手一投足には気を付けて参りたいと思います", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "aikesaite_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 7, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "146", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 203081, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "aikesaite_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70605, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.963, 1.036, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.93, 0.948, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0, 0, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.14, 1.353, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.62, 2.46, 0 } } } } } }, [203089] = { ship_group = 20308, name = "エクセター改", bg_sp = "", group_index = 9, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "指揮官殿、どうでしょうか!今の自分は前より成長したと思うのですが…そう見えますでしょうか?", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "aikesaite_g", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = 2, id = 203089, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "aikesaite_g", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 18, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.41, 1.38, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.41, 1.38, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.16, 0.09, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.41, 1.38, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 40, { { "smoke", { -0.6, 2.38, 0 } } } } } }, [203090] = { ship_group = 20309, name = "サセックス", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ロンドン級重巡洋艦・サセックス (HMS Sussex)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "susaikesi", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 203090, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "susaikesi", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 135, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.21, 0.73, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.05, 0.86, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.18, 0.09, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.05, 0.85, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 40, { { "smoke", { -0.49, 2.24, 0 } } } } } }, [203091] = { ship_group = 20309, name = "太陽とチューリップ", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "何を呆けているのですか?そろそろ水着も見飽きたでしょう?まったく…パラソルをかざすとか、チェアを組み立てるとか、手伝えることはいっぱいあるでしょうに", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "susaikesi_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 6, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "106", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 203091, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "susaikesi_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70215, voice_actor = 135, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.573, 0.155, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.515, 0.15, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.043, -0.013, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.523, 0.181, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.49, 2.24, 0 } } } } } }, [203092] = { ship_group = 20309, name = "ワインと赤薔薇", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "何をジロジロ見ているんですか?別にこの格好他の子と比べて……挨拶に回っているならまだほかの子だっていっぱいいるでしょう?もう…", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "susaikesi_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 7, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "135", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 203092, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "susaikesi_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70379, voice_actor = 135, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 4 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.443, 1.079, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.346, 1.106, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0, 0, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.44, 1.177, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.523, 2.313, 0 } } } } } }, [204010] = { ship_group = 20401, name = "レナウン", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "レナウン級巡洋戦艦・レナウン (HMS Renown)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "shengwang", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 204010, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "shengwang", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 9, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 11, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.015, 1.165, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.407, 0.613, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.407, 0.613, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.832, 0.566, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.608, 0.741, 0 } } } } } }, [204020] = { ship_group = 20402, name = "レパルス", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "レナウン級巡洋戦艦・レパルス (HMS Repulse)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "fanji", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 204020, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "fanji", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 41, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 11, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { -0.023, 1.188, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.415, 0.583, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.415, 0.583, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -1.019, 0.597, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.608, 0.72, 0 } } } } } }, [204030] = { ship_group = 20403, name = "フッド", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "アドミラル級巡洋戦艦・フッド(HMS Hood)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "hude", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 204030, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "hude", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 36, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 11, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { -0.25, 1.291, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0, 0.585, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.65, 0.823, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.5, 0.55, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.3, 0.87, -0.4 } } } } } }, [204031] = { ship_group = 20403, name = "日差しの淑女", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "うふふ……いい眺め…目の保養をさせていただきました。やはりバカンスと言えばビーチ、ですわ!シグニットちゃん、ビーチバレーボールでシスターサラに目にもの見せてあげなさい!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "hude_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 6, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "106", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 204031, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "hude_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70005, voice_actor = 36, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 11, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand2", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { -0.25, 1.291, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0, 0.585, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.65, 0.823, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.27, 0.14, -0.08 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { -0.45, 2.29, -1.31 } } } } } }, [204032] = { ship_group = 20403, name = "五彩のグローリアス", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "素晴らしい旅に誘っていただきありがとうございますわ。この素晴らしい衣装で、ゆっくりと、優雅に――重桜のティータイムを楽しみませんこと?ふふふ", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "hude_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 2, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "142", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 204032, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "hude_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70533, voice_actor = 36, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 11, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.996, 0.996, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.985, 1.018, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.995, 1.005, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.5, 2.526, 0 } } } } } }, [204033] = { ship_group = 20403, name = "サンシャイン・グレース", bg_sp = "1101", group_index = 3, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "美しきは遠遠しきのみに限らず、近しきは愛おしむことに値せん。指揮官様、こちらで穏やかで優雅なる一日を過ごしてみてはいかがですか?", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "hude_4", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 7, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "146", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 204033, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "hude_4", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70557, voice_actor = 36, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 11, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.07, 1.05, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.08, 1.08, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.05, 1.04, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.71, 2.46, 0 } } } } } }, [204038] = { ship_group = 20403, name = "薔薇恋詩", bg_sp = "", group_index = 8, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "「一人で歩む平坦な道か、二人で進む茨の道か」――あなたと共に往くのなら、私は喜んで後者を選びますわ", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "hude_h", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = 1, id = 204038, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "hude_h", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 36, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 11, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand2", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 2.59, 1.27, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 2.61, 1.25, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 2.55, 1.21, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 40, { { "smoke", { -0.33, 2.5, 0 } } } } } }, [204040] = { ship_group = 20404, name = "リトル・レナウン", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "レナウン級巡洋戦艦・レナウン (HMS Renown)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "shengwang_younv", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 5, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 204040, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "shengwang_younv", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 9, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 11, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.015, 1.165, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.407, 0.613, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.407, 0.613, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.832, 0.566, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.608, 0.741, 0 } } } } } }, [205010] = { ship_group = 20501, name = "クイーン・エリザベス", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "クイーンエリザベス級戦艦・クイーンエリザベス(HMS Queen Elizabeth)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yilishabai", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 205010, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yilishabai", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 28, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 19, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { -0.106, 1.3, 0 } }, vicegun = { { -0.591, 1.589, 0 }, { 0.688, 1.12, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { -0.591, 1.589, 0 }, { 0.688, 1.12, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.824, 0.443, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.581, 0.535, 0 } } } } } }, [205011] = { ship_group = 20501, name = "女王さまの舞踏会", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ふふ~ん、この下僕、ありがたく思いなさい!今日は特別に私のパートナーとしてパーティーに参加することを許してやるわ!……べ、別に好きであなたを選んだわけじゃないからね!てきとう…そう、テキトウに選んだだけよ!わかった?", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yilishabai_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 7, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "107", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205011, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yilishabai_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70098, voice_actor = 28, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 19, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.08, 0.99, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.12, 1.01, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.12, 0.98, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.56, 2.36, 0 } } } } } }, [205012] = { ship_group = 20501, name = "A Night At The Stage", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "これこそ女王である私にふさわしいステージだわ!さあ下僕、目を離すんじゃないわ!私のために最っ高に盛り上がっていきなさい!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yilishabai_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 11, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "120", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205012, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yilishabai_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70439, voice_actor = 28, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 19, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 4 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.133, 0.99, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.173, 1.01, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.218, 1.014, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.56, 2.36, 0 } } } } } }, [205013] = { ship_group = 20501, name = "スクールオーダーズ", bg_sp = "", group_index = 3, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ふふ、明石に作ってもらった新衣装よ!どうかしら?私の優雅な制服姿――この魅力の前にひれ伏すがいいわ!この下僕♪", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yilishabai_4", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 4, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "103", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205013, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yilishabai_4", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 28, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 19, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.133, 1.142, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.173, 1.154, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.15, 1.135, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.56, 2.36, 0 } } } } } }, [205014] = { ship_group = 20501, name = "金運のプレミアムロイヤル", bg_sp = "", group_index = 4, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "東煌(とうこう)の新年は「お年玉」を配るんだって?ロイヤルの女王である私の威光を母港中に示すいいチャンスだわ!…もらっただけでいい気にならないで宣伝しなさい!この下僕!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yilishabai_5", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 3, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "144", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205014, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yilishabai_5", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70495, voice_actor = 28, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 19, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 4 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.989, 1, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 2.002, 0.984, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.999, 0.999, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.478, 2.421, 0 } } } } } }, [205020] = { ship_group = 20502, name = "ウォースパイト", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "クイーンエリザベス級戦艦・ウォースパイト(HMS Warspite)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yanzhan", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 205020, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yanzhan", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 28, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 19, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { -0.061, 1.339, 0 } }, vicegun = { { -0.696, 0.779, 0 }, { 0.893, 0.242, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { -0.696, 0.779, 0 }, { 0.893, 0.242, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -1.082, 0.566, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.919, 0.617, 0 } } } } } }, [205021] = { ship_group = 20502, name = "戦士からの贈り物", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "今年は私がロイヤルの子たちにプレゼントを配る番か。ふむ、このクリスマスツリーを飾り終わったら参ろうか!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yanzhan_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 1, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "100", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205021, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yanzhan_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70127, voice_actor = 28, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 19, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.8, 1.7, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.82, 1.67, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.82, 1.75, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.42, 2.42, 0 } } } } } }, [205022] = { ship_group = 20502, name = "Under Pleasure", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "最高の機材を揃えた。あとはこのウォースパイトが陛下を引き立てるパフォーマンスを行うまで――見せてやるわ。ロイヤルのステージ…!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yanzhan_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 11, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "120", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205022, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yanzhan_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70438, voice_actor = 28, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 19, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 4 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.657, 1.113, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.683, 1.084, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.644, 1.067, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.42, 2.42, 0 } } } } } }, [205029] = { ship_group = 20502, name = "ウォースパイト改", bg_sp = "", group_index = 9, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ウォースパイト、改造終了。ふむ、この一新された気分、悪くないわ…では指揮官、新たな戦場に参ろうか!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yanzhan_g", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", bg = "", skin_type = 2, id = 205029, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yanzhan_g", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 28, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 19, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.292, 1.094, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.204, 1.064, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.243, 1.164, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.654, 2.41, 0 } } } } }, spine_offset = { { 37, -473, 0 }, { 0.85 } }, special_effects = { "yanzhan", { 37, 138, 0 }, { 1.6 } } }, [205030] = { ship_group = 20503, name = "ネルソン", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = 19, desc = "ネルソン級戦艦・ネルソン (HMS Nelson)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "naerxun", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 205030, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "naerxun", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 13, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.95, 1.3, 0 } }, vicegun = { { -0.33, 0.8, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.48, 0.33, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { 0.43, 0.69, -0.09 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { -0.66, 2.54, -0.41 } } } } } }, [205031] = { ship_group = 20503, name = "月の魔女", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = 19, desc = "この衣装……はあ、いいわ。せっかくの祝日、余興がないとしらけるじゃない。言っておくけど、別に参加したくて来たわけじゃないわよ!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "naerxun_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 8, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205031, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "naerxun_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70116, voice_actor = 13, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 2, 0.88, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.98, 0.89, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0, -0.58, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.5, 2.44, -0.09 } } } } } }, [205040] = { ship_group = 20504, name = "ロドニー", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = 19, desc = "ネルソン級戦艦・ロドニー(HMS Rodney)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "luodeni", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 205040, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "luodeni", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 32, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.126, 1.3, 0 } }, vicegun = { { -0.327, 0.824, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.465, 0.245, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { 0.71, 0.72, -0.12 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { -0.96, 0.84, -0.32 } } } } } }, [205041] = { ship_group = 20504, name = "未来の海浜大将", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "指揮官からのプレゼントですけど、着てみるとやはりちょっと恥ずかしいですね……指揮官、私に泳ぎを教えてくださいますか?", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "luodeni_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 6, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "106", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205041, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "luodeni_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70008, voice_actor = 32, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand2", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.126, 1.3, 0 } }, vicegun = { { -0.327, 0.824, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.465, 0.245, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.3, -0.17, 0.4 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { -0.23, 2.32, -1.03 } } } } } }, [205048] = { ship_group = 20504, name = "パレス・ブライトネス", bg_sp = "", group_index = 8, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "この夢のシチュエーション、まさか本当になるとはね~指揮官はこんな感じのロドニーを、楽しみにしていました?ふふ", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "luodeni_h", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = 1, id = 205048, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "luodeni_h", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 32, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand2", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.126, 1.018, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.161, 1.002, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.004, -0.096, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.437, 2.454, 0.4 } } } } } }, [205050] = { ship_group = 20505, name = "キング・ジョージ5世", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "キングジョージⅤ級戦艦・キング・ジョージ5世(HMS King George V)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "qiaozhiwushi", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 205050, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "qiaozhiwushi", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 183, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand2", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 2.07, 1.4, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.99, 1.39, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.03, 0, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.5, 2.3, 0.4 } } } } } }, [205051] = { ship_group = 20505, name = "ウィンザー・ローズ", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "指揮官、待たせたな。ドレスを着るのはめったにないゆえ、いささか手間がかかったが……うむ、出発するとしよう。今夜の主役はあなただ。あははは", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "qiaozhiwushi_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 7, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "115", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205051, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "qiaozhiwushi_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70186, voice_actor = 183, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand2", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.005, 1.158, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.001, 1.006, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.004, 0.046, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.49, 2.405, 0.4 } } } } } }, [205060] = { ship_group = 20506, name = "プリンス・オブ・ウェールズ", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = 19, desc = "キングジョージⅤ級戦艦・プリンスオブウェールズ (HMS Prince of Wales)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "weiershiqinwang", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 205060, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "weiershiqinwang", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 12, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 14, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { -0.16, 1.44, 0 } }, vicegun = { { -0.16, 1.44, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.47, 0.26, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { -0.16, 1.44, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { 0.79, 0.88, 0.53 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { -1.13, 1.52, -0.73 } } } } } }, [205061] = { ship_group = 20506, name = "ウィンザー・サン", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ビーチバレーはあまり気が乗らないけど、まあせっかくのフッドの頼みだし……えっと、なんだ?あっちの「太陽よりも輝かしいレディ」さん?応援は頼んだわよ!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "weiershiqinwang_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 6, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "106", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205061, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "weiershiqinwang_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70011, voice_actor = 12, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 14, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand2", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.56, 1.3, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.56, 0.61, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.24, 0.03, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.56, 0.61, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.49, 2.2, 0 } } } } } }, [205062] = { ship_group = 20506, name = "風流装束・桜", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "たまにはロイヤルではなく、異郷の風流というのもいいわね。指揮官、ちょうどいい、こちらの「お正月」とはいかに過ごすものなのか説明してもらおう", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "weiershiqinwang_4", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 2, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "101", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205062, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "weiershiqinwang_4", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70133, voice_actor = 12, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 14, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand2", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.002, 0.734, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.219, 0.773, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.24, 0.03, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.459, 0.742, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.49, 2.2, 0 } } } } } }, [205064] = { ship_group = 20506, name = "栄冠のビクトリーレーシング", bg_sp = "", group_index = 4, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "指揮官か。なに、心配する必要はないわ。仕事を引き受けた以上、最後まできっちりこなす――それに、久しぶりに張り合いたい気分になった。ふふふ", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "weiershiqinwang_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 14, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "132", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205064, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "weiershiqinwang_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70387, voice_actor = 12, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 14, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand2", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 4 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.951, 1.039, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 2.011, 1.111, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.009, -0.019, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.987, 1.047, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.721, 2.307, 0 } } } } } }, [205070] = { ship_group = 20507, name = "デューク・オブ・ヨーク", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = 19, desc = "キングジョージⅤ級戦艦・デューク・オブ・ヨーク(HMS Duke of York) ", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yuekegongjue", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 205070, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yuekegongjue", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 79, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 14, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.9, 1.55, 0 } }, vicegun = { { -0.21, 1.4, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.19, 0.13, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.83, 1.38, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.45, 2.26, 0.53 } } } } } }, [205072] = { ship_group = 20507, name = "永夜のカローラ", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = 19, desc = "この甘美なる香り……やはりそなたか。さあ、興に乗じて着替えたこのドレスは、果たしてそなたにはどのような所感を抱かせるものか?……うふふ、口より目のほうが随分と素直ではないか……", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yuekegongjue_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 7, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "107", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205072, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yuekegongjue_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70143, voice_actor = 79, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 14, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.16, 1.34, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.23, 1.3, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.19, 0.13, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.17, 1.3, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.45, 2.26, 0.53 } } } } } }, [205073] = { ship_group = 20507, name = "誉笏のグロリアスフォーミュラ", bg_sp = "", group_index = 3, illustrator2 = 19, desc = "美しきアドーニスよ、ずっと箱のままで永遠なる寵愛を選ばぬとは――この姿では、そなたの心を射止められぬのかしら?ふふふ", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yuekegongjue_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 14, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "132", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205073, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yuekegongjue_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70386, voice_actor = 79, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 14, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 4 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.977, 1.101, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.997, 1.102, 0 } }, torpedo = { { -0.008, -0.018, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.987, 1.061, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.45, 2.458, 0.53 } } } } } }, [205090] = { ship_group = 20509, name = "ハウ", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "キングジョージⅤ世級戦艦·ハウ(HMS Howe)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "hao", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 205090, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "hao", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 116, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.063, 1.184, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.112, 1.175, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.003, -0.001, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.118, 1.193, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.45, 2.315, 0.53 } } } } } }, [205091] = { ship_group = 20509, name = "ノーブルラウンジ", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "少し時間がかかっちゃったわ。もう大丈夫よ、いつでも――指揮官?どうしたの?このままだと暗くなっちゃうわよ?", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "hao_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 9, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "115", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205091, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "hao_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70393, voice_actor = 116, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.172, 1.213, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.153, 1.214, 0 } }, torpedo = { { -0.006, 0.002, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.136, 1.144, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.45, 2.26, 0.53 } } } } } }, [205100] = { ship_group = 20510, name = "ヴァリアント", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "クイーン・エリザベス級戦艦·ヴァリアント(HMS Valiant)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yingyong", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 205100, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yingyong", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 240, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.605, 1.205, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.607, 1.255, 0 } }, torpedo = { { -0.014, 0.01, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.59, 1.288, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.45, 2.415, 0.53 } } } } } }, [205101] = { ship_group = 20510, name = "リトルナースタイム", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ふふん、この「母港医療施設稼働特別演習」、非常に重要なイベントだから、このリーダーたるわたしもカリスマを発揮して…ってなんなのこの格好!?ちょっとあんた、一体どういうことか説明しなさい!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yingyong_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 15, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "138", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205101, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yingyong_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70397, voice_actor = 240, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.512, 1.19, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.502, 1.248, 0 } }, torpedo = { { -0.007, -0.004, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.548, 1.239, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.45, 2.366, 0.53 } } } } } }, [205102] = { ship_group = 20510, name = "ヴァリアント陛下?", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "どうしたの?そんなに驚いた顔をして――そうだわ!今日はこのわたしのことをただのヴァリアントではなく、「ヴァリアント陛下」と呼ぶといいわ!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yingyong_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 7, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "146", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 205102, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yingyong_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70559, voice_actor = 240, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.37, 1.39, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.32, 1.41, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0, 0, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.38, 1.36, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.46, 2.39, 0.53 } } } } } }, [206010] = { ship_group = 20601, name = "ハーミーズ", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "初代ハーミーズ級航空母艦・ハーミーズ (HMS Hermes)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "jingjishen", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 206010, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "jingjishen", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 122, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { antiaircraft = { { 1.105, 1.021, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.105, 1.021, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.22, 0.566, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.153, 1.018, 0 } } } } } }, [206019] = { ship_group = 20601, name = "ハーミーズ改", bg_sp = "", group_index = 9, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "集いし栄光が一つになるとき、新たなキズナは未来を照らし出す!限界を突き破る風は光の道筋とならん!ハーミーズ、改造終了!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "jingjishen_g", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = 2, id = 206019, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "jingjishen_g", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 122, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { antiaircraft = { { 0.96, 1.06, 0 } }, plane = { { 0.96, 1.06, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.22, 0.566, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.153, 1.018, 0 } } } } } }, [206030] = { ship_group = 20603, name = "ユニコーン", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ユニコーン級航空母艦・ユニコーン (HMS Unicorn)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "dujiaoshou", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 206030, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "dujiaoshou", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.55, 1.08, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.55, 1.08, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.31, 0.27, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.55, 1.08, 0 } }, plane = { { 0.55, 1.08, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.72, 1.32, -0.61 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.52, 2.59, -0.55 } } } } } }, [206031] = { ship_group = 20603, name = "小さな星の歌姫", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ユニコーン…歌姫になっちゃった♪えへへ…ユニコーンの歌、お兄ちゃんに伝わったらいいな……", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "dujiaoshou_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206031, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "dujiaoshou_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.032, 1.24, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.032, 1.24, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.085, 0.028, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.032, 1.24, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.032, 1.24, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.19, 2.262, 0 } } } } } }, [206032] = { ship_group = 20603, name = "春の贈り物", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "これは…お兄ちゃんにプレゼント…気に入ってくれればいいな…え?この服を着てくれてもう満足だって…もう…お兄ちゃん!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "dujiaoshou_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 3, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 15, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "102", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206032, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "dujiaoshou_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70045, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.78, 1.32, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.78, 1.31, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.15, 0.07, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.76, 1.35, 0 } }, plane = { { 0.75, 1.31, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.54, 2.27, 0 } } } } } }, [206033] = { ship_group = 20603, name = "憧れの遊園地?", bg_sp = "", group_index = 3, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "あっ、お兄ちゃん…えへへ、ユニコーンもついさっき着いたよ。じゃあ…行こ…?遊園地、楽しみにしてたんだ…", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "dujiaoshou_4", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 9, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "108", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206033, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "dujiaoshou_4", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70161, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", tag = { 1, 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, -20, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.239, 1.476, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.063, 1.427, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.15, 0.07, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.092, 1.438, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.102, 1.486, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.54, 2.27, 0 } } } } }, l2d_animations = { "idle", "main_1", "main_2", "main_3", "mission", "mission_complete", "complete", "login", "home", "mail", "touch_body", "touch_special", "touch_head" }, l2d_voice_calibrate = { propose = 2.5, login = 2 } }, [206034] = { ship_group = 20603, name = "祈りのウメとスノー", bg_sp = "", group_index = 4, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "これは重桜の「キモノ」…着付け、難しいけど…お兄ちゃんが気に入ってくれるならユニコーン、大丈夫!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "dujiaoshou_5", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 2, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "126", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206034, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "dujiaoshou_5", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70291, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, -20, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.239, 1.476, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.063, 1.427, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.15, 0.07, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.092, 1.438, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.102, 1.486, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.54, 2.27, 0 } } } } } }, [206035] = { ship_group = 20603, name = "天使のMy Night", bg_sp = "", group_index = 5, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "ユニコーン…アイドルになっちゃった…うまくできるかわからないけど…頑張る…っ!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "dujiaoshou_6", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 11, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "120", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206035, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "dujiaoshou_6", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70437, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", tag = { 1, 4 }, live2d_offset = { 50, 15, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.37, 1.176, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.313, 1.221, 0 } }, torpedo = { { -0.006, 0.001, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.286, 1.199, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.199, 1.145, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.472, 2.435, 0 } } } } }, l2d_animations = { "idle", "main_1", "main_2", "main_3", "mission", "mission_complete", "complete", "login", "home", "mail", "touch_body", "touch_special", "touch_head" }, l2d_voice_calibrate = { mission_complete = 0.7, touch_head = 3 } }, [206036] = { ship_group = 20603, name = "シロクマと夏のアイスタイム", bg_sp = "", group_index = 6, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "お兄ちゃん?ユニコーンは今、読書しているよ…?えへへ、美味しいアイスを食べて…お兄ちゃんも一口、食べていいよ?", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "dujiaoshou_7", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 9, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "109", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206036, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "dujiaoshou_7", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70552, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 50, 15, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.27, 1.44, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.3, 1.31, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0, 0, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.26, 1.26, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.21, 1.17, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.49, 2.39, 0 } } } } }, l2d_animations = { "idle", "main_1", "main_2", "main_3", "mission", "mission_complete", "complete", "login", "home", "mail", "touch_body", "touch_head" }, l2d_voice_calibrate = { mission_complete = 0.7, touch_head = 3 } }, [206038] = { ship_group = 20603, name = "純白なる夢の誓い", bg_sp = "", group_index = 8, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "これは…大切な式のための、大切な衣装…うん!ユニコーンもゆーちゃんも準備ができてるよ!お兄ちゃん…こんな感じで…いいの?", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "dujiaoshou_h", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = 1, id = 206038, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "dujiaoshou_h", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 8, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, -20, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.313, 1.301, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.272, 1.279, 0 } }, torpedo = { { -0.012, 0.016, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.361, 1.323, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.318, 1.297, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.54, 2.27, 0 } } } } } }, [206040] = { ship_group = 20604, name = "セントー", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "セントー級航空母艦――セントー(HMS Centaur) ", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "banrenma", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 206040, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "banrenma", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 164, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.08, 1.13, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.04, 1.13, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.2, 0.07, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.96, 1.08, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.03, 1.19, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.56, 2.11, -0.55 } } } } } }, [206041] = { ship_group = 20604, name = "砂浜のウンディーネ", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "海は毎日眺められますけど、いざ水着に着替えてみると気持ちも一新されますね。指揮官もどう?気分は楽になったりしていますか?", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "banrenma_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 6, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "106", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206041, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "banrenma_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70093, voice_actor = 164, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", tag = { 1, 2 }, live2d_offset = { 80, -120, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.758, 1.146, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.758, 1.146, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.159, 0.053, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.739, 1.269, 0 } }, plane = { { 0.767, 1.231, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 40, { { "smoke", { -0.481, 2.325, -0.55 } } } } }, l2d_animations = { "idle", "main_1", "main_2", "main_3", "mission", "mission_complete", "complete", "login", "home", "mail", "touch_body", "touch_special", "touch_head" }, l2d_voice_calibrate = { propose = 2.5 } }, [206042] = { ship_group = 20604, name = "清冽な春風", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "指揮官からこんな華やかな衣装をもらえるなんて思いませんでした…これは「チーパオ」という名前…ですか?少し恥ずかしいですけど着てみました。ど、どうでしょうか…?キレイ…ですか?", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "banrenma_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 3, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "102", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206042, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "banrenma_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70150, voice_actor = 164, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.08, 1.13, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.04, 1.13, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.2, 0.07, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.96, 1.08, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.03, 1.19, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.56, 2.11, -0.55 } } } } } }, [206050] = { ship_group = 20605, name = "チェイサー", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "アタッカー級航空母艦・チェイサー(HMS Chaser)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "zhuiganzhe", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 206050, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "zhuiganzhe", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 165, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 80, -120, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.69, 0.745, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.641, 0.726, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.159, 0.053, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.837, 1.279, 0 } }, plane = { { 0.767, 1.231, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 40, { { "smoke", { -0.481, 2.325, -0.55 } } } } } }, [206051] = { ship_group = 20605, name = "東煌見聞録", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "この東煌(どんふぁん)の衣装は似合ってるのかな?わたくし、ユニオン生まれでロイヤル育ちだけど、実は東煌にもちょっとした足跡を残したわよ?では、オリエンタルなお茶と文化についておしゃべりでもしようかしら、ふふふ♪", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "zhuiganzhe_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 3, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 9, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "102", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206051, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "zhuiganzhe_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70159, voice_actor = 165, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 80, -120, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 0.758, 1.146, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 0.758, 1.146, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.159, 0.053, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 0.739, 1.269, 0 } }, plane = { { 0.767, 1.231, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 40, { { "smoke", { -0.481, 2.325, -0.55 } } } } } }, [206052] = { ship_group = 20605, name = "ゲーマースタイル", bg_sp = "", group_index = 2, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "よし!実績ゲット!…あら?指揮官、ご機嫌よう。わたくしのこの格好がそんなに珍しいの?ふふ、こう見えてもユニオン出身、エンターテイメントももちろん心得ていることよ♪", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "zhuiganzhe_3", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 9, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "105", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206052, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "zhuiganzhe_3", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70197, voice_actor = 165, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 80, -120, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.28, 1.19, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.012, 1.146, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.022, 0.046, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.014, 1.166, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.498, 2.586, -0.55 } } } } } }, [206060] = { ship_group = 20606, name = "パーシュース", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "コロッサス級航空母艦・パーシュース (HMS Perseus)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yingxianzuo", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 206060, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yingxianzuo", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 241, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 80, -120, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 2.789, 1.258, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 2.747, 1.311, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0, 0, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 2.785, 1.358, 0 } }, plane = { { 2.785, 1.301, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.481, 2.325, -0.55 } } } } } }, [206061] = { ship_group = 20606, name = "ナーセリー勤務タイム", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "当直のパーシュースよ。ご用があったらそこの呼び鈴鳴らして。…何か用?", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "yingxianzuo_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 15, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 13, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "138", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 206061, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "yingxianzuo_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70395, voice_actor = 241, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 80, -120, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.367, 1.065, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.349, 1.122, 0 } }, torpedo = { { -0.001, -0.008, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.339, 1.165, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.353, 1.147, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 40, { { "smoke", { -0.481, 2.325, -0.55 } } } } } }, [207010] = { ship_group = 20701, name = "イーグル", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "イーグル級航空母艦·イーグル (HMS Eagle)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "ying", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 207010, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "ying", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 239, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 80, -120, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.462, 1.16, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.463, 1.198, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.002, -0.018, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.466, 1.186, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.446, 1.124, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.481, 2.325, -0.55 } } } } } }, [207011] = { ship_group = 20701, name = "イーグルズ・クリニック", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "演習任務だろうと、参加者として全力で努力するのみ――今の私は王家の戦士としてだけでなく、医療施設の研修医でもある。指揮官、体の具合が悪く感じたらいつでも来てくれ", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "ying_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 15, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "138", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 207011, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "ying_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70399, voice_actor = 239, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = -1, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 80, -120, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { cannon = { { 1.165, 0.858, 0 } }, vicegun = { { 1.201, 0.822, 0 } }, torpedo = { { 0.001, -0.015, 0 } }, antiaircraft = { { 1.216, 0.916, 0 } }, plane = { { 1.236, 0.937, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.481, 2.325, -0.55 } } } } } }, [207020] = { ship_group = 20702, name = "アーク・ロイヤル", bg_sp = "", group_index = 0, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "アーク・ロイヤル級航空母艦・アーク・ロイヤル(HMS Ark Royal)", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "huangjiafangzhou", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 0, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "", special_effects = "", skin_type = -1, id = 207020, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "huangjiafangzhou", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 0, voice_actor = 5, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 18, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = {}, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { antiaircraft = { { 0.333, 1.037, 0 } }, plane = { { -0.81, 0.757, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 70, { { "smoke", { -0.469, 0.402, 0 } } } }, { 30, { { "smoke", { 0.34, 0.854, 0 } } } } } }, [207021] = { ship_group = 20702, name = "コーストウォッチャー", bg_sp = "", group_index = 1, illustrator2 = -1, desc = "夏、砂浜、くちく……コホン!そうだ!海を楽しむのもいいが、敵を駆逐するのも忘れるでないぞ!閣下、このアーク・ロイヤル、水着姿でも準備万端だ!", bullet_skin_secondary = "", bullet_skin_main = "", painting = "huangjiafangzhou_2", air_bullet_skin = "", shop_type_id = 6, l2d_ignore_drag = 0, hand_id = 1, lip_smoothing = 0, l2d_animations = "", bgm = "", spine_offset = "", bg = "106", special_effects = "", skin_type = 0, id = 207021, voice_actor_2 = -1, air_torpedo_skin = "", prefab = "huangjiafangzhou_2", l2d_se = "", aircraft_skin = "", main_UI_FX = "", shop_id = 70089, voice_actor = 5, air_bomb_skin = "", illustrator = 18, rarity_bg = "", time = "", l2d_para_range = "", lip_sync_gain = 0, show_skin = "stand", l2d_voice_calibrate = "", tag = { 2 }, live2d_offset = { 0, 0, 0 }, fx_container = { { 0, 1.99185, 1.15 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.75, -1.299 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }, bound_bone = { antiaircraft = { { 0.93, 1.3, 0 } }, plane = { { 0.83, 1.22, 0 } } }, smoke = { { 50, { { "smoke", { -0.46, 2.24, 0 } } } } } } }