slot0 = class("BaseCommodity", import("...BaseVO")) function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2) = slot1.goods_id or slot1.shop_id or slot0.configId = = or 100 slot0.buyCount = slot1.buy_count or slot1.count or slot1.pay_count or 0 slot0.type = slot2 slot0.groupCount = slot1.groupCount or 0 end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) end function slot0.GetPrice(slot0) end function slot0.GetPurchasableCnt(slot0) end function slot0.reduceBuyCount(slot0) slot0.buyCount = slot0.buyCount - 1 end function slot0.increaseBuyCount(slot0) if not slot0.buyCount then slot0.buyCount = 0 end slot0.buyCount = slot0.buyCount + 1 end function slot0.addBuyCount(slot0, slot1) slot0.buyCount = slot0.buyCount + slot1 end function slot0.canPurchase(slot0) return slot0.buyCount > 0 end function slot0.hasDiscount(slot0) return < 100 end function slot0.isFree(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("discount") == 100 end function slot0.isDisCount(slot0) return false end function slot0.isChargeType(slot0) return false end function slot0.isGiftPackage(slot0) return slot0.type == Goods.TYPE_GIFT_PACKAGE end function slot0.isSham(slot0) return slot0.type == Goods.TYPE_SHAM_BATTLE end function slot0.getKey(slot0) return .. "_" .. slot0.type end function slot0.updateBuyCount(slot0, slot1) slot0.buyCount = slot1 end function slot0.updateGroupCount(slot0, slot1) slot0.groupCount = slot1 end function slot0.firstPayDouble(slot0) return false end function slot0.inTime(slot0) if not slot0:getConfig("time") then return true end if type(slot1) == "string" then return slot1 == "always" else slot2 = nil if #slot1 > 0 then slot2 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():ParseTimeEx(slot1[1][1][1] .. "-" .. slot1[1][1][2] .. "-" .. slot1[1][1][3] .. " " .. slot1[1][2][1] .. ":" .. slot1[1][2][2] .. ":" .. slot1[1][2][3], nil, true) end slot3 = nil if #slot1 > 1 then slot3 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():ParseTimeEx(slot1[2][1][1] .. "-" .. slot1[2][1][2] .. "-" .. slot1[2][1][3] .. " " .. slot1[2][2][1] .. ":" .. slot1[2][2][2] .. ":" .. slot1[2][2][3], nil, true) end if slot2 and slot3 then return slot2 <= pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() and slot4 <= slot3, slot3 - slot4 end return true end end function slot0.calDayLeft(slot0) slot1, slot2 = slot0:inTime() if slot1 and slot2 and slot2 > 0 then return slot1, pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():parseTimeFrom(slot2) + 1 end end return slot0