slot0 = class("MetaProgress", import("..BaseVO")) slot0.STATE_LESS_PT = 1 slot0.STATE_LESS_STORY = 2 slot0.STATE_CAN_AWARD = 3 slot0.STATE_CAN_FINISH = 4 slot0.STATE_GOT_SHIP = 5 function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.ship_strengthen_meta end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0.configId = slot0.metaType = slot0:getConfig("type") slot0.actID = slot0:getConfig("activity_id") slot0.metaAct = nil slot0.metaShipVO = nil if slot0:isPtType() then slot0.unlockPTNum = slot0:getConfig("synchronize") slot0.unlockPTLevel = nil slot0.metaPtData = nil end end function slot0.updateMetaPtData(slot0, slot1) if slot0.metaPtData then slot0.metaPtData:Update(slot0.metaAct) else slot0.metaPtData = ActivityPtData.New(slot0.metaAct) end end function slot0.getSynRate(slot0) slot1, slot2, slot3 = slot0.metaPtData:GetResProgress() return slot1 / slot0.unlockPTNum end function slot0.getStoryIndexList(slot0) return slot0.metaAct:getDataConfig("unlock_story") end function slot0.getCurLevelStoryIndex(slot0) slot1, slot2, slot3 = slot0.metaPtData:GetLevelProgress() return slot0:getStoryIndexList()[slot1] end function slot0.isFinishCurLevelStory(slot0) slot2 = false if slot0:getCurLevelStoryIndex() == 0 then slot2 = true else slot3 = pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance() if slot3:IsPlayed(slot3:StoryName2StoryId(slot1)) then slot2 = true end end return slot2 end function slot0.getCurLevelStoryName(slot0) return pg.memory_template[slot0:getCurLevelStoryIndex()].title end function slot0.isCanGetAward(slot0) slot1 = slot0.metaPtData:CanGetAward() slot3 = false if slot0:getCurLevelStoryIndex() == 0 then slot3 = true else slot4 = pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance() slot6 = slot4:GetStoryByName("index")[slot2] if slot4:IsPlayed(slot2) then slot3 = true end end return slot1 and slot3 end function slot0.getMetaProgressPTState(slot0) slot2 = slot0:isFinishCurLevelStory() slot3 = slot0:isUnlocked() if slot0.metaPtData.level + 1 < slot0.unlockPTLevel then if not slot0.metaPtData:CanGetAward() then return uv0.STATE_LESS_PT elseif slot2 == false then return uv0.STATE_LESS_STORY elseif slot2 == true then return uv0.STATE_CAN_AWARD end elseif slot4 == slot0.unlockPTLevel then if not slot1 then return uv0.STATE_LESS_PT elseif slot2 == false then return uv0.STATE_LESS_STORY elseif slot2 == true then return uv0.STATE_CAN_FINISH end elseif slot0.unlockPTLevel < slot4 then return uv0.STATE_GOT_SHIP end end function slot0.getRepairRateFromMetaCharacter(slot0) return slot0.metaShipVO.metaCharacter:getRepairRate() end function slot0.isPtType(slot0) return slot0.metaType == MetaCharacterConst.Meta_Type_Act_PT end function slot0.isPassType(slot0) return slot0.metaType == MetaCharacterConst.Meta_Type_Pass end function slot0.isInAct(slot0) if slot0.metaAct and not slot0.metaAct:isEnd() then return true else return false end end function slot0.isUnlocked(slot0) return slot0.metaShipVO ~= nil end function slot0.isShow(slot0) slot1 = slot0:isInAct() slot3 = true if slot0:isUnlocked() then return true elseif slot1 then if slot0:isPtType() and slot3 then return true elseif slot0:isPassType() then return true else return false end else return false end end function slot0.getMetaActivityFromActProxy(slot0, slot1) if getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(slot0.actID) and not slot2:isEnd() then return slot2 end end function slot0.getMetaShipFromBayProxy(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(BayProxy):getMetaShipByGroupId(slot0.configId) slot0.metaShipVO = slot1 return slot1 end function slot0.getShip(slot0) return slot0.metaShipVO end function slot0.updateShip(slot0, slot1) slot0.metaShipVO = slot1 end function slot0.setDataBeforeGet(slot0) slot0.metaAct = slot0:getMetaActivityFromActProxy() slot0.metaShipVO = slot0:getMetaShipFromBayProxy() if slot0:isPtType() and slot0.metaAct then slot0:updateMetaPtData() end if slot0:isPtType() and slot0.metaAct and not slot0.unlockPTLevel then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.metaPtData.targets) do if slot6 == slot0.unlockPTNum then slot0.unlockPTLevel = slot5 break end end end end function slot0.updateDataAfterActOP(slot0) slot0.metaAct = slot0:getMetaActivityFromActProxy() if slot0:isPtType() and slot0.metaAct then slot0:updateMetaPtData() end end function slot0.updateDataAfterAddShip(slot0) slot0.metaShipVO = slot0:getMetaShipFromBayProxy() end function slot0.getPaintPathAndName(slot0) slot2, slot3 = MetaCharacterConst.GetMetaCharacterPaintPath(slot0.configId, slot0:isUnlocked()) return slot2, slot3 end function slot0.getBannerPathAndName(slot0) slot1, slot2 = MetaCharacterConst.GetMetaCharacterBannerPath(slot0.configId) return slot1, slot2 end function slot0.getBGNamePathAndName(slot0) slot1, slot2 = MetaCharacterConst.GetMetaCharacterNamePath(slot0.configId) return slot1, slot2 end function slot0.getPtIconPath(slot0) return pg.item_data_statistics[id2ItemId(slot0.metaPtData.resId)].icon end return slot0