slot0 = class("Dorm", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.comforChatState = { i18n("backyard_backyardScene_comforChatContent1_1"), i18n("backyard_backyardScene_comforChatContent2_2"), i18n("backyard_backyardScene_comforChatContent3_3") } function slot0.comforChatContent(slot0) slot3 = 0 if pg.gameset.dorm_exp_ratio_comfort_degree.key_value + slot0:getComfortable() ~= 0 then slot3 = slot2 / (slot1 + slot2) * 100 end return i18n("backyard_backyardScene_comforChatContent2", uv0.comforChatState[slot0:getComBGIndex()], string.format("%d", slot3), slot0.level - 1) .. i18n("backyard_backyardScene_comforChatContent1", unpack("comfortable_count"), function (slot0) return slot0[2] end))) end slot0.MAX_FLOOR = 2 slot0.MAX_LEVEL = 4 slot0.DORM_2_FLOOR_COMFORTABLE_ADDITION = 20 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.configId = or = slot0.configId slot0.level = = or 0 slot0.food_extend_count = slot1.food_max_increase_count slot0.dorm_food_max = slot1.food_max_increase slot0.next_timestamp = slot1.next_timestamp or 0 slot0.exp_pos = slot1.exp_pos or 2 slot0.rest_pos = slot0.exp_pos slot0.load_exp = 0 slot0.load_food = 0 slot0.load_time = slot1.load_time or 0 slot0.furnitures = slot1.furnitures or {} = slot0.shipIds = slot1.shipIds or {} slot0.floorNum = slot1.floor_num or 1 end function slot0.IsMaxLevel(slot0) return uv0.MAX_LEVEL <= slot0.level end function slot0.GetMapSize(slot0) slot1 = 12 - (slot0.level - 1) * 4 return slot1, slot1, BackYardHouseVO.MAX_SIZE_X, BackYardHouseVO.MAX_SIZE_Y end function slot0.GetPutCntForFurniture(slot0, slot1) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0:getPutFurnis()) do if slot8:getConfig("id") == slot1:getConfig("id") then slot3 = 0 + 1 end end return slot3 end function slot0.isUnlockFloor(slot0, slot1) return slot1 <= slot0.floorNum end function slot0.setFloorNum(slot0, slot1) slot0.floorNum = slot1 end function slot0.getOtherFloorFurnitrues(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.furnitures) do if slot7.floor ~= slot1 and slot7.floor ~= 0 then -- Nothing end end return { [] = slot7 } end function slot0.GetAllFurniture(slot0) return slot0.furnitures end function slot0.getFurnitrues(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.furnitures) do if slot7.floor == slot1 then -- Nothing end end return { [] = slot7 } end function slot0.setName(slot0, slot1) = slot1 end function slot0.getExtendTrainPosShopId(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(pg.shop_template.all) do if slot1[slot6].effect_args == ShopArgs.EffectDromExpPos and slot1[slot6].limit_args[1][2] <= slot0.exp_pos and slot0.exp_pos <= slot1[slot6].limit_args[1][3] then return slot6 end end end function slot0.setShipIds(slot0, slot1) slot0.shipIds = slot1 end function slot0.setFurnitrues(slot0, slot1) slot0.furnitures = slot1 end function slot0.clearFurnitrues(slot0) slot0.furnitures = {} end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.dorm_data_template end function slot0.getPutFurnis(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.furnitures) do if slot6.position then -- Nothing end end return { [] = slot6 } end function slot0.getComfortable(slot0, slot1) slot2 = 0 for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.furnitures) do table.insert({}, slot8) end if slot1 and table.getCount(slot1) > 0 then for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot1) do table.insert(slot3, slot8) end end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0:getConfig("comfortable_count")) do slot2 = _.reduce(_(Clone(slot3)):chain():filter(function (slot0) return slot0:getTypeForComfortable() == uv0[1] end):sort(function (slot0, slot1) return slot1:getConfig("comfortable") < slot0:getConfig("comfortable") end):slice(1, slot9[2]):value(), 0, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 + slot1:getConfig("comfortable") end) + slot2 end if slot0:isUnlockFloor(2) then slot2 = slot2 + (slot0.level - 1) * 10 + uv0.DORM_2_FLOOR_COMFORTABLE_ADDITION end return slot2 end function slot0.increaseTrainPos(slot0) slot0.exp_pos = slot0.exp_pos + 1 end function slot0.increaseRestPos(slot0) slot0.rest_pos = slot0.rest_pos + 1 end function slot0.increaseFoodExtendCount(slot0) slot0.food_extend_count = slot0.food_extend_count + 1 end function slot0.extendFoodCapacity(slot0, slot1) slot0.dorm_food_max = slot0.dorm_food_max + slot1 end function slot0.levelUp(slot0) slot0.configId = slot0.configId + 1 = slot0.configId slot0.level = slot0.configId slot0.comfortable = (slot0.level - 1) * 10 end function slot0.consumeFood(slot0, slot1) = math.max( - slot1, 0) end function slot0.restNextTime(slot0) slot0.next_timestamp = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() + slot0:bindConfigTable()[].time end function slot0.isMaxFood(slot0) return >= slot0.dorm_food_max + slot0:bindConfigTable()[].capacity end function slot0.addShip(slot0, slot1) table.insert(slot0.shipIds, slot1) end function slot0.deleteShip(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.shipIds) do if slot6 == slot1 then table.remove(slot0.shipIds, slot5) break end end end function slot0.addFurniture(slot0, slot1) slot0.furnitures[] = slot1 end function slot0.updateFurniture(slot0, slot1) slot0.furnitures[] = slot1 end function slot0.getFurnitrueById(slot0, slot1) return slot0.furnitures[slot1] end function slot0.hasFurnitrue(slot0, slot1) return slot0.furnitures[slot1] ~= nil end function slot0.getFoodLeftTime(slot0) slot1 = slot0:bindConfigTable()[] if getProxy(DormProxy):getTrainShipCount() == 0 then return 0 end slot4 = pg.gameset["dorm_food_ratio_by_" .. slot2].key_value / 100 * slot1.consume return slot0.next_timestamp + (( - % slot4) / slot4 - 1) * slot1.time end function slot0.getComBGIndex(slot0) if slot0:getComfortable() < 30 then return 1 elseif slot1 >= 30 and slot1 < 68 then return 2 else return 3 end end function slot0.getFood(slot0) return end function slot0.addFood(slot0, slot1) = + slot1 end function slot0.getSaveData(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0:getPutFurnis()) do slot7 = slot6.position or {} end return { [slot5] = { id = slot5, x = slot7.x or 0, y = slot7.y or 0, position = Vector2(slot7.x or 0, slot7.y or 0), dir = slot6.dir or 1, child = slot6.child or {}, parent = slot6.parent or 0, shipId = slot6.shipId or 0 } } end function slot0.checkData(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do slot7, slot8 = uv0.checkFurnitrueData(slot6, slot0, slot1) if not slot7 then return slot7, i18n1("[" .. pg.furniture_data_template[slot6.configId].name .. "]的数据出错了哦:" .. slot8 .. "-" .. end end return true end function slot0.checkFurnitrueData(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = BackYardHouseVO.New({ level = slot2 }) if not slot0.floor then return false, 0 end if not slot0.parent then return false, 1 end if not slot0.dir or slot0.dir < 0 or slot0.dir > 2 then return false, 2 end if not slot0.child then return false, 4 end if slot0.position then slot0.x = slot0.position.x slot0.y = slot0.position.y end if not slot0.x or not slot0.y then return false, 5 end if slot0.parent ~= 0 then if not slot1[slot0.parent] then return false, 7 end if not table.contains(_.keys(slot4.child or {}), then return false, 8 end end if table.getCount(slot0.child) ~= 0 then for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.child) do if not slot1[slot7] or slot1[slot7].parent ~= then return false, 9 end end end if BackyardFurnitureVO.New(slot0):checkBoundItem() and not slot3:checkBound(slot4:getOccupyGrid(Vector2(slot0.x, slot0.y))) then return false, 10 end if not slot4:hasParent() and slot4:isMapItem() and not slot4:isPaper() then for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot1) do if slot9.position and slot9.parent == 0 and ~= and BackyardFurnitureVO.New(slot9):isMapItem() and not slot10:isPaper() and slot4:isConflictPos(slot10) then return false, 11 end end end if table.getCount(slot4.child or {}) ~= 0 then for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot4.child or {}) do if slot1[slot8] then for slot15, slot16 in pairs(slot4.child) do if slot15 ~= slot8 and BackyardFurnitureVO.New(slot10):isConflictPos(BackyardFurnitureVO.New(slot1[slot15])) then return false, 12 end end end end end return true end function slot0.OwnThemeTemplateFurniture(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:GetAllFurniture() for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot1:GetFurnitureCnt()) do if not function (slot0, slot1) return uv0[slot0] and slot1 <= slot2.count end(slot8, slot9) then return false end end return true end function slot0.ClearPositionByFloor(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.furnitures) do if slot6.floor == slot1 then slot6:clearPosition() end end end function slot0.SetPostionForFloor(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot2) do if slot0.furnitures[] then slot0.furnitures[] = slot8 end end end return slot0