slot0 = class("ChapterAIAction", import(".BaseVO")) function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.line = { row = slot1.ai_pos.row, column = slot1.ai_pos.column } slot0.stgId = slot1.strategy_id if slot1.target_pos then slot0.stgTarget = { row = slot1.target_pos.row, column = slot1.target_pos.column } end slot0.movePath =, function (slot0) return { row = slot0.row, column = slot0.column } end) slot0.shipUpdate =, function (slot0) return { id =, hpRant = slot0.hp_rant } end) slot0.cellUpdates = {} _.each(slot1.map_update, function (slot0) if slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachNone and slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachBorn and slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachBorn_Sub and (slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachStory or slot0.item_data ~= ChapterConst.StoryTrigger) then table.insert(uv0.cellUpdates, slot0.item_type == ChapterConst.AttachChampion and ChapterChampionPackage.New(slot0) or ChapterCell.New(slot0)) end end) slot0.actionType = slot1.act_type slot0.hp_del = slot1.hp_del end function slot0.PlayAIAction(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot1:getChapterCell(slot0.line.row, slot0.line.column) and slot4.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachLandbase and not table.equal(slot0.stgTarget, { row = 9999, columns = 9999 }) then if pg.land_based_template[slot4.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.LBCoastalGun then slot2.viewComponent:doPlayAnim("coastalgun", function (slot0) setActive(slot0, false) uv0() end) elseif slot5.type == ChapterConst.LBHarbor then if not slot0.hp_del or slot0.hp_del <= 0 then slot3() end slot2.viewComponent.grid:PlayAttachmentEffect(slot4.row, slot4.column, "huoqiubaozha", Vector2(0, 0)) slot3() elseif slot5.type == ChapterConst.LBDock then slot3() elseif slot5.type == ChapterConst.LBAntiAir then slot2.viewComponent:doPlayAnim("AntiAirFire", function (slot0) setActive(slot0, false) uv0.viewComponent.grid:PlayChampionInsideEffect(uv1.stgTarget.row, uv1.stgTarget.column, "huoqiubaozha", uv2) end) end return end if slot0.stgId > 0 then if slot0.stgId == ChapterConst.StrategySonarDetect then _.each(slot0.cellUpdates, function (slot0) if isa(slot0, ChapterChampionPackage) then table.insert(uv0, slot0) end end) slot2.viewComponent.grid:PlaySonarDetectAnim({}, slot3) end return end slot5 = slot1:getChampion(slot0.line.row, slot0.line.column) slot7 = slot0.movePath[#slot0.movePath] or slot0.line if slot1:getChampionIndex(slot0.line.row, slot0.line.column) then seriesAsync({ function (slot0) if #uv0.movePath > 0 then uv1.viewComponent.grid:moveChampion(uv2, uv0.movePath, Clone(uv0.movePath), slot0) else slot0() end end, function (slot0) if #uv0.shipUpdate > 0 then uv1.viewComponent:doPlayEnemyAnim(uv2, "SubSairenTorpedoUI", slot0) else slot0() end end, function (slot0) slot1 = false if uv0.actionType == 2 and #uv0.cellUpdates > 0 then _.each(uv0.cellUpdates, function (slot0) if uv0.row == slot0.row and uv0.column == slot0.column and isa(slot0, ChapterChampionPackage) then uv1:TryPlayChampionSubAnim(uv2, slot0, uv3, uv4) uv5 = true end end) end if not slot1 then slot0() end end, function (slot0) uv0() end }) return end end function slot0.TryPlayChampionSubAnim(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if (slot2.flag == ChapterConst.CellFlagDiving or slot3.flag == ChapterConst.CellFlagDiving) and (slot2.flag == ChapterConst.CellFlagActive or slot3.flag == ChapterConst.CellFlagActive) then slot1.viewComponent.grid:PlayChampionSubmarineAnimation(slot3, slot2.flag == ChapterConst.CellFlagDiving, slot4) return end slot4() end function slot0.applyTo(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1:getChapterCell(slot0.line.row, slot0.line.column) and slot3.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachLandbase and not table.equal(slot0.stgTarget, { row = 9999, column = 9999 }) then if pg.land_based_template[slot3.attachmentId].type == ChapterConst.LBCoastalGun then return slot0:applyToCoastalGun(slot1, slot3, slot2) elseif slot4.type == ChapterConst.LBHarbor then return slot0:applyToHarbor(slot1, slot3, slot2) elseif slot4.type == ChapterConst.LBDock then return slot0:applyToDock(slot1, slot3, slot2) elseif slot4.type == ChapterConst.LBAntiAir then return slot0:applyToAntiAir(slot1, slot3, slot2) else return false, "Trouble with Attach LandBased" end end if slot0.stgId > 0 then return slot0:applyToStrategy(slot1, slot0.stgId, slot2) end if slot1:getChampion(slot0.line.row, slot0.line.column) then return slot0:applyToChampion(slot1, slot4, slot2) end return false, "can not find any object at: [" .. slot0.line.row .. ", " .. slot0.line.column .. "]" end function slot0.applyToChampion(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot2.flag == ChapterConst.CellFlagDisabled then return false, "can not apply ai to dead champion at: [" .. slot0.line.row .. ", " .. slot0.line.column .. "]" end slot4 = 0 slot5 = 0 slot6 = slot0.line if slot0.stgId > 0 and not pg.strategy_data_template[slot0.stgId] then return false, "can not find strategy: " .. slot0.stgId end if #slot0.movePath > 0 then slot6 = slot0.movePath[#slot0.movePath] if _.any(slot0.movePath, function (slot0) return not uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column) or not slot1:IsWalkable() end) then return false, "invalide move path" end end if #slot0.shipUpdate > 0 and not slot1:getFleet(FleetType.Normal, slot6.row, slot6.column) then return false, "can not find fleet at: [" .. slot0.line.row .. ", " .. slot0.line.column .. "]" end if not slot3 then if #slot0.movePath > 0 then slot2.row = slot6.row slot2.column = slot6.column slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyChampionPosition) end if slot1:existFleet(FleetType.Submarine, slot2.row, slot2.column) then slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) end if slot0.actionType == 2 and slot1:getChapterCell(slot6.row, slot6.column) and slot7.attachment == ChapterConst.AttachBarrier then slot7.flag = 1 slot1:mergeChapterCell(slot7) slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) end if #slot0.shipUpdate > 0 then _.each(slot0.shipUpdate, function (slot0) uv0:updateFleetShipHp(, slot0.hpRant) end) slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) end if #slot0.cellUpdates > 0 then _.each(slot0.cellUpdates, function (slot0) if isa(slot0, ChapterChampionPackage) then uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, uv0:mergeChampion(slot0) and ChapterConst.DirtyChampionPosition or ChapterConst.DirtyChampion) else uv0:mergeChapterCell(slot0) uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) end end) slot5 = bit.bor(slot5, ChapterConst.DirtyAutoAction) end end return true, slot4, slot5 end function slot0.applyToStrategy(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not pg.strategy_data_template[slot2] then return false, "can not find strategy: " .. slot2 end slot5 = 0 if not slot3 and slot0.stgId == ChapterConst.StrategySonarDetect then _.each(slot0.cellUpdates, function (slot0) if isa(slot0, ChapterChampionPackage) then uv0:mergeChampion(slot0) uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, ChapterConst.DirtyChampion) else uv0:mergeChapterCell(slot0) uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) end end) end return true, slot5 end function slot0.applyToCoastalGun(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot2.flag == 1 then return false, "can not apply ai to dead coastalgun at: [" .. slot0.line.row .. ", " .. slot0.line.column .. "]" end slot4 = 0 slot5 = 0 if not slot1:getFleet(FleetType.Normal, slot0.stgTarget.row, slot0.stgTarget.column) then return false, "can not find fleet at: [" .. slot0.stgTarget.row .. ", " .. slot0.stgTarget.column .. "]" end if not slot3 then slot6:increaseSlowSpeedFactor() slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) _.each(slot0.cellUpdates, function (slot0) if isa(slot0, ChapterChampionPackage) then uv0:mergeChampion(slot0) uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, ChapterConst.DirtyChampion) else uv0:mergeChapterCell(slot0) uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) end end) if #slot0.cellUpdates > 0 then slot5 = bit.bor(slot5, ChapterConst.DirtyAutoAction) end end return true, slot4, slot5 end function slot0.applyToHarbor(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot2.flag == 1 then return false, "can not apply ai to dead Harbor at: [" .. slot0.line.row .. ", " .. slot0.line.column .. "]" end slot4 = 0 slot5 = 0 if not slot1:getChampion(slot0.stgTarget.row, slot0.stgTarget.column) then return false, "can not find champion at: [" .. slot0.stgTarget.row .. ", " .. slot0.stgTarget.column .. "]" end if not slot3 then slot1.BaseHP = math.max(slot1.BaseHP - slot0.hp_del, 0) slot1:RemoveChampion(slot6) slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyBase, ChapterConst.DirtyChampion) slot5 = bit.bor(slot5, ChapterConst.DirtyAutoAction) if #slot0.cellUpdates > 0 then _.each(slot0.cellUpdates, function (slot0) if isa(slot0, ChapterChampionPackage) then slot1 = uv0:mergeChampion(slot0) uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, ChapterConst.DirtyChampion) else uv0:mergeChapterCell(slot0) uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) end end) end end return true, slot4, slot5 end function slot0.applyToDock(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot2.flag == 1 then return false, "can not apply ai to dead Dock at: [" .. slot0.line.row .. ", " .. slot0.line.column .. "]" end slot4 = 0 slot5 = 0 if not slot1:getFleet(FleetType.Normal, slot0.stgTarget.row, slot0.stgTarget.column) then return false, "can not find fleet at: [" .. slot0.stgTarget.row .. ", " .. slot0.stgTarget.column .. "]" end if not slot3 then _.each(slot0.cellUpdates, function (slot0) if isa(slot0, ChapterCell) then uv0:mergeChapterCell(slot0) uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) end end) _.each(slot0.shipUpdate, function (slot0) uv0:updateFleetShipHp(, slot0.hpRant) end) slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) end return true, slot4 end function slot0.applyToAntiAir(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot2.flag == 1 then return false, "can not apply ai to dead antiairGun at: [" .. slot0.line.row .. ", " .. slot0.line.column .. "]" end slot4 = 0 slot5 = 0 if not slot1:getChampion(slot0.stgTarget.row, slot0.stgTarget.column) then return false, "can not find champion at: [" .. slot0.stgTarget.row .. ", " .. slot0.stgTarget.column .. "]" end if not slot3 then slot1:RemoveChampion(slot6) slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyChampion, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) _.each(slot0.cellUpdates, function (slot0) if isa(slot0, ChapterChampionPackage) then slot1 = uv0:mergeChampion(slot0) else uv0:mergeChapterCell(slot0) uv1 = bit.bor(uv1, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) end end) end return true, slot4, slot5 end return slot0