ys = ys or {} slot0 = ys slot1 = slot0.Battle.BattleDataFunction slot2 = slot0.Battle.BattleConst slot3 = slot0.Battle.BattleConfig slot4 = require("Mgr/Pool/PoolUtil") slot5 = singletonClass("BattleResourceManager") slot0.Battle.BattleResourceManager = slot5 slot5.__name = "BattleResourceManager" function slot5.Ctor(slot0) slot0.rotateScriptMap = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv" }) end function slot5.Init(slot0) slot0._preloadList = {} slot0._resCacheList = {} slot0._allPool = {} slot0._ob2Pool = {} slot0._shaders = {} slot1 = GameObject() slot1:SetActive(false) slot1.name = "PoolRoot" slot1.transform.position = Vector3(-10000, -10000, 0) slot0._poolRoot = slot1 slot0._bulletContainer = GameObject("BulletContainer") slot0._battleCVList = {} end function slot5.Clear(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0._allPool) do slot5:Dispose() end for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0._resCacheList) do if string.find(slot4, "Char/") then uv0.ClearCharRes(slot4, slot5) elseif string.find(slot4, "painting/") then uv0.ClearPaintingRes(slot4, slot5) else uv1.Destroy(slot5) end end slot0._resCacheList = {} slot0._ob2Pool = {} slot0._allPool = {} slot0._shaders = {} Object.Destroy(slot0._poolRoot) slot0._poolRoot = nil Object.Destroy(slot0._bulletContainer) slot0._bulletContainer = nil slot0.rotateScriptMap = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv" }) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0._battleCVList) do pg.CriMgr.UnloadCVBank(slot5) end slot0._battleCVList = {} uv2.Battle.BattleDataFunction.ClearConvertedBarrage() end function slot5.GetBulletPath(slot0) return "Item/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetCharacterPath(slot0) return "Char/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetCharacterGoPath(slot0) return "chargo/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetAircraftIconPath(slot0) return "AircraftIcon/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetFXPath(slot0) return "Effect/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetPaintingPath(slot0) return "painting/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetHrzIcon(slot0) return "herohrzicon/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetSquareIcon(slot0) return "squareicon/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetQIcon(slot0) return "qicon/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetCommanderHrzIconPath(slot0) return "commanderhrz/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetShipTypeIconPath(slot0) return "shiptype/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetMapPath(slot0) return "Map/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetUIPath(slot0) return "UI/" .. slot0 end function slot5.GetResName(slot0) slot2 = string.find(slot0, "%/") while slot2 do slot2 = string.find(string.sub(slot1, slot2 + 1), "%/") end return slot1 end function slot5.ClearCharRes(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot1:GetComponent("SkeletonRenderer").skeletonDataAsset if not PoolMgr.GetInstance():IsSpineSkelCached(uv0.GetResName(slot0)) then UIUtil.ClearSharedMaterial(slot1) end uv1.Destroy(slot1) end function slot5.ClearPaintingRes(slot0, slot1) PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnPainting(uv0.GetResName(slot0), slot1) end function slot5.DestroyOb(slot0, slot1) if slot0._ob2Pool[slot1] then slot2:Recycle(slot1) else uv0.Destroy(slot1) end end function slot5.popPool(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot1:GetObject() if not slot2 then slot3.transform.parent = nil end slot0._ob2Pool[slot3] = slot1 return slot3 end function slot5.InstCharacter(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0._allPool[slot0.GetCharacterPath(slot1)] then slot2(slot0:popPool(slot4)) elseif slot0._resCacheList[slot3] ~= nil then slot0:InitPool(slot3, slot0._resCacheList[slot3], function () uv0 = uv1._allPool[uv2] uv3(uv1:popPool(uv0)) end) else slot0:LoadSpineAsset(slot1, function (slot0) if not uv0._poolRoot then uv1.ClearCharRes(uv2, slot0) return end slot1 = SpineAnim.AnimChar(uv3, slot0) slot1:SetActive(false) uv0:InitPool(uv2, slot1, function () uv0 = uv1._allPool[uv2] uv3(uv1:popPool(uv0)) end) end) end end function slot5.LoadSpineAsset(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not PoolMgr.GetInstance():IsSpineSkelCached(slot1) then ResourceMgr.Inst:getAssetAsync(slot0.GetCharacterPath(slot1), slot1 .. "_SkeletonData", UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction_UnityEngine_Object(function (slot0) uv0(slot0) end), true, true) else PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetSpineSkel(slot1, true, slot2) end end function slot5.InstAirCharacter(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0._allPool[slot0.GetCharacterGoPath(slot1)] then slot2(slot0:popPool(slot4)) elseif slot0._resCacheList[slot3] ~= nil then slot0:InitPool(slot3, slot0._resCacheList[slot3], function () uv0 = uv1._allPool[uv2] uv3(uv1:popPool(uv0)) end) else ResourceMgr.Inst:getAssetAsync(slot3, slot1, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction_UnityEngine_Object(function (slot0) if not uv0._poolRoot then uv1.Destroy(slot0) return else uv0:InitPool(uv2, slot0, function () uv0 = uv1._allPool[uv2] uv3(uv1:popPool(uv0)) end) end end), true, true) end end function slot5.InstBullet(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0._allPool[slot0.GetBulletPath(slot1)] then slot5 = slot0:popPool(slot4, true) if string.find(slot1, "_trail") and slot5:GetComponentInChildren(typeof(UnityEngine.TrailRenderer)) then slot6:Clear() end slot2(slot5) return true elseif slot0._resCacheList[slot3] ~= nil then slot0:InitPool(slot3, slot0._resCacheList[slot3], function () uv0 = uv1._allPool[uv2] slot0 = uv1:popPool(uv0, true) if string.find(uv3, "_trail") and slot0:GetComponentInChildren(typeof(UnityEngine.TrailRenderer)) then slot1:Clear() end uv4(slot0) end) return true else ResourceMgr.Inst:getAssetAsync(slot3, slot1, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction_UnityEngine_Object(function (slot0) if uv0._poolRoot then uv1.Destroy(slot0) return else uv0:InitPool(uv2, slot0, function () uv0 = uv1._allPool[uv2] uv3(uv1:popPool(uv0, true)) end) end end), true, true) return false end end function slot5.InstFX(slot0, slot1) slot3 = nil if slot0._allPool[slot0.GetFXPath(slot1)] then slot3 = slot0:popPool(slot4) elseif slot0._resCacheList[slot2] ~= nil then slot0:InitPool(slot2, slot0._resCacheList[slot2]) slot3 = slot0:popPool(slot0._allPool[slot2]) else ResourceMgr.Inst:getAssetAsync(slot2, slot1, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction_UnityEngine_Object(function (slot0) if not uv0._poolRoot then uv1.Destroy(slot0) return else uv0:InitPool(uv2, slot0) end end), true, true) slot3 = GameObject(slot1 .. "临时假obj") slot3:SetActive(false) slot0._resCacheList[slot2] = slot3 end return slot3 end function slot5.InstSkillPaintingUI(slot0) slot1 = slot0._allPool["UI/SkillPainting"] slot2 = slot1:GetObject() slot0._ob2Pool[slot2] = slot1 return slot2 end function slot5.InstBossWarningUI(slot0) slot1 = slot0._allPool["UI/MonsterAppearUI"] slot2 = slot1:GetObject() slot0._ob2Pool[slot2] = slot1 return slot2 end function slot5.InstPainting(slot0, slot1) slot3 = nil if slot0._allPool[slot0.GetPaintingPath(slot1)] then slot0._ob2Pool[slot4:GetObject()] = slot4 elseif slot0._resCacheList[slot2] ~= nil then Object.Instantiate(slot0._resCacheList[slot2]):SetActive(true) end return slot3 end function slot5.InstMap(slot0, slot1) slot3 = nil if slot0._allPool[slot0.GetMapPath(slot1)] then slot0._ob2Pool[slot4:GetObject()] = slot4 elseif slot0._resCacheList[slot2] ~= nil then slot3 = Object.Instantiate(slot0._resCacheList[slot2]) end slot3:SetActive(true) return slot3 end function slot5.GetCharacterIcon(slot0, slot1) return slot0._resCacheList[uv0.GetHrzIcon(slot1)] end function slot5.GetCharacterSquareIcon(slot0, slot1) return slot0._resCacheList[uv0.GetSquareIcon(slot1)] end function slot5.GetCharacterQIcon(slot0, slot1) return slot0._resCacheList[uv0.GetQIcon(slot1)] end function slot5.GetAircraftIcon(slot0, slot1) return slot0._resCacheList[uv0.GetAircraftIconPath(slot1)] end function slot5.GetShipTypeIcon(slot0, slot1) return slot0._resCacheList[uv0.GetShipTypeIconPath(slot1)] end function slot5.GetCommanderHrzIcon(slot0, slot1) return slot0._resCacheList[uv0.GetCommanderHrzIconPath(slot1)] end function slot5.GetShader(slot0, slot1) return slot0._shaders[slot1] end function slot5.AddPreloadResource(slot0, slot1) if type(slot1) == "string" then slot0._preloadList[slot1] = false elseif type(slot1) == "table" then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do slot0._preloadList[slot6] = false end end end function slot5.AddPreloadCV(slot0, slot1) if ShipWordHelper.RawGetCVKey(slot1) > 0 then slot0._battleCVList[slot2] = pg.CriMgr.GetBattleCVBankName(slot2) end end function slot5.StartPreload(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = 0 for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0._preloadList) do slot4 = 0 + 1 end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0._battleCVList) do slot4 = slot4 + 1 end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(uv0.BATTLE_SHADER) do slot4 = slot4 + 1 end for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot0._battleCVList) do pg.CriMgr:LoadBattleCV(slot9, function () if not uv0._poolRoot then return end uv1 = uv1 + 1 if uv2 < uv1 then return end if uv3 then uv3(uv1) end if uv1 == uv2 then uv0._preloadList = nil uv4() end end) end for slot9, slot10 in pairs(uv0.BATTLE_SHADER) do ResourceMgr.Inst:LoadAssetAsync(pg.ShaderMgr.GetInstance().shaders, slot10, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction_UnityEngine_Object(function (slot0) uv0._shaders[uv1] = slot0 uv2() end), false, false) end for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot0._preloadList) do if slot0.GetResName(slot9) == "" or slot0._resCacheList[slot9] ~= nil then slot5() elseif string.find(slot9, "herohrzicon/") or string.find(slot9, "qicon/") or string.find(slot9, "squareicon/") or string.find(slot9, "commanderhrz/") or string.find(slot9, "AircraftIcon/") then ResourceMgr.Inst:getAssetAsync(slot9, "", typeof(Sprite), UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction_UnityEngine_Object(function (slot0) if slot0 == nil then print("资源预加载失败,检查以下目录:>>" .. uv0 .. "<<") else if not uv1._poolRoot then uv2.Destroy(slot0) return end if uv1._resCacheList then uv1._resCacheList[uv0] = slot0 end end uv3() end), true, true) elseif string.find(slot9, "shiptype/") then ResourceMgr.Inst:getAssetAsync("shiptype", string.split(slot9, "/")[2], typeof(Sprite), UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction_UnityEngine_Object(function (slot0) if slot0 == nil then print("资源预加载失败,检查以下目录:>>" .. uv0 .. "<<") else if not uv1._poolRoot then uv2.Destroy(slot0) return end if uv1._resCacheList then uv1._resCacheList[uv0] = slot0 end end uv3() end), true, true) elseif string.find(slot9, "painting/") then slot12 = false PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPainting(slot11 .. ((PlayerPrefs.GetInt(BATTLE_HIDE_BG, 1) <= 0 or PathMgr.FileExists(PathMgr.getAssetBundle("painting/" .. slot11 .. "_n"))) and PlayerPrefs.GetInt("paint_hide_other_obj_" .. slot11, 0) ~= 0 and "_n" or ""), true, function (slot0) if slot0 == nil then print("资源预加载失败,检查以下目录:>>" .. uv0 .. "<<") else if not uv1._poolRoot then uv2.ClearPaintingRes(uv0, slot0) return end ShipExpressionHelper.SetExpression(slot0, uv3) slot0:SetActive(false) if uv1._resCacheList then uv1._resCacheList[uv0] = slot0 end end uv4() end) elseif string.find(slot9, "Char/") then slot0:LoadSpineAsset(slot11, function (slot0) if slot0 == nil then print("资源预加载失败,检查以下目录:>>" .. uv0 .. "<<") else slot0 = SpineAnim.AnimChar(uv1, slot0) if not uv2._poolRoot then uv3.ClearCharRes(uv0, slot0) return end slot0:SetActive(false) if uv2._resCacheList then uv2._resCacheList[uv0] = slot0 end end uv2:InitPool(uv0, slot0, function () uv0() end) end) elseif string.find(slot9, "UI/") then LoadAndInstantiateAsync("UI", slot11, function (slot0) if slot0 == nil then print("资源预加载失败,检查以下目录:>>" .. uv0 .. "<<") else if not uv1._poolRoot then uv2.Destroy(slot0) return end slot0:SetActive(false) if uv1._resCacheList then uv1._resCacheList[uv0] = slot0 end end uv1:InitPool(uv0, slot0, function () uv0() end) end, true, true) else ResourceMgr.Inst:getAssetAsync(slot9, slot11, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction_UnityEngine_Object(function (slot0) if slot0 == nil then print("资源预加载失败,检查以下目录:>>" .. uv0 .. "<<") else if not uv1._poolRoot then uv2.Destroy(slot0) return end if uv1._resCacheList then uv1._resCacheList[uv0] = slot0 end end uv1:InitPool(uv0, slot0, function () uv0() end) end), true, true) end end return slot4 end slot6 = Vector3(0, 10000, 0) function slot5.HideBullet(slot0) slot0.transform.position = uv0 end function slot5.InitParticleSystemCB(slot0) pg.EffectMgr.GetInstance():CommonEffectEvent(slot0) end function slot5.InitPool(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot0._poolRoot.transform if string.find(slot1, "Item/") then if slot2:GetComponentInChildren(typeof(UnityEngine.TrailRenderer)) ~= nil or slot2:GetComponentInChildren(typeof(ParticleSystem)) ~= nil then if slot3 ~= nil then slot0._allPool[slot1] = pg.Pool.New(slot0._bulletContainer.transform, slot2, 15, 20, true, false):InitSizeAsync(slot3) else slot0._allPool[slot1] = pg.Pool.New(slot0._bulletContainer.transform, slot2, 15, 20, true, false):InitSize() end else pg.Pool.New(slot0._bulletContainer.transform, slot2, 20, 20, true, true):SetRecycleFuncs(uv0.HideBullet) if slot3 ~= nil then slot0._allPool[slot1] = slot5 slot5:InitSizeAsync(slot3) else slot5:InitSize() slot0._allPool[slot1] = slot5 end end elseif string.find(slot1, "Effect/") then if slot2:GetComponent(typeof(UnityEngine.ParticleSystem)) then slot5 = 5 if string.find(slot1, "smoke") and not string.find(slot1, "smokeboom") then slot5 = 30 elseif string.find(slot1, "feijiyingzi") then slot5 = 1 end pg.Pool.New(slot4, slot2, slot5, 20, false, false):SetInitFuncs(uv0.InitParticleSystemCB) if slot3 ~= nil then slot0._allPool[slot1] = slot6 slot6:InitSizeAsync(slot3) else slot6:InitSize() slot0._allPool[slot1] = slot6 end else slot5 = 8 if string.find(slot1, "AntiAirArea") or string.find(slot1, "AntiSubArea") then slot5 = 1 end GetOrAddComponent(slot2, typeof(ParticleSystemEvent)) slot6 = pg.Pool.New(slot4, slot2, slot5, 20, false, false) if slot3 ~= nil then slot0._allPool[slot1] = slot6 slot6:InitSizeAsync(slot3) else slot6:InitSize() slot0._allPool[slot1] = slot6 end end elseif string.find(slot1, "Char/") then slot5 = 1 if string.find(slot1, "danchuan") then slot5 = 3 end if slot3 ~= nil then slot0._allPool[slot1] = pg.Pool.New(slot4, slot2, slot5, 20, false, false):InitSizeAsync(slot3) else slot0._allPool[slot1] = pg.Pool.New(slot4, slot2, slot5, 20, false, false):InitSize() end elseif string.find(slot1, "chargo/") then if slot3 ~= nil then slot0._allPool[slot1] = pg.Pool.New(slot4, slot2, 3, 20, false, false):InitSizeAsync(slot3) else slot0._allPool[slot1] = pg.Pool.New(slot4, slot2, 3, 20, false, false):InitSize() end elseif slot1 == "UI/SkillPainting" then if slot3 ~= nil then slot0._allPool[slot1] = pg.Pool.New(slot4, slot2, 1, 20, false, false):InitSizeAsync(slot3) else slot0._allPool[slot1] = pg.Pool.New(slot4, slot2, 1, 20, false, false):InitSize() end elseif slot1 == "UI/MonsterAppearUI" then if slot3 ~= nil then slot0._allPool[slot1] = pg.Pool.New(slot4, slot2, 1, 20, false, false):InitSizeAsync(slot3) else slot0._allPool[slot1] = pg.Pool.New(slot4, slot2, 1, 20, false, false):InitSize() end elseif slot1 == "UI/CombatHPBar" then uv1.Battle.BattleHPBarManager.GetInstance():Init(slot2, slot4) if slot3 ~= nil then slot3() end elseif slot1 == "UI/CombatHPPop" then uv1.Battle.BattlePopNumManager.GetInstance():Init(slot2, slot4) if slot3 ~= nil then slot3() end elseif slot3 ~= nil then slot3() end end function slot5.GetRotateScript(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.rotateScriptMap[slot1] then return slot3[slot1] end slot4 = GetOrAddComponent(slot1, "BulletRotation") slot3[slot1] = slot4 return slot4 end function slot5.GetCommonResource() return { uv0.GetMapPath("visionLine"), uv0.GetMapPath("exposeLine"), uv0.GetFXPath(uv1.Battle.BattleCharacterFactory.MOVE_WAVE_FX_NAME), uv0.GetFXPath(uv1.Battle.BattleCharacterFactory.BOMB_FX_NAME), uv0.GetFXPath(uv1.Battle.BattleBossCharacterFactory.BOMB_FX_NAME), uv0.GetFXPath(uv1.Battle.BattleAircraftCharacterFactory.BOMB_FX_NAME), uv0.GetFXPath("AlertArea"), uv0.GetFXPath("TorAlert"), uv0.GetFXPath("SquareAlert"), uv0.GetFXPath("AntiAirArea"), uv0.GetFXPath("AntiSubArea"), uv0.GetFXPath("AimBiasArea"), uv0.GetFXPath("shock"), uv0.GetFXPath("qianting_chushui"), uv0.GetFXPath(uv2.PLAYER_SUB_BUBBLE_FX), uv0.GetFXPath("weaponrange"), uv0.GetUIPath("SkillPainting"), uv0.GetUIPath("MonsterAppearUI"), uv0.GetUIPath("CombatHPBar"), uv0.GetUIPath("CombatHPPop") } end function slot5.GetDisplayCommonResource() return { uv0.GetFXPath(uv1.Battle.BattleCharacterFactory.MOVE_WAVE_FX_NAME), uv0.GetFXPath(uv1.Battle.BattleCharacterFactory.BOMB_FX_NAME), uv0.GetFXPath(uv1.Battle.BattleCharacterFactory.DANCHUAN_MOVE_WAVE_FX_NAME) } end function slot5.GetMapResource(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0.Battle.BattleMap.LAYERS) do for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot2.GetMapResNames(slot0, slot7)) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetMapPath(slot13) end end return slot1 end function slot5.GetBuffResource() slot0 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(require("buffFXPreloadList")) do slot0[#slot0 + 1] = uv0.GetFXPath(slot6) end return slot0 end function slot5.GetShipResource(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} slot4 = uv0.GetPlayerShipTmpDataFromID(slot0) if slot1 == nil or slot1 == 0 then slot1 = slot4.skin_id end slot5 = uv0.GetPlayerShipSkinDataFromID(slot1) slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetCharacterPath(slot5.prefab) slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetHrzIcon(slot5.painting) slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetQIcon(slot5.painting) slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetSquareIcon(slot5.painting) if slot2 and uv0.GetShipTypeTmp(slot4.type).team_type == TeamType.Main then slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetPaintingPath(slot5.painting) end return slot3 end function slot5.GetEnemyResource(slot0) slot1 = {} slot3 = slot0.bossData ~= nil slot4 = slot0.buffList or {} slot5 = slot0.phase or {} slot6 = uv0.GetMonsterTmpDataFromID(slot0.monsterTemplateID) slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetCharacterPath(slot6.prefab) slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot6.wave_fx) if slot6.fog_fx then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot6.fog_fx) end for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6.appear_fx) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot11) end for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6.smoke) do for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(slot11[2]) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot17[1]) end end if type(slot6.bubble_fx) == "table" then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot6.bubble_fx[1]) end for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot4) do function (slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv0.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetBuffTemplate(slot0, 1).effect_list) do if slot6.arg_list.skill_id then if uv0.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetSkillTemplate(slot7).painting == 1 then uv1[#uv1 + 1] = uv2.GetHrzIcon(uv3.icon) elseif type(slot9) == "string" then uv1[#uv1 + 1] = uv2.GetHrzIcon(slot9) end end if slot6.arg_list.buff_id then uv4(slot8) end end end(slot12) end for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot5) do if slot12.addBuff then for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(slot12.addBuff) do slot7(slot17) end end end if slot3 then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetSquareIcon(slot6.icon) end return slot1 end function slot5.GetWeaponResource(slot0, slot1) if slot0 == -1 then return {} end if uv0.GetWeaponPropertyDataFromID(slot0).type == uv1.EquipmentType.MAIN_CANNON or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.SUB_CANNON or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.TORPEDO or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.ANTI_AIR or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.ANTI_SEA or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.POINT_HIT_AND_LOCK or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.BOMBER_PRE_CAST_ALERT or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.DEPTH_CHARGE or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.MANUAL_TORPEDO or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.DISPOSABLE_TORPEDO or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.MANUAL_AAMISSILE or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.BEAM or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.SPACE_LASER or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.MISSILE then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot3.bullet_ID) do for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(uv2.GetBulletResource(slot8, slot1)) do slot2[#slot2 + 1] = slot14 end end elseif slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.SCOUT or slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.PASSIVE_SCOUT then slot2 = uv2.GetAircraftResource(slot0, nil, slot1) elseif slot3.type == uv1.EquipmentType.PREVIEW_ARICRAFT then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot3.bullet_ID) do slot2 = uv2.GetAircraftResource(slot8, nil, slot1) end end slot2[#slot2 + 1] = uv2.GetFXPath(slot3.fire_fx) if slot3.precast_param.fx then slot2[#slot2 + 1] = uv2.GetFXPath(slot3.precast_param.fx) end return slot2 end function slot5.GetEquipResource(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} if slot1 ~= 0 then if uv0.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetEquipSkinDataFromID(slot1).ship_skin_id ~= 0 then slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetCharacterPath(uv0.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetPlayerShipSkinDataFromID(slot5).prefab) end if slot4.attachment_combat_scene ~= "" then slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot6) end end for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(uv0.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetWeaponDataFromID(slot0).weapon_id) do for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(uv1.GetWeaponResource(slot10)) do slot3[#slot3 + 1] = slot16 end end for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot4.skill_id) do if slot2 then slot11 = uv0.Battle.BattleDataFunction.SkillTranform(slot2, slot11) or slot11 end for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(uv0.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetResFromBuff(slot11, 1, {})) do slot3[#slot3 + 1] = slot17 end end return slot3 end function slot5.GetBulletResource(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot3 = uv0.GetBulletTmpDataFromID(slot0) slot4 = nil if (slot1 or 0) ~= 0 then slot5 = uv0.GetEquipSkinDataFromID(slot1) if slot5.mirror == 1 then slot2[#slot2 + 1] = uv1.GetBulletPath(slot5.bullet_name .. uv2.Battle.BattleBulletUnit.MIRROR_RES) end else slot4 = slot3.modle_ID end if slot3.type == uv3.BulletType.BEAM or slot3.type == uv3.BulletType.SPACE_LASER or slot3.type == uv3.BulletType.MISSILE or slot3.type == uv3.BulletType.ELECTRIC_ARC then slot2[#slot2 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot3.modle_ID) else slot2[#slot2 + 1] = uv1.GetBulletPath(slot4) end if slot3.extra_param.mirror then slot2[#slot2 + 1] = uv1.GetBulletPath(slot4 .. uv2.Battle.BattleBulletUnit.MIRROR_RES) end slot2[#slot2 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot3.hit_fx) slot2[#slot2 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot3.miss_fx) slot2[#slot2 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot3.alert_fx) if slot3.extra_param.shrapnel then for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot3.extra_param.shrapnel) do for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(uv1.GetBulletResource(slot9.bullet_ID)) do slot2[#slot2 + 1] = slot15 end end end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot3.attach_buff) do if slot9.effect_id then slot2[#slot2 + 1] = uv1.GetFXPath(slot9.effect_id) end if slot9.buff_id then for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(uv2.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetResFromBuff(slot9.buff_id, 1, {})) do slot2[#slot2 + 1] = slot15 end end end return slot2 end function slot5.GetAircraftResource(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} slot4 = uv0.GetAircraftTmpDataFromID(slot0) slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8 = nil if (slot2 or 0) ~= 0 then slot5, slot10, slot7, slot8 = uv0.GetEquipSkin(slot2) if slot10 ~= "" then slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetBulletPath(slot6) end if slot7 ~= "" then slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetBulletPath(slot7) end if slot8 ~= "" then slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetBulletPath(slot8) end else slot5 = slot4.model_ID end slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetCharacterGoPath(slot5) slot3[#slot3 + 1] = uv1.GetAircraftIconPath(slot4.model_ID) if type(slot1 or slot4.weapon_ID) == "table" then for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot9) do for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(uv1.GetWeaponResource(slot14)) do slot3[#slot3 + 1] = slot20 end end else for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(uv1.GetWeaponResource(slot9)) do slot3[#slot3 + 1] = slot15 end end return slot3 end function slot5.GetCommanderResource(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2 = slot0[1] slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv0.GetCommanderHrzIconPath(slot2:getPainting()) slot3 = slot2:getSkills()[1]:getLevel() for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0[2]) do for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(uv1.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetResFromBuff(slot8, slot3, {})) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot14 end end return slot1 end function slot5.GetStageResource(slot0) slot2 = {} slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv0.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetDungeonTmpDataByID(slot0).stages) do for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot8.waves) do if slot13.triggerType == uv0.Battle.BattleConst.WaveTriggerType.NORMAL then for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot13.spawn) do for slot23, slot24 in ipairs(uv1.GetMonsterRes(slot18)) do table.insert(slot2, slot24) end end if slot13.reinforcement then for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot13.reinforcement) do for slot23, slot24 in ipairs(uv1.GetMonsterRes(slot18)) do table.insert(slot2, slot24) end end end elseif slot13.triggerType == uv0.Battle.BattleConst.WaveTriggerType.AID then slot15 = slot13.triggerParams.main_unitList if slot13.triggerParams.vanguard_unitList then for slot20, slot21 in ipairs(uv1.GetAidUnitsRes(slot14)) do table.insert(slot2, slot21) end for slot20, slot21 in ipairs(slot14) do slot3[#slot3 + 1] = slot21.skinId end end if slot15 then for slot20, slot21 in ipairs(uv1.GetAidUnitsRes(slot15)) do table.insert(slot2, slot21) end for slot20, slot21 in ipairs(slot15) do slot3[#slot3 + 1] = slot21.skinId end end elseif slot13.triggerType == uv0.Battle.BattleConst.WaveTriggerType.ENVIRONMENT then for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot13.spawn) do uv1.GetEnvironmentRes(slot2, slot18) end end if slot13.airFighter ~= nil then for slot17, slot18 in pairs(slot13.airFighter) do for slot23, slot24 in ipairs(uv1.GetAircraftResource(slot18.templateID, slot18.weaponID)) do slot2[#slot2 + 1] = slot24 end end end end end return slot2, slot3 end function slot5.GetEnvironmentRes(slot0, slot1) table.insert(slot0, slot1.prefab and uv0.GetFXPath(slot1.prefab)) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv1.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetEnvironmentBehaviour(slot1.behaviours).behaviour_list) do if slot8.type == uv1.Battle.BattleConst.EnviroumentBehaviour.BUFF then for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(uv1.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetResFromBuff(slot8.buff_id, 1, {})) do slot0[#slot0 + 1] = slot15 end elseif slot9 == uv1.Battle.BattleConst.EnviroumentBehaviour.SPAWN then slot10 = slot8.content and slot8.content.alert and slot8.content.alert.alert_fx table.insert(slot0, slot10 and uv0.GetFXPath(slot10)) if slot8.content and slot8.content.child_prefab then uv0.GetEnvironmentRes(slot0, slot11) end elseif slot9 == uv1.Battle.BattleConst.EnviroumentBehaviour.PLAY_FX then slot0[#slot0 + 1] = uv0.GetFXPath(slot8.FX_ID) end end end function slot5.GetMonsterRes(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0.GetEnemyResource(slot0)) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot7 end slot3 = uv1.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetMonsterTmpDataFromID(slot0.monsterTemplateID) slot4 = Clone(slot3.equipment_list) slot5 = slot3.buff_list slot6 = Clone(slot0.buffList) or {} if slot0.phase then for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot0.phase) do if slot11.addWeapon then for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot11.addWeapon) do slot4[#slot4 + 1] = slot16 end end if slot11.addRandomWeapon then for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot11.addRandomWeapon) do for slot20, slot21 in ipairs(slot16) do slot4[#slot4 + 1] = slot21 end end end if slot11.addBuff then for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot11.addBuff) do slot6[#slot6 + 1] = slot16 end end end end for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot5) do for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(uv1.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetResFromBuff(slot11.ID, slot11.LV, {})) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot17 end end for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6) do for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(uv1.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetResFromBuff(slot11, 1, {})) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot17 end for slot17, slot18 in pairs(uv1.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetBuffTemplate(slot11, 1).effect_list) do if slot18.arg_list.skill_id and uv1.Battle.BattleDataFunction.NeedSkillPainting(slot19) then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv0.GetPaintingPath(uv2.GetMonsterTmpDataFromID(slot0.monsterTemplateID).icon) break end end end for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot4) do for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(uv0.GetWeaponResource(slot11)) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot17 end end return slot1 end function slot5.GetEquipSkinPreviewRes(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0.GetEquipSkinDataFromID(slot0).weapon_ids) do for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(uv1.GetWeaponResource(slot7)) do slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot13 end end function slot3(slot0) if slot0 ~= "" then uv0[#uv0 + 1] = uv1.GetBulletPath(slot0) end end slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7 = uv0.GetEquipSkin(slot0) if _.any(EquipType.AirProtoEquipTypes, function (slot0) return table.contains(uv0.equip_type, slot0) end) then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetCharacterGoPath(slot4) else slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetBulletPath(slot4) end slot3(slot5) slot3(slot6) slot3(slot7) return slot1 end function slot5.GetEquipSkinBulletRes(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5 = uv0.GetEquipSkin(slot0) function slot6(slot0) if slot0 ~= "" then uv0[#uv0 + 1] = uv1.GetBulletPath(slot0) end end slot8 = false for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(uv0.GetEquipSkinDataFromID(slot0).equip_type) do if table.contains(EquipType.AircraftSkinType, slot13) then slot8 = true end end if slot8 then if slot2 ~= "" then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetCharacterGoPath(slot2) end else slot6(slot2) if uv0.GetEquipSkinDataFromID(slot0).mirror == 1 then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = uv1.GetBulletPath(slot2 .. uv2.Battle.BattleBulletUnit.MIRROR_RES) end end slot6(slot3) slot6(slot4) slot6(slot5) return slot1 end function slot5.GetAidUnitsRes(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0) do slot7 = uv0.GetShipResource(slot6.tmpID, nil, true) for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot6.equipment) do if slot12 ~= 0 then if slot11 <= Ship.WEAPON_COUNT then for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(uv1.GetWeaponDataFromID(slot12).weapon_id) do for slot23, slot24 in ipairs(uv0.GetWeaponResource(slot18)) do table.insert(slot7, slot24) end end else for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(uv0.GetEquipResource(slot12)) do table.insert(slot7, slot18) end end end end for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot7) do table.insert(slot1, slot12) end end return slot1 end