ys = ys or {} slot0 = ys slot1 = slot0.Battle.BattleConst slot2 = class("BattleAOEData") slot0.Battle.BattleAOEData = slot2 slot2.__name = "BattleAOEData" slot2.ALIGNMENT_LEFT = "left" slot2.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT = "right" slot2.ALIGNMENT_MIDDLE = "middle" function slot2.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0._areaUniqueID = slot1 slot0._areaCldFunc = slot3 slot0._endFunc = slot4 slot0._IFF = slot2 slot0._cldObjList = {} slot0._cldObjDistanceList = {} slot0:SetTickness(10) slot0._alignment = Vector3.zero slot0._angle = 0 slot0._timeExemptKey = "aoe_" .. slot0._areaUniqueID end function slot2.StartTimer(slot0) if slot0._lifeTime == -1 then slot0._flag = false return end slot0._flag = true if slot0._lifeTime > 0 then slot0._lifeTimer = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():AddBattleTimer("areaTimer", 0, slot0._lifeTime, function () uv0:RemoveTimer() end, true) end end function slot2.GetTimeRationExemptKey(slot0) return slot0._timeExemptKey end function slot2.RemoveTimer(slot0) pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveBattleTimer(slot0._lifeTimer) slot0._lifeTimer = nil slot0._flag = false end function slot2.ClearCLDList(slot0) slot0._cldObjList = {} end function slot2.AppendCldObj(slot0, slot1) slot0._cldObjList[#slot0._cldObjList + 1] = slot1 end function slot2.Settle(slot0) slot0.SortCldObjList(slot0._cldObjList) slot0._cldComponent:GetCldData().func(slot0._cldObjList) end function slot2.SettleFinale(slot0) if slot0._endFunc then slot0.SortCldObjList(slot0._cldObjList) slot0._endFunc(slot0._cldObjList) end end function slot2.SortCldObjList(slot0) table.sort(slot0, uv0._Fun_SortCldObjList) end function slot2._Fun_SortCldObjList(slot0, slot1) if slot0.IsBoss ~= slot1.IsBoss then if slot1.IsBoss then return true else return false end else return slot0.UID < slot1.UID end end function slot2.SetOpponentAffected(slot0, slot1) slot0._opponentAffected = slot1 end function slot2.OpponentAffected(slot0) return slot0._opponentAffected end function slot2.GetActiveFlag(slot0) return slot0._flag end function slot2.SetActiveFlag(slot0, slot1) slot0._flag = slot1 end function slot2.Dispose(slot0) slot0:RemoveTimer() slot0._cldObjList = nil end function slot2.GetUniqueID(slot0) return slot0._areaUniqueID end function slot2.GetIFF(slot0) return slot0._IFF end function slot2.GetAreaType(slot0) return slot0._areaType end function slot2.GetPosition(slot0) return slot0._pos end function slot2.GetTickness(slot0) return slot0._tickness end function slot2.GetLifeTime(slot0) return slot0._lifeTime end function slot2.GetFieldType(slot0) return slot0._fieldType end function slot2.GetDiveFilter(slot0) return slot0._diveFilter end function slot2.GetCldFunc(slot0) return slot0._areaCldFunc end function slot2.GetHeight(slot0) return slot0._height end function slot2.GetWidth(slot0) return slot0._width end function slot2.GetAngle(slot0) return slot0._angle end function slot2.GetRange(slot0) return slot0._range end function slot2.GetSectorAngle(slot0) return slot0._sectorAngle end function slot2.SetAreaType(slot0, slot1) slot0._areaType = slot1 slot0:InitCldComponent() end function slot2.SetDiveFilter(slot0, slot1) slot0._diveFilter = slot1 end function slot2.SetPosition(slot0, slot1) slot0._pos = slot1 end function slot2.SetTickness(slot0, slot1) slot0._tickness = slot1 end function slot2.SetFieldType(slot0, slot1) slot0._fieldType = slot1 end function slot2.SetLifeTime(slot0, slot1) slot0._lifeTime = slot1 end function slot2.SetHeight(slot0, slot1) slot0._height = slot1 end function slot2.SetWidth(slot0, slot1) slot0._width = slot1 end function slot2.SetAngle(slot0, slot1) slot0._angle = slot1 end function slot2.SetRange(slot0, slot1) slot0._range = slot1 end function slot2.SetSectorAngle(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0._sectorAngle = slot1 slot0._sectorDir = slot2 slot0._upperEdge = math.deg2Rad * slot0._sectorAngle / 2 slot0._lowerEdge = -1 * slot0._upperEdge if slot2 == uv0.UnitDir.LEFT then slot0._normalizeOffset = math.pi - 0 elseif slot2 == uv0.UnitDir.RIGHT then slot0._normalizeOffset = slot4 end slot0._wholeCircle = math.pi - slot0._normalizeOffset slot0._negativeCircle = -math.pi - slot0._normalizeOffset slot0._wholeCircleNormalizeOffset = slot0._normalizeOffset - math.pi * 2 slot0._negativeCircleNormalizeOffset = slot0._normalizeOffset + math.pi * 2 end function slot2.SetAnchorPointAlignment(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == uv0.ALIGNMENT_LEFT then slot0._alignment = Vector3(slot0._width * 0.5, 0, 0) elseif slot1 == uv0.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT then slot0._alignment = Vector3(slot0._width * -0.5, 0, 0) end end function slot2.GetAnchorPointAlignment(slot0) return slot0._alignment end function slot2.GetFXStatic(slot0) return slot0._fxStatic end function slot2.SetFXStatic(slot0, slot1) slot0._fxStatic = slot1 end function slot2.InitCldComponent(slot0) if slot0._areaType == uv0.AreaType.CUBE then slot0._cldComponent = uv1.Battle.BattleCubeCldComponent.New(slot0._width, slot0._tickness, slot0._height, 0, 0) elseif slot0._areaType == uv0.AreaType.COLUMN then slot0._cldComponent = uv1.Battle.BattleColumnCldComponent.New(slot0._range, slot0._tickness) end slot0._cldComponent:SetCldData({ type = uv0.CldType.AOE, UID = slot0:GetUniqueID(), IFF = slot0:GetIFF(), func = slot0:GetCldFunc() }) slot0._cldComponent:SetActive(true) end function slot2.DeactiveCldBox(slot0) slot0._cldComponent:SetActive(false) end function slot2.GetCldBox(slot0) return slot0._cldComponent:GetCldBox(slot0:GetPosition() + slot0._alignment) end function slot2.GetCldData(slot0) return slot0._cldComponent:GetCldData() end function slot2.UpdateDistanceInfo(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0._cldObjList) do slot6 = nil slot9 = slot5.UpperBound slot10 = slot5.LowerBound slot12, slot13 = nil if slot5.LeftBound <= slot0._pos.x and slot11 <= slot5.RightBound then slot12 = true elseif slot11 < slot7 then slot13 = slot7 elseif slot8 < slot11 then slot13 = slot8 end slot15, slot16 = nil if slot10 <= slot0._pos.z and slot14 <= slot9 then slot15 = true elseif slot14 < slot10 then slot16 = slot10 elseif slot9 < slot14 then slot16 = slot9 end slot0._cldObjDistanceList[slot5.UID] = slot12 and slot15 and 0 or (not slot12 or math.abs(slot16 - slot14)) and (not slot15 or math.abs(slot13 - slot11)) and math.sqrt((slot13 - slot11)^2 + (slot16 - slot14)^2) end end function slot2.GetDistance(slot0, slot1) return slot0._cldObjDistanceList[slot1] end function slot2.IsOutOfAngle(slot0, slot1) if not slot0._sectorAngle or slot0._sectorAngle >= 360 then return false else slot2 = slot1:GetPosition() if slot0._lowerEdge < (slot0._wholeCircle < math.atan2(slot2.z - slot0._pos.z, slot2.x - slot0._pos.x) and slot3 + slot0._wholeCircleNormalizeOffset or slot3 < slot0._negativeCircle and slot3 + slot0._negativeCircleNormalizeOffset or slot3 + slot0._normalizeOffset) and slot3 < slot0._upperEdge then return false else return true end end end