slot0 = ys.Battle.BattleDataProxy slot1 = ys.Battle.BattleEvent slot2 = ys.Battle.BattleFormulas slot3 = ys.Battle.BattleConst slot4 = ys.Battle.BattleConfig slot5 = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction slot6 = ys.Battle.BattleAttr slot7 = ys.Battle.BattleVariable function slot0.SetupCalculateDamage(slot0, slot1) slot0._calculateDamage = slot1 or uv0.CreateContextCalculateDamage() end function slot0.SetupDamageKamikazeAir(slot0, slot1) slot0._calculateDamageKamikazeAir = slot1 or uv0.CalculateDamageFromAircraftToMainShip end function slot0.SetupDamageKamikazeShip(slot0, slot1) slot0._calculateDamageKamikazeShip = slot1 or uv0.CalculateDamageFromShipToMainShip end function slot0.SetupDamageCrush(slot0, slot1) slot0._calculateDamageCrush = slot1 or uv0.CalculateCrashDamage end function slot0.ClearFormulas(slot0) slot0._calculateDamage = nil slot0._calculateDamageKamikazeAir = nil slot0._calculateDamageKamikazeShip = nil slot0._calculateDamageCrush = nil end function slot0.HandleBulletHit(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot2 then return false elseif not slot1 then return false end if uv0.IsSpirit(slot2) then return false end if slot1:IsCollided(slot2:GetUniqueID()) == true then return end slot1:Hit(slot2:GetUniqueID(), slot2:GetUnitType()) slot1:BuffTrigger(ys.Battle.BattleConst.BuffEffectType.ON_BULLET_COLLIDE, { _bullet = slot1, equipIndex = slot1:GetWeapon():GetEquipmentIndex() }) if slot2:GetUnitType() == uv1.UnitType.PLAYER_UNIT and slot2:GetIFF() == uv2.FRIENDLY_CODE then ys.Battle.BattleCameraUtil.GetInstance():StartShake(pg.shake_template[uv1.ShakeType.HIT]) end return true end function slot0.HandleDamage(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if slot2:GetIFF() == uv0.FOE_CODE and slot2:IsShowHPBar() then slot0:DispatchEvent(ys.Event.New(uv1.HIT_ENEMY, slot2)) end slot7 = slot1:GetWeaponHostAttr() slot2:TriggerBuff(uv2.BuffEffectType.ON_BULLET_HIT_BEFORE, { weaponType = slot1:GetWeapon():GetTemplateData().attack_attribute, bulletType = slot1:GetType() }) if uv3.IsInvincible(slot2) then return end slot10, slot11, slot12 = slot0._calculateDamage(slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot13 = slot11.isMiss slot14 = slot11.isCri slot1:AppendDamageUnit(slot2:GetUniqueID()) slot1:GetWeapon():WeaponStatistics(slot10, slot14, slot13) slot2:UpdateHP(slot10 * -1, { isHeal = false, isMiss = slot13, isCri = slot14, attr = slot11.damageAttr, font = slot12, cldPos = slot1:GetPosition(), srcID = slot7.battleUID }) slot0:DamageStatistics(, slot2:GetAttrByName("id"), slot10) if not slot13 and slot1:GetWeaponTempData().type ~= uv2.EquipmentType.ANTI_AIR then slot1:BuffTrigger(ys.Battle.BattleConst.BuffEffectType.ON_BULLET_HIT, { target = slot2, damage = slot10, weaponType = slot8.type, equipIndex = slot6:GetEquipmentIndex() }) end slot22 = true if slot2:GetUnitType() ~= uv2.UnitType.AIRCRAFT_UNIT and slot21 ~= uv2.UnitType.AIRFIGHTER_UNIT and slot21 ~= uv2.UnitType.FUNNEL_UNIT and slot21 ~= uv2.UnitType.UAV_UNIT then slot22 = false end if slot2:IsAlive() then if not slot22 then for slot26, slot27 in ipairs(slot1:GetAttachBuff()) do if slot27.hit_ignore or not slot13 then uv4.HandleBuffPlacer(slot27, slot1, slot2) end end end if not slot13 then slot2:TriggerBuff(uv2.BuffEffectType.ON_BE_HIT, slot9) end else slot1:BuffTrigger(ys.Battle.BattleConst.BuffEffectType.ON_BULLET_KILL, slot18) slot0:obituary(slot2, slot22, slot1) slot0:KillCountStatistics(, slot2:GetAttrByName("id")) end return slot13, slot14 end function slot0.HandleMeteoDamage(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do slot0:HandleDamage(slot1, slot8, nil, uv0.GetMeteoDamageRatio(#slot2)[slot7]) end end function slot0.HandleDirectDamage(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot6 = slot1:GetAttrByName("id") slot1:UpdateHP(slot2 * -1, { isMiss = false, isCri = false, isHeal = false, damageReason = slot4 }) slot7 = slot1:IsAlive() if slot3 then slot0:DamageStatistics(slot3:GetAttrByName("id"), slot6, slot2) if not slot7 then slot0:KillCountStatistics(slot8, slot6) end end if not slot7 then slot9 = true if slot1:GetUnitType() ~= uv0.UnitType.AIRCRAFT_UNIT and slot8 ~= uv0.UnitType.AIRFIGHTER_UNIT and slot8 ~= uv0.UnitType.FUNNEL_UNIT and slot8 ~= uv0.UnitType.UAV_UNIT then slot9 = false end slot0:obituary(slot1, slot9, slot3) end end function slot0.obituary(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0._unitList) do if slot8 ~= slot1 then if slot8:GetIFF() == slot1:GetIFF() then if slot2 then slot8:TriggerBuff(uv0.BuffEffectType.ON_FRIENDLY_AIRCRAFT_DYING, { unit = slot1, killer = slot3 }) elseif not slot1:GetWorldDeathMark() then slot8:TriggerBuff(uv0.BuffEffectType.ON_FRIENDLY_SHIP_DYING, { unit = slot1, killer = slot3 }) end elseif slot2 then slot8:TriggerBuff(uv0.BuffEffectType.ON_FOE_AIRCRAFT_DYING, { unit = slot1, killer = slot3 }) else slot8:TriggerBuff(uv0.BuffEffectType.ON_FOE_DYING, { unit = slot1, killer = slot3 }) end end end end function slot0.HandleAircraftMissDamage(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2 == nil then return end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2:GetCloakList()) do slot8:CloakExpose(slot0._airExpose) end if slot2:NearestUnitByType(slot1:GetPosition(), ShipType.CloakShipTypeList) then slot5:CloakExpose(slot0._airExposeEX) end if slot2:RandomMainVictim({ "immuneDirectHit" }) then slot6:TriggerBuff(uv0.BuffEffectType.ON_BE_HIT, {}) slot0:HandleDirectDamage(slot6, slot0._calculateDamageKamikazeAir(slot1, slot6), slot1) end end function slot0.HandleShipMissDamage(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2 == nil then return end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2:GetCloakList()) do slot8:CloakExpose(slot0._shipExpose) end if slot2:NearestUnitByType(slot1:GetPosition(), ShipType.CloakShipTypeList) then slot5:CloakExpose(slot0._shipExposeEX) end if slot2:RandomMainVictim({ "immuneDirectHit" }) then if table.contains(TeamType.SubShipType, slot1:GetTemplate().type) then slot6:TriggerBuff(uv1.BuffEffectType.ON_BE_HIT, {}) slot0:HandleDirectDamage(slot6, uv0.CalculateDamageFromSubmarinToMainShip(slot1, slot6), slot1) if slot6:IsAlive() and uv0.RollSubmarineDualDice(slot1) then slot6:TriggerBuff(uv1.BuffEffectType.ON_BE_HIT, {}) slot0:HandleDirectDamage(slot6, uv0.CalculateDamageFromSubmarinToMainShip(slot1, slot6), slot1) end else slot6:TriggerBuff(uv1.BuffEffectType.ON_BE_HIT, {}) slot0:HandleDirectDamage(slot6, slot0._calculateDamageKamikazeShip(slot1, slot6), slot1) end end end function slot0.HandleCrashDamage(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3, slot4 = slot0._calculateDamageCrush(slot1, slot2) slot0:HandleDirectDamage(slot1, slot3, slot2, uv0.UnitDeathReason.CRUSH) slot0:HandleDirectDamage(slot2, slot4, slot1, uv0.UnitDeathReason.CRUSH) end function slot0.HandleBuffPlacer(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot5 = false if uv0.GetBuffTemplate(slot0.buff_id).effect_list[1].type == "BattleBuffDOT" then if uv1.CaclulateDOTPlace(slot0.rant, slot4[1], slot1, slot2) then slot5 = true end elseif uv1.IsHappen(slot0.rant or 10000) then slot5 = true end if slot5 then slot6 = ys.Battle.BattleBuffUnit.New(slot0.buff_id, nil, slot1) slot6:SetOrb(slot1, slot0.level) slot2:AddBuff(slot6) end end function slot0.HandleDOTPlace(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0.arg_list slot4 = uv0.DOT_CONFIG[slot3.dotType] slot5 = slot1:GetAttrByName(slot4.hit) if uv1.IsHappen(slot3.ACC + slot1:GetAttrByName(slot4.hit) - slot2:GetAttrByName(slot4.resist)) then return true end return false end function slot0.HandleShipCrashDamageList(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot1:GetHostileCldList()) do if not table.contains(slot2, slot7) then slot1:RemoveHostileCld(slot7) end end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do if slot3[slot8] == nil then slot9 = nil function slot9() uv0:HandleCrashDamage(uv0._unitList[uv1], uv2) end slot1:AppendHostileCld(slot8, pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():AddBattleTimer("shipCld", nil, uv0.SHIP_CLD_INTERVAL, slot9, true)) slot9() if not slot1:IsAlive() then break end end end end function slot0.HandleShipCrashDecelerate(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2 == 0 and slot1:IsCrash() then slot1:SetCrash(false) elseif slot2 > 0 and not slot1:IsCrash() then slot1:SetCrash(true) end end function slot0.HandleWallHitByBullet(slot0, slot1, slot2) return slot1:GetCldFunc()(slot2) end function slot0.HandleWallHitByShip(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot1:GetCldFunc()(slot2) end function slot0.HandleWallDamage(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2:GetIFF() == uv0.FOE_CODE and slot2:IsShowHPBar() then slot0:DispatchEvent(ys.Event.New(uv1.HIT_ENEMY, slot2)) end slot4 = uv2.GetCurrent(slot1, "id") if uv2.IsInvincible(slot2) then return end slot5, slot6, slot7 = slot0._calculateDamage(slot1, slot2) slot2:UpdateHP(slot5 * -1, { isHeal = false, isMiss = slot6.isMiss, isCri = slot6.isCri, attr = slot6.damageAttr, font = slot7, cldPos = slot1:GetPosition(), srcID = slot4 }) slot0:DamageStatistics(slot4, slot2:GetAttrByName("id"), slot5) if slot2:IsAlive() then if not slot8 then slot2:TriggerBuff(uv3.BuffEffectType.ON_BE_HIT) end else slot0:obituary(slot2, false, slot1) slot0:KillCountStatistics(slot4, slot2:GetAttrByName("id")) end return slot8, slot9 end