pg = pg or {} pg.SystemGuideMgr = singletonClass("SystemGuideMgr") slot0 = pg.SystemGuideMgr slot1 = nil function slot0.Init(slot0, slot1) uv0 = require("") slot1() end function slot2(slot0) if getProxy(PlayerProxy) then return pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():IsPlayed(slot0, noAgain) end return false end function slot3(slot0) if slot0 then slot0() end end function slot4(slot0, slot1, slot2) if pg.SeriesGuideMgr.GetInstance():isRunning() then uv0(slot2) return end if uv1(slot0) then uv0(slot2) return end if not pg.GuideMgr.GetInstance():canPlay() then uv0(slot2) return end if slot0 == "SYG001" then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_TUTORIAL_COMPLETE_2) elseif slot0 == "SYG003" then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_TUTORIAL_COMPLETE_3) elseif slot0 == "SYG006" then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_TUTORIAL_COMPLETE_4) end pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_UPDATE, { storyId = slot0 }) pg.GuideMgr.GetInstance():play(slot0, slot1, slot2) end function slot0.Play(slot0, slot1, slot2) if Application.isEditor and not ENABLE_GUIDE then if slot2 then slot2() end return end if slot1.exited then return end if not uv0[slot1.__cname] then uv1(slot2) return end if not _.detect(slot3, function (slot0) return not uv0( and slot0.condition(uv1) end) then uv1(slot2) return end uv3(, slot4.args(slot1), slot2) end function slot0.PlayChapter(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeMainSub then slot0:PlayByGuideId("NG003", nil, slot2) elseif == 1160002 then slot0:PlayByGuideId("NG0011", nil, slot2) elseif slot1:isTypeDefence() then slot0:PlayByGuideId("NG0016", nil, slot2) else existCall(slot2) end end function slot0.PlayByGuideId(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) uv0(slot1, slot2, slot3) end function slot0.FixGuide(slot0, slot1) if not uv0("FixGuide") then uv1("FixGuide") slot1() end end function slot0.PlayDailyLevel(slot0, slot1) if not uv0("NG0015") then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_UPDATE, { storyId = "NG0015" }) slot1() end end function slot0.PlayBackYardThemeTemplate(slot0) if not uv0("NG0020") and getProxy(DormProxy):getData():IsMaxLevel() then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ modal = true, hideNo = true, hideClose = true, content = i18n("open_backyard_theme_template_tip"), weight = LayerWeightConst.TOP_LAYER }) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_UPDATE, { storyId = "NG0020" }) end end function slot0.PlayCommander(slot0) slot1 = { "ZHIHUIMIAO2", "NG006", "NG007", "ZHIHUIMIAO3", "NG008", "ZHIHUIMIAO4", "NG009" } if not LOCK_CATTERY then table.insert(slot1, "NG0029") end slot3 = {} slot4 = nil for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(, function (slot0) return not uv0(slot0) end)) do table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) if uv0 == "NG006" and table.getCount(getProxy(CommanderProxy):getData()) >= 1 or uv0 == "NG007" and getProxy(BagProxy):getItemCountById(20012) ~= 1 or uv0 == "NG008" and getProxy(CommanderProxy):getBoxes()[1]:getState() ~= CommanderBox.STATE_FINISHED or uv0 == "NG009" and table.getCount(getProxy(CommanderProxy):getData()) ~= 1 then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_UPDATE, { storyId = uv0 }) slot0() elseif uv0 == "ZHIHUIMIAO2" or uv0 == "ZHIHUIMIAO3" or uv0 == "ZHIHUIMIAO4" then pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(uv0, slot0, true) elseif uv0 == "NG0029" then if uv1 == "NG009" then uv2(uv0, { 1 }, slot0) else uv2(uv0, { 2 }, slot0) end else uv1 = uv0 uv2(uv0, {}, slot0) end end) end seriesAsync(slot3) end function slot0.PlayGuildAssaultFleet(slot0, slot1) slot0:PlayByGuideId("GNG001", {}, callback) end