slot1 = AiriJPSdkMgr.inst slot2 = AiriJPSdkMgr.AiriSDKInst slot3 = AiriJPSdkMgr.AiriSdkDataInst AIRI_PLATFORM_FACEBOOK = "facebook" AIRI_PLATFORM_TWITTER = "twitter" AIRI_PLATFORM_YOSTAR = "yostar" AIRI_PLATFORM_APPLE = "apple" AIRI_PLATFORM_AMAZON = "amazon" AIRI_SDK_INITED = false function GoLoginScene() print("JP do nothing") end function AiriInitResult(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() if uv0.AiriResultCodeHandler(slot0.R_CODE) then AIRI_SDK_INITED = true OnAppPauseForSDK(false) AiriGoLogin() end end function AiriGoLogin(slot0) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.LOGIN, { loginPlatform = slot0 }) gcAll() end function AiriLogin(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() if uv0.AiriResultCodeHandler(slot0.R_CODE) then function () pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.PLATFORM_LOGIN_DONE, { user = User.New({ type = 1, arg1 = PLATFORM_AIRIJP, arg2 = uv0.UID, arg3 = uv0.ACCESS_TOKEN }) }) end() uv0.isCache = true else print("AiriLogin failed") end end function AiriTranscodeResult(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() if uv0.AiriResultCodeHandler(slot0.R_CODE) then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.ON_GET_TRANSCODE, { transcode = slot0.MIGRATIONCODE }) end end function AiriBuyResult(slot0) uv0.OnAiriBuying = -1 pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() if uv0.AiriResultCodeHandler(slot0.R_CODE) then getProxy(ShopsProxy):removeWaitTimer() pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.CHARGE_CONFIRM, { payId = slot0.EXTRADATA, bsId = slot0.ORDERID }) else getProxy(ShopsProxy):removeWaitTimer() pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.CHARGE_FAILED, { payId = slot0.EXTRADATA }) end end function SetBirthResult(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() if uv0.AiriResultCodeHandler(slot0.R_CODE) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("set_birth_success")) end end function LinkSocialResult(slot0) uv0.EndAiriTimeout() if uv0.AiriResultCodeHandler(slot0.R_CODE) then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.ON_SOCIAL_LINKED) end end function UnlinkSocialResult(slot0) uv0.EndAiriTimeout() if uv0.AiriResultCodeHandler(slot0.R_CODE) then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.ON_SOCIAL_UNLINKED) end end function VerificationCodeResult(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() if uv0.AiriResultCodeHandler(slot0.R_CODE) then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ hideNo = true, content = i18n("verification_code_req_tip2") }) end end function OnAppPauseForSDK(slot0) if not AIRI_SDK_INITED then return end if slot0 then uv0:OnPause() else uv0:OnResume() end end return { OnAiriBuying = -1, BuyingLimit = 60, isCache = false, CheckAudit = function () return NetConst.GATEWAY_PORT == 20001 and NetConst.GATEWAY_HOST == "" end, CheckPreAudit = function () return NetConst.GATEWAY_PORT == 30001 and NetConst.GATEWAY_HOST == "" or NetConst.GATEWAY_PORT == 30101 and NetConst.GATEWAY_HOST == "" end, CheckPretest = function () return Application.isEditor or uv0.CheckPreAudit() end, GoSDkLoginScene = function () uv0:GoLoginScene() uv1.AiriInit() end, AiriInit = function (slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() uv0:InitSdk() print("CSharpVersion:" .. tostring(CSharpVersion)) end, AiriLogin = function () pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() uv0:Login() end, LoginWithDevice = function () pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() uv0:LoginWithDevice() end, LoginWithSocial = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() if slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_FACEBOOK then uv0:LoginWithFB() elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_TWITTER then uv0:LoginWithTW() elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_YOSTAR then uv0:LoginWithSDKAccount(slot1, slot2) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_APPLE then uv0:LoginWithApple() elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_AMAZON then uv0:LoginWithAmazon() end end, LoginWithTranscode = function (slot0, slot1) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() uv0:LoginWithTranscode(slot0, slot1) end, TranscodeRequest = function () pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() uv0:TranscodeRequest() end, AiriBuy = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0.OnAiriBuying = Time.realtimeSinceStartup if slot1 == "audit" then uv1:NewBuy(slot0, Airisdk.BuyServerTag.audit, slot2) elseif slot1 == "preAudit" then uv1:NewBuy(slot0, Airisdk.BuyServerTag.preAudit, slot2) elseif slot1 == "production" then uv1:NewBuy(slot0, Airisdk.BuyServerTag.production, slot2) end end, LinkSocial = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0.SetAiriTimeout() if slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_FACEBOOK then uv1:LinkSocial(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.FACEBOOK) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_TWITTER then uv1:LinkSocial(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.TWITTER) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_YOSTAR then uv1:LinkSocial(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.YOSTAR, slot1, slot2) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_APPLE then uv1:LinkSocial(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.APPLE) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_AMAZON then uv1:LinkSocial(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.AMAZON) end end, UnlinkSocial = function (slot0) uv0.SetAiriTimeout() if slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_FACEBOOK then uv1:UnlinkSocial(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.FACEBOOK) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_TWITTER then uv1:UnlinkSocial(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.TWITTER) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_APPLE then uv1:UnlinkSocial(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.APPLE) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_AMAZON then uv1:UnlinkSocial(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.AMAZON) end end, IsSocialLink = function (slot0) if not uv0.GetIsPlatform() then return false end if slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_FACEBOOK then return uv1:CheckPlatformLink(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.FACEBOOK) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_TWITTER then return uv1:CheckPlatformLink(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.TWITTER) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_YOSTAR then return uv1:CheckPlatformLink(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.YOSTAR) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_APPLE then return uv1:CheckPlatformLink(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.APPLE) elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_AMAZON then return uv1:CheckPlatformLink(Airisdk.LoginPlatform.AMAZON) end return false end, GetSocialName = function (slot0) if slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_FACEBOOK then return uv0.loginRet.FACEBOOK_NAME elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_TWITTER then return uv0.loginRet.TWITTER_NAME elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_YOSTAR then return uv0.loginRet.SDK_NAME elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_APPLE then return uv0.loginRet.APPLE_ID elseif slot0 == AIRI_PLATFORM_AMAZON then return uv0.loginRet.AMAZON_NAME end return "" end, SetBirth = function (slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() uv0:SetBirth(slot0) end, GetIsBirthSet = function () return uv0:IsBirthSet() end, ClearAccountCache = function () uv0:ClearAccountCache() end, GameShare = function (slot0, slot1) uv0:SystemShare(slot0, slot1) end, VerificationCodeReq = function (slot0) uv0:VerificationCodeReq(slot0) AIRI_LAST_GEN_TIME = Time.realtimeSinceStartup end, OpenYostarHelp = function () uv0:OpenHelpShift() end, GetYostarUid = function () return uv0.loginRet.UID end, GetDeviceId = function () return uv0:GetDeviceID() end, GetLoginType = function () return uv0.loginType end, GetIsPlatform = function () return uv0.isPlatform end, GetChannelUID = function () slot0 = uv0.channelUID print("channelUID : " .. slot0) return slot0 end, GetTransCode = function () if Application.isEditor then return "NULL" else return uv0.loginRet.MIGRATIONCODE end end, UserEventUpload = function (slot0) if uv0.GetIsPlatform() then uv1:UserEventUpload(slot0) end end, OnAndoridBackPress = function () PressBack() end, BindCPU = function () end, CheckAiriCanBuy = function () if uv0.OnAiriBuying == -1 or uv0.BuyingLimit < Time.realtimeSinceStartup - uv0.OnAiriBuying then return true else return false end end, CheckHadAccountCache = function () if uv0.GetIsPlatform() then return uv1:CheckHadAccountCache() or uv0.isCache else return true end end, AiriResultCodeHandler = function (slot0) slot1 = slot0:ToInt() slot2 = ":" .. slot1 if slot1 == 0 then return true else print("SDK Error Code:" .. slot1) if string.find(i18n("new_airi_error_code_" .. slot1), "UndefinedLanguage") then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("new_airi_error_code_other") .. slot2) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot3 .. slot2) end end return false end, ON_AIRI_LOADING = false, SetAiriTimeout = function () pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() uv0.ON_AIRI_LOADING = true onDelayTick(function () if uv0.ON_AIRI_LOADING then pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() uv0.ON_AIRI_LOADING = false end end, 15) end, EndAiriTimeout = function () uv0.ON_AIRI_LOADING = false pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() end }