slot0 = require("socket") slot1 = require("socket.url") slot2 = require("ltn12") slot3 = require("mime") slot4 = require("string") slot5 = require("socket.headers") slot6 = _G slot7 = require("table") slot0.http = {} slot8 = slot0.http slot8.TIMEOUT = 60 slot8.USERAGENT = slot0._VERSION slot9 = { http = true } function slot11(slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5 = nil slot1 = slot1 or {} slot2, slot7 = slot0:receive() if slot7 then return nil, slot5 end while slot2 ~= "" do slot6, slot4 = uv0.skip(2, uv1.find(slot2, "^(.-):%s*(.*)")) if not slot6 or not slot4 then return nil, "malformed reponse headers" end slot3 = uv1.lower(slot3) slot2, slot7 = slot0:receive() if slot7 then return nil, slot5 end while uv1.find(slot2, "^%s") do slot4 = slot4 .. slot2 slot2 = slot0:receive() if slot5 then return nil, slot5 end end if slot1[slot3] then slot1[slot3] = slot1[slot3] .. ", " .. slot4 else slot1[slot3] = slot4 end end return slot1 end slot0.sourcet["http-chunked"] = function (slot0, slot1) return uv0.setmetatable({ getfd = function () return uv0:getfd() end, dirty = function () return uv0:dirty() end }, { __call = function () slot0, slot1 = uv0:receive() if slot1 then return nil, slot1 end if not uv1.tonumber(uv2.gsub(slot0, ";.*", ""), 16) then return nil, "invalid chunk size" end if slot2 > 0 then slot3, slot4, slot5 = uv0:receive(slot2) if slot3 then uv0:receive() end return slot3, slot4 else uv3, slot1 = uv4(uv0, uv3) if not uv3 then return nil, slot1 end end end }) end slot0.sinkt["http-chunked"] = function (slot0) return uv0.setmetatable({ getfd = function () return uv0:getfd() end, dirty = function () return uv0:dirty() end }, { __call = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot1 then return uv0:send("0\r\n\r\n") end return uv0:send(uv1.format("%X\r\n", uv1.len(slot1)) .. slot1 .. "\r\n") end }) end slot12 = { __index = {} } function, slot1, slot2) slot3 = uv0.try(slot2 or uv0.tcp()) slot4 = uv1.setmetatable({ c = slot3 }, uv2) slot4.try = uv0.newtry(function () uv0:close() end) slot4.try(slot3:settimeout(uv3.TIMEOUT)) slot4.try(slot3:connect(slot0, slot1 or uv4)) return slot4 end function slot12.__index.sendrequestline(slot0, slot1, slot2) return slot0.try(slot0.c:send(uv0.format("%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", slot1 or "GET", slot2))) end function slot12.__index.sendheaders(slot0, slot1) for slot7, slot8 in uv1.pairs(slot1) do slot3 = (uv0.canonic[slot7] or slot7) .. ": " .. slot8 .. "\r\n" .. "\r\n" end slot0.try(slot0.c:send(slot3)) return 1 end function slot12.__index.sendbody(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot2 = slot2 or uv0.source.empty() slot3 = slot3 or uv0.pump.step slot4 = "http-chunked" if slot1["content-length"] then slot4 = "keep-open" end return slot0.try(uv0.pump.all(slot2, uv1.sink(slot4, slot0.c), slot3)) end function slot12.__index.receivestatusline(slot0) if slot0.try(slot0.c:receive(5)) ~= "HTTP/" then return nil, slot1 end slot1 = slot0.try(slot0.c:receive("*l", slot1)) return slot0.try(uv2.tonumber(uv0.skip(2, uv1.find(slot1, "HTTP/%d*%.%d* (%d%d%d)"))), slot1) end function slot12.__index.receiveheaders(slot0) return slot0.try(uv0(slot0.c)) end function slot12.__index.receivebody(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot2 = slot2 or uv0.sink.null() slot3 = slot3 or uv0.pump.step slot4 = uv1.tonumber(slot1["content-length"]) slot6 = "default" if slot1["transfer-encoding"] and slot5 ~= "identity" then slot6 = "http-chunked" elseif uv1.tonumber(slot1["content-length"]) then slot6 = "by-length" end return slot0.try(uv0.pump.all(uv2.source(slot6, slot0.c, slot4), slot2, slot3)) end function slot12.__index.receive09body(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = uv0.source.rewind(uv1.source("until-closed", slot0.c)) slot4(slot1) return slot0.try(uv0.pump.all(slot4, slot2, slot3)) end function slot12.__index.close(slot0) return slot0.c:close() end function slot13(slot0) slot1 = slot0 if not slot0.proxy and not uv0.PROXY then slot1 = { path = uv1.try(slot0.path, "invalid path 'nil'"), params = slot0.params, query = slot0.query, fragment = slot0.fragment } end return end function slot14(slot0) if slot0.proxy or uv0.PROXY then slot1 = uv1.parse(slot1) return, slot1.port or 3128 else return, slot0.port end end function slot15(slot0) slot2 = { te = "trailers", connection = "close, TE", ["user-agent"] = uv1.USERAGENT, host = uv0.gsub(slot0.authority, "^.-@", ""), authorization = "Basic " .. uv2.b64(slot0.user .. ":" .. slot0.password) } if slot0.user and slot0.password then -- Nothing end if (slot0.proxy or uv1.PROXY) and uv3.parse(slot3).user and slot3.password then slot2["proxy-authorization"] = "Basic " .. uv2.b64(slot3.user .. ":" .. slot3.password) end for slot7, slot8 in uv4.pairs(slot0.headers or slot2) do slot2[uv0.lower(slot7)] = slot8 end return slot2 end slot16 = { scheme = "http", path = "/", host = "", port = 80 } function slot17(slot0) slot1 = slot0.url and uv0.parse(slot0.url, uv1) or {} for slot5, slot6 in uv2.pairs(slot0) do slot1[slot5] = slot6 end if slot1.port == "" then slot1.port = uv3 end if not or == "" then uv4.try(nil, "invalid host '" .. uv2.tostring( .. "'") end slot1.uri = slot0.uri or uv5(slot1) slot1.headers = uv6(slot1), slot1.port = uv7(slot1) return slot1 end function slot18(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot2.location then return false end if uv0.gsub(slot3, "%s", "") == "" then return false end if uv0.match(slot3, "^([%w][%w%+%-%.]*)%:") and not uv1[slot4] then return false end return slot0.redirect ~= false and (slot1 == 301 or slot1 == 302 or slot1 == 303 or slot1 == 307) and (not slot0.method or slot0.method == "GET" or slot0.method == "HEAD") and (not slot0.nredirects or slot0.nredirects < 5) end function slot19(slot0, slot1) if slot0.method == "HEAD" then return nil end if slot1 == 204 or slot1 == 304 then return nil end if slot1 >= 100 and slot1 < 200 then return nil end return 1 end slot20, slot21 = nil function slot21(slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5 = uv0({ url = uv1.absolute(slot0.url, slot1), source = slot0.source, sink = slot0.sink, headers = slot0.headers, proxy = slot0.proxy, nredirects = (slot0.nredirects or 0) + 1, create = slot0.create }) slot4 = slot4 or {} slot4.location = slot4.location or slot1 return slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5 end function slot20(slot0) slot1 = uv0(slot0) slot2 =, slot1.port, slot1.create) slot2:sendrequestline(slot1.method, slot1.uri) slot2:sendheaders(slot1.headers) if slot1.source then slot2:sendbody(slot1.headers, slot1.source, slot1.step) end slot3, slot4 = slot2:receivestatusline() if not slot3 then slot2:receive09body(slot4, slot1.sink, slot1.step) return 1, 200 end slot5 = nil while slot3 == 100 do slot5 = slot2:receiveheaders() slot3, slot4 = slot2:receivestatusline() end if uv2(slot1, slot3, slot2:receiveheaders()) and not slot1.source then slot2:close() return uv3(slot0, slot5.location) end if uv4(slot1, slot3) then slot2:receivebody(slot5, slot1.sink, slot1.step) end slot2:close() return 1, slot3, slot5, slot4 end function slot8.genericform(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} if slot1 then -- Nothing end return { url = slot0, sink = uv0.sink.table(slot2), target = slot2, source = uv0.source.string(slot1), headers = { ["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ["content-length"] = uv1.len(slot1) }, method = "POST" } end function slot23(slot0, slot1) slot2 = uv0(slot0, slot1) slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6 = uv1(slot2) return uv2.concat(, slot4, slot5, slot6 end slot8.request = slot0.protect(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.type(slot0) == "string" then return uv1(slot0, slot1) else return uv2(slot0) end end) return slot8