slot0 = class("WorldMapOpCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(33103, { act = slot2.op, group_id = or 0, act_arg_1 = slot2.arg1, act_arg_2 = slot2.arg2, pos_list = slot2.locations or {} }, 33104, function (slot0) if slot0.result == 0 then slot1 = getProxy(WorldProxy) slot2 = nowWorld:GetActiveMap() uv0.drops = PlayerConst.addTranDrop(slot0.drop_list) uv0.updateAttachmentCells = slot1:NetBuildMapAttachmentCells(slot0.pos_list) uv0.fleetAttachUpdates = slot1:NetBuildFleetAttachUpdate(slot0.pos_list) uv0.terrainUpdates = slot1:NetBulidTerrainUpdate(slot0.land_list) uv0.fleetUpdates = slot1:NetBuildFleetUpdate(slot0.group_update) uv0.shipUpdates = slot1:NetBuildShipUpdate(slot0.ship_update) uv0.salvageUpdates = slot1:NetBuildSalvageUpdate(slot0.cmd_collection_list) WorldConst.DebugPrintAttachmentCell("Op is " .. uv0.op, uv0.updateAttachmentCells) slot1:NetUpdateAchievements(slot0.target_list) if uv0.op == WorldConst.OpReqMoveFleet then uv1:BuildFleetMove(slot0.move_path, uv0) elseif uv0.op == WorldConst.OpReqRetreat then uv0.childOps = uv1:BuildAIAction(slot0) elseif uv0.op == WorldConst.OpReqEvent then slot3 = uv0.effect slot5 = slot3.effect_paramater if slot3.effect_type == WorldMapAttachment.EffectEventTeleport or slot4 == WorldMapAttachment.EffectEventTeleportBack then uv1:BuildTransfer(slot0, uv0) elseif slot4 == WorldMapAttachment.EffectEventProgress then uv0.childOps = uv1:BuildProgressAction(slot5[1]) elseif slot4 == WorldMapAttachment.EffectEventBlink1 or slot4 == WorldMapAttachment.EffectEventBlink2 then uv0.childOps = uv1:BuildBlinkAction(uv0.attachment, uv0.updateAttachmentCells) end elseif uv0.op == WorldConst.OpReqTransport then uv1:BuildTransfer(slot0, uv0) elseif uv0.op == WorldConst.OpReqJumpOut then uv1:BuildTransfer(slot0, uv0) elseif uv0.op == WorldConst.OpReqRound then uv0.childOps = uv1:BuildAIAction(slot0) elseif uv0.op == WorldConst.OpReqBox then -- Nothing end else if slot0.result == 130 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("world_stamina_not_enough")) elseif uv0.op == WorldConst.OpReqRetreat then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("no_way_to_escape")) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(errorTip("world_map_op_error_", slot0.result)) end if uv0.op == WorldConst.OpReqEvent then WorldConst.Print(uv0.attachment:DebugPrint()) end end uv1:sendNotification(GAME.WORLD_MAP_OP_DONE, { result = slot0.result, mapOp = uv0 }) end) end function slot0.BuildAIAction(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot3 = getProxy(WorldProxy) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1.ai_act_list) do slot9 = {} slot9 = (slot8.type ~= WorldMapAttachment.TypeFleet or slot0:BuildFleetAction(slot8)) and (slot8.type ~= WorldMapAttachment.TypeTrap or slot0:BuildTrapAction(slot8)) and slot0:BuildAttachmentAction(slot8, slot2) slot9[#slot9].shipUpdates = slot3:NetBuildShipUpdate(slot8.ship_update) slot9[#slot9].fleetAttachUpdates = slot3:NetBuildFleetAttachUpdate(slot8.pos_list) slot2 = table.mergeArray(slot2, slot9) end return slot2 end function slot0.BuildTransfer(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot2.entranceId = slot1.enter_map_id slot2.destMapId = slot2.destGridId = slot2.staminaUpdate = { slot1.action_power, slot1.action_power_extra } end function slot0.BuildFleetMove(slot0, slot1, slot2) if #slot1 > 0 then slot4 = nowWorld:GetActiveMap() slot5 = slot4:GetFleet() slot2.updateAttachmentCells = {} slot3 = table.mergeArray({}, slot0:BuildFleetMoveAction(slot1, slot4,, slot5.row, slot5.column, slot2.updateAttachmentCells, true)) elseif slot2.trap == WorldBuff.TrapVortex then slot4 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot4.op = WorldConst.OpActionFleetAnim = slot4.anim = WorldConst.ActionYun slot4.duration = 2 table.insert(slot3, slot4) end slot2.path =, 1) slot2.childOps = slot3 end function slot0.BuildFleetPath(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) _.each(slot1, function (slot0) slot0.duration = slot0.duration * uv0:GetStepDurationRate() end) slot8 = {} slot11 =, function (slot0) return uv0:BuildCarryPath(slot0, uv1, uv2) end) _.each(slot1, function (slot0) slot1 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot1.op = WorldConst.OpActionMoveStep = slot1.pos = { row = slot0.row, column = slot0.column } slot1.updateAttachmentCells = {} slot1.hiddenCells = {} slot1.hiddenAttachments = {} if #uv1 > 0 then slot1.updateCarryItems = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(uv1) do slot7 = uv2[#slot1.updateCarryItems + 1] slot8 = WPool:Get(WorldCarryItem) slot8:Setup( slot8:UpdateOffset(slot7[#uv3 + 1].row - slot0.row, slot7[#uv3 + 1].column - slot0.column) table.insert(slot1.updateCarryItems, slot8) end end slot2 = uv4.theme slot7 = slot0.column slot3 = uv4:GetFOVRange(uv5, slot0.row, slot7) for slot7 = slot0.row - slot3, slot0.row + slot3 do for slot11 = slot0.column - slot3, slot0.column + slot3 do slot13 = slot7 .. "_" .. slot11 if uv4:GetCell(slot7, slot11) and not slot12.discovered and WorldConst.InFOVRange(slot0.row, slot0.column, slot7, slot11, slot3) and not uv6[slot13] then uv6[slot13] = true table.insert(slot1.hiddenCells, slot12) table.insert(uv7, { row = slot12.row, column = slot12.column }) _.each(slot12.attachments, function (slot0) if slot0:ShouldMarkAsLurk() then table.insert(uv0.hiddenAttachments, slot0) end end) if uv8[WorldMapCell.GetName(slot12.row, slot12.column)] then _.each(uv8[slot14].attachmentList, function (slot0) if slot0:ShouldMarkAsLurk() then table.insert(uv0.hiddenAttachments, slot0) end end) slot1.updateAttachmentCells[slot14] = uv8[slot14] uv8[slot14] = nil end end end end table.insert(uv3, slot1) end) slot3.stepOps = {} slot3.path = slot1 slot3.pos = { row = slot2.row, column = slot2.column } slot3.locations = {} end function slot0.BuildFleetAction(slot0, slot1) slot3 = nowWorld:GetActiveMap():FindFleet(slot1.ai_pos.row, slot1.ai_pos.column) slot5 = nil if #slot1.move_path > 0 then slot5 = slot0:BuildFleetMoveAction(slot1.move_path, slot2,, slot3.row, slot3.column, getProxy(WorldProxy):NetBuildMapAttachmentCells(slot1.pos_list)) else slot6 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot6.op = WorldConst.OpActionUpdate slot6.updateAttachmentCells = slot4 slot5 = { slot6 } end return slot5 end function slot0.BuildFleetMoveAction(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7) slot8 = {} slot9 = slot7 and WorldMapCell.TerrainNone or slot2:GetCell(slot4, slot5):GetTerrain() slot11 = { row = slot4, column = slot5 } slot13 = {} for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot1) do slot20 = slot2:GetCell(slot18.row, slot18.column):GetTerrain() table.insert(slot13, { row = slot18.row, column = slot18.column, terrain = slot9, duration = WorldConst.GetTerrainMoveStepDuration(slot9) }) slot21, slot22, slot23 = nil if slot9 == WorldMapCell.TerrainWind and 0 + slot2:GetCell(slot4, slot5).terrainStrong > #slot13 then slot21 = true elseif slot9 ~= slot20 then slot22 = true elseif slot20 == WorldMapCell.TerrainWind then slot23 = true end if slot17 == #slot1 or slot22 then slot12 = 0 slot24 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot24.op = WorldConst.OpActionFleetMove = slot3 slot24.arg1 = slot18.row slot24.arg2 = slot18.column slot0:BuildFleetPath(slot13, slot11, slot24, slot6) if slot17 == #slot1 then slot24.updateAttachmentCells = slot6 end table.insert(slot8, slot24) slot11 = { row = slot18.row, column = slot18.column } slot13 = {} elseif slot23 then slot12 = slot12 + slot10 end if not slot21 then slot9 = slot20 slot10 = slot19.terrainStrong end end return slot8 end function slot0.BuildAttachmentAction(slot0, slot1) slot8 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot8.op = WorldConst.OpActionCameraMove slot8.attachment = nowWorld:GetActiveMap():GetCell(slot1.ai_pos.row, slot1.ai_pos.column):FindAliveAttachment(WorldMapAttachment.TypeEnemyAI) table.insert({}, slot8) WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp).updateAttachmentCells = getProxy(WorldProxy):NetBuildMapAttachmentCells(slot1.pos_list) if #slot1.move_path > 0 then slot9.op = WorldConst.OpActionAttachmentMove slot9.attachment = slot6 slot0:BuildAttachmentActionPath(slot1.move_path, slot9) else slot9.op = WorldConst.OpActionUpdate end table.insert(slot7, slot9) return slot7 end function slot0.BuildAttachmentActionPath(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = nowWorld:GetActiveMap() slot2.path =, function (slot0) return { row = slot0.row, column = slot0.column, duration = WorldConst.GetTerrainMoveStepDuration(WorldMapCell.TerrainNone) } end) slot2.pos = { row = slot2.attachment.row, column = slot2.attachment.column } end function slot0.BuildTrapAction(slot0, slot1) slot6 = nowWorld:GetActiveMap():GetCell(slot1.ai_pos.row, slot1.ai_pos.column):FindAliveAttachment(WorldMapAttachment.TypeTrap) slot7 = {} slot8 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot8.op = WorldConst.OpActionCameraMove slot8.attachment = slot6 table.insert(slot7, slot8) slot9 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot9.op = WorldConst.OpActionTrapGravityAnim slot9.attachment = slot6 table.insert(slot7, slot9) return slot7 end function slot0.BuildBlinkAction(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} slot4 = slot1:GetSpEventType() slot5 = slot2[WorldMapCell.GetName(slot1.row, slot1.column)] slot6 = nil for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot2) do if _.any(slot11.attachmentList, function (slot0) return slot0.type == uv0.type and == end) then slot6 = slot11 break end end if slot4 == WorldMapAttachment.SpEventHaibao then slot7 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot7.op = WorldConst.OpActionAttachmentAnim slot7.attachment = slot1 slot7.anim = WorldConst.ActionVanish slot7.updateAttachmentCells = { [WorldMapCell.GetName(slot5.pos.row, slot5.pos.column)] = slot5, [WorldMapCell.GetName(slot6.pos.row, slot6.pos.column)] = slot6 } slot2[WorldMapCell.GetName(slot5.pos.row, slot5.pos.column)] = nil slot2[WorldMapCell.GetName(slot6.pos.row, slot6.pos.column)] = nil table.insert(slot3, slot7) slot8 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot8.op = WorldConst.OpActionAttachmentAnim slot8.attachment = _.detect(slot6.attachmentList, function (slot0) return slot0.type == uv0.type and == end) slot8.anim = WorldConst.ActionAppear table.insert(slot3, slot8) elseif slot4 == WorldMapAttachment.SpEventFufen then slot8, slot9 = nowWorld:GetActiveMap():FindAIPath({ row = slot1.row, column = slot1.column }, { row = slot6.pos.row, column = slot6.pos.column }) if slot8 < PathFinding.PrioObstacle then slot10 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot10.op = WorldConst.OpActionAttachmentMove slot10.attachment = slot1 slot0:BuildAttachmentActionPath(slot9, slot10) table.insert(slot3, slot10) end end return slot3 end function slot0.BuildProgressAction(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot3 = nowWorld:GetRealm() if nowWorld:GetProgress() < slot1 then _.each(WorldConst.FindStageTemplates(slot1), function (slot0) if slot0 and #slot0.stage_effect[uv0] > 0 then _.each(slot0.stage_effect[uv0], function (slot0) slot2 = WBank:Fetch(WorldMapOp) slot2.op = WorldConst.OpActionEventEffect slot2.effect = pg.world_effect_data[slot0] table.insert(uv0, slot2) end) end end) end return slot2 end return slot0