slot0 = class("ModBluePrintCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() slot3 = slot2.count if not getProxy(TechnologyProxy):getBluePrintById( then return end if not slot6:isUnlock() then return end if getProxy(BagProxy):getItemCountById(slot6:getConfig("strengthen_item")) < slot3 then return end if slot3 == 0 then return end if slot6:isMaxLevel() and slot6:isMaxFateLevel() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("blueprint_max_level_tip")) return end slot11 = Clone(slot6) slot11:addExp(slot3 * slot6:getItemExp()) if getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot6.shipId).level < slot11:getStrengthenConfig(math.max(slot11.level, 1)).need_lv then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("buleprint_need_level_tip", slot12.need_lv)) return end pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(63204, { ship_id = slot6.shipId, count = slot3 }, 63205, function (slot0) if slot0.result == 0 then uv0:sendNotification(GAME.CONSUME_ITEM, Item.New({ count = uv1, id = uv2, type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM })) uv3:addExp(uv3:getItemExp() * uv1) if Clone(uv3).level < uv3.level then for slot6 = slot1.level + 1, uv3.level do if uv3:getStrengthenConfig(slot6).special == 1 and type(slot7.special_effect) == "table" then for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot7.special_effect) do if slot13[1] == ShipBluePrint.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_SKILL then slot17 = getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(uv3.shipId) for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(slot13[2]) do slot17.skills[uv4] = { exp = 0, level = 1, id = slot22 } pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot13[3]) end slot16:updateShip(slot17) elseif slot14 == ShipBluePrint.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_SKIN then getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):addSkin(ShipSkin.New({ id = slot13[2] })) slot16 = pg.ship_skin_template[slot13[2]].name pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot13[3]) elseif slot14 == ShipBluePrint.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_BREAKOUT then uv0:upgradeStar(getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(uv3.shipId)) end end end end elseif slot1.fateLevel < uv3.fateLevel then for slot6 = slot1.fateLevel + 1, uv3.fateLevel do if uv3:getFateStrengthenConfig(slot6).special == 1 and type(slot7.special_effect) == "table" then for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot7.special_effect) do if slot13[1] == ShipBluePrint.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_CHANGE_SKILL then slot15 = getProxy(BayProxy) slot16 = slot15:getShipById(uv3.shipId) slot17 = slot13[2][1] slot18 = slot13[2][2] slot19 = Clone(slot16.skills[slot17]) = slot18 slot16.skills[slot17] = nil slot16.skills[slot18] = slot19 pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot13[3]) slot15:updateShip(slot16) if getProxy(NavalAcademyProxy):getStudentByShipId( and slot21.skillId == slot17 then slot21.skillId = slot18 slot20:updateStudent(slot21) end end end end end end slot3 = uv5:getShipById(uv3.shipId) slot3.strengthList = {} table.insert(slot3.strengthList, { level = uv3.level + math.max(uv3.fateLevel, 0), exp = uv3.exp }) uv5:updateShip(slot3) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.MOD_BLUEPRINT_ANIM_LOCK) uv6:updateBluePrint(uv3) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.MOD_BLUEPRINT_DONE, { oldBluePrint = slot1, newBluePrint = uv3 }) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("blueprint_mod_success")) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("blueprint_mod_erro") .. slot0.result) end end) end function slot0.upgradeStar(slot0, slot1) slot4 = getProxy(CollectionProxy):getShipGroup(Clone(slot1).groupId) if pg.ship_data_breakout[slot1.configId].breakout_id ~= 0 then slot1.configId = slot5.breakout_id for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(pg.ship_data_template[slot1.configId].buff_list) do if not slot1.skills[slot11] then slot1.skills[slot11] = { exp = 0, level = 1, id = slot11 } end end slot1:updateMaxLevel(slot6.max_level) for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(pg.ship_data_template[slot2.configId].buff_list) do if not table.contains(slot6.buff_list, slot12) then slot1.skills[slot12] = nil end end getProxy(BayProxy):updateShip(slot1) end end return slot0