slot0 = class("RecordShipEquipmentCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) slot1 = { "#CFCFCF", "#9FECFF", "#B8CFF9", "#FDF3AA", "#8EA7EB" } function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() slot3 = slot2.shipId slot4 = slot2.index if not slot2.type then return end if not slot3 then return end if not slot4 then return end slot8 = getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot3) slot8:getEquipmentRecord(getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData().id) slot9 = Clone(slot8.equipments) if slot5 == 1 then for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot9) do slot8.equipmentRecords[slot4][slot13] = slot14 and or -1 end slot8:setEquipmentRecord(, slot8.equipmentRecords) slot7:updateShip(slot8) elseif slot5 == 2 then slot10 = getProxy(EquipmentProxy) if #Clone(slot8.equipmentRecords[slot4]) == 0 or _.all(slot11, function (slot0) return slot0 == -1 end) then return end slot13 = {} for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot11) do if slot18 ~= -1 and (not slot10:getEquipmentById(slot18) or slot19.count <= 0) and not function (slot0, slot1) if uv0[slot0] and uv0[slot0].id == slot1 then return true end return false end(slot17, slot18) and pg.equip_data_statistics[slot18] then slot11[slot17] = slot10:getSameTypeEquipmentId(Equipment.New({ id = slot18 })) or 0 table.insert(slot13, string.format("%s+%s", uv0[slot20.config.rarity - 1],, slot20.config.level - 1)) end end function slot14(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0) do if not uv0[slot5] or uv0[slot5].id ~= slot6 then if slot6 == 0 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_quick_change_noequip")) elseif slot6 == -1 and uv0[slot5] then table.insert(slot1, function (slot0) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.UNEQUIP_FROM_SHIP, { shipId = uv1, pos = uv2, callback = slot0 }) end) elseif slot6 ~= -1 then table.insert(slot1, function (slot0) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.EQUIP_TO_SHIP, { equipmentId = uv1, shipId = uv2, pos = uv3, callback = slot0 }) end) end end end seriesAsync(slot1) end if #slot13 > 0 then slot15 = "" pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("no_found_record_equipment", #slot13 > 2 and table.concat(_.slice(slot13, 1, 2), "、") .. i18n("word_wait") or table.concat(slot13, "、")), onYes = function () uv0(uv1) end }) else slot14(slot11) end end slot0:sendNotification(GAME.RECORD_SHIP_EQUIPMENT_DONE, { shipId = slot3, index = slot4, type = slot5 }) end return slot0