slot0 = class("ShamOpCommand", import("..stage.ChapterOpRoutine")) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(23004, { act = slot2.type, group_id = defaultValue(, 0), act_arg_1 = slot2.arg1, act_arg_2 = slot2.arg2 }, 23005, function (slot0) if slot0.result == 0 then uv0:initData(uv1, slot0, getProxy(ChapterProxy):getShamChapter()) uv0:doDropUpdate() if uv0.chapter and uv0.chapter:inWartime() then uv0:doMapUpdate() uv0:doShipUpdate() if uv1.type == ChapterConst.OpRetreat then uv0:doRetreat() elseif uv1.type == ChapterConst.OpMove then uv0:doMove() elseif uv1.type == ChapterConst.OpBox then uv0:doOpenBox() elseif uv1.type == ChapterConst.OpAmbush then uv0:doAmbush() elseif uv1.type == ChapterConst.OpStrategy then uv0:doStrategy() elseif uv1.type == ChapterConst.OpRepair then uv0:doRepair() elseif uv1.type == ChapterConst.OpSupply then uv0:doSupply() elseif uv1.type == ChapterConst.OpRequest then uv0:doRequest() elseif uv1.type == ChapterConst.OpSkipBattle then uv0:doSkipBattle() end slot1:updateShamChapter(uv0.chapter, uv0.flag) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.SHAM_OP_DONE, { type = uv1.type, id =, path = slot0.move_path, fullpath = uv0.fullpath, items = uv0.items, extraFlag = uv0.extraFlag or 0 }) end else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(errorTip("sham_op_error", slot0.result)) if uv1.type ~= ChapterConst.OpRequest and uv1.type ~= ChapterConst.OpRetreat then uv0:sendNotification(GAME.SHAM_OP, { type = ChapterConst.OpRequest, id = }) end end end) end function slot0.doRetreat(slot0) slot1 = slot0.chapter slot1:retreat() slot1.shamResetCount = slot1.shamResetCount + 1 slot0.flag = 0 end function slot0.doStrategy(slot0) slot1 = slot0.flag slot4 = slot0.chapter.fleet if pg.strategy_data_template[slot0.op.arg1].type == ChapterConst.StgTypeForm then for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot4.stgIds) do if pg.strategy_data_template[slot10].type == ChapterConst.StgTypeForm then slot4.stgIds[slot9] = end end pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("chapter_tip_change", elseif slot5.type == ChapterConst.StgTypeConsume then slot6, slot7, slot8 = slot4:getStgConsume( if slot6 then slot3:updateShipStg(slot6,, slot8 + 1) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("chapter_tip_use", end end slot0.flag = bit.bor(slot1, ChapterConst.DirtyStrategy) end function slot0.doRepair(slot0) slot1 = slot0.chapter slot1.repairTimes = slot1.repairTimes + 1 slot2, slot3, slot4 = ChapterConst.GetShamRepairParams() if slot2 < slot1.repairTimes then slot5 = getProxy(PlayerProxy) slot6 = slot5:getData() slot6:consume({ gem = slot4 }) slot5:updatePlayer(slot6) end end return slot0