slot0 = class("ActivityOperationCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) if getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(slot1:getBody().activity_id):getConfig("type") == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_BUILDSHIP_1 or slot4 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_BUILDSHIP_PRAY then slot5, slot6, slot7 = BuildShip.canBuildShipByBuildId(slot2.buildId, slot2.arg1) if not slot5 then if slot7 then GoShoppingMsgBox(i18n("switch_to_shop_tip_1"), ChargeScene.TYPE_ITEM, slot7) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot6) end return end end if slot4 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP then slot7 = getProxy(ShopsProxy):getActivityShopById([slot2.arg1] if getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData()[id2res(slot7.resource_type)] < slot7.resource_num * (slot2.arg2 or 1) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_no_resource")) return end if slot7.commodity_type == 1 then if slot7.commodity_id == 1 and slot5:GoldMax(slot7.num * slot8) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("gold_max_tip_title") .. i18n("resource_max_tip_shop")) return end if slot7.commodity_id == 2 and slot5:OilMax(slot7.num * slot8) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("oil_max_tip_title") .. i18n("resource_max_tip_shop")) return end end end pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(11202, { activity_id = slot2.activity_id, cmd = slot2.cmd, arg1 = slot2.arg1, arg2 = slot2.arg2, arg_list = {} }, 11203, function (slot0) if slot0.result == 0 then slot1 = uv0:getAwards(uv1, slot0) uv0:performance(uv1, slot0, uv0:updateActivityData(uv1, slot0, uv2, slot1), slot1) else print("activity op ret code: " .. slot0.result) if uv3 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_7DAYSLOGIN or uv3 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_PROGRESSLOGIN or uv3 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_MONTHSIGN or uv3 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_REFLUX then uv2.autoActionForbidden = true getProxy(ActivityProxy):updateActivity(uv2) elseif uv3 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_BUILDSHIP_1 then if slot0.result == 1 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("activity_build_end_tip")) end elseif uv3 == 17 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips("错误!:" .. slot0.result) elseif uv3 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_FRESH_TEC_CATCHUP then -- Nothing elseif slot0.result == 3 or slot0.result == 4 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_activity_end")) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(errorTip("activity_op_error", slot0.result)) end uv0:sendNotification(ActivityProxy.ACTIVITY_OPERATION_ERRO, { actId = uv1.activity_id, code = slot0.result }) end end) end function slot0.getAwards(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2.award_list) do table.insert(slot3, { type = slot9.type, id =, count = slot9.number }) end slot4 = PlayerConst.addTranDrop(slot3) for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot3) do if slot9.type == DROP_TYPE_SHIP and not getProxy(CollectionProxy):getShipGroup(pg.ship_data_template[].group_type) and Ship.inUnlockTip( then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("collection_award_ship", end end if slot1.isAwardMerge then slot5 = {} slot6 = nil for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot4) do if function () for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(uv0) do if == then uv0[slot3].count = uv0[slot3].count + uv1.count return false end end return true end() then table.insert(slot5, slot11) end end slot4 = slot5 end return slot4 end function slot0.updateActivityData(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot6 = getProxy(PlayerProxy) slot7 = getProxy(TaskProxy) if slot3:getConfig("type") == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_7DAYSLOGIN then slot3.data1 = slot3.data1 + 1 slot3.data2 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_PROGRESSLOGIN then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot3.data1 = slot3.data1 + 1 slot3.data2 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() elseif slot1.cmd == 2 then slot3.achieved = true end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_LEVELAWARD then table.insert(slot3.data1_list, slot1.arg1) elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_STORY_AWARD then table.insert(slot3.data1_list, slot1.arg1) elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_LEVELPLAN then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot3.data1 = true elseif slot1.cmd == 2 then table.insert(slot3.data1_list, slot1.arg1) end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_MONTHSIGN then slot9 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():STimeDescS(pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime(), "*t") slot10 = nil if slot3:getSpecialData("reMonthSignDay") ~= nil then slot10 = slot3:getSpecialData("reMonthSignDay") slot3.data3 = slot3.data3 and slot3.data3 + 1 or 1 else slot10 = end getProxy(ActivityProxy):updateActivity(slot3) table.insert(slot3.data1_list, slot10) elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CHARGEAWARD then slot3.data2 = 1 elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_BUILDSHIP_1 or slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_BUILDSHIP_PRAY then pg.TrackerMgr.GetInstance():Tracking(TRACKING_BUILD_SHIP, slot1.arg1) slot8 = pg.ship_data_create_material[slot1.buildId] getProxy(BagProxy):removeItemById(slot8.use_item, slot8.number_1 * slot1.arg1) slot9 = slot6:getData() slot14 = slot1.arg1 slot9:consume({ gold = slot8.use_gold * slot14 }) slot6:updatePlayer(slot9) for slot14, slot15 in ipairs( do getProxy(BuildShipProxy):addBuildShip(BuildShip.New(slot15)) end slot3.data1 = slot3.data1 + slot1.arg1 slot0:sendNotification(GAME.BUILD_SHIP_DONE) elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP then slot8 = getProxy(ShopsProxy) slot9 = slot8:getActivityShopById( slot8:UpdateActivityGoods(, slot1.arg1, slot1.arg2) if table.contains(slot3.data1_list, slot1.arg1) then for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot3.data1_list) do if slot14 == slot1.arg1 then slot3.data2_list[slot13] = slot3.data2_list[slot13] + slot1.arg2 break end end else table.insert(slot3.data1_list, slot1.arg1) table.insert(slot3.data2_list, slot1.arg2) end slot10 = slot9:bindConfigTable()[slot1.arg1] slot12 = slot6:getData() slot12:consume({ [id2res(slot10.resource_type)] = slot10.resource_num * slot1.arg2 }) slot6:updatePlayer(slot12) elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_ZPROJECT then -- Nothing elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_TASK_LIST then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot8, slot9 = getActivityTask(slot3) if slot9 and not slot9:isReceive() then for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot3:getConfig("config_data")) do if table.contains(_.flatten({ slot15 }), slot8) then slot3.data3 = slot14 break end end end end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_TASK_RES then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot8, slot9 = getActivityTask(slot3) if slot9 and not slot9:isReceive() then for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot3:getConfig("config_data")) do if table.contains(_.flatten({ slot15 }), slot8) then slot3.data3 = slot14 break end end end end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_PUZZLA then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot3.data1 = 1 elseif slot1.cmd == 4 then slot3.data1 = 2 end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_VOTE then if slot1.cmd == 1 then getProxy(VoteProxy):getVoteGroup():voteShip(slot1.arg2) slot8.votes = slot8.votes - 1 elseif slot1.cmd == 2 then slot9:loveShip(slot1.arg2) slot8.loves = slot8.loves - 1 end slot9:sortList() slot8:setVoteGroup(slot9) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("vote_success")) elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_BB then slot3.data1 = slot3.data1 + 1 slot3.data2 = slot3.data2 - 1 slot3.data1_list = slot2.number elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_LOTTERY then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot9 = ActivityItemPool.New({ id = slot1.arg2 }):getComsume() if slot9.type == DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE then slot11 = slot6:getData() slot11:consume({ [id2res(] = slot1.arg1 * slot9.count }) slot6:updatePlayer(slot11) elseif slot9.type == DROP_TYPE_ITEM then getProxy(BagProxy):removeItemById(, slot10) end slot3:updateData(, slot2.number) elseif slot1.cmd == 2 then slot3.data1 = slot1.arg1 end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CARD_PAIRS or slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_LINK_LINK then if slot1.cmd == 1 then if #slot4 > 0 then slot3.data2 = slot3.data2 + 1 if slot3:getConfig("config_data")[4] <= slot3.data2 then slot3.data1 = 1 end end if slot3.data4 == 0 then slot3.data4 = slot1.arg2 elseif slot1.arg2 < slot3.data4 then slot3.data4 = slot1.arg2 end end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_REFLUX then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot3.data1_list[1] = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() slot3.data1_list[2] = slot3.data1_list[2] + 1 elseif slot1.cmd == 2 then slot3.data4 = slot1.arg1 end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_LOTTERY_AWARD then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot3.data1 = slot3.data1 + 1 slot3.data2 = slot2.number[1] elseif slot1.cmd == 2 then table.insert(slot3.data1_list, slot3.data1) end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_DODGEM then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot0:sendNotification(GAME.FINISH_STAGE_DONE, { statistics = slot1.statistics, score = slot1.statistics._battleScore, system = SYSTEM_DODGEM }) slot3.data1_list[1] = math.max(slot3.data1_list[1], slot1.arg2) slot3.data2_list[1] = slot2.number[1] slot3.data2_list[2] = slot2.number[2] elseif slot1.cmd == 2 then slot3.data2 = slot2.number[1] slot3.data3 = slot2.number[2] slot3.data2_list[1] = 0 slot3.data2_list[2] = 0 elseif slot1.cmd == 3 then slot3.data4 = defaultValue(slot3.data4, 0) + 1 end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SUBMARINE_RUN then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot0:sendNotification(GAME.FINISH_STAGE_DONE, { statistics = slot1.statistics, score = slot1.statistics._battleScore, system = SYSTEM_SUBMARINE_RUN }) slot3.data1_list[1] = math.max(slot3.data1_list[1], slot1.arg2) slot3.data2_list[1] = slot2.number[1] slot3.data2_list[2] = slot2.number[2] elseif slot1.cmd == 2 then slot3.data2 = slot2.number[1] slot3.data3 = slot2.number[2] slot3.data2_list[1] = 0 slot3.data2_list[2] = 0 elseif slot1.cmd == 3 then slot3.data4 = defaultValue(slot3.data4, 0) + 1 end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_TURNTABLE then if slot1.cmd == 2 then slot3.data4 = 0 elseif slot1.cmd == 1 then if slot3.data3 == pg.activity_event_turning[slot3:getConfig("config_id")].total_num then slot3.data2 = 1 slot3.data3 = slot3.data3 + 1 else slot3.data3 = slot3.data3 + 1 slot3.data4 = slot2.number[1] end end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHRINE then slot3.data1 = 1 elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_RED_PACKETS then slot3.data1 = slot3.data1 - 1 if slot3.data2 > 0 then slot3.data2 = slot3.data2 - 1 end if getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_MONOPOLY) and not slot9:isEnd() and slot9.data2_list[2] < slot9.data2_list[1] then slot9.data2_list[2] = slot9.data2_list[2] + 1 slot8:updateActivity(slot9) end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_BUILDING_BUFF then slot9 = slot3.data1KeyValueList[2][slot1.arg1] or 1 slot3.data1KeyValueList[2][slot1.arg1] = slot9 + 1 if slot9 < #pg.activity_event_building[slot1.arg1].buff then slot3.data1KeyValueList[1][slot10] = math.max((slot3.data1KeyValueList[1][slot8.material_id] or 0) - slot8.material[slot9], 0) end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_EXPEDITION then if slot1.cmd == 0 then return slot3 end if slot1.cmd == 3 then slot0:sendNotification(GAME.FINISH_STAGE_DONE, { statistics = slot1.statistics, score = slot1.statistics._battleScore, system = SYSTEM_REWARD_PERFORM }) return slot3 end if slot1.cmd == 4 then slot3.data2_list[1] = slot3.data2_list[1] + 1 return slot3 end if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot3.data3 = slot3.data3 - 1 end slot8 = slot1.arg1 if slot1.cmd ~= 2 then slot3.data2 = slot8 end slot3.data1_list[slot8] = slot2.number[1] print("格子:" .. slot8 .. " 值:" .. slot2.number[1]) if slot2.number[2] and slot3.data1 ~= slot2.number[2] then print("关卡变更" .. slot2.number[2]) slot3.data1 = slot3.data1 + 1 slot3.data2 = 0 for slot13 = 1, #slot3.data1_list do slot3.data1_list[slot13] = 0 end end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_AIRFIGHT_BATTLE then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot0:sendNotification(GAME.FINISH_STAGE_DONE, { statistics = slot1.statistics, score = slot1.statistics._battleScore, system = SYSTEM_AIRFIGHT }) slot3.data1KeyValueList[1] = slot3.data1KeyValueList[1] or {} slot3.data1KeyValueList[1][slot1.arg1] = (slot3.data1KeyValueList[1][slot1.arg1] or 0) + 1 elseif slot1.cmd == 2 then slot3.data1KeyValueList[2] = slot3.data1KeyValueList[2] or {} slot3.data1KeyValueList[2][slot1.arg1] = 1 end elseif slot5 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHAKE_BEADS then if slot1.cmd == 1 then slot3.data1 = slot3.data1 - 1 slot8 = slot2.number[1] slot3.data1KeyValueList[1][slot8] = slot3.data1KeyValueList[1][slot8] + 1 elseif slot1.cmd == 2 then slot3.data2 = 1 end end return slot3 end function slot0.performance(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = slot3:getConfig("type") slot6 = nil slot6 = coroutine.create(function () if uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_7DAYSLOGIN then if uv1:getConfig("config_client").story and slot0[uv1.data1] and slot0[uv1.data1][1] then pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot0[uv1.data1][1], uv2) coroutine.yield() end elseif uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_BB then if pg.gameset.bobing_memory.description[uv1.data1] and #slot0 > 0 then pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot0, uv2) coroutine.yield() end uv3:sendNotification(ActivityProxy.ACTIVITY_SHOW_BB_RESULT, { numbers = uv4.number, callback = uv2, awards = uv5 }) coroutine.yield() elseif uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_LOTTERY_AWARD then if uv6.cmd == 1 then if uv1:getConfig("config_client").story and slot0[uv1.data1] and slot0[uv1.data1][1] then pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot0[uv1.data1][1], uv2) coroutine.yield() end uv3:sendNotification(ActivityProxy.ACTIVITY_SHOW_LOTTERY_AWARD_RESULT, { activityID =, awards = uv5, number = uv4.number[1], callback = uv2 }) uv5 = {} coroutine.yield() end elseif uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_CARD_PAIRS or uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_LINK_LINK then if uv1:getConfig("config_client")[1] and uv1:getConfig("config_client")[1][uv1.data2 + 1] then pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot0, uv2) coroutine.yield() end elseif uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_DODGEM or uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SUBMARINE_RUN then if uv6.cmd == 2 and uv4.number[3] > 0 then slot0 = uv1:getConfig("config_client")[1] table.insert(uv5, { type = slot0[1], id = slot0[2], count = slot0[3] }) end elseif uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHOP then if #uv5 == 1 and uv5[1].type == DROP_TYPE_ITEM then if slot0.type == DROP_TYPE_ITEM and Item.EQUIPMENT_SKIN_BOX == pg.item_data_statistics[uv5[1].id].type then uv5 = {} uv3:sendNotification(GAME.USE_ITEM, { skip_check = true, id =, count = slot0.count }) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_buy_success")) end end elseif uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_BUILDING_BUFF then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("building_complete_tip")) elseif uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_MONTHSIGN then if uv6.cmd == 3 then slot0 = uv1:getSpecialData("month_sign_awards") or {} for slot4 = 1, #uv5 do table.insert(slot0, uv5[slot4]) end uv1:setSpecialData("month_sign_awards", slot0) uv5 = {} end elseif uv0 == ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_SHAKE_BEADS and uv6.cmd == 1 then uv3:sendNotification(ActivityProxy.ACTIVITY_SHOW_SHAKE_BEADS_RESULT, { number = uv4.number[1], callback = uv2, awards = uv5 }) coroutine.yield() end if #uv5 > 0 then uv3:sendNotification(uv1:getNotificationMsg(), { activityId = uv6.activity_id, awards = uv5, callback = uv2 }) coroutine.yield() end if uv0 == 17 and uv6.cmd and uv6.cmd == 2 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("mingshi_get_tip")) end getProxy(ActivityProxy):updateActivity(uv1) uv3:sendNotification(ActivityProxy.ACTIVITY_OPERATION_DONE, uv6.activity_id) end) function () if uv0 and coroutine.status(uv0) == "suspended" then slot0, slot1 = coroutine.resume(uv0) end end() end return slot0