slot0 = singletonClass("WorldGuider", import("....Mod.Experiment.BaseEntity")) slot0.Fields = { tStamina = "number", tempGridPos = "table" } function slot0.Init(slot0) slot0.tempGridPos = {} end function slot0.SetTempGridPos(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.tempGridPos[slot2 or 1] = pg.GuideMgr.GetInstance():transformPos(slot1) end function slot0.SetTempGridPos2(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:SetTempGridPos(GameObject.Find("OverlayCamera"):GetComponent(typeof(Camera)):ScreenToWorldPoint(GameObject.Find("LevelCamera"):GetComponent(typeof(Camera)):WorldToScreenPoint(slot1)), slot2) end function slot0.GetTempGridPos(slot0, slot1) return slot0.tempGridPos[slot1 or 1] end function slot0.CheckPlayChooseCamp(slot0) if nowWorld:GetRealm() == nil or slot1 < 1 then slot0:PlayGuide("WorldG001") end end function slot0.CheckIntruduce(slot0) if nowWorld:GetRealm() and slot1 > 0 then if slot1 == 1 then slot0:PlayGuide("WorldG002_1") elseif slot1 == 2 then slot0:PlayGuide("WorldG002_2") end end end function slot0.CheckUseStaminaItem(slot0) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs({ 251, 252, 253 }) do slot3 = 0 + nowWorld:GetInventoryProxy():GetItemCount(slot8) end if slot3 > 0 then slot0:PlayGuide("WorldG020") end end function slot0.CheckMapLimit(slot0) pg.GuideMgr.GetInstance():play("WorldG012") end function slot0.SpecialCheck(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == "WorldG008" and nowWorld:GetActiveMap() ~= nil and slot2.findex == 2 then return "WorldG008_2" end return slot1 end slot0.interruptReplayList = { "WorldG007", "WorldG021", "WorldG100", "WorldG121", "WorldG141", "WorldG151" } function slot0.PlayGuide(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = pg.GuideMgr.GetInstance() if not GUIDE_WROLD or not slot2 and slot4:isPlayed(slot1) or not slot4:canPlay() then existCall(slot3) return false end if not _.any(uv0.interruptReplayList, function (slot0) return uv0 == slot0 end) then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_UPDATE, { storyId = slot1 }) end slot4:play(slot1, nil, function () return existCall(uv0) end) return true end function slot0.PlayGuideAndUpdateOnEnd(slot0, slot1) slot2 = pg.GuideMgr.GetInstance() if not GUIDE_WROLD or not canRepeat and slot2:isPlayed(slot1) or not slot2:canPlay() then return end slot2:play(slot1, nil, function () pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.STORY_UPDATE, { storyId = uv0 }) end) end slot0.WORLD_HIDE_UI = "world hide ui" slot0.WORLD_OPEN_MAP_OVERVIEW = "world open map overview" slot0.WORLD_SHOW_MARGIN = "world show margin" slot0.WORLD_SCANNER_DISPLAY = "world scanner display" slot0.WORLD_GET_COMPASS_POS = "world get compass pos" slot0.WORLD_GET_COMPASS_MAP_POS = "world get compass map pos" slot0.WORLD_GET_SLG_TILE_POS = "world get slg tile pos" slot0.WORLD_GET_SCANNER_POS = "world get scanner pos" slot0.WORLD_OPEN_TRANSPORT_POS = "world open transport pos" slot0.WORLD_SELECT_MODEL_MAP = "world select model map" slot0.WORLD_FOCUS_EDGE = "world focus edge" slot0.WORLD_FOCUS_EVENT = "world focus event" slot0.WORLD_SCANNER_EVENT = "world scanner event" slot0.WORLD_HELP_EVENT = "world help event" function slot0.GetWorldGuiderNotifies(slot0) return { uv0.WORLD_HIDE_UI, uv0.WORLD_GET_COMPASS_POS, uv0.WORLD_GET_COMPASS_MAP_POS, uv0.WORLD_GET_SLG_TILE_POS, uv0.WORLD_GET_SCANNER_POS, uv0.WORLD_OPEN_MAP_OVERVIEW, uv0.WORLD_SHOW_MARGIN, uv0.WORLD_SCANNER_DISPLAY, uv0.WORLD_OPEN_TRANSPORT_POS, uv0.WORLD_SELECT_MODEL_MAP, uv0.WORLD_FOCUS_EDGE, uv0.WORLD_FOCUS_EVENT, uv0.WORLD_SCANNER_EVENT, uv0.WORLD_HELP_EVENT } end function slot0.WorldGuiderNotifyHandler(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot1 == uv0.WORLD_HIDE_UI then if slot2.type == 1 then slot3:HideMapRightCompass() elseif slot2.type == 2 then slot3:HideMapRightMemo() elseif slot2.type == 3 then -- Nothing elseif slot2.type == 4 then slot3:HideOverall() end elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_GET_COMPASS_POS then slot3:GetCompassGridPos(slot2.row, slot2.column, slot2.cachedIndex) elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_GET_COMPASS_MAP_POS then slot3:GetEntranceTrackMark(slot2.mapId, slot2.cachedIndex) elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_GET_SLG_TILE_POS then slot3:GetSlgTilePos(slot2.row, slot2.column, slot2.cachedIndex) elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_GET_SCANNER_POS then slot3:GetScannerPos(slot2 and slot2.cachedIndex or 1) elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_OPEN_MAP_OVERVIEW then slot3:Op("OpShowMarkOverall", { ids = slot2.mapIds }) elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_SHOW_MARGIN then slot3:ShowMargin(slot2.tdType) elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_SCANNER_DISPLAY then if == 1 then slot3:OnLongPressMap(slot2.row, slot2.column) else slot3:HideScannerPanel() end elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_OPEN_TRANSPORT_POS then slot3:EnterTransportWorld() elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_SELECT_MODEL_MAP then slot3:GuideSelectModelMap(slot2.mapId) elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_FOCUS_EDGE then slot3:Op("OpMoveCameraTarget", slot2.line, slot2.stayTime) elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_FOCUS_EVENT then slot3:Op("OpMoveCamera", slot2.eventId, slot2.stayTime) elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_SCANNER_EVENT then slot3:GuideShowScannerEvent(slot2.eventId) elseif slot1 == uv0.WORLD_HELP_EVENT then slot3:emit(WorldMediator.OnOpenLayer, Context.New({ mediator = WorldHelpMediator, viewComponent = WorldHelpLayer, data = { titleId = slot2.titleId, pageId = slot2.pageId } })) end end return slot0