slot0 = class("ShipProfilePaintingView") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) pg.DelegateInfo.New(slot0) slot0.prefab = slot1 slot0.painting = slot2 = slot0.painting:GetComponent("CanvasGroup") = slot0.prefab:Find("bg") slot0.bgBtn ="Button") slot0.recorder = {} slot0.hideObjList = {} slot0.isPreview = false slot0.zoomDelegate = GetOrAddComponent(, "MultiTouchZoom") slot0.dragTrigger = GetOrAddComponent(, "EventTriggerListener") slot0:SetHideObject() slot0.isBanRotate = slot3 end function slot0.SetHideObject(slot0) slot2 = 0 while slot0.prefab.childCount > slot2 do if slot0.prefab:GetChild(slot2).gameObject.activeSelf and slot3 ~= slot0.painting and slot3 ~= then slot0.hideObjList[#slot0.hideObjList + 1] = slot3 end slot2 = slot2 + 1 end end function slot0.setBGCallback(slot0, slot1) slot0.bgCallback = slot1 end function slot0.Start(slot0) = false slot0:EnableObjects(false) slot0:RecodObjectInfo() LeanTween.moveX(slot0.painting, 0, 0.3):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0:TweenObjects() end)) slot0.isPreview = true end function slot0.EnableObjects(slot0, slot1) _.each(slot0.hideObjList, function (slot0) setActive(slot0, uv0) end) end function slot0.TweenObjects(slot0) if not slot0.isBanRotate then openPortrait(slot0.prefab) end slot1 = true slot0.exitFlag = false slot2, slot3 = nil slot0.zoomDelegate:SetZoomTarget(slot0.painting) slot0.zoomDelegate.enabled = true slot4 = slot0.dragTrigger slot4.enabled = true slot4:AddPointDownFunc(function (slot0) if Input.touchCount == 1 or Application.isEditor then uv0.exitFlag = true uv1 = true elseif Input.touchCount >= 2 then uv1 = false uv0.exitFlag = false end end) slot4:AddPointUpFunc(function (slot0) if Input.touchCount <= 2 then uv0 = true end end) slot4:AddBeginDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) uv0.exitFlag = false uv1 = slot1.position.x * uv0.recorder.widthRate - uv0.recorder.halfWidth - tf(uv0.painting).localPosition.x uv2 = slot1.position.y * uv0.recorder.heightRate - uv0.recorder.halfHeight - tf(uv0.painting).localPosition.y end) slot4:AddDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0 then slot2 = tf(uv1.painting).localPosition tf(uv1.painting).localPosition = Vector3(slot1.position.x * uv1.recorder.widthRate - uv1.recorder.halfWidth - uv2 - 150, slot1.position.y * uv1.recorder.heightRate - uv1.recorder.halfHeight - uv3, -22) end end) slot0.bgBtn.enabled = true onButton(slot0,, function () if uv0.bgCallback then if uv0.exitFlag then uv0.bgCallback() end else uv0:Finish() end end, SFX_CANCEL) end function slot0.RecodObjectInfo(slot0) slot0.recorder.srcPosX = slot0.painting.anchoredPosition.x slot0.recorder.srcPosY = slot0.painting.anchoredPosition.y slot0.recorder.srcWidth = slot0.painting.rect.width slot0.recorder.srcHeight = slot0.painting.rect.height slot0.recorder.widthRate = slot0.prefab.rect.width / UnityEngine.Screen.width slot0.recorder.heightRate = slot0.prefab.rect.height / UnityEngine.Screen.height slot0.recorder.halfWidth = slot0.recorder.srcWidth / 2 slot0.recorder.halfHeight = slot0.recorder.srcHeight / 2 end function slot0.Finish(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 and not slot0.exitFlag then return end slot0.dragTrigger.enabled = false slot0.zoomDelegate.enabled = false _.each(slot0.hideObjList, function (slot0) setActive(slot0, true) end) if not slot0.isBanRotate then closePortrait(slot0.prefab) end slot0:EnableObjects(true) slot0.painting.localScale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) setAnchoredPosition(slot0.painting, { x = slot0.recorder.srcPosX, y = slot0.recorder.srcPosY }) slot0.bgBtn.enabled = false = true slot0.isPreview = false slot0.exitFlag = false slot0.recorder = {} end function slot0.Dispose(slot0) if slot0.isPreview then slot0:Finish(true) end if slot0.dragTrigger then ClearEventTrigger(slot0.dragTrigger) slot0.dragTrigger = nil end slot0.exitFlag = nil slot0.recorder = nil slot0.isPreview = nil pg.DelegateInfo.Dispose(slot0) end return slot0