slot0 = class("ShipDestoryConfirmWindow", import("...base.BaseSubView")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "DestoryConfirmWindow" end function slot0.OnLoaded(slot0) slot0.window = slot0:findTF("window") = slot0:findTF("window/content") slot0.closeBtn = slot0:findTF("window/top/btnBack") slot0.cancelBtn = slot0:findTF("window/cancel_btn") slot0.confirmBtn = slot0:findTF("window/confirm_btn") slot0.shipList = UIItemList.New(slot0:findTF("window/content/ships"), slot0:findTF("window/content/ships/itemtpl")) slot0.grid = slot0.shipList.container:GetComponent(typeof(GridLayoutGroup)) slot0.title = slot0:findTF("window/content/Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.label = slot0:findTF("window/content/desc/label") setText(slot0.label, i18n("destory_ship_before_tip")) slot0.urLabel = slot0:findTF("window/content/desc/label1"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.urInput = slot0:findTF("window/content/desc/InputField") slot0.urOverflowLabel = slot0:findTF("window/content/desc/label2") setText(slot0.urOverflowLabel, i18n("destory_ur_pt_overflowa")) end function slot0.OnInit(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.cancelBtn, function () uv0:Hide() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.confirmBtn, function () uv0:Confirm() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0._tf, function () uv0:Hide() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.closeBtn, function () uv0:Hide() end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.SetCallBack(slot0, slot1) slot0.callback = slot1 end function slot0.Confirm(slot0) if slot0.key then if slot0.key ~= tonumber(getInputText(slot0.urInput)) then pg.TipsMgr:GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("destory_ship_input_erro")) return end slot0:Hide() existCall(slot0.callback) else slot0:Hide() existCall(slot0.callback) end end function slot0.Show(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0.key = nil slot0.eliteShips = slot1 slot0.highLevelShips = slot2 slot0.overflow = slot3 slot0:SetCallBack(slot4) slot0:Updatelayout() slot0:UpdateShips() uv0.super.Show(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0._tf) end function slot0.ShowEliteTag(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:SetCallBack(slot2) slot0.title.text = i18n("destroy_eliteship_tip", i18n("destroy_inHardFormation_tip")) setActive(slot0.urOverflowLabel, false) setActive(slot0.urLabel.gameObject, false) setActive(slot0.urInput, false) if #slot1 <= 5 then = Vector2(, 290) slot0.window.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot0.window.sizeDelta.x, 565) else = Vector2(, 406) slot0.window.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot0.window.sizeDelta.x, 670) end setAnchoredPosition(slot0.window, { x = 0, y = 0 }) slot0.grid.constraintCount = 5 setAnchoredPosition(slot0.shipList.container, { x = 140 }) slot0.shipList:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot3 = uv0[slot1 + 1] updateShip(slot2, slot3) setText(slot2:Find("icon_bg/level/Text"), "Lv." .. slot3.level) end end) slot0.shipList:align(#slot1) uv0.super.Show(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0._tf) end function slot0.Updatelayout(slot0) slot2 = slot0.highLevelShips slot3 = "" if #slot0.eliteShips > 0 then slot3 = i18n("destroy_high_rarity_tip") end if #slot2 > 0 then slot4 = i18n("destroy_high_level_tip", "") slot3 = slot3 == "" and slot4 or slot3 .. "、" .. slot4 end slot0.title.text = i18n("destroy_eliteship_tip", slot3) if _.any(slot1, function (slot0) return ShipRarity.SSR <= slot0:getConfig("rarity") end) and not slot0.key then slot0.key = math.random(100000, 999999) slot0.urLabel.text = i18n("destroy_ur_rarity_tip", slot0.key) else slot0.urLabel.text = "" end setActive(slot0.urOverflowLabel, slot4 and slot0.overflow) setActive(slot0.urLabel.gameObject, slot4) setActive(slot0.urInput, slot4) if #slot1 + #slot2 <= 5 and not slot4 then = Vector2(, 290) slot0.window.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot0.window.sizeDelta.x, 565) elseif slot6 <= 5 and slot4 then slot7 = slot5 and 40 or 0 = Vector2(, 415 + slot7) slot0.window.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot0.window.sizeDelta.x, 720 + slot7) elseif slot6 > 5 and not slot4 then = Vector2(, 406) slot0.window.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot0.window.sizeDelta.x, 670) elseif slot6 > 5 and slot4 then slot7 = slot5 and 40 or 0 = Vector2(, 537 + slot7) slot0.window.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot0.window.sizeDelta.x, 793 + slot7) end setAnchoredPosition(slot0.window, { x = 0, y = 0 }) if slot6 > 10 and slot6 <= 12 then slot0.grid.constraintCount = 6 setAnchoredPosition(slot0.shipList.container, { x = 74 }) else slot0.grid.constraintCount = 5 setAnchoredPosition(slot0.shipList.container, { x = 140 }) end end function slot0.UpdateShips(slot0) slot2 = slot0.highLevelShips for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.eliteShips) do table.insert({}, slot8) end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do table.insert(slot3, slot8) end slot0.shipList:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot3 = uv0[slot1 + 1] updateShip(slot2, slot3) setText(slot2:Find("icon_bg/level/Text"), "Lv." .. slot3.level) end end) slot0.shipList:align(#slot3) end function slot0.Hide(slot0) slot0.key = nil slot0.callback = nil setInputText(slot0.urInput, "") uv0.super.Hide(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0._tf, slot0._parentTf) end function slot0.OnDestroy(slot0) slot0:Hide() end return slot0