slot0 = class("MusicGameSelectView", import("...base.BaseSubView")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "MusicGameSelectUI" end function slot0.OnInit(slot0) slot0.music_amount = 5 slot0.music_amount_middle = 3 slot0.configList = { speed = 1, dgree = 1, music = slot0.music_amount_middle } slot0:initUI() end function slot0.OnDestroy(slot0) end function slot0.initData(slot0) end function slot0.initUI(slot0) slot0.main = slot0:findTF("Main") slot0.start_btn = slot0.main:Find("Start_btn") slot0.speed_list = slot0.main:Find("Speedlist") slot0.dgreelist = slot0.main:Find("DgreeList") slot0.musiclist = slot0.main:Find("MusicList") = slot0:findTF("top") slot0.btn_help ="help_btn") slot0.btn_back ="back") slot0.btn_home ="home") onButton(slot0, slot0.btn_help, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = pg.gametip.help_summer_shooting.tip }) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.btn_back, function () uv0.contextData.Onbtn_back() end) onButton(slot0, slot0.btn_home, function () uv0:emit(BaseUI.ON_HOME) end) onButton(slot0, slot0.start_btn, function () uv0.contextData.setGameView(uv0.configList) uv0.contextData.goGameView() end, SFX_UI_CONFIRM) onButton(slot0, slot0.dgreelist:Find("easy"), function () uv0.configList.dgree = 1 end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot0.dgreelist:Find("hard"), function () uv0.configList.dgree = 2 end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot0.speed_list, function () uv0.configList.speed = uv0.configList.speed + 1 > 4 and 1 or uv0.configList.speed + 1 uv0.speed_list.localEulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, uv0.configList.speed == 1 and 0 or uv0.speed_list.localEulerAngles.z - 22.5) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) slot0:initSongUI() end function slot0.initSongUI(slot0) slot0.song_btn = slot0.musiclist:Find("song") setActive(slot0.song_btn, false) slot0.song_btns = {} for slot4 = 1, slot0.music_amount do slot0.song_btns[slot4] = cloneTplTo(slot0.song_btn, slot0.musiclist, "music" .. slot4) setActive(slot0.song_btns[slot4], true) slot6 = slot0.music_amount_middle slot7 = math.abs(slot4 - slot6) slot0.song_btns[slot4].localPosition = Vector3(slot0.song_btn.localPosition.x + (slot4 - slot6 > 0 and 1 or -1) * slot7 * 300, slot5.y, slot5.z) slot5 = slot0.song_btn.localScale slot0.song_btns[slot4].localScale = Vector3(slot5.x - slot7 * 0.2, slot5.y - slot7 * 0.2, slot5.z - slot7 * 0.2) slot0.song_btns[slot4]:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = slot0.musiclist:Find("img/" .. slot4):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite onButton(slot0, slot0.song_btns[slot4], function () = uv1 uv0:changeLocalpos(uv1) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) end end function slot0.changeLocalpos(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot0.music_amount_middle - slot1 for slot7 = 1, slot0.music_amount do slot8 = slot7 + slot3 if slot0.music_amount < slot7 + slot3 then slot8 = slot7 + slot3 - slot0.music_amount end if slot7 + slot3 < 1 then slot8 = slot7 + slot3 + slot0.music_amount end slot10 = math.abs(slot8 - slot2) slot0.song_btns[slot7].localPosition = Vector3(slot0.song_btn.localPosition.x + (slot8 - slot2 > 0 and 1 or -1) * slot10 * 300, slot9.y, slot9.z) slot9 = slot0.song_btn.localScale slot0.song_btns[slot7].localScale = Vector3(1.4 - slot10 * 0.2, 1.4 - slot10 * 0.2, 1.4 - slot10 * 0.2) end end return slot0