slot0 = class("RollingBallGameView", import("..BaseMiniGameView")) slot1 = 1 slot2 = 2 slot3 = 1 slot4 = 2 slot5 = 1 slot6 = 2 slot7 = 1 slot8 = 2 slot9 = { { 3, 5 }, { 2, 3 }, { 1.5, 3 }, { 1, 2.5 }, { 1, 2 }, { 0.8, 1.4 } } slot10 = { 30, 80, 120, 160, 180 } slot11 = { 4, 6 } slot12 = { 0, 30 } slot13 = 0.5 slot14 = { { 10, 13 }, { 7, 10 } } slot15 = { 30 } slot16 = { 0, 3 } slot17 = { 1, 2 } slot18 = { 100, 100, 100, 100 } slot19 = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } slot20 = { 3, 3.5, 4, 4.8, 5.6, 6.6, 8.4 } slot21 = { 30, 80, 120, 140, 160, 180 } slot22 = { 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 4.7, 5 } slot23 = { 30, 80, 120, 160, 180 } slot24 = 3 slot25 = { 110, 193, 1170, 193 } slot26 = { 117, 848, 1167, 848 } slot27 = Vector2(90, 244) slot28 = 200 slot29 = 5 slot30 = 0 slot31 = 1000000 slot32 = 50000 slot33 = "event:/ui/getcandy" slot34 = "event:/ui/jackboom" function slot35(slot0) end function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "HalloweenGameUI" end function slot0.getBGM(slot0) return "backyard" end function slot36(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = { charactorTf = slot0, moveRanges = slot1, scene = slot2, speedX = 0, direct = 0, moveRightFlag = false, moveLeftFlag = false, charactorIdleCallback = false, ctor = function (slot0) slot0.collider = findTF(slot0.charactorTf, "collider") slot0.follow = findTF(slot0.charactorTf, "follow") slot0.charAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.charactorTf, "char"), typeof(Animator)) slot0.posLight = findTF(slot0.charactorTf, "posLight") slot0.lightCharAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.posLight, "char"), typeof(Animator)) slot0.lightCharDft = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.posLight, "char"), typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot0.lightEffectAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.posLight, "light"), typeof(Animator)) slot0.charactorDft = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.charactorTf, "char"), typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot0.charactorDft:SetEndEvent(function (slot0) uv0:onAnimationEnd() end) slot0:clearData() end, clearData = function (slot0) slot0.inAction = false = 0 slot0.directType = uv0 slot0.currentDirectType = nil slot0.ghostFlag = false slot0.ghostPlayFlag = false slot0.speedRangeIndex = 1 slot0.maxSpeed = uv1[slot0.speedRangeIndex] slot0.playLightFlag = false slot0.moveLeftFlag = false slot0.moveRightFlag = false slot0.speedX = 0 end, setGhostFlag = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1 and (slot0.ghostFlag or slot0.ghostPlayFlag) then return end slot0:ghostAniCallback(true) function slot0.aniCallback(slot0) if not slot0 then uv0.ghostFlag = uv1 else uv0.ghostFlag = false end if uv2 then uv2() end end if slot1 then slot0:playGhostDrump() else slot0:hideDrumpGhost() slot0.ghostPlayFlag = false slot0.ghostFlag = false end end, playLight = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.playLightFlag or slot0.inAction then if slot1 then slot1(false) end return end slot0.playLightFlag = true setActive(slot0.posLight, true) slot0.lightCharDft:SetEndEvent(function () uv0.playLightFlag = false end) slot0.lightCharDft:SetTriggerEvent(function () if uv0 then uv0(true) end end) if slot2 == uv0 then slot0.lightCharAnimator:Play("charLight", -1, 0) slot0.lightEffectAnimator:Play("lightOn", -1, 0) elseif slot2 == uv1 then slot0.lightCharAnimator:Play("charUnLight", -1, 0) slot0.lightEffectAnimator:Play("lightOff", -1, 0) end end, ghostAniCallback = function (slot0, slot1) if slot0.aniCallback then slot0.aniCallback(slot1) slot0.aniCallback = nil end end, hideDrumpGhost = function (slot0) setActive(findTF(slot0.charactorTf, "ghostContainer/posGhost"), false) end, getGhostFlag = function (slot0) return slot0.ghostFlag or slot0.ghostPlayFlag end, getActionFlag = function (slot0) return slot0.inAction end, playGhostDrump = function (slot0) slot0.ghostPlayFlag = true slot1 = findTF(slot0.charactorTf, "ghostContainer/posGhost") setActive(slot1, true) GetComponent(slot1, typeof(DftAniEvent)):SetEndEvent(function () uv0:ghostAniCallback() setActive(uv1, false) uv0.ghostPlayFlag = false if uv0.inSpecial then uv0.currentDirectType = nil uv0:checkPlayerAnimation(true) uv0.inSpecial = false end end) GetComponent(slot1, typeof(Animator)):Play("drump", -1, 0) slot5 = GetComponent(findTF(slot1, "drumpGhost/char"), typeof(Animator)) slot5:SetInteger("state_type", 0) slot5:SetInteger("state_type", 3) end, boom = function (slot0) if slot0.inAction then return end slot1 = "boom" if slot0.ghostFlag then slot1 = (slot0.currentDirectType == uv0 and slot1 .. "_left" or slot1 .. "_right") .. "_ghost" end slot0:PlayAniamtion(slot1, function () uv0:checkPlayerAnimation(true) uv0.inAction = false end) slot0.inAction = true end, fail = function (slot0, slot1) if slot0.inAction then return end slot2 = "fail" if slot1 == uv1 then slot2 = (slot0.currentDirectType == uv0 and slot2 .. "_left" or slot2 .. "_right") .. "_miss" elseif slot1 == uv2 then slot2 = slot2 .. "_boom" end if slot0.ghostFlag then slot2 = slot2 .. "_ghost" end slot0:PlayAniamtion(slot2, function () uv0.inAction = false end) slot0.inAction = true end, gameOver = function (slot0) slot0.moveFlag = false if slot0.charactorIdleCallback then slot0.charactorIdleCallback(false) end end, start = function (slot0) slot0.moveFlag = true slot0.startTime = uv0 slot0:clearData() end, step = function (slot0) if not slot0.moveFlag then return end if not slot0.inAction then if ~= 0 then if slot0.maxSpeed - math.abs(slot0.speedX) < uv0 then slot0.speedX = slot0.maxSpeed * elseif math.abs(slot0.speedX) ~= slot0.maxSpeed then slot0.speedX = (math.abs(slot0.speedX) + uv0) * end if slot0.charactorTf.localPosition.x + slot0.speedX * (slot0.ghostFlag and 0.5 or 1) < slot0.moveRanges[1] then slot2 = slot0.moveRanges[1] end if slot0.moveRanges[3] < slot2 then slot2 = slot0.moveRanges[3] end slot0.charactorTf.localPosition = Vector3(slot2, slot0.charactorTf.localPosition.y, slot0.charactorTf.localPosition.z) end slot0:checkPlayerAnimation() end if slot0.speedRangeIndex < #uv1 then for slot4 = #uv1, 1, -1 do if uv1[slot4] < uv2 - slot0.startTime and slot0.speedRangeIndex ~= slot4 then uv3("角色速度提升") slot0.speedRangeIndex = slot4 slot0.maxSpeed = uv4[slot0.speedRangeIndex] break end end end if slot0.speedX == 0 and not slot0.ghostFlag and not slot0.inAction then if slot0.specialTime then if uv2 - slot0.specialTime >= 7 then slot0.specialTime = nil slot0.inSpecial = true slot0:PlayAniamtion("special", function () uv0.currentDirectType = nil uv0:checkPlayerAnimation(true) uv0.inSpecial = false end) end else slot0.specialTime = uv2 end else slot0.specialTime = nil end if slot0.speedX == 0 and not slot0.inAction then if slot0.idleTime then if uv2 - slot0.idleTime >= 5 then slot0.idleTime = nil if slot0.charactorIdleCallback then slot0.charactorIdleCallback(true) end end else slot0.idleTime = uv2 end else slot0.idleTime = nil if slot0.charactorIdleCallback then slot0.charactorIdleCallback(false) end end end, checkPlayerAnimation = function (slot0, slot1) if slot0.currentDirectType ~= slot0.directType or slot1 then slot0.currentDirectType = slot0.directType if slot0.currentDirectType == uv0 then slot0:PlayAniamtion("idle_right") else slot0:PlayAniamtion("idle_left") end end slot2 = nil if slot0.speedX == 0 then slot2 = 0 else for slot6 = 1, #uv1 do slot7 = uv1[slot6] if math.abs(slot0.speedX) ~= 0 and slot7[1] < slot0.maxSpeed and slot0.maxSpeed <= slot7[2] then slot2 = slot6 end end end if slot0.charAnimator:GetInteger("speed_type") ~= slot2 then slot0.charAnimator:SetInteger("speed_type", slot2) end if slot0.charAnimator:GetBool("ghost") ~= slot0.ghostFlag then slot0.charAnimator:SetBool("ghost", slot0.ghostFlag) end end, PlayAniamtion = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0("开始播放动作:" .. slot1) slot0.charAnimator:Play(slot1, -1, 0) if slot0.onAniCallback then uv0(slot0.onAniamtionName .. "的animation被" .. slot1 .. "中断") end slot0.onAniamtionName = slot1 slot0.onAniCallback = slot2 end, onAnimationEnd = function (slot0) uv0("动作播放结束:" .. slot0.onAniamtionName) if slot0.onAniCallback then slot0.onAniCallback = nil slot0.onAniCallback() end end, onDirectChange = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.moveFlag then return end if slot0.inSpecial then slot0.currentDirectType = nil slot0:checkPlayerAnimation(true) slot0.inSpecial = false end if slot1 == uv0 then slot0.moveLeftFlag = slot2 elseif slot1 == uv1 then slot0.moveRightFlag = slot2 end slot3 = nil if ~= (slot2 and (slot1 == uv0 and uv2 or uv3) or slot0.moveRightFlag and 1 or slot0.moveLeftFlag and -1 or 0) or slot3 == 0 then slot0.speedX = 0 end = slot3 if ~= 0 then slot0.directType = == uv2 and uv0 or uv1 end end, getCollider = function (slot0) if not slot0.collider then -- Nothing end slot1 = slot0.collider.sizeDelta.x slot3 = slot0.collider.position slot4 = slot0.scene:InverseTransformPoint(slot3.x, slot3.y, 0) slot4.x = slot4.x - slot1 / 2 return { pos = slot4, width = slot1, height = slot0.collider.sizeDelta.y } end, getFollowPos = function (slot0) return slot0.follow.position end, getLeavePos = function (slot0) slot1 = nil if slot0.ghostPlayFlag then slot1 = findTF(slot0.charactorTf, "ghostContainer/posGhost").position uv0("播放动画中,获取幽灵当前位置") else if not slot0.leavePos then slot0.leavePos = findTF(slot0.charactorTf, "posGhostLeave") end slot1 = slot0.leavePos.position uv0("播放动画结束,获取头顶位置") end return slot1 end, clearDirect = function (slot0) = 0 slot0.speedX = 0 end } slot4 = { { 0, 4 }, { 4, 6 } } slot5 = 1 slot6 = -1 slot3:ctor() return slot3 end function slot37(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { moveTf = slot0, useLightTf = slot1, initFlag = false, direct = 0, pointChangeCallback = nil, pointUpCallback = nil, pointLightCallback = nil, lightTime = nil, Ctor = function (slot0) slot0.buttonDelegate = GetOrAddComponent(slot0.useLightTf, "EventTriggerListener") slot0.buttonDelegate:AddPointDownFunc(function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil if not uv0.lightTime or uv2 < uv1 - uv0.lightTime then slot2 = uv3 uv0.lightTime = uv1 else slot2 = uv4 end if uv0.pointLightCallback then uv0.pointLightCallback(slot2) end end) slot0.delegateLeft = GetOrAddComponent(findTF(slot0.moveTf, "left"), "EventTriggerListener") slot0.delegateRight = GetOrAddComponent(findTF(slot0.moveTf, "right"), "EventTriggerListener") slot0.delegateLeft:AddPointDownFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.pointChangeCallback then uv0.pointChangeCallback(uv1) end end) slot0.delegateRight:AddPointDownFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.pointChangeCallback then uv0.pointChangeCallback(uv1) end end) slot0.delegateLeft:AddPointUpFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.pointUpCallback then uv0.pointUpCallback(uv1) end end) slot0.delegateRight:AddPointUpFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.pointUpCallback then uv0.pointUpCallback(uv1) end end) slot0.initFlag = true end, callbackDirect = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot2 then return end slot3 = slot0:getPointFromEventData(slot1) uv0(slot3.x .. " " .. slot3.y) slot2(slot0:getDirect(slot3)) end, getPointFromEventData = function (slot0, slot1) if not slot0.uiCam then slot0.uiCam = GameObject.Find("UICamera"):GetComponent("Camera") end return slot0.moveTf:InverseTransformPoint(slot0.uiCam:ScreenToWorldPoint(slot1.position)) end, getDirect = function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.moveTf.sizeDelta.x slot3 = slot0.moveTf.sizeDelta.y if slot1.x >= 0 then return uv0 else return uv1 end end, changeRemind = function (slot0, slot1) slot0.remindFlag = slot1 if slot1 and isActive(findTF(slot0.useLightTf, "light")) then GetComponent(slot0.useLightTf, typeof(Animator)):Play("useLightRemind", -1, 0) else slot2:Play("useLightIdle", -1, 0) end end, start = function (slot0) setActive(findTF(slot0.useLightTf, "light"), true) slot0.lightTime = nil end, step = function (slot0) if not slot0.lightTime or uv1 < uv0 - slot0.lightTime then if not isActive(findTF(slot0.useLightTf, "light")) then setActive(findTF(slot0.useLightTf, "light"), true) slot0:changeRemind(slot0.remindFlag) end elseif isActive(findTF(slot0.useLightTf, "light")) then setActive(findTF(slot0.useLightTf, "light"), false) end end, gameOver = function (slot0) setActive(findTF(slot0.useLightTf, "light"), false) end, destroy = function (slot0) if slot0.delegateLeft then ClearEventTrigger(slot0.delegateLeft) end if slot0.delegateRight then ClearEventTrigger(slot0.delegateRight) end end } slot2:Ctor() return slot2 end function slot38(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { _tf = slot0, moveRange = slot1, targetX = nil, speedX = 1, dropCallback = nil, dropNum = 0, Ctor = function (slot0) slot0.bodyAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot0._tf, "char/body"), typeof(Animator)) slot0.bodyDft = GetComponent(findTF(slot0._tf, "char/body"), typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot0.bodyDft:SetEndEvent(function () uv0:dropEnd() end) slot0.bodyDft:SetTriggerEvent(function () uv0:dropItem() end) end, start = function (slot0) slot0.moveFlag = true slot0.speedLevel = 1 end, gameOver = function (slot0) slot0.moveFlag = false end, step = function (slot0) if not slot0.moveFlag then return end if slot0.targetX then if slot0.targetX ~= slot0._tf.localPosition.x then if slot0._tf.localPosition.x < slot0.targetX then slot0._tf.localPosition = Vector3(slot0._tf.localPosition.x + slot0:getSpeed(), slot0._tf.localPosition.y, slot0._tf.localPosition.z) else slot0._tf.localPosition = Vector3(slot0._tf.localPosition.x - slot0:getSpeed(), slot0._tf.localPosition.y, slot0._tf.localPosition.z) end end if math.abs(slot0.targetX - slot0._tf.localPosition.x) <= slot0:getSpeed() then slot0.targetX = nil end end if not slot0.targetX then slot0:setNextTarget() end if slot0.speedLevel < #uv0 and uv1[slot0.speedLevel] < uv2 then slot0.speedLevel = slot0.speedLevel + 1 end end, getSpeed = function (slot0) return uv0[slot0.speedLevel] end, dropItem = function (slot0) if slot0.dropCallback then slot0.dropCallback() end end, dropEnd = function (slot0) if slot0.dropNum > 0 then slot0.dropNum = slot0.dropNum - 1 end slot0.bodyAnimator:SetInteger("dropNums", slot0.dropNum) end, addDropNum = function (slot0) slot0.dropNum = slot0.dropNum + 1 slot0.bodyAnimator:SetInteger("dropNums", slot0.dropNum) end, setNextTarget = function (slot0) if not slot0.targetX then if slot0._tf.localPosition.x < slot0.moveRange[3] / 3 then slot0.targetX = math.random(slot0.moveRange[3] * 2 / 3, slot0.moveRange[3]) else slot0.targetX = math.random(slot0.moveRange[1], slot0.moveRange[3] / 3) end end if slot0.targetX < slot0._tf.localPosition.x then slot0._tf.localScale = Vector3(-1, 1, 1) else slot0._tf.localScale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) end end, getDropWorldPos = function (slot0) if not slot0.posDrop then slot0.posDrop = findTF(slot0._tf, "char/posDrop") end return slot0.posDrop.position end, clear = function (slot0) slot0.dropNum = 0 slot0.dropCallback = nil end } slot2:Ctor() return slot2 end function slot39() return { speedLevel = 1, dropRequestCallback = nil, start = function (slot0) slot0.startFlag = true slot0.speedLevel = 1 slot0.startTime = uv0 end, gameOver = function (slot0) slot0.startFlag = false slot0.stepTime = nil slot0.speedLevel = nil end, step = function (slot0) if not slot0.startFlag then return end if not slot0.stepTime then slot0.stepTime = slot0.startTime + math.random() * (uv0[slot0.speedLevel][1] - uv0[slot0.speedLevel][2]) + uv0[slot0.speedLevel][1] elseif slot0.stepTime <= uv1 then slot0.stepTime = uv1 + math.random(uv0[slot0.speedLevel][1], uv0[slot0.speedLevel][2]) if slot0.dropRequestCallback then slot0.dropRequestCallback() end end if slot0.speedLevel <= #uv2 then if not slot0.nextSpeedUpTime then slot0.nextSpeedUpTime = slot0.startTime + uv2[slot0.speedLevel] end if slot0.nextSpeedUpTime <= uv1 then slot0.speedLevel = slot0.speedLevel + 1 slot0.nextSpeedUpTime = slot0.speedLevel <= #uv2 and uv1 + uv2[slot0.speedLevel] or nil end end end } end function slot40(slot0, slot1) return { flyer = slot0, scene = slot1, dropItems = {}, lostCallback = nil, boomCallback = nil, dropSpeedUpCallback = nil, start = function (slot0) slot0.startFlag = true slot0.speedLevel = 1 slot0.nextSpeedUpTime = nil slot0.startTime = uv0 end, gameOver = function (slot0) slot0.startFlag = false for slot4 = #slot0.dropItems, 1, -1 do slot5 = slot0.dropItems[slot4].tf slot0:returnDropItem(table.remove(slot0.dropItems, slot4)) end end, createDropItem = function (slot0) slot0:getDropItem().tf.localPosition = slot0.scene:InverseTransformPoint(slot0.flyer:getDropWorldPos()) if not slot0.dropItems then slot0.dropItems = {} end table.insert(slot0.dropItems, slot1) end, getDropItem = function (slot0) if not slot0.dropItemPool then slot0.dropItemPool = {} end slot1 = nil if #slot0.dropItemPool > 0 then slot1 = table.remove(slot0.dropItemPool, 1) else slot2 = tf(instantiate(findTF(slot0.scene, "tplItem"))) SetParent(slot2, slot0.scene, false) slot1 = { tf = slot2 } end slot2 = math.random(uv0[1], uv0[2]) <= uv0[1] and uv1 or uv2 slot1.type = slot2 slot1.speed = uv3[slot0.speedLevel] setActive(, true) slot0:setItemData(slot1, slot2) return slot1 end, setItemData = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot4 = findTF(slot3, "candy") slot1.score = 0 if slot2 == uv0 then setActive(slot4, true) setActive(findTF(slot3, "boom"), false) slot6 = math.random(uv1[1], uv1[2]) slot7 = GetComponent(findTF(slot4, "img"), typeof(Animator)) slot7:SetInteger("type", slot6) slot7:Play("candyIdle", -1, 0) slot1.score = uv2[slot6 + 1] else setActive(slot4, false) setActive(slot5, true) end end, returnDropItem = function (slot0, slot1) setActive(, false) table.insert(slot0.dropItemPool, slot1) end, step = function (slot0) if not slot0.startFlag then return end if slot0.speedLevel <= #uv0 then if not slot0.nextSpeedUpTime then slot0.nextSpeedUpTime = slot0.startTime + uv0[slot0.speedLevel] end if slot0.nextSpeedUpTime <= uv1 then slot0.speedLevel = slot0.speedLevel + 1 slot0.nextSpeedUpTime = slot0.speedLevel <= #uv0 and slot0.startTime + uv0[slot0.speedLevel] or nil if slot0.dropSpeedUpCallback then slot0.dropSpeedUpCallback() end end end if slot0.dropItems and #slot0.dropItems > 0 then for slot4 = #slot0.dropItems, 1, -1 do slot0.dropItems[slot4].speed = slot0.dropItems[slot4].speed + uv2[slot0.speedLevel] if slot0.dropItems[slot4].tf.localPosition.y <= uv3 then if table.remove(slot0.dropItems, slot4).type == uv4 and slot0.lostCallback then slot0:playItemLost(slot7) slot0.lostCallback() else slot0:returnDropItem(slot7) end else slot5.localPosition = Vector3(slot5.localPosition.x, slot5.localPosition.y - slot6, slot5.localPosition.z) end end end end, dropItemCollider = function (slot0, slot1) for slot5 = #slot0.dropItems, 1, -1 do if table.contains(slot1, slot5) then slot0:playItemEffect(table.remove(slot0.dropItems, slot5)) end end end, playItemEffect = function (slot0, slot1) if slot1.type == uv0 then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv1) GetComponent(findTF(, "candy/img"), typeof(DftAniEvent)):SetEndEvent(function () uv0:returnDropItem(uv1) end) GetComponent(findTF(, "candy/img"), typeof(Animator)):SetTrigger("effect") elseif slot2 == uv2 then slot4 = GetComponent(findTF(, "boom/img"), typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot4:SetEndEvent(function () uv0:returnDropItem(uv1) end) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv3) slot4:SetTriggerEvent(function () if uv0.boomCallback then uv0.boomCallback() end end) GetComponent(findTF(, "boom/img"), typeof(Animator)):SetTrigger("effect") end end, playItemLost = function (slot0, slot1) if slot1.type == uv0 then slot3 = GetComponent(findTF(, "candy/img"), typeof(Animator)) slot4 = findTF(, "candy/candy_glow") slot5 = GetComponent(findTF(, "candy/img"), typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot5:SetEndEvent(function () setActive(uv0, false) uv1:returnDropItem(uv2) end) slot5:SetTriggerEvent(function () setActive(uv0, true) end) slot3:Play("candyLost", slot3:GetLayerIndex("newLayer"), 0) end end, getDropItemsCollider = function (slot0) if not slot0.dropItems then return end slot1 = {} for slot5 = 1, #slot0.dropItems do slot6 = findTF(slot0.dropItems[slot5].tf, "collider") slot9 = slot6.position table.insert(slot1, { x = slot9.x, y = slot9.y, width = slot6.sizeDelta.x, height = slot6.sizeDelta.y, index = slot5, type = slot0.dropItems[slot5].type, score = slot0.dropItems[slot5].score }) end return slot1 end } end function slot41(slot0, slot1, slot2) return { charactor = slot0, dropItemController = slot1, scene = slot2, colliderDropItemCallback = nil, start = function (slot0) slot0.startFlag = true end, gameOver = function (slot0) slot0.startFlag = false end, step = function (slot0) if not slot0.startFlag then return end slot0:checkCollider() end, checkCollider = function (slot0) slot1 = {} slot4 = slot0.charactor:getCollider().pos if slot0.dropItemController:getDropItemsCollider() and #slot2 > 0 then for slot8 = 1, #slot2 do slot9 = slot2[slot8] if slot0:checkRectCollider(slot4, slot0.scene:InverseTransformPoint(slot9.x, slot9.y, 0), slot3, slot9) then table.insert(slot1, slot9.index) if slot0.colliderDropItemCallback then slot0.colliderDropItemCallback(slot9) end end end end if #slot1 > 0 then slot0.dropItemController:dropItemCollider(slot1) end end, checkRectCollider = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot6 = slot1.y slot7 = slot3.width slot8 = slot3.height slot10 = slot2.y slot12 = slot4.height if slot2.x <= slot1.x and slot5 >= slot9 + slot4.width then return false elseif slot5 <= slot9 and slot9 >= slot5 + slot7 then return false elseif slot10 <= slot6 and slot6 >= slot10 + slot12 then return false elseif slot6 <= slot10 and slot10 >= slot6 + slot8 then return false else return true end end } end function slot42(slot0) return { _tf = slot0, speedLevel = 1, createGhostCallback = nil, ghostSpeedUpCallback = nil, start = function (slot0) slot0.startFlag = true slot0.speedLevel = 1 slot0.startTime = uv0 slot0.bossAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot0._tf, "char"), typeof(Animator)) slot0.tip = findTF(slot0._tf, "tip") end, gameOver = function (slot0) slot0.startFlag = false slot0.stepTime = nil setActive(slot0.tip, false) slot0.bossAnimator:SetInteger("state_type", 0) end, step = function (slot0) if not slot0.startFlag then return end if not slot0.stepTime then slot0.stepTime = slot0.startTime + math.random(uv0[slot0.speedLevel][1], uv0[slot0.speedLevel][2]) elseif slot0.stepTime <= uv1 then slot0.stepTime = uv1 + math.random(uv0[slot0.speedLevel][1], uv0[slot0.speedLevel][2]) if slot0.createGhostCallback then slot0.createGhostCallback() end end if slot0.speedLevel <= #uv2 then if not slot0.nextSpeedUpTime then slot0.nextSpeedUpTime = slot0.startTime + uv2[slot0.speedLevel] end if slot0.nextSpeedUpTime <= uv1 then slot0.speedLevel = slot0.speedLevel + 1 slot0.nextSpeedUpTime = slot0.speedLevel <= #uv2 and slot0.nextSpeedUpTime + uv2[slot0.speedLevel] or nil if slot0.ghostSpeedUpCallback then slot0.ghostSpeedUpCallback() end uv3("幽灵生成速度提升" .. (slot0.nextSpeedUpTime or "(已经达到最高速度)")) end end end, showTip = function (slot0, slot1) if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.tip)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.tip)) end setActive(findTF(slot0.tip, "img1"), false) setActive(findTF(slot0.tip, "img2"), false) setActive(findTF(slot0.tip, "img" .. slot1), true) setActive(slot0.tip, true) LeanTween.delayedCall(go(slot0.tip), 10, System.Action(function () setActive(uv0.tip, false) end)) end, onCreate = function (slot0) slot0.bossAnimator:SetInteger("state_type", 3) end, onCatch = function (slot0) slot0.bossAnimator:SetInteger("state_type", 2) end, onGhostDestroy = function (slot0) slot0.bossAnimator:SetInteger("state_type", 1) slot0.stepTime = uv0 + math.random(uv1[slot0.speedLevel][1], uv1[slot0.speedLevel][2]) end, destory = function (slot0) if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0.tip)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.tip)) end end } end function slot43(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = 4 return { tplGhost = slot0, charactor = slot1, scene = slot2, catchCharactorCallback = nil, start = function (slot0) slot0.startFlag = true end, gameOver = function (slot0) slot0.startFlag = false for slot4 = #slot0.ghostChilds, 1, -1 do slot0:removeChild(slot0.ghostChilds[slot4]) end end, step = function (slot0) if not slot0.startFlag or not slot0.ghostChilds then return end slot2 = slot0.scene:InverseTransformPoint(slot0.charactor:getFollowPos()) for slot6 = #slot0.ghostChilds, 1, -1 do if isActive(slot0.ghostChilds[slot6]) then slot9 = 0 slot10 = 0 slot11 = false slot12 = false if math.abs(slot2.x - slot7.anchoredPosition.x) > 10 then slot9 = uv0 * (slot8.x < slot2.x and 1 or -1) else slot11 = true end if math.abs(slot2.y - slot8.y) > 10 then slot10 = uv0 * (slot8.y < slot2.y and 1 or -1) else slot12 = true end if not slot0.charactor:getGhostFlag() and not slot0.charactor:getActionFlag() and slot12 and slot11 then setActive(slot7, false) if slot0.catchCharactorCallback then slot0.catchCharactorCallback(slot7) end return end slot8.x = slot8.x + slot9 slot8.y = slot8.y + slot10 slot0.ghostChilds[slot6].anchoredPosition = slot8 end end end, removeChild = function (slot0, slot1) for slot5 = 1, #slot0.ghostChilds do if slot1 == slot0.ghostChilds[slot5] then slot0:returnGhost(table.remove(slot0.ghostChilds, slot5)) return end end end, createGhost = function (slot0) if not slot0.ghostChilds then slot0.ghostChilds = {} end if #slot0.ghostChilds > 0 or uv0:getGhostFlag() then return false end slot1 = slot0:getGhostChild() slot1.anchoredPosition = uv1 GetComponent(findTF(slot1, "char"), typeof(Animator)):SetInteger("state_type", 1) table.insert(slot0.ghostChilds, slot1) return true end, getGhostChild = function (slot0) if not slot0.ghostPool then slot0.ghostPool = {} end slot1 = nil if #slot0.ghostPool > 0 then slot1 = table.remove(slot0.ghostPool, #slot0.ghostPool) else SetParent(tf(instantiate(slot0.tplGhost)), slot0.scene, false) end setActive(slot1, true) return slot1 end, returnGhost = function (slot0, slot1) setActive(slot1, false) table.insert(slot0.ghostPool, slot1) end, createGhostLight = function (slot0, slot1) if not slot0.lightGhost then slot0.lightGhost = tf(instantiate(slot0.tplGhost)) = "lightGhost" slot0.lightAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.lightGhost, "char"), typeof(Animator)) GetComponent(findTF(slot0.lightGhost, "char"), typeof(DftAniEvent)):SetEndEvent(function () setActive(uv0.lightGhost, false) end) setParent(slot0.lightGhost, slot0.scene) end if slot0.charactor:getGhostFlag() then slot0.lightGhost.anchoredPosition = slot0.scene:InverseTransformPoint(slot0.charactor:getLeavePos()) setActive(slot0.lightGhost, true) slot0.lightAnimator:SetInteger("state_type", 0) slot0.lightAnimator:SetInteger("state_type", 2) slot1(true) else slot1(false) end end } end function slot44(slot0, slot1) slot3 = 3 return { eyeTf = slot0, changeEyeShow = function (slot0, slot1) end, start = function (slot0) if not slot0.eyes then slot0.eyes = {} for slot4 = 1, 3 do table.insert(slot0.eyes, findTF(slot0.eyeTf, "eye" .. slot4)) end end slot0.centerX = (uv0[3] - uv0[1]) / 2 slot0.halfRnage = (uv0[3] - uv0[1]) / 2 slot0:changeEyeShow(true) end, step = function (slot0) for slot6 = 1, #slot0.eyes do setAnchoredPosition(findTF(slot0.eyes[slot6], "img"), Vector3((uv0.anchoredPosition.x - uv1[1] - slot0.centerX) / slot0.halfRnage * uv2, 0, 0)) end end, gameOver = function (slot0) end } end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0:initUI() slot0:initData() slot0:gameReadyStart() end function slot0.initUI(slot0) function slot4() if not uv0.gameStartFlag then uv0:closeView() else setActive(uv0.leaveUI, true) uv0:timerStop() uv0.gameStartFlag = false end end onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0._tf, "conLeft/btnClose"), slot4, SFX_CANCEL) slot0.playerIdleTip = findTF(slot0._tf, "idleTip") setActive(slot0.playerIdleTip, false) slot0.hearts = {} for slot4 = 1, uv0 do table.insert(slot0.hearts, findTF(slot0._tf, "conRight/heart/heart" .. slot4)) end slot0.wanshengjie = findTF(slot0._tf, "wanshengjie") setActive(slot0.wanshengjie, false) slot0.scoreText = findTF(slot0._tf, "conRight/score/text") slot0.scene = findTF(slot0._tf, "scene") slot0.countUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/CountUI") slot0.settlementUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/SettleMentUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad/btnOver"), function () uv0:clearUI() uv0:closeView() end, SFX_CANCEL) slot0.leaveUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/LeaveUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.leaveUI, "ad/btnOk"), function () uv0:closeView() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.leaveUI, "ad/btnCancel"), function () setActive(uv0.leaveUI, false) uv0:timerStart() uv0.gameStartFlag = true end, SFX_CANCEL) end function slot0.initData(slot0) slot0.timer = Timer.New(function () uv0:onTimer() end, 0.016666666666666666, -1) slot0.charactor = uv0(findTF(slot0.scene, "charactor"), uv1, slot0.scene) function slot0.charactor.charactorIdleCallback(slot0) setActive(uv0.playerIdleTip, slot0) end slot0.flyer = uv2(findTF(slot0.scene, "flyCharactor"), uv3) function slot0.flyer.dropCallback() uv0:onCreateDropItem() end slot0.controllerUI = uv4(findTF(slot0._tf, "controller"), findTF(slot0._tf, "conRight/useLight")) function slot0.controllerUI.pointChangeCallback(slot0) uv0:onControllerDirectChange(slot0) end function slot0.controllerUI.pointUpCallback(slot0) uv0:onControllerDirectUp(slot0) end function slot0.controllerUI.pointLightCallback(slot0) uv0:onUseLight(slot0) end slot0.dropControl = uv5() function slot0.dropControl.dropRequestCallback() uv0:onRequestDrop() end slot0.dropItemController = uv6(slot0.flyer, slot0.scene) function slot0.dropItemController.lostCallback() uv0:lostCandy() end function slot0.dropItemController.boomCallback() uv0:touchBoom() end function slot0.dropItemController.dropSpeedUpCallback() uv0:dropSpeedUp() end slot0.dropColliderControll = uv7(slot0.charactor, slot0.dropItemController, slot0.scene) function slot0.dropColliderControll.colliderDropItemCallback(slot0) uv0:addScore(slot0.score) end slot0.ghostBossController = uv8(findTF(slot0._tf, "ghostBoss")) function slot0.ghostBossController.createGhostCallback() uv0:createGhost() end function slot0.ghostBossController.ghostSpeedUpCallback() if uv0.eyesController then uv0.eyesController:changeEyeShow(false) end end slot0.ghostChildController = uv9(findTF(slot0.scene, "tplGhost"), slot0.charactor, slot0.scene) function slot0.ghostChildController.catchCharactorCallback(slot0) uv0:onGhostCatch(slot0) end slot0.eyesController = uv10(findTF(slot0._tf, "bg/eyes"), findTF(slot0.scene, "charactor")) if not slot0.handle then slot0.handle = UpdateBeat:CreateListener(slot0.Update, slot0) end UpdateBeat:AddListener(slot0.handle) slot0.countAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.countUI, "count"), typeof(Animator)) slot0.countDft = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.countUI, "count"), typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot0.countDft:SetTriggerEvent(function () end) slot0.countDft:SetEndEvent(function () setActive(uv0.countUI, false) uv0:gameStart() end) end function slot0.gameReadyStart(slot0) setActive(slot0.countUI, true) slot0.countAnimator:Play("count") end function slot0.gameStart(slot0) slot0.heartNum = uv0 slot0.scoreNum = 0 slot0.gameStartFlag = true uv1 = 0 setActive(slot0.scene, true) slot0:updateUI() slot0.charactor:start() slot0.flyer:start() slot0.dropControl:start() slot0.dropItemController:start() slot0.dropColliderControll:start() slot0.ghostBossController:start() slot0.ghostChildController:start() slot0.controllerUI:start() slot0.eyesController:start() slot0:timerStart() end function slot0.timerStart(slot0) if not slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Start() end setActive(slot0.wanshengjie, true) end function slot0.timerStop(slot0) if slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Stop() end setActive(slot0.wanshengjie, false) end function slot0.getGameTimes(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData().count end function slot0.getSoundData(slot0, slot1) CueData.New().channelName = pg.CriMgr.C_GALLERY_MUSIC slot0.cueData.cueSheetName = musicName slot0.cueData.cueName = "" end function slot0.onTimer(slot0) uv0 = uv0 + slot0.timer.duration slot0.charactor:step() slot0.flyer:step() slot0.dropControl:step() slot0.dropItemController:step() slot0.dropColliderControll:step() slot0.ghostBossController:step() slot0.ghostChildController:step() slot0.controllerUI:step() slot0.eyesController:step() end function slot0.updateUI(slot0) for slot4 = 1, #slot0.hearts do if slot4 <= slot0.heartNum then setActive(findTF(slot0.hearts[slot4], "img"), true) else setActive(findTF(slot0.hearts[slot4], "img"), false) end end if not slot0.showOverTip and (uv0 <= slot0.scoreNum or uv2 <= uv1 * 1000) and slot0.ghostBossController then slot0.showOverTip = true slot0.ghostBossController:showTip(2) end setText(slot0.scoreText, slot0.scoreNum) end function slot0.dropSpeedUp(slot0) if slot0.ghostBossController then slot0.ghostBossController:showTip(1) end end function slot0.loseHeart(slot0, slot1) if slot0.heartNum and slot0.heartNum > 0 then slot0.heartNum = slot0.heartNum - 1 slot0:updateUI() if slot0.heartNum == 0 then slot2 = slot1 == uv0 and uv1 or uv2 slot0.charactor:fail(slot2) if slot2 == uv2 then slot0.ghostChildController:createGhostLight(function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.ghostBossController:onGhostDestroy() end end) slot0.charactor:setGhostFlag(false) end slot0.gameStartFlag = false slot0:timerStop() LeanTween.delayedCall(go(slot0._tf), 3, System.Action(function () uv0:gameOver() end)) elseif slot1 == uv3 then slot0.charactor:boom() end end end function slot0.addScore(slot0, slot1) slot0.scoreNum = slot0.scoreNum + slot1 slot0:updateUI() end function slot0.gameOver(slot0) slot0.charactor:gameOver() slot0.flyer:gameOver() slot0.dropControl:gameOver() slot0.dropItemController:gameOver() slot0.dropColliderControll:gameOver() slot0.ghostBossController:gameOver() slot0.ghostChildController:gameOver() slot0.controllerUI:gameOver() slot0.eyesController:gameOver() if slot0:getGameTimes() and slot0:getGameTimes() > 0 then slot0:SendSuccess(0) end slot0:showSettlement() end function slot0.showSettlement(slot0) setActive(slot0.settlementUI, true) GetComponent(findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad"), typeof(Animator)):Play("settlement", -1, 0) if slot0.scoreNum >= (slot0:GetMGData():GetRuntimeData("elements") and #slot2 > 0 and slot2[1] or 0) then slot0:StoreDataToServer({ slot3 }) end setText(findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad/highText"), slot4) setText(findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad/currentText"), slot3) end function slot0.lostCandy(slot0) slot0:loseHeart(uv0) end function slot0.touchBoom(slot0) slot0:loseHeart(uv0) end function slot0.createGhost(slot0) if slot0.ghostChildController and slot0.ghostChildController:createGhost() then slot0.ghostBossController:onCreate() end end function slot0.onCreateDropItem(slot0) if slot0.dropItemController then slot0.dropItemController:createDropItem() end end function slot0.onRequestDrop(slot0) if slot0.flyer then slot0.flyer:addDropNum() end end function slot0.onGhostCatch(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.charactor:getGhostFlag() then slot0.charactor:setGhostFlag(true, function () uv0.ghostChildController:removeChild(uv1) end) slot0.controllerUI:changeRemind(true) slot0.ghostBossController:onCatch() end end function slot0.onUseLight(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.gameStartFlag then return end slot0.charactor:playLight(function (slot0) if slot0 and uv0 == uv1 then uv2.ghostChildController:createGhostLight(function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.ghostBossController:onGhostDestroy() uv0.controllerUI:changeRemind(false) end end) uv2.charactor:setGhostFlag(false) end end, slot1) end function slot0.onColliderItem(slot0, slot1) uv0("碰撞到了物品,数量:" .. #slot1) end function slot0.onControllerDirectChange(slot0, slot1) slot0:changeDirect(slot1, true) end function slot0.onControllerDirectUp(slot0, slot1) slot0:changeDirect(slot1, false) end function slot0.changeDirect(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.gameStartFlag then slot0.charactor:onDirectChange(slot1, slot2) end end function slot0.Update(slot0) slot0:AddDebugInput() end function slot0.AddDebugInput(slot0) if Application.isEditor then if Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A) then slot0:changeDirect(uv0, true) end if Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.A) then slot0:changeDirect(uv0, false) end if Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D) then slot0:changeDirect(uv1, true) end if Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.D) then slot0:changeDirect(uv1, false) end end end function slot0.getGameTimes(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData().count end function slot0.clearUI(slot0) setActive(slot0.scene, false) setActive(slot0.settlementUI, false) setActive(slot0.countUI, false) end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if not slot0.gameStartFlag then slot0:emit(uv0.ON_BACK_PRESSED) else setActive(slot0.leaveUI, true) slot0:timerStop() slot0.gameStartFlag = false end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) if slot0.timer and slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Stop() end if LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0._tf)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0._tf)) end end return slot0