slot0 = class("EatFoodGameView", import("..BaseMiniGameView")) slot1 = "xinnong-1" slot2 = "event:/ui/ddldaoshu2" slot3 = "event:/ui/zhengque" slot4 = "event:/ui/shibai2" slot5 = "event:/ui/deshou" slot6 = "event:/ui/shibai" slot7 = 60 slot8 = "ui/eatfoodgameui_atlas" slot9 = "salvage_tips" slot10 = 2.5 slot11 = 3.75 slot12 = { 0, 600 } slot13 = { 150, 150, 150, 140, 140, 140, 130, 130, 130, 120, 120, 120, 110, 110, 100 } slot14 = { 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 } slot15 = 400 slot16 = 1 slot17 = "event touch" slot18 = { 15, 25, 40, 75 } slot19 = { 500, 300, 150, 50 } slot20 = { -400, -300, -200, -100 } slot21 = { 20, 40, 60, 100 } slot22 = 0.8 slot23 = 0.05 slot24 = 1.4 slot25 = { { id = 1, next_time = { 3.5, 4 } }, { id = 2, next_time = { 3.5, 4 } }, { id = 4, next_time = { 3.5, 4 } } } slot26 = 2 slot27 = { 1, 3 } slot28 = 15 slot29 = { 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15 } slot30 = 10 slot31 = { { id = 3 } } slot32 = "event game over" function slot33(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { ctor = function (slot0) slot0._tf = uv0 slot0._event = uv1 setActive(slot0._tf, false) slot0.sliderTouch = findTF(slot0._tf, "touch") setActive(slot0.sliderTouch, true) slot0.sliderRange = findTF(slot0._tf, "range") slot0.sliderRange.anchoredPosition = Vector2(uv2, 0) end, start = function (slot0) slot0.sliderIndex = 1 slot0.nextSliderTime = uv0 slot0.sliderTouchPos = Vector2(uv1[1], 0) slot0:setSliderBarVisible(false) end, step = function (slot0) if slot0.nextSliderTime then slot0.nextSliderTime = slot0.nextSliderTime - Time.deltaTime if slot0.nextSliderTime <= 0 then slot0:setSliderBarVisible(true) slot0:startSliderBar() slot0.nextSliderTime = slot0.nextSliderTime + uv0 end end if slot0.sliderBeginning then slot0.sliderTouchPos.x = slot0.sliderTouchPos.x + slot0.speed slot0.sliderTouch.anchoredPosition = slot0.sliderTouchPos if uv1[2] < slot0.sliderTouchPos.x then slot0:touch(false) end end end, setSliderBarVisible = function (slot0, slot1) setActive(slot0._tf, slot1) end, startSliderBar = function (slot0) if slot0.sliderIndex > #uv0 then slot0.sliderIndex = 1 end slot0.sliderWidth = uv0[slot0.sliderIndex] slot0.speed = uv1[slot0.sliderIndex] slot0.sliderTouchPos.x = uv2[1] slot0.sliderBeginning = true slot0.sliderRange.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot0.sliderWidth, slot0.sliderRange.sizeDelta.y) end, touch = function (slot0, slot1) if not slot0.sliderBeginning then return end slot0.sliderBeginning = false slot0:setSliderBarVisible(false) slot2 = false slot3 = 0 if math.abs(slot0.sliderTouchPos.x - uv0) < slot0.sliderWidth / 2 then slot3 = slot0:getScore(slot4) slot0.sliderIndex = slot0.sliderIndex + 1 slot2 = true else if slot0.sliderTouchPos.x < 100 or slot0.sliderTouchPos.x > uv1[2] - 100 then slot3 = slot0:getSubScore(slot0.sliderTouchPos.x) end slot0.nextSliderTime = slot0.nextSliderTime + uv2 slot2 = false end if slot2 then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv3) else pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv4) end if slot1 then slot0._event:emit(uv5, { flag = slot2, score = slot3 }, function () end) end end, getSubScore = function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil for slot6 = 1, #uv1 do if (slot1 <= 100 and slot1 or uv0[2] - slot1) < uv1[slot6] then return uv2[slot6] end end return 0 end, getScore = function (slot0, slot1) for slot5 = 1, #uv0 do if slot1 < uv0[slot5] then return uv1[slot5] end end return 0 end, destroy = function (slot0) end } slot2:ctor() return slot2 end function slot34(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = { ctor = function (slot0) slot0._charTpls = uv0 slot0._foodTpl = uv1 slot0._container = uv2 slot0._event = uv3 end, start = function (slot0) slot0:clear() slot0.player = nil slot0.chars = {} slot0.animateSpeed = uv0 slot0.playerNextStepTimes = {} slot0:create() end, step = function (slot0) for slot4 = 1, #slot0.chars do if not slot0.chars[slot4].nextTime then slot5.nextTime = math.random(slot5.next_time[1], slot5.next_time[2]) else slot5.nextTime = slot5.nextTime - Time.deltaTime if slot5.nextTime <= 0 then slot5.nextTime = nil slot5.stepIndex = slot5.stepIndex + 1 if table.contains(uv0, slot5.stepIndex) then slot5.tfAnimator:SetTrigger("next") end if slot5.stepIndex == uv1 then slot5.tfAnimator:SetBool("eat", false) slot5.tfAnimator:SetBool("bite", true) end if uv2 <= slot5.stepIndex then slot0:setWinChar(slot5) end end end end end, setWinChar = function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = false if slot1 then slot2 = slot1.isPlayer slot1.foodState = 6 slot1.foodTfAnimator:SetInteger("state", slot1.foodState) end if slot0.player == slot1 then slot0.player.tfAnimator:SetTrigger("victory") else slot0.player.tfAnimator:SetTrigger("defeat") end for slot6 = 1, #slot0.chars do if slot0.chars[slot6] == slot1 then slot7.tfAnimator:SetTrigger("victory") else slot7.tfAnimator:SetTrigger("defeat") end end slot0._event:emit(uv0, slot2, function () end) end, onPlayerTouch = function (slot0, slot1) if slot0.player then if slot1.flag then slot0.player.stepIndex = slot0.player.stepIndex + 1 if table.contains(uv0, slot0.player.stepIndex) and not table.contains(slot0.playerNextStepTimes, slot0.player.stepIndex) then table.insert(slot0.playerNextStepTimes, slot0.player.stepIndex) slot0.player.tfAnimator:SetTrigger("next") end if slot0.player.stepIndex == uv1 then slot0.player.tfAnimator:SetBool("eat", false) slot0.player.tfAnimator:SetBool("bite", true) end if uv2 <= slot0.player.stepIndex then slot0:setWinChar(slot0.player) end slot0.animateSpeed = slot0.animateSpeed + uv3 if uv4 < slot0.animateSpeed then slot0.animateSpeed = uv4 end slot0.player.tfAnimator.speed = slot0.animateSpeed else slot0.animateSpeed = slot0.animateSpeed - uv3 if slot0.animateSpeed < uv5 then slot0.animateSpeed = uv5 end slot0.player.tfAnimator.speed = slot0.animateSpeed slot0.player.tfAnimator:SetTrigger("miss") end end end, create = function (slot0) slot1 = Clone(uv0) slot0.player = slot0:getCharById(table.remove(slot1, math.random(1, #slot1)), uv1) slot3 = Clone(uv2) for slot7 = 1, #uv3 do table.insert(slot0.chars, slot0:getCharById(table.remove(slot3, math.random(1, #slot3)), uv3[slot7])) end end, getCharById = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = { tf = slot4, tfAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot4, "anim"), typeof(Animator)) } slot4 = tf(instantiate(findTF(slot0._charTpls, "char" .. slot5 = tf(instantiate(slot0._foodTpl)) setParent(slot4, findTF(slot0._container, tostring(slot2))) setActive(slot4, true) setParent(slot5, findTF(slot0._container, tostring(slot2))) setActive(slot5, true) slot5.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, -300) slot4.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, 0) slot3.tfAnimator.speed = slot0.animateSpeed slot3.foodTf = slot5 slot3.foodTfAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot5, "anim"), typeof(Animator)) slot3.foodTfAnimator.speed = uv0 slot3.next_time = slot1.next_time if not slot3.next_time then slot3.isPlayer = true else slot3.nextTime = math.random(0, slot1.next_time[2] - slot1.next_time[1]) + slot1.next_time[1] + uv1 end slot3.foodState = 0 slot3.stepIndex = 0 slot6 = GetComponent(findTF(slot4, "anim"), typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot6:SetStartEvent(function () uv0.foodState = uv0.foodState + 1 uv0.foodTfAnimator:SetInteger("state", uv0.foodState) end) slot6:SetTriggerEvent(function () end) slot6:SetEndEvent(function () end) return slot3 end, stop = function (slot0) if slot0.player then slot0.player.tfAnimator.speed = 0 end if slot0.chars and #slot0.chars > 0 then for slot4 = 1, #slot0.chars do slot0.chars[slot4].tfAnimator.speed = 0 end end end, resume = function (slot0) if slot0.player then slot0.player.tfAnimator.speed = slot0.animateSpeed end if slot0.chars and #slot0.chars > 0 then for slot4 = 1, #slot0.chars do slot0.chars[slot4].tfAnimator.speed = uv0 end end end, onTimeOut = function (slot0) slot1 = slot0.player for slot6 = 1, #slot0.chars do if (slot0.player.stepIndex or 0) < slot0.chars[slot6].stepIndex then slot1 = slot0.chars[slot6] slot2 = slot0.chars[slot6].stepIndex end end slot0:setWinChar(slot1) end, clear = function (slot0) if slot0.player then destroy( destroy(slot0.player.foodTf) end if slot0.chars then for slot4 = 1, #slot0.chars do destroy(slot0.chars[slot4].tf) destroy(slot0.chars[slot4].foodTf) end end end } slot4:ctor() return slot4 end function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "EatFoodGameUI" end function slot0.getBGM(slot0) return uv0 end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) slot0:initEvent() slot0:initData() slot0:initUI() slot0:initGameUI() slot0:readyStart() end function slot0.OnGetAwardDone(slot0) slot0:CheckGet() end function slot0.OnSendMiniGameOPDone(slot0, slot1) end function slot0.initEvent(slot0) slot0:bind(uv0, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0:setGameOver(slot1) end) slot0:bind(uv1, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1.score and slot1.score ~= 0 then uv0:addScore(slot1.score) end if uv0.charController then uv0.charController:onPlayerTouch(slot1) end end) end function slot0.initData(slot0) slot0.dropData = pg.mini_game[slot0:GetMGData().id].simple_config_data.drop if (Application.targetFrameRate or 60) > 60 then slot1 = 60 end slot0.timer = Timer.New(function () uv0:onTimer() end, 1 / slot1, -1) end function slot0.initUI(slot0) slot0.backSceneTf = findTF(slot0._tf, "scene_container/scene_background") slot0.sceneTf = findTF(slot0._tf, "scene_container/scene") slot0.bgTf = findTF(slot0._tf, "bg") slot0.clickMask = findTF(slot0._tf, "clickMask") slot0.countUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/CountUI") slot0.countAnimator = GetComponent(findTF(slot0.countUI, "count"), typeof(Animator)) slot0.countDft = GetOrAddComponent(findTF(slot0.countUI, "count"), typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot0.countDft:SetTriggerEvent(function () end) slot0.countDft:SetEndEvent(function () setActive(uv0.countUI, false) uv0.readyStart = false end) SetActive(slot0.countUI, false) slot0.leaveUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/LeaveUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.leaveUI, "ad/btnOk"), function () uv0:resumeGame() if uv0.charController then uv0.charController:stop() end uv0:onGameOver(0) end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.leaveUI, "ad/btnCancel"), function () uv0:resumeGame() end, SFX_CANCEL) SetActive(slot0.leaveUI, false) slot0.pauseUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/pauseUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.pauseUI, "ad/btnOk"), function () setActive(uv0.pauseUI, false) uv0:resumeGame() end, SFX_CANCEL) SetActive(slot0.pauseUI, false) slot0.resultUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/resultUI") SetActive(slot0.resultUI, false) slot0.settlementUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "pop/SettleMentUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad/btnOver"), function () setActive(uv0.settlementUI, false) uv0:closeView() end, SFX_CANCEL) SetActive(slot0.settlementUI, false) if not slot0.handle then slot0.handle = UpdateBeat:CreateListener(slot0.Update, slot0) end UpdateBeat:AddListener(slot0.handle) end function slot0.initGameUI(slot0) slot0.gameUI = findTF(slot0._tf, "ui/gameUI") onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.gameUI, "topRight/btnStop"), function () uv0:stopGame() setActive(uv0.pauseUI, true) end) onButton(slot0, findTF(slot0.gameUI, "btnLeave"), function () uv0:stopGame() setActive(uv0.leaveUI, true) end) slot0.dragDelegate = GetOrAddComponent(slot0.sceneTf, "EventTriggerListener") slot0.dragDelegate.enabled = true slot0.dragDelegate:AddPointDownFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.sliderController then uv0.sliderController:touch(true) end end) slot0.gameTimeS = findTF(slot0.gameUI, "top/time/s") slot0.scoreTf = findTF(slot0.gameUI, "top/score") slot0.sceneScoreTf = findTF(slot0.sceneTf, "score") slot0.sliderController = uv0(findTF(slot0.sceneTf, "collider"), slot0) slot0.charController = uv1(findTF(slot0.sceneTf, "tpls"), findTF(slot0.sceneTf, "food"), findTF(slot0.sceneTf, "container"), slot0) end function slot0.Update(slot0) slot0:AddDebugInput() end function slot0.AddDebugInput(slot0) if slot0.gameStop or slot0.settlementFlag then return end if Application.isEditor then -- Nothing end end function slot0.updateMenuUI(slot0) end function slot0.CheckGet(slot0) if slot0:getUltimate() == 0 then if slot0:getGameUsedTimes() < slot0:getGameTotalTime() then return end pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.SEND_MINI_GAME_OP, { hubid = slot0:GetMGHubData().id, cmd = MiniGameOPCommand.CMD_ULTIMATE, args1 = {} }) end end function slot0.openMenuUI(slot0) setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "scene_container"), false) setActive(findTF(slot0.bgTf, "on"), true) setActive(slot0.gameUI, false) setActive(slot0.menuUI, true) end function slot0.clearUI(slot0) setActive(slot0.sceneTf, false) setActive(slot0.settlementUI, false) setActive(slot0.countUI, false) setActive(slot0.menuUI, false) setActive(slot0.gameUI, false) end function slot0.readyStart(slot0) setActive(slot0.countUI, true) slot0.countAnimator:Play("count") pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv0) slot0.readyStart = true slot0:gameStart() end function slot0.getGameTimes(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData().count end function slot0.getGameUsedTimes(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData().usedtime end function slot0.getUltimate(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData().ultimate end function slot0.getGameTotalTime(slot0) return slot0:GetMGHubData():getConfig("reward_need") end function slot0.gameStart(slot0) setActive(findTF(slot0._tf, "scene_container"), true) setActive(findTF(slot0.bgTf, "on"), false) setActive(slot0.gameUI, true) slot0.gameStartFlag = true slot0.scoreNum = 0 slot0.playerPosIndex = 2 slot0.gameStepTime = 0 slot0.gameTime = uv0 if slot0.sliderController then slot0.sliderController:start() end if slot0.charController then slot0.charController:start() end slot0:updateGameUI() slot0:timerStart() end function slot0.transformColor(slot0, slot1) return Color.New(tonumber(string.sub(slot1, 1, 2), 16) / 255, tonumber(string.sub(slot1, 3, 4), 16) / 255, tonumber(string.sub(slot1, 5, 6), 16) / 255) end function slot0.addScore(slot0, slot1, slot2) setActive(slot0.sceneScoreTf, false) if slot1 then slot0.scoreNum = slot0.scoreNum + slot1 setText(findTF(slot0.sceneScoreTf, "img"), slot1 >= 0 and "+" .. slot1 or tostring(slot1)) setActive(slot0.sceneScoreTf, true) end slot0:updateGameUI() end function slot0.onTimer(slot0) slot0:gameStep() end function slot0.gameStep(slot0) if not slot0.readyStart then slot0.gameTime = slot0.gameTime - Time.deltaTime slot0.gameStepTime = slot0.gameStepTime + Time.deltaTime end if slot0.gameTime < 0 then slot0.gameTime = 0 end slot0:updateGameUI() if slot0.sliderController then slot0.sliderController:step() end if slot0.charController then slot0.charController:step() end if slot0.gameTime <= 0 then if slot0.charController then slot0.charController:onTimeOut() end return end end function slot0.timerStart(slot0) if not slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Start() end end function slot0.timerStop(slot0) if slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Stop() end end function slot0.updateGameUI(slot0) setText(slot0.scoreTf, slot0.scoreNum) setText(slot0.gameTimeS, math.ceil(slot0.gameTime)) end function slot0.setGameOver(slot0, slot1) slot0:onGameOver(3.5) slot2 = nil slot3 = Application.targetFrameRate or 60 seriesAsync({ function (slot0) slot1 = 0 uv0 = Timer.New(function () uv0 = uv0 + 15 if uv0 > 1400 then uv1() end end, 1 / uv1, -1) uv0:Start() end, function (slot0) if uv0 then uv0:Stop() uv0 = nil end if uv1 then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv2) else pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(uv3) end setActive(findTF(uv4.resultUI, "ad/victory"), uv1) setActive(findTF(uv4.resultUI, "ad/defeat"), not uv1) setActive(uv4.resultUI, true) GetComponent(findTF(uv4.resultUI, "ad"), typeof(Animator)):Play("settlement", -1, 0) slot2 = 0 uv0 = Timer.New(function () uv0 = uv0 + 15 if uv0 > 1400 then setActive(uv1.resultUI, false) uv2() end end, 1 / uv5, -1) uv0:Start() end }, function () if uv0 then uv0:Stop() uv0 = nil end end) end function slot0.onGameOver(slot0, slot1) if slot0.settlementFlag then return end slot0:timerStop() slot0.settlementFlag = true setActive(slot0.clickMask, true) LeanTween.delayedCall(go(slot0._tf), slot1, System.Action(function () uv0.settlementFlag = false uv0.gameStartFlag = false setActive(uv0.clickMask, false) uv0:showSettlement() end)) end function slot0.showSettlement(slot0) setActive(slot0.settlementUI, true) GetComponent(findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad"), typeof(Animator)):Play("settlement", -1, 0) slot3 = slot0.scoreNum slot4 = slot0:GetMGData():GetRuntimeData("elements") and #slot2 > 0 and slot2[1] or 0 setActive(findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad/new"), slot4 < slot3) if slot4 <= slot3 then slot0:StoreDataToServer({ slot3 }) end setText(findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad/highText"), slot4) setText(findTF(slot0.settlementUI, "ad/currentText"), slot3) if slot0:getGameTimes() and slot0:getGameTimes() > 0 then slot0.sendSuccessFlag = true slot0:SendSuccess(0) slot7 = slot0:getGameTotalTime() slot8 = slot0:getGameUsedTimes() end end function slot0.resumeGame(slot0) slot0.gameStop = false setActive(slot0.leaveUI, false) if slot0.charController then slot0.charController:resume() end slot0:timerStart() end function slot0.stopGame(slot0) slot0.gameStop = true if slot0.charController then slot0.charController:stop() end slot0:timerStop() end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if not slot0.gameStartFlag then slot0:emit(uv0.ON_BACK_PRESSED) else if slot0.settlementFlag then return end if isActive(slot0.pauseUI) then setActive(slot0.pauseUI, false) end slot0:stopGame() setActive(slot0.leaveUI, true) end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) if slot0.handle then UpdateBeat:RemoveListener(slot0.handle) end if slot0._tf and LeanTween.isTweening(go(slot0._tf)) then LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0._tf)) end if slot0.timer and slot0.timer.running then slot0.timer:Stop() end Time.timeScale = 1 slot0.timer = nil end return slot0