slot0 = class("SkinShopScene", import("...base.BaseUI")) slot0.EVENT_ON_CARD_CLICK = "SkinShopScene:EVENT_ON_CARD_CLICK" slot1 = pg.skin_page_template slot2 = pg.ship_skin_template slot0.SHOP_TYPE_COMMON = 1 slot0.SHOP_TYPE_TIMELIMIT = 2 slot0.PAGE_ALL = -1 slot0.PAGE_TIME_LIMIT = -2 slot0.MSGBOXNAME = "SkinShopMsgbox" slot3 = { { "huanzhuangshagndian", "huanzhuangshagndian_en" }, { "title_01", "title_en_01" } } function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "SkinShopUI" end function slot0.setSkins(slot0, slot1) slot0.skinList = slot1 slot0:filterSkins() end function slot0.setPlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.playerVO = slot1 slot0.skinTicket = slot0.playerVO:getSkinTicket() slot0._resPanel:setResources(slot1, { false, false, true }) end function slot0.filterSkins(slot0) slot0.skinGoodsVOs = getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):GetAllSkins() slot0:updateShipRect() end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.bottomTF = slot0:findTF("bottom") slot0.topTF = slot0:findTF("blur_panel/adapt/top") slot0.leftPanel = slot0:findTF("noadapt/left_panel") slot0.title = slot0:findTF("title", slot0.topTF) slot0.titleEn = slot0:findTF("title_en", slot0.topTF) slot0.live2dFilter = slot0.topTF:Find("live2d") slot0.mainPanel = slot0:findTF("noadapt/main_panel") slot0.namePanel = slot0:findTF("name_bg", slot0.mainPanel) slot0.nameTxt = slot0:findTF("name_bg/name", slot0.mainPanel):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.skinNameTxt = slot0:findTF("name_bg/skin_name", slot0.mainPanel):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.rightPanel = slot0:findTF("right") slot0.charParent = slot0:findTF("char", slot0.rightPanel) slot0.paintingTF = slot0:findTF("paint", slot0.mainPanel) slot0.charBg = slot0:findTF("char_info", slot0.rightPanel) slot0.tags = slot0:findTF("char_info/tags", slot0.rightPanel) slot0.limitTxt = slot0:findTF("name_bg/limit_time/Text", slot0.mainPanel):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.commonPanel = slot0:findTF("common", slot0.rightPanel) slot0.commonBGTF = slot0:findTF("bg", slot0.commonPanel) slot0.commonLabelTF = slot0:findTF("label", slot0.commonPanel) slot0.commonConsumeTF = slot0:findTF("consume", slot0.commonPanel) slot0.buyBtn = slot0:findTF("buy_btn", slot0.commonPanel) slot0.activityBtn = slot0:findTF("activty_btn", slot0.commonPanel) slot0.itemBtn = slot0:findTF("item_btn", slot0.commonPanel) slot0.gotBtn = slot0:findTF("got_btn", slot0.commonPanel) slot0.priceTxt = slot0:findTF("consume/Text", slot0.commonPanel):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.originalPriceTxt = slot0:findTF("consume/originalprice/Text", slot0.commonPanel):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.timelimtPanel = slot0:findTF("timelimt", slot0.rightPanel) slot0.timelimitBtn = slot0:findTF("timelimit_btn", slot0.timelimtPanel) slot0.timelimitPriceTxt = slot0:findTF("consume/Text", slot0.timelimtPanel):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.bgRoot = slot0:findTF("bg") slot0.bg1 = slot0:findTF("bg/bg_1") slot0.bg2 = slot0:findTF("bg/bg_2") slot0.bgType = false slot0.defaultBg = slot0.bg1:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite slot0.blurPanel = slot0:findTF("blur_panel") slot0._playerResOb = slot0:findTF("blur_panel/adapt/top/playerRes") slot0._resPanel = PlayerResource.New() tf(slot0._resPanel._go):SetParent(tf(slot0._playerResOb), false) setActive(slot0.mainPanel, false) Input.multiTouchEnabled = false slot0.viewMode = slot0.contextData.type or uv0.SHOP_TYPE_COMMON slot0.hideObjToggleTF = slot0:findTF("hideObjToggle", slot0.rightPanel) setActive(slot0.hideObjToggleTF, false) slot0.hideObjToggle = GetComponent(slot0.hideObjToggleTF, typeof(Toggle)) slot0.switchCnt = 0 end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) slot0:bind(uv0.EVENT_ON_CARD_CLICK, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:OnCardClick(slot1) end) setActive(slot0.mainPanel, true) slot0:initShips() slot0:initSkinPage() onButton(slot0, slot0.topTF:Find("back_btn"), function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.bottomTF:Find("bg/right_arr"), function () uv0:onNext() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.bottomTF:Find("bg/left_arr"), function () uv0:onPrev() end, SFX_PANEL) slot0.isShowLive2dOnly = false onButton(slot0, slot0.live2dFilter, function () if #uv0.displays == 0 or not _.any(uv0.displays, function (slot0) return uv0:isLive2DSkin(slot0:getSkinId()) end) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("skinshop_live2d_fliter_failed")) return end slot0 = false if uv0.card then slot0 = uv0:isLive2DSkin( end uv0:UpdateLive2dBtn(not uv0.isShowLive2dOnly) uv0:updateShipRect() if not slot0 then uv0:UpdateSelected() end end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.UpdateLive2dBtn(slot0, slot1) slot0.isShowLive2dOnly = slot1 setActive(slot0.live2dFilter:Find("selected"), slot0.isShowLive2dOnly) end function slot0.UpdateSelected(slot0) if slot0.isShowLive2dOnly then for slot5, slot6 in pairs( do if == slot0.displays[1].id then triggerButton(slot6._tf) break end end end end function slot0.initSkinPage(slot0) slot0.countByIds = {} for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(uv0.all) do slot0.countByIds[slot5] = 0 end for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.skinGoodsVOs) do slot8 = uv1[slot5:getSkinId()].shop_type_id == 0 and 9999 or slot7 slot0.countByIds[slot8] = slot0.countByIds[slot8] + 1 end slot1 = slot0:findTF("toggles/mask/content", slot0.leftPanel) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0.all) do if slot0.countByIds[slot7] > 0 then table.insert({}, slot7) end end if slot0.viewMode == uv2.SHOP_TYPE_TIMELIMIT then table.insert(slot2, 1, uv2.PAGE_TIME_LIMIT) end table.insert(slot2, 1, uv2.PAGE_ALL) slot0.mid = 4 slot0.pageTFs = {} slot0.skinPageToggles = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do slot9 = cloneTplTo(slot1.parent:Find("0"), slot1, slot8) setActive(slot9, true) slot0.skinPageToggles[slot8] = slot9:Find("toggle") onButton(slot0, slot9, function () slot0 = nil for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(uv0.pageTFs) do if tonumber(go(slot5).name) == uv1 then slot0 = slot4 break end end for slot5 = 1, math.abs(slot0 - uv0.mid) do uv0:onSwitch(slot1) end uv0:onRelease() end, SFX_PANEL) slot0:UpdateTagStyle(slot9, uv0, slot8) end eachChild(slot1, function (slot0) if slot0.gameObject.activeSelf then table.insert(uv0.pageTFs, 1, slot0) end end) slot0:addVerticalDrag(slot0.leftPanel, function (slot0) uv0:onSwitch(slot0) end, function () uv0:onRelease() end) slot0:UpdateViewMode(slot1) end function slot0.onSwitch(slot0, slot1) if slot1 > 0 then slot2 = table.remove(slot0.pageTFs, 1) slot2:SetAsLastSibling() table.insert(slot0.pageTFs, slot2) else slot2 = table.remove(slot0.pageTFs, #slot0.pageTFs) slot2:SetAsFirstSibling() table.insert(slot0.pageTFs, 1, slot2) end triggerToggle(slot0.pageTFs[slot0.mid]:Find("toggle"), true) end function slot0.onRelease(slot0) slot0:UpdateLive2dBtn(false) slot0:index2PageId(tonumber(go(slot0.pageTFs[slot0.mid]).name)) end function slot0.index2PageId(slot0, slot1) slot0.contextData.pageId = slot1 slot0.isSwitch = true slot0:updateShipRect(0) triggerToggle(slot0.skinPageToggles[slot1], true) slot0:SwitchCntPlusPlus() end function slot0.UpdateViewMode(slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3, slot4 = nil if slot0.viewMode == uv0.SHOP_TYPE_TIMELIMIT then slot2 = uv0.PAGE_TIME_LIMIT slot3 = Vector2(35.8, 605.6) slot4 = Vector2(-250, -88.3) elseif slot0.viewMode == uv0.SHOP_TYPE_COMMON then slot2 = uv0.PAGE_ALL slot3 = Vector2(217.41, 605.6) slot4 = Vector2(-100, -88.3) end setActive(slot0.leftPanel, slot0.viewMode == uv0.SHOP_TYPE_COMMON) triggerButton(slot1:Find(slot2), true) setAnchoredPosition(slot0.namePanel, slot3) setAnchoredPosition(slot0.paintingTF, slot4) setImageSprite(slot0.title, GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/SkinShopUI_atlas", uv1[slot0.viewMode][1]), true) setImageSprite(slot0.titleEn, GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/SkinShopUI_atlas", uv1[slot0.viewMode][2]), true) end function slot0.UpdateTagStyle(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot2[slot3] then setImageSprite(slot1:Find("name"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/SkinShopUI_atlas", "text_" .. slot2[slot3].res .. "01"), true) setImageSprite(slot1:Find("selected/Image"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/SkinShopUI_atlas", "text_" .. slot2[slot3].res), true) setText(slot1:Find("eng"), string.upper(slot2[slot3].english_name or "")) elseif slot3 == uv0.PAGE_ALL then setImageSprite(slot1:Find("name"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/SkinShopUI_atlas", "view_all01"), true) setImageSprite(slot1:Find("selected/Image"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/SkinShopUI_atlas", "view_all02"), true) setText(slot1:Find("eng"), "ALL") end end function slot0.updateMainView(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1.shipSkinConfig slot0.showCardId = slot0.nameTxt.text = HXSet.hxLan(ShipGroup.getDefaultShipConfig(slot2.ship_group).name) slot0.skinNameTxt.text = HXSet.hxLan( if slot0.prefabName ~= slot2.prefab then slot0:loadChar(slot4) slot0.prefabName = slot4 end if slot0.painting ~= slot2.painting then slot0:loadPainting(slot5, true) slot0.painting = slot5 end slot6 = PathMgr.FileExists(PathMgr.getAssetBundle("painting/" .. slot5 .. "_n")) setActive(slot0.hideObjToggle, slot6) slot0.hideObjToggle.isOn = true slot7 = false eachChild(slot0.tags, function (slot0) if table.contains(uv0.tag, tonumber(go(slot0).name)) then uv1 = true end setActive(slot0, slot2) end) if not slot6 and slot2.bg_sp ~= "" then slot0:setBg(slot3, slot2, true) else slot0:setBg(slot3, slot2, slot6) end slot0:updatePrice(slot1.goodsVO) slot0:removeShopTimer() slot0:addShopTimer(slot1) slot0:updateBuyBtn(slot1.goodsVO) end function slot0.setBg(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot5 = Ship.New({ configId =, skin_id = }):getShipBgPrint(true) if slot3 and slot2.bg_sp ~= "" then slot5 = slot2.bg_sp end if slot5 ~= slot4:rarity2bgPrintForGet() then pg.DynamicBgMgr.GetInstance():LoadBg(slot0, slot5, slot0.bgRoot, slot0:GetCurBgTransform(), function (slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:AnimBg() end) else setImageSprite(slot0:GetCurBgTransform(), slot0.defaultBg) slot0:AnimBg() end end function slot0.GetCurBgTransform(slot0) slot1 = nil slot0.bgType = not slot0.bgType return (slot0.bgType or slot0.bg2) and slot0.bg1 end function slot0.AnimBg(slot0) slot1, slot2 = nil if slot0.bgType then slot1 = slot0.bg2 slot2 = slot0.bg1 else slot1 = slot0.bg1 slot2 = slot0.bg2 end LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.bg2)) LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.bg1)) setActive(slot1, true) slot1:SetAsLastSibling() LeanTween.alpha(slot1, 1, 0.8):setFrom(0):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () setImageAlpha(uv0, 1) setImageAlpha(uv1, 0) end)) end function slot0.onBuyDone(slot0, slot1) if _.detect(slot0.skinGoodsVOs, function (slot0) return == uv0 end) then slot0:updateBuyBtn(slot2) slot0:updatePrice(slot2) slot0:removeShopTimer() slot0:addShopTimer({ goodsVO = slot2 }) end end function slot0.updateBuyBtn(slot0, slot1) slot3 = nil if slot1:getConfig("genre") == ShopArgs.SkinShopTimeLimit then onButton(slot0, slot0.timelimitBtn, function () if getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):getSkinById(uv0:getSkinId()) and not slot1:isExpireType() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("already_have_the_skin")) return end uv1:showTimeLimitSkinWindow(uv0) end, SFX_PANEL) slot3 = uv0[slot1:getSkinId()] else slot3 = uv0[slot1:getSkinId()] slot6 = slot1.type == Goods.TYPE_ACTIVITY or slot5 == Goods.TYPE_ACTIVITY_EXTRA slot7 = slot1.buyCount == 0 slot9 = slot1:isDisCount() and slot1:IsItemDiscountType() setActive(slot0.itemBtn, slot9 and slot7) setActive(slot0.buyBtn, not slot6 and slot7 and not slot9) setActive(slot0.gotBtn, not slot6 and not slot7) setActive(slot0.activityBtn, slot6 and not slot9) onButton(slot0, slot0.itemBtn, function () triggerButton(uv0.buyBtn) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.buyBtn, function () if uv0.type == Goods.TYPE_SKIN then if uv1.showCardId == then slot2 = i18n("charge_scene_buy_confirm", slot0:GetPrice(), HXSet.hxLan( if uv0:isDisCount() and slot0:IsItemDiscountType() then slot2 = i18n("discount_coupon_tip", slot1, slot0:GetDiscountItem().name, HXSet.hxLan( end pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = slot2, onYes = function () if uv0 then uv1:emit(SkinShopMediator.ON_SHOPPING_BY_ACT,, 1) else uv1:emit(SkinShopMediator.ON_SHOPPING,, 1) end end }) return end pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(ERROR_MESSAGE[9999]) return end end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.activityBtn, function () slot0 = uv0 slot2 = slot0:getConfig("activity") slot3 = getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(slot2) if slot2 == 0 and pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime(slot0:getConfig("time")) or slot3 and not slot3:isEnd() then if slot0.type == Goods.TYPE_ACTIVITY then uv1:emit(SkinShopMediator.GO_SHOPS_LAYER) elseif slot0.type == Goods.TYPE_ACTIVITY_EXTRA then if slot0:getConfig("scene") and #slot4 > 0 then uv1:emit(SkinShopMediator.OPEN_SCENE, slot4) else uv1:emit(SkinShopMediator.OPEN_ACTIVITY, slot2) end end else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_activity_not_start")) end end, SFX_PANEL) end slot4 = ShipGroup.getDefaultShipConfig(slot3.ship_group) onToggle(slot0, slot0.hideObjToggleTF, function (slot0) uv0:loadPainting(uv0.painting, slot0) uv0:setBg(uv1, uv2, slot0) end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.showTimeLimitSkinWindow(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getConfig("resource_num") slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():parseTimeFrom(slot1:getConfig("time_second") * slot2) pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("exchange_limit_skin_tip", slot2, pg.ship_skin_template[slot1:getSkinId()].name, slot6, slot7), onYes = function () if uv0.skinTicket < uv1 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_no_item_1")) return end uv0:emit(SkinShopMediator.ON_SHOPPING,, 1) end }) end function slot0.addShopTimer(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot1.goodsVO:getSkinId() if slot0.skinTimer then slot0.skinTimer:Stop() end setActive(tf(go(slot0.limitTxt)).parent, true) if slot2:getConfig("genre") == ShopArgs.SkinShopTimeLimit then slot5 = getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):getSkinById(slot3) and slot4:isExpireType() and not slot4:isExpired() setActive(tf(go(slot0.limitTxt)).parent, slot5) if slot5 then slot0.skinTimer = Timer.New(function () uv1.limitTxt.text = skinTimeStamp(uv0:getRemainTime()) end, 1, -1) slot0.skinTimer:Start() slot0.skinTimer.func() else setActive(tf(go(slot0.limitTxt)).parent, false) end return end slot4, slot5 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime(slot2:getConfig("time")) if not slot5 then setActive(tf(go(slot0.limitTxt)).parent, false) return end slot7 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():Table2ServerTime(slot5) slot0.shopTimer = Timer.New(function () if uv1 < uv0:GetServerTime() then uv2:removeShopTimer() end if uv1 - slot0 < 0 then slot1 = 0 end if math.floor(slot1 / 86400) > 0 then uv2.limitTxt.text = i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot2 .. i18n("word_date") elseif math.floor(slot1 / 3600) > 0 then uv2.limitTxt.text = i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot3 .. i18n("word_hour") elseif math.floor(slot1 / 60) > 0 then uv2.limitTxt.text = i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot4 .. i18n("word_minute") else uv2.limitTxt.text = i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot1 .. i18n("word_second") end end, 1, -1) slot0.shopTimer:Start() slot0.shopTimer.func() end function slot0.removeShopTimer(slot0) if slot0.shopTimer then slot0.shopTimer:Stop() slot0.shopTimer = nil end end function slot0.updatePrice(slot0, slot1) slot3 = uv0[slot1:getSkinId()] slot5 = slot1:getConfig("genre") == ShopArgs.SkinShopTimeLimit setActive(slot0.commonPanel, not slot5) setActive(slot0.timelimtPanel, slot5) if slot5 then slot0.timelimitPriceTxt.text = (slot0.skinTicket < slot4:getConfig("resource_num") and "" or "") .. slot0.skinTicket .. (slot0.skinTicket < slot6 and "" or "") .. "/" .. slot6 else slot6 = slot4.type == Goods.TYPE_SKIN setActive(slot0.commonBGTF, slot6) setActive(slot0.commonLabelTF, slot6) setActive(slot0.commonConsumeTF, slot6) if slot6 then slot7 = (100 - slot4:getConfig("discount")) / 100 slot0.priceTxt.text = slot4:GetPrice() slot0.originalPriceTxt.text = slot4:getConfig("resource_num") setActive(tf(go(slot0.originalPriceTxt)).parent, slot4:isDisCount()) end end end function slot0.loadPainting(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:recyclePainting() slot0:setPaintingPrefab(slot0.paintingTF, slot1, "chuanwu", slot2) end function slot0.setPaintingPrefab(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = findTF(slot1, "fitter") removeAllChildren(slot5) slot6 = GetOrAddComponent(slot5, "PaintingScaler") slot6.FrameName = slot3 or "" slot6.Tween = 1 slot7 = slot2 if not slot4 and PathMgr.FileExists(PathMgr.getAssetBundle("painting/" .. slot2 .. "_n")) then slot2 = slot2 .. "_n" end if PathMgr.FileExists(PathMgr.getAssetBundle("painting/" .. slot2)) then pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPainting(slot2, true, function (slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() setParent(slot0, uv0, false) if not IsNil(findTF(slot0, "Touch")) then setActive(slot1, false) end ShipExpressionHelper.SetExpression(uv0:GetChild(0), uv1) end) end end function slot0.recyclePainting(slot0) if slot0.painting then retPaintingPrefab(slot0.paintingTF, slot0.painting) end end function slot0.loadChar(slot0, slot1) slot0:recycleChar() pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetSpineChar(slot1, true, function (slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() uv0.modelTf = tf(slot0) uv0.modelTf.localScale = Vector3(0.9, 0.9, 1) uv0.modelTf.localPosition = Vector3(0, 0, 0) pg.ViewUtils.SetLayer(uv0.modelTf, Layer.UI) setParent(uv0.modelTf, uv0.charParent) slot0:GetComponent("SpineAnimUI"):SetAction("normal", 0) end) end function slot0.recycleChar(slot0) if not IsNil(slot0.modelTf) then slot0.modelTf.gameObject:GetComponent("SpineAnimUI"):SetActionCallBack(nil) PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnSpineChar(slot0.prefabName, slot0.modelTf.gameObject) end if slot0.timer then slot0.timer:Stop() slot0.timer = nil end end function slot0.OnCardClick(slot0, slot1) if slot0.card and slot0.contextData.key == slot1.goodsVO:getKey() then return end if slot0.contextData.key then for slot5, slot6 in pairs( do if slot6.goodsVO:getKey() == slot0.contextData.key then slot6:updateSelected(false) end end end slot1:updateSelected(true) slot0.contextData.key = slot1.goodsVO:getKey() slot0.card = slot1 slot0:updateMainView(slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.displays) do if slot6 == slot0.card.goodsVO then slot0.index = slot5 end end slot0:SwitchCntPlusPlus() end function slot0.initShips(slot0) = {} slot0.shipRect = slot0.bottomTF:Find("scroll"):GetComponent("LScrollRect") function slot0.shipRect.onInitItem(slot0)[slot0] = ShopSkinCard.New(slot0, uv0) end function slot0.shipRect.onUpdateItem(slot0, slot1) if not[slot1] then[slot1] = ShopSkinCard.New(slot1, uv0) end slot2:update(uv0.displays[slot0 + 1]) slot2:updateSelected(uv0.contextData.key == slot2.goodsVO:getKey()) if uv0.isSwitch and slot0 == 0 then uv0.isSwitch = nil triggerButton(slot2._tf) end if slot0 == 0 then setActive(uv0.mainPanel, true) end end end function slot0.SwitchCntPlusPlus(slot0) slot0.switchCnt = slot0.switchCnt + 1 if slot0.switchCnt >= 8 then gcAll() slot0.switchCnt = 0 end end function slot0.onNext(slot0) if slot0.index == #slot0.displays then return end slot1 = nil for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.displays) do if slot6:getKey() == slot0.contextData.key then slot1 = slot5 break end end if slot1 then slot2 = false slot3 = math.min(slot1 + 1, #slot0.displays) slot0.index = slot3 slot4 = nil for slot9, slot10 in pairs( do if slot10.goodsVO:getKey() == slot0.displays[slot3]:getKey() and ~= "-1" then triggerButton(slot10._tf) slot2 = true slot4 = slot10 break end end if slot2 and function () return getBounds(uv0.card._tf).size.x < math.ceil(getBounds(uv1._tf):GetMax().x - getBounds(uv0.bottomTF:Find("scroll")):GetMax().x) end() then slot0.shipRect:SetNormalizedPosition(slot0.shipRect.value - (slot0.shipRect:HeadIndexToValue(slot3 - 1) - slot0.shipRect:HeadIndexToValue(slot3)), 0) end end end function slot0.onPrev(slot0) if slot0.index == 1 then return end slot1 = nil for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.displays) do if slot6:getKey() == slot0.contextData.key then slot1 = slot5 break end end if slot1 then slot2 = false slot3 = math.max(slot1 - 1, 1) slot0.index = slot3 for slot8, slot9 in pairs( do if slot9.goodsVO:getKey() == slot0.displays[slot3]:getKey() and ~= "-1" then triggerButton(slot9._tf) slot2 = true break end end if slot2 and function () return getBounds(uv0.bottomTF:Find("scroll/content")):GetMin().x < getBounds(uv0.bottomTF:Find("scroll")):GetMin().x and getBounds(uv0.card._tf):GetMin().x < slot0:GetMin().x end() then slot0.shipRect:SetNormalizedPosition(slot0.shipRect:HeadIndexToValue(slot3 - 1), 0) end end end function slot0.isLive2DSkin(slot0, slot1) return table.contains(pg.ship_skin_template[slot1].tag, 1) end function slot0.updateShipRect(slot0, slot1) slot0.card = nil if slot0.contextData.pageId and slot0.shipRect then slot0.displays = {} function slot2(slot0) if uv0.isShowLive2dOnly and not uv0:isLive2DSkin(slot0) then return false else return true end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.skinGoodsVOs) do slot10 = uv0[slot7:getSkinId()].shop_type_id == 0 and 9999 or slot9 slot11 = slot7:getConfig("genre") == ShopArgs.SkinShopTimeLimit end table.sort(slot0.displays, function (slot0, slot1) if (slot0.buyCount == 0 and 1 or 0) == (slot1.buyCount == 0 and 1 or 0) then if slot0:getConfig("order") == slot1:getConfig("order") then return < else return slot4 < slot5 end else return slot3 < slot2 end end) setActive(slot0.mainPanel, false) if slot1 then slot0.shipRect:SetTotalCount(#slot0.displays, slot1) else slot0.shipRect:SetTotalCount(#slot0.displays) end end end function slot0.addVerticalDrag(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = GetOrAddComponent(slot1, "EventTriggerListener") slot5 = 90 slot6 = nil slot7 = 0 slot8 = 0 slot9 = 0 slot4:AddBeginDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) uv0 = 0 uv1 = 0 uv2 = slot1.position uv3 = uv2.y end) slot4:AddDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if slot1.position.y < uv0 and uv1 ~= 0 then uv2 = slot1.position uv1 = 0 elseif uv0 < slot1.position.y and uv3 ~= 0 then uv2 = slot1.position uv3 = 0 end slot3 = math.abs(math.floor((slot1.position.y - uv2.y) / uv4)) if uv5 and uv3 < slot3 then uv3 = slot3 uv5(slot2) end if uv5 and slot3 < uv1 then uv1 = slot3 uv5(slot2) end uv0 = uv2.y end) slot4:AddDragEndFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0 then uv0() end end) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs( do slot5:Dispose() end = nil ClearEventTrigger(GetOrAddComponent(slot0._tf, "EventTriggerListener")) ClearLScrollrect(slot0.shipRect) slot0.shipRect = nil slot0:recycleChar() slot0:recyclePainting() slot0:removeShopTimer() LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.bg1)) LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.bg2)) Input.multiTouchEnabled = true if slot0.skinTimer then slot0.skinTimer:Stop() end slot0.skinTimer = nil slot0.contextData.key = nil slot0.switchCnt = nil slot0._resPanel:willExit() slot0._resPanel = nil end return slot0