slot0 = class("LevelFleetView", import("..base.BaseSubView")) slot1 = { vanguard = 1, submarine = 3, main = 2 } slot0.TabIndex = { Adjustment = 4, Commander = 2, Formation = 1, Duty = 3 } slot2 = { EDIT = 2, SELECT = 1 } function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "LevelFleetSelectView" end function slot0.OnInit(slot0) slot0:InitUI() end function slot0.OnDestroy(slot0) if slot0:isShowing() then slot0:Hide() end end function slot0.Show(slot0) if type(slot0.chapter:getConfig("special_operation_list")) == "table" and #slot1 > 0 and not slot0.chapter:GetDailyBonusQuota() then slot0:initSPOPView() setActive(slot0.btnSp, true) else setActive(slot0.btnSp, false) end setActive(slot0._tf, true) if not isActive(({ slot0.formationToggle, slot0.commanderToggle, slot0.dutyToggle, slot0.adjustmentToggle })[slot0.contextData.tabIndex or uv0.TabIndex.Formation]) then slot4 = slot3[uv0.TabIndex.Formation] end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot3) do if isActive(slot9) then triggerToggle(slot9, slot9 == slot4) end end pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0._tf) end function slot0.Hide(slot0) setActive(slot0.dropDown, false) setActive(slot0.btnSp, false) setActive(slot0._tf, false) warning("CLEAR") slot0.spItemID = nil pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0._tf, slot0._parentTF) end function slot0.setOpenCommanderTag(slot0, slot1) slot0.openedCommanerSystem = slot1 end function slot0.SetDutyTabEnabled(slot0, slot1) slot0.dutyTabEnabled = slot1 end function slot0.onConfirm(slot0) if slot0.chapter:isTriesLimit() and not slot1:enoughTimes2Start() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_elite_no_quota")) return end slot2 = slot0:getSelectIds() slot3 = slot0:getSPItem() if #slot1:getNpcShipByType(2) > 0 then slot5 = { [TeamType.Vanguard] = #slot0:getFleetById(slot2[1]):getTeamByName(TeamType.Vanguard), [TeamType.Main] = #slot0:getFleetById(slot2[1]):getTeamByName(TeamType.Main) } slot6 = { [TeamType.Vanguard] = 0, [TeamType.Main] = 0 } slot7 = nil for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot4) do slot7 = slot12 slot13 = slot12:getTeamType() slot6[slot13] = slot6[slot13] + 1 if slot5[slot13] + slot6[slot13] > 3 then break end end for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot5) do if slot12 + slot6[slot11] > 3 then slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.HANDLE_SHOW_MSG_BOX, { modal = true, hideNo = true, content = i18n("chapter_tip_with_npc", }) return end end end slot0.contextData.selectedFleetIDs = Clone(slot2) slot5 = "chapter_autofight_flag_" .. slot6 = nil seriesAsync({ function (slot0) slot1 = false slot2 = "" for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(uv0) do slot8, slot2 = uv1:getFleetById(slot7):GetEnergyStatus() if slot8 then break end end if slot1 then uv1:emit(LevelUIConst.HANDLE_SHOW_MSG_BOX, { content = slot2, onYes = slot0 }) else slot0() end end, function (slot0) if PlayerPrefs.GetInt(uv0, 1) ~= 1 or PlayerPrefs.GetInt("autoFight_firstUse_sp", 0) == 1 or not uv1 then return slot0() end PlayerPrefs.SetInt("autoFight_firstUse_sp", 1) PlayerPrefs.Save() function slot3() uv0:clearSPBuff() end uv2:emit(LevelUIConst.HANDLE_SHOW_MSG_BOX, { hideNo = true, content = i18n("autofight_special_operation_tip"), onYes = slot3, onNo = slot3 }) end, function (slot0) uv0 = uv1:isLoop() and uv2:GetOrderedDuties() or nil uv2:onCancel() if not uv1:isValid() then return end uv2:emit(LevelUIConst.TRACK_CHAPTER, uv1, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv1:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_TRACKING,, uv3, uv2.loopFlag, uv4, uv5, PlayerPrefs.GetInt(uv0, 1) == 1) end }) end function slot0.onCancel(slot0) slot0:clear() slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.HIDE_FLEET_SELECT) end function slot0.InitUI(slot0) slot0.tfShipTpl = slot0:findTF("panel/shiptpl") slot0.tfEmptyTpl = slot0:findTF("panel/emptytpl") slot4 = slot0.findTF slot0.tfFleets = { [FleetType.Normal] = { slot0:findTF("panel/fleet/1"), slot0:findTF("panel/fleet/2") }, [FleetType.Submarine] = { slot4(slot0, "panel/sub/1") } } slot0.tfLimit = slot0:findTF("panel/limit") slot0.tfLimitTips = slot0:findTF("panel/limit_tip") slot0.tfLimitElite = slot0:findTF("panel/limit_elite") slot0.tfLimitContainer = slot0:findTF("panel/limit_elite/limit_list") slot0.tfLimitTpl = slot0:findTF("panel/limit_elite/condition") slot0.btnBack = slot0:findTF("panel/btnBack") slot0.btnGo = slot0:findTF("panel/start_button") slot0.formationToggle = slot0:findTF("panel/RightTabs/formation_btn") slot0.commanderToggle = slot0:findTF("panel/RightTabs/commander_btn") slot0.dutyToggle = slot0:findTF("panel/RightTabs/duty_btn") slot0.adjustmentToggle = slot0:findTF("panel/RightTabs/adjustment_btn") slot0.toggleMask = slot0:findTF("mask") slot0.toggleList = slot0:findTF("mask/list") slot0.toggles = {} for slot4 = 0, slot0.toggleList.childCount - 1 do table.insert(slot0.toggles, slot0.toggleList:Find("item" .. slot4 + 1)) end slot0.btnSp = slot0:findTF("panel/sp") slot0.spMask = slot0:findTF("mask_sp") slot0.dutyItems = {} for slot4 = 1, 2 do slot9 = slot4 slot0.dutyItems[slot4] = {} for slot9 = 1, 4 do slot10 = slot0._tf:Find(string.format("panel/fleet/%d/DutySelect", slot9)):Find("Item" .. slot9) slot0.dutyItems[slot4][slot9] = slot10 setText(slot10:Find("Text"), i18n("autofight_function" .. slot9)) end end slot0.dutyItems[3] = {} for slot5 = 1, 2 do slot6 = slot0._tf:Find("panel/sub/1/DutySelect"):Find("Item" .. slot5) slot0.dutyItems[3][slot5] = slot6 setText(slot6:Find("Text"), i18n("autofight_function" .. 6 - slot5)) end setActive(slot0.tfShipTpl, false) setActive(slot0.tfEmptyTpl, false) setActive(slot0.tfLimitTpl, false) setActive(slot0.toggleMask, false) setActive(slot0.btnSp, false) setActive(slot0.spMask, false) setText(slot0:findTF("panel/RightTabs/formation_btn/text"), i18n("autofight_formation")) setText(slot0:findTF("panel/RightTabs/commander_btn/text"), i18n("autofight_cat")) setText(slot0:findTF("panel/RightTabs/duty_btn/text"), i18n("autofight_function")) setText(slot0.adjustmentToggle:Find("text"), i18n("word_adjustFleet")) slot0.dropDown = slot0._tf:Find("panel/Dropdown") setActive(slot0.dropDown, false) slot0.dropDownSide = slot0._tf:Find("panel/title/DropSide") onButton(slot0, slot0.dropDownSide:Find("Click"), function () setActive(uv0.dropDown, not isActive(uv0.dropDown)) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot0.dropDown, function () setActive(uv0.dropDown, not isActive(uv0.dropDown)) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot0.dropDownSide:Find("Layout/Item3"), function () uv0:emit(LevelUIConst.HANDLE_SHOW_MSG_BOX, { type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = pg.gametip.fleet_antisub_range_tip.tip }) end, SFX_PANEL) slot0.btnASHelp = slot0.dropDownSide:Find("help") setText(slot0.dropDownSide:Find("Layout/Item1/Text"), i18n("word_investigate")) setText(slot0.dropDownSide:Find("Layout/Item2/Text"), i18n("word_attr_ac")) setText(slot0.dropDownSide:Find("Layout/Item3/Text"), i18n("fleet_antisub_range")) setText(slot0.dropDown:Find("Investigation/Text"), i18n("level_scene_title_word_1")) slot5 = "level_scene_title_word_3" setText(slot0.dropDown:Find("Airsupport/Text"), i18n(slot5)) for slot5 = 1, 2 do for slot9 = 1, 4 do onButton(slot0, slot0.dutyItems[slot5][slot9], function () uv0:SetDuty(uv1, uv2) end) end end for slot5 = 1, 2 do onButton(slot0, slot0.dutyItems[3][slot5], function () uv0:SetAutoSub(uv1 == 1) end) end end function slot0.set(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.chapter = slot1 slot0.mode = uv0.SELECT slot0.selects = slot3 slot0.chapterASValue = slot0.chapter:getConfig("air_dominance") slot0.suggestionValue = slot0.chapter:getConfig("best_air_dominance") slot0:SetDutyTabEnabled(slot1:isLoop()) slot0.fleets = _(_.values(slot2)):chain():filter(function (slot0) return slot0:isRegularFleet() end):sort(function (slot0, slot1) return < end):value() slot0.selectIds = { [FleetType.Normal] = {}, [FleetType.Submarine] = {} } for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot3 or {}) do if slot0:getFleetById(slot8) then slot10 = slot9:getFleetType() if #slot0.selectIds[slot10] < slot0:getLimitNums(slot10) then table.insert(slot11, slot8) end end end slot0.duties = {} if PlayerPrefs.GetInt("lastFleetDuty_" .. ( or 0), 0) > 0 then slot6 =, 8), 255) if, 255) > 0 and slot6 > 0 then slot0.duties[slot5] = slot6 end end setActive(slot0.tfLimitElite, false) setActive(slot0.tfLimitTips, false) setActive(slot0.tfLimit, true) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnGo, function () function slot0() uv0:onConfirm() end if uv0:getSPItem() and slot1 ~= 0 then if PlayerPrefs.GetInt("SPOPItemReminder") ~= 1 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_SINGLE_ITEM, drop = { count = 1, type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM, id = slot1 }, intro = i18n("levelScene_select_SP_OP_reminder", pg.item_data_statistics[slot1].name, pg.benefit_buff_template[Chapter.GetSPBuffByItem(slot1)].desc), onYes = function () PlayerPrefs.SetInt("SPOPItemReminder", 1) PlayerPrefs.Save() uv0() end, weight = LayerWeightConst.TOP_LAYER }) else slot0() end else slot0() end end, SFX_UI_WEIGHANCHOR_GO) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnASHelp, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("help_battle_ac") }) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnBack, function () uv0:onCancel() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0._tf:Find("bg"), function () uv0:onCancel() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.toggleMask, function () uv0:hideToggleMask() end, SFX_CANCEL) onToggle(slot0, slot0.formationToggle, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.contextData.tabIndex = uv1.TabIndex.Formation uv0:updateFleets() end end, SFX_PANEL) onToggle(slot0, slot0.commanderToggle, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.contextData.tabIndex = uv1.TabIndex.Commander uv0:updateFleets() end end, SFX_PANEL) onToggle(slot0, slot0.dutyToggle, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.contextData.tabIndex = uv1.TabIndex.Duty uv0:updateFleets() end end, SFX_PANEL) setActive(slot0.commanderToggle, slot0.openedCommanerSystem) setActive(slot0.dutyToggle, slot0.dutyTabEnabled) setActive(slot0.adjustmentToggle, false) slot0:clearFleets() slot0:updateFleets() slot0:updateLimit() slot0:updateASValue() slot0:UpdateSonarRange() slot0:UpdateInvestigation() end function slot0.getFleetById(slot0, slot1) return _.detect(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return == uv0 end) end function slot0.getLimitNums(slot0, slot1) slot2 = 0 if slot1 == FleetType.Normal then slot2 = slot0.chapter:getConfig("group_num") elseif slot1 == FleetType.Submarine then slot2 = slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") end return slot2 end function slot0.getSelectIds(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs({ FleetType.Normal, FleetType.Submarine }) do for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot0.selectIds[slot6]) do if slot12 > 0 then table.insert(slot1, slot12) end end end return slot1 end function slot0.updateFleets(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.tfFleets) do for slot9 = 1, #slot5 do slot0:updateFleet(slot4, slot9) end end slot0:RefreshDutyBar() end function slot0.updateLimit(slot0) setText(slot0.tfLimit:Find("number"), string.format("%d/%d", #_.filter(slot0.selectIds[FleetType.Normal], function (slot0) return slot0 > 0 end), slot0:getLimitNums(FleetType.Normal))) setText(slot0.tfLimit:Find("number_sub"), string.format("%d/%d", #_.filter(slot0.selectIds[FleetType.Submarine], function (slot0) return slot0 > 0 end), slot0:getLimitNums(FleetType.Submarine))) end function slot0.selectFleet(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot0.selectIds[slot1] if slot3 > 0 and table.contains(slot4, slot3) then return end if slot1 == FleetType.Normal and slot0:getLimitNums(slot1) > 0 and slot3 == 0 and #_.filter(slot4, function (slot0) return slot0 > 0 end) == 1 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("level_fleet_lease_one_ship")) return end if slot0:getFleetById(slot3) then if not slot5:isUnlock() then return end if slot5:isLegalToFight() ~= true then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("level_fleet_not_enough")) return end end slot7 = slot4[slot2] slot4[slot2] = slot3 slot0:updateFleet(slot1, slot2) slot0:updateLimit() slot0:updateASValue() slot0:UpdateSonarRange() slot0:RefreshDutyBar() if slot0.dutyTabEnabled and table.getCount({ not slot0:IsListOfFleetEmpty(1) or nil, not slot0:IsListOfFleetEmpty(2) or nil }) == 2 and table.getCount({ not slot0:IsListOfFleetEmpty(1) or nil, not slot0:IsListOfFleetEmpty(2) or nil }) == 1 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("autofight_change_tip")) end slot0:UpdateInvestigation() end function slot0.UpdateFleetBar(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot2 <= slot0:getLimitNums(slot1) slot5 = slot0.tfFleets[slot1][slot2] slot11 = slot0:getFleetById(slot0.selectIds[slot1][slot2]) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_select", slot5), slot3 and slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Formation) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_clear", slot5), slot3 and slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Formation) setActive(slot0:findTF("commander", slot5), slot3 and slot11 and slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Commander) setActive(slot0:findTF("blank", slot5), not slot3 or slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Commander and not slot11 or slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Duty or slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Adjustment) end function slot0.updateFleet(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:UpdateFleetBar(slot1, slot2) slot7 = slot0.tfFleets[slot1][slot2] slot10 = slot0:findTF(TeamType.Vanguard, slot7) slot11 = slot0:findTF(TeamType.Submarine, slot7) slot12 = slot0:findTF("btn_select", slot7) slot14 = slot0:findTF("btn_clear", slot7) slot15 = slot0:findTF("blank", slot7) slot17 = slot0:findTF("commander", slot7) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_recom", slot7), false) setActive(slot0:findTF("selected", slot7), false) setActive(slot7:Find("adjustment_flag"), slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Adjustment) setText(findTF(slot7, "bg/name"), "") if slot0:findTF(TeamType.Main, slot7) then setActive(slot9, slot2 <= slot0:getLimitNums(slot1) and slot0:getFleetById(slot0.selectIds[slot1][slot2])) end if slot10 then setActive(slot10, slot6 and slot5) end if slot11 then setActive(slot11, slot6 and slot5) end if slot6 then if slot5 then setText(slot8, == "" and Fleet.DEFAULT_NAME[] or if slot1 == FleetType.Submarine then slot0:updateShips(slot11, slot5.subShips) else slot0:updateShips(slot9, slot5.mainShips) slot0:updateShips(slot10, slot5.vanguardShips) end slot0:updateCommanders(slot17, slot5) end onButton(slot0, slot12, function () uv0.toggleList.position = (uv1.position + uv2.position) / 2 uv0.toggleList.anchoredPosition = uv0.toggleList.anchoredPosition + Vector2(-uv0.toggleList.rect.width / 2, -uv1.rect.height / 2) uv0:showToggleMask(uv3, function (slot0) uv0:hideToggleMask() uv0:selectFleet(uv1, uv2, slot0) end) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot14, function () uv0:selectFleet(uv1, uv2, 0) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) end end function slot0.updateCommanders(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6 = 1, 2 do slot7 = slot2:getCommanderByPos(slot6) slot8 = slot1:Find("pos" .. slot6) setActive(slot8:Find("add"), not slot7) setActive(slot8:Find("info"), slot7) if slot7 then setImageSprite(slot10:Find("frame"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("weaponframes", "commander_" .. Commander.rarity2Frame(slot7:getRarity()))) GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("CommanderHrz/" .. slot7:getPainting(), "", slot10:Find("mask/icon")) end onButton(slot0, slot9, function () getProxy(PlayerProxy):setFlag("lastFleetIndex", uv0:getSelectIds()) uv0:emit(LevelUIConst.OPEN_COMMANDER_PANEL, uv1, uv0.chapter) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot10, function () uv0:emit(LevelUIConst.OPEN_COMMANDER_PANEL, uv1, uv0.chapter) end, SFX_PANEL) end end function slot0.updateShips(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = UIItemList.New(slot1, slot0.tfShipTpl) slot3:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot4 = getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(uv0[slot1 + 1]) updateShip(slot2, slot4) setActive(findTF(slot2, "ship_type"), false) slot5 = slot2:Find("icon_bg/energy") if slot4:getEnergeConfig() and <= 2 then setActive(slot5, true) GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("energy", slot6.icon, slot5) else setActive(slot5, false) end end end) slot3:align(#slot2) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do slot10 = GetOrAddComponent(slot1:GetChild(slot7 - 1), "UILongPressTrigger").onLongPressed pg.DelegateInfo.Add(slot0, slot10) slot10:RemoveAllListeners() slot10:AddListener(function () uv0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_SHIP_DETAIL, { id = uv1, chapter = uv0.chapter }) end) end end function slot0.showToggleMask(slot0, slot1, slot2) setActive(slot0.toggleMask, true) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.toggles) do slot9 = _.filter(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:getFleetType() == uv0 end)[slot7] setActive(slot8, slot9) if slot9 then slot12, slot13 = slot9:isUnlock() setToggleEnabled(slot8, slot12) setActive(slot8:Find("lock"), not slot12) slot14 = table.contains(slot0.selectIds[slot1], setActive(slot8:Find("on"), slot14) setActive(slot8:Find("off"), not slot14) if slot12 then slot8:GetComponent(typeof(Toggle)).isOn = false onToggle(slot0, slot8, function (slot0) if slot0 then setActive(uv0.toggleMask, false) uv1( end end, SFX_UI_TAG) else onButton(slot0, slot11, function () pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(uv0) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) end end end end function slot0.hideToggleMask(slot0) setActive(slot0.toggleMask, false) end function slot0.clearFleets(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.tfFleets) do _.each(slot5, function (slot0) uv0:clearFleet(slot0) end) end end function slot0.UpdateInvestigation(slot0) if not slot0.chapter:existAmbush() then slot0:UpdateLoopInvestigation() return end for slot5 = 1, 2 do slot1 = math.max(0, slot0:getFleetById(slot0.selectIds[FleetType.Normal][slot5] or 0) and math.floor(slot7:getInvestSums(true)) or 0) end slot0:UpdateInvestigationComparision(slot1, slot0.chapter:getConfig("avoid_require")) end function slot0.UpdateEliteInvestigation(slot0) if not slot0.chapter:existAmbush() then slot0:UpdateLoopInvestigation() return end slot1 = 0 for slot5 = 1, 2 do slot6 = slot0.eliteFleetList[slot5] slot7 = {} for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot0.eliteCommanderList[slot5]) do table.insert(slot7, { pos = slot11, id = slot12 }) end slot1 = math.max(slot1, Fleet.New({ ship_list = slot6, commanders = slot7 }) and math.floor(slot8:getInvestSums(true)) or 0) end slot0:UpdateInvestigationComparision(slot1, slot0.chapter:getConfig("avoid_require")) end function slot0.UpdateLoopInvestigation(slot0) slot1 = slot0.dropDown:Find("Investigation") setText(slot1:Find("Value1"), "-") setText(slot1:Find("Value2"), "-") triggerToggle(slot0.dropDownSide:Find("Layout/Item1/Dot"), true) end function slot0.UpdateInvestigationComparision(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0.dropDown:Find("Investigation") slot4 = slot2 < math.floor(slot1) setText(slot3:Find("Value1"), setColorStr(slot1, slot4 and "#51FF55" or COLOR_WHITE)) setText(slot3:Find("Value2"), slot2) triggerToggle(slot0.dropDownSide:Find("Layout/Item1/Dot"), slot4) end function slot0.updateASValue(slot0) if slot0.chapterASValue <= 0 then slot0:UpdateBannedAS() return end slot1 = getProxy(BayProxy) slot2 = 0 for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.selectIds) do for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot7) do slot2 = slot12 == 0 and slot2 or slot2 + slot0:getFleetById(slot12):getFleetAirDominanceValue() end end slot0:UpdateASComparision(slot2, slot0.suggestionValue) end function slot0.updateEliteASValue(slot0) if slot0.chapterASValue <= 0 then slot0:UpdateBannedAS() return end slot1 = getProxy(BayProxy) slot2 = 0 for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.eliteFleetList) do slot8 = { [slot12] = getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById(slot13) } for slot12, slot13 in pairs(slot0.eliteCommanderList[slot6]) do -- Nothing end for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot7) do slot2 = slot2 + calcAirDominanceValue(slot1:getShipById(slot13), slot8) end end slot0:UpdateASComparision(slot2, slot0.suggestionValue) end function slot0.UpdateBannedAS(slot0) slot1 = slot0.dropDown:Find("Airsupport") setText(slot1:Find("Value1"), "-") setText(slot1:Find("Value2"), "-") triggerToggle(slot0.dropDownSide:Find("Layout/Item2/Dot"), true) end function slot0.UpdateASComparision(slot0, slot1, slot2) setText(slot0.dropDown:Find("Airsupport"):Find("Text"), i18n("level_scene_title_word_3")) slot4 = slot2 < math.floor(slot1) setText(slot3:Find("Value1"), setColorStr(slot1, slot4 and "#51FF55" or COLOR_WHITE)) setText(slot3:Find("Value2"), slot2) triggerToggle(slot0.dropDownSide:Find("Layout/Item2/Dot"), slot4) end function slot0.UpdateSonarRange(slot0) for slot4 = 1, 2 do slot0:UpdateSonarRangeValues(slot4, slot0:getFleetById(slot0.selectIds[FleetType.Normal][slot4] or 0) and math.floor(slot6:GetFleetSonarRange()) or 0) end end function slot0.UpdateEliteSonarRange(slot0) for slot4 = 1, 2 do slot5 = slot0.eliteFleetList[slot4] slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot0.eliteCommanderList[slot4]) do table.insert(slot6, { pos = slot10, id = slot11 }) end slot0:UpdateSonarRangeValues(slot4, Fleet.New({ ship_list = slot5, commanders = slot6 }) and math.floor(slot7:GetFleetSonarRange()) or 0) end end function slot0.UpdateSonarRangeValues(slot0, slot1, slot2) setText(slot0.dropDownSide:Find("Layout/Item3/Values"):GetChild(slot1 - 1), slot2) end function slot0.clearFleet(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot0:findTF(TeamType.Vanguard, slot1) slot4 = slot0:findTF(TeamType.Submarine, slot1) if slot0:findTF(TeamType.Main, slot1) then removeAllChildren(slot2) end if slot3 then removeAllChildren(slot3) end if slot4 then removeAllChildren(slot4) end end function slot0.clear(slot0) slot0.contextData.tabIndex = nil slot0.duties = nil end function slot0.onCancelHard(slot0, slot1) if slot1 then slot0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_UPDATE_CUSTOM_FLEET, slot0.chapter) end slot0:emit(LevelUIConst.HIDE_FLEET_EDIT) end function slot0.setHardShipVOs(slot0, slot1) slot0.shipVOs = slot1 end function slot0.setOnHard(slot0, slot1) slot0.chapter = slot1 slot0.mode = uv0.EDIT slot0.propetyLimitation = slot0.chapter:getConfig("property_limitation") slot0.eliteFleetList = slot0.chapter:getEliteFleetList() slot0.chapterASValue = slot0.chapter:getConfig("air_dominance") slot0.suggestionValue = slot0.chapter:getConfig("best_air_dominance") slot0.eliteCommanderList = slot0.chapter:getEliteFleetCommanders() slot0.typeLimitations = slot0.chapter:getConfig("limitation") slot0:SetDutyTabEnabled(slot1:isLoop()) slot0.duties = {} if PlayerPrefs.GetInt("lastFleetDuty_" .. ( or 0), 0) > 0 then slot4 =, 8), 255) if, 255) > 0 and slot4 > 0 then slot0.duties[slot3] = slot4 end end onButton(slot0, slot0.btnGo, function () if uv0:isTriesLimit() and not uv0:enoughTimes2Start() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_elite_no_quota")) return end slot0, slot1 = uv1.chapter:IsEliteFleetLegal() if not slot0 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot1) return end slot2 = "chapter_autofight_flag_" .. slot3, slot4, slot5 = nil seriesAsync({ function (slot0) if uv0 then uv1:emit(LevelUIConst.HANDLE_SHOW_MSG_BOX, { modal = true, content = i18n("elite_fleet_confirm", Fleet.DEFAULT_NAME[uv0]), onYes = slot0 }) else slot0() end end, function (slot0) if PlayerPrefs.GetInt(uv0, 1) ~= 1 or not uv1:getSPItem() or PlayerPrefs.GetInt("autoFight_firstUse_sp", 0) == 1 then return slot0() end PlayerPrefs.SetInt("autoFight_firstUse_sp", 1) PlayerPrefs.Save() function slot3() uv0:clearSPBuff() end uv1:emit(LevelUIConst.HANDLE_SHOW_MSG_BOX, { hideNo = true, content = i18n("autofight_special_operation_tip"), onYes = slot3, onNo = slot3 }) end, function (slot0) uv0 = uv1:getSPItem() uv2 = uv1.chapter:isLoop() and uv1:GetOrderedDuties() or nil uv3 = uv1.chapter uv1:clear() uv1:onCancelHard() uv1:emit(LevelUIConst.TRACK_CHAPTER, uv3, slot0) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(SFX_UI_WEIGHANCHOR_BATTLE) end, function (slot0) uv1:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_ELITE_TRACKING,, uv2.loopFlag, uv3, uv4, PlayerPrefs.GetInt(uv0, 1) == 1) end }) end, SFX_UI_WEIGHANCHOR_GO) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnASHelp, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("help_battle_ac") }) end, SFX_UI_CLICK) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnBack, function () uv0:clear() uv0:onCancelHard(true) end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0._tf:Find("bg"), function () uv0:clear() uv0:onCancelHard(true) end, SFX_CANCEL) onToggle(slot0, slot0.commanderToggle, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.contextData.tabIndex = uv1.TabIndex.Commander uv0:flush() end end, SFX_PANEL) onToggle(slot0, slot0.formationToggle, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.contextData.tabIndex = uv1.TabIndex.Formation uv0:flush() end end, SFX_PANEL) onToggle(slot0, slot0.dutyToggle, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.contextData.tabIndex = uv1.TabIndex.Duty uv0:flush() end end, SFX_UI_TAG) onToggle(slot0, slot0.adjustmentToggle, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.contextData.tabIndex = uv1.TabIndex.Adjustment uv0:flush() end end, SFX_PANEL) setActive(slot0.commanderToggle, slot0.openedCommanerSystem) setActive(slot0.dutyToggle, slot0.dutyTabEnabled) setActive(slot0.adjustmentToggle, true) slot0:flush() end function slot0.flush(slot0) slot0:updateEliteLimit() slot0:updateEliteASValue() slot0.lastFleetVaildStatus = slot0.lastFleetVaildStatus or {} slot1 = { not slot0:IsListOfFleetEmpty(1) or nil, not slot0:IsListOfFleetEmpty(2) or nil } if slot0.dutyTabEnabled and table.getCount(slot0.lastFleetVaildStatus) == 2 and table.getCount(slot1) == 1 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("autofight_change_tip")) end slot0.lastFleetVaildStatus = slot1 slot0:updateEliteFleets() slot0:UpdateEliteSonarRange() slot0:RefreshDutyBar() slot0:UpdateEliteInvestigation() end function slot0.updateEliteLimit(slot0) setActive(slot0.toggleMask, false) setActive(slot0.tfLimit, false) setActive(slot0.tfLimitTips, #slot0.propetyLimitation == 0) setActive(slot0.tfLimitElite, #slot0.propetyLimitation > 0) removeAllChildren(slot0.tfLimitContainer) if #slot0.propetyLimitation > 0 then slot1, slot2 = slot0.chapter:IsPropertyLimitationSatisfy() for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.propetyLimitation) do slot8, slot9, slot10, slot11 = unpack(slot7) if slot1[slot6] == 1 then slot0:findTF("Text", cloneTplTo(slot0.tfLimitTpl, slot0.tfLimitContainer)):GetComponent(typeof(Text)).color = Color.New(1, 0.9607843137254902, 0.5019607843137255) else slot0:findTF("Text", slot12):GetComponent(typeof(Text)).color = Color.New(0.9568627450980393, 0.30196078431372547, 0.30196078431372547) end setActive(slot12, true) setText(slot0:findTF("Text", slot12), AttributeType.EliteCondition2Name(slot8, slot11) .. AttributeType.eliteConditionCompareTip[slot9] .. slot10 .. "(" .. slot2[slot8] .. ")") end setActive(slot0.tfLimitElite:Find("sub"), slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") > 0) end end function slot0.initAddButton(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot6 = { [slot0.shipVOs[slot12]] = true } for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot0.eliteFleetList[slot4]) do if slot2 == slot0.shipVOs[slot12]:getTeamType() then table.insert({}, slot12) end end slot8 = findTF(slot1, slot2) removeAllChildren(slot8) slot9 = 0 slot10 = false slot11 = 0 table.sort(Clone(slot3), function (slot0, slot1) if type(slot0) == type(slot1) then return slot3 < slot2 elseif slot1 == 0 or slot3 == "string" and slot0 ~= 0 then return true else return false end end) slot8:GetComponent("ContentSizeFitter").enabled = true slot8:GetComponent("HorizontalLayoutGroup").enabled = true slot0.isDraging = false for slot17 = 1, 3 do slot18, slot19, slot20 = nil if slot7[slot17] and slot0.shipVOs[slot7[slot17]] or nil then for slot25, slot26 in ipairs(slot3) do if type(slot26) == "number" then if slot26 == 0 or slot21:getShipType() == slot26 then slot19 = slot21 slot20 = slot26 table.remove(slot3, slot25) slot10 = slot10 or slot21:getShipType() == slot26 break end elseif type(slot26) == "string" and table.contains(ShipType.BundleList[slot26], slot21:getShipType()) then slot19 = slot21 slot20 = slot26 table.remove(slot3, slot25) slot10 = true break end end else slot20 = slot3[1] table.remove(slot3, 1) end if slot20 == 0 then slot11 = slot11 + 1 end setActive(slot19 and cloneTplTo(slot0.tfShipTpl, slot8) or cloneTplTo(slot0.tfEmptyTpl, slot8), true) if slot19 then updateShip(slot22, slot19) setActive(slot0:findTF("event_block", slot22), slot19:getFlag("inEvent")) slot6[slot19] = true else slot9 = slot9 + 1 end setActive(slot0:findTF("ship_type", slot22), true) if type(slot20) == "number" then if slot20 ~= 0 then setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("ship_type", slot22), GetSpriteFromAtlas("shiptype", ShipType.Type2CNLabel(slot20)), true) else setActive(slot0:findTF("ship_type", slot22), false) end elseif type(slot20) == "string" then setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("ship_type", slot22), GetSpriteFromAtlas("shiptype", ShipType.BundleType2CNLabel(slot20)), true) end table.sort(, function (slot0) return uv0.shipVOs[slot0] end), function (slot0, slot1) return uv0[slot0:getTeamType()] < uv0[slot1:getTeamType()] or uv0[slot0:getTeamType()] == uv0[slot1:getTeamType()] and table.indexof(uv1, < table.indexof(uv1, end) GetOrAddComponent(slot22, typeof(UILongPressTrigger)).onLongPressed:RemoveAllListeners() if slot19 and slot0.contextData.tabIndex ~= uv1.TabIndex.Adjustment then slot24.onLongPressed:AddListener(function () uv0:onCancelHard() uv0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_FLEET_SHIPINFO, { shipId =, shipVOs = uv2, chapter = uv0.chapter }) end) end slot25 = GetOrAddComponent(slot22, "EventTriggerListener") slot25:RemovePointClickFunc() slot25:AddPointClickFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if slot0 ~= uv0.gameObject then return end if uv1.isDraging then return end uv1:onCancelHard() uv1:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_ELITE_OEPN_DECK, { shipType = uv2, fleet = uv3, chapter = uv1.chapter, shipVO = uv4, fleetIndex = uv5, teamType = uv6 }) end) slot25:RemoveBeginDragFunc() slot25:RemoveDragFunc() slot25:RemoveDragEndFunc() if slot19 and slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv1.TabIndex.Adjustment then slot26 = slot22.rect.width * 0.5 slot27 = {} slot28 = {} slot25:AddBeginDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if slot0 ~= uv0.gameObject then return end if uv1.isDraging then return end uv1.isDraging = true uv2.enabled = false uv3.enabled = false for slot5 = 1, 3 do if uv0 == uv4:GetChild(slot5 - 1) then uv1.dragIndex = slot5 end uv5[slot5] = slot6.anchoredPosition uv6[slot5] = slot6 end end) slot25:AddDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if slot0 ~= uv0.gameObject then return end if not uv1.isDraging then return end slot2 = uv0.localPosition slot2.x = uv1:change2ScrPos(uv0.parent, slot1.position).x slot2.x = math.clamp(slot2.x, uv2[1].x, uv2[3].x) uv0.localPosition = slot2 slot3 = 1 for slot7 = 1, 3 do if uv0 ~= uv3[slot7] and uv0.localPosition.x > uv3[slot7].localPosition.x + (slot3 < uv1.dragIndex and 1.1 or -1.1) * uv4 then slot3 = slot3 + 1 end end if uv1.dragIndex ~= slot3 then slot4 = slot3 < uv1.dragIndex and -1 or 1 while uv1.dragIndex ~= slot3 do slot5 = uv1.dragIndex slot6 = uv1.dragIndex + slot4 uv5[slot6] = uv5[slot5] uv5[slot5] = uv5[slot6] uv3[slot6] = uv3[slot5] uv3[slot5] = uv3[slot6] uv1.dragIndex = uv1.dragIndex + slot4 end for slot8 = 1, 3 do if uv0 ~= uv3[slot8] then uv3[slot8].anchoredPosition = uv2[slot8] end end end end) slot25:AddDragEndFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if slot0 ~= uv0.gameObject then return end if not uv1.isDraging then return end uv1.isDraging = false for slot5 = 1, 3 do if not uv2[slot5] then for slot9 = slot5 + 1, 3 do if uv2[slot9] then uv2[slot9] = uv2[slot5] uv2[slot5] = uv2[slot9] uv3[slot9] = uv3[slot5] uv3[slot5] = uv3[slot9] end end end if uv2[slot5] then table.removebyvalue(uv4, uv2[slot5]) table.insert(uv4, uv2[slot5]) else break end end for slot5 = 1, 3 do uv3[slot5]:SetSiblingIndex(slot5 - 1) end uv5.enabled = true uv6.enabled = true uv1.dragIndex = nil uv1:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_ELITE_ADJUSTMENT, uv1.chapter) end) end end if (slot10 == true or slot11 == 3) and slot9 ~= 3 then return true else return false end end function slot0.change2ScrPos(slot0, slot1, slot2) return LuaHelper.ScreenToLocal(slot1, slot2, pg.UIMgr.GetInstance().overlayCameraComp) end function slot0.updateEliteFleets(slot0) slot1 = slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Formation slot4 = slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Adjustment for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0.tfFleets[FleetType.Normal]) do setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_select", slot9), false) setActive(findTF(slot9, "selected"), false) slot16 = slot8 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("group_num") setActive(findTF(slot9, TeamType.Main), slot16) setActive(findTF(slot9, TeamType.Vanguard), slot16) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_clear", slot9), slot16 and slot1) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_recom", slot9), slot16 and slot1) setActive(slot0:findTF("blank", slot9), not slot16 or slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Duty or slot4) setActive(slot0:findTF("commander", slot9), slot16 and slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Commander) setActive(slot9:Find("adjustment_flag"), slot16 and slot4) setText(slot0:findTF("bg/name", slot9), slot16 and Fleet.DEFAULT_NAME[slot8] or "") if slot16 then slot17 = slot0.typeLimitations[slot8] slot0:initCommander(slot8, slot14, slot0.chapter) if slot0:initAddButton(slot9, TeamType.Main, slot17[1], slot8) and slot0:initAddButton(slot9, TeamType.Vanguard, slot17[2], slot8) then setActive(slot0:findTF("selected", slot9), true) end onButton(slot0, slot10, function () if #uv0.eliteFleetList[uv1] ~= 0 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("battle_preCombatLayer_clear_confirm"), onYes = function () uv0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_ELITE_CLEAR, { index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end }) end end) onButton(slot0, slot11, function () if #uv0.eliteFleetList[uv1] ~= 6 then if slot0 ~= 0 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("battle_preCombatLayer_auto_confirm"), onYes = function () uv0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_ELITE_RECOMMEND, { index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end }) else uv0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_ELITE_RECOMMEND, { index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end end end) end end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0.tfFleets[FleetType.Submarine]) do slot15 = slot0:findTF("commander", slot9) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_select", slot9), false) setActive(findTF(slot9, "selected"), false) setActive(findTF(slot9, TeamType.Submarine), slot8 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num")) slot17 = slot8 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_clear", slot9), slot17 and slot1) setActive(slot0:findTF("btn_recom", slot9), slot17 and slot1) setActive(slot0:findTF("blank", slot9), not slot17 or slot3 or slot4) setActive(slot15, slot17 and slot2) setActive(slot9:Find("adjustment_flag"), slot17 and slot4) setText(slot0:findTF("bg/name", slot9), slot8 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") and Fleet.DEFAULT_NAME[Fleet.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID + slot8 - 1] or "") slot0:initCommander(slot8 + 2, slot15, slot0.chapter) if slot8 <= slot0.chapter:getConfig("submarine_num") then if slot0:initAddButton(slot9, TeamType.Submarine, { 0, 0, 0 }, slot10) then setActive(slot0:findTF("selected", slot9), true) end onButton(slot0, slot11, function () if #uv0.eliteFleetList[uv1] ~= 0 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("battle_preCombatLayer_clear_confirm"), onYes = function () uv0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_ELITE_CLEAR, { index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end }) end end) onButton(slot0, slot12, function () if #uv0.eliteFleetList[uv1] ~= 3 then if slot0 ~= 0 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("battle_preCombatLayer_auto_confirm"), onYes = function () uv0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_ELITE_RECOMMEND, { index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end }) else uv0:emit(LevelMediator2.ON_ELITE_RECOMMEND, { index = uv1, chapterVO = uv0.chapter }) end end end) end end end function slot0.initCommander(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) for slot9 = 1, 2 do slot11 = nil if slot3:getEliteFleetCommanders()[slot1][slot9] then slot11 = getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById(slot10) end slot12 = slot2:Find("pos" .. slot9) setActive(slot12:Find("add"), not slot11) setActive(slot12:Find("info"), slot11) if slot11 then setImageSprite(slot14:Find("frame"), GetSpriteFromAtlas("weaponframes", "commander_" .. Commander.rarity2Frame(slot11:getRarity()))) GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync("CommanderHrz/" .. slot11:getPainting(), "", slot14:Find("mask/icon")) end slot15 = slot3:wrapEliteFleet(slot1) onButton(slot0, slot13, function () uv0:emit(LevelUIConst.OPEN_COMMANDER_PANEL, uv1, uv2, uv3) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot14, function () uv0:emit(LevelUIConst.OPEN_COMMANDER_PANEL, uv1, uv2, uv3) end, SFX_PANEL) end end function slot0.updateSpecialOperationTickets(slot0, slot1) slot0.spOPTicketItems = slot1 or {} end function slot0.getLegalSPBuffList(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in pairs(pg.benefit_buff_template) do if slot7.benefit_type == Chapter.OPERATION_BUFF_TYPE_DESC and table.contains(slot0.chapter:getConfig("special_operation_list"), then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot0.spOPTicketItems) do if Chapter.GetSPBuffByItem(slot12.configId) == then table.insert(slot1, slot7) break end end end end return slot1 end function slot0.initSPOPView(slot0) slot0.spPanel = slot0.btnSp:Find("sp_panel") slot0.spItem = slot0.btnSp:Find("item") slot0.spDesc = slot0.btnSp:Find("desc") slot0.spCheckBox = slot0.btnSp:Find("checkbox") slot0.spCheckMark = slot0.spCheckBox:Find("mark") slot0.spTpl = slot0.spPanel:Find("sp_tpl") slot0.spContainer = slot0.spPanel:Find("sp_container") slot0.spItemEmptyBlock = slot0.btnSp:Find("empty_block") setText(slot0.spItemEmptyBlock, i18n("levelScene_select_noitem")) removeAllChildren(slot0.spContainer) slot3 = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(Chapter.GetSPOperationItemCacheKey(, 0) slot0:setSPBtnFormByBuffCount() if #slot0:getLegalSPBuffList() == 0 then slot0:clearSPBuff() elseif #slot1 == 1 then slot5 = pg.benefit_buff_template[slot1[1].id] slot0:setTicketInfo(slot0.btnSp, slot5.benefit_condition) setText(slot0.spDesc, slot5.desc) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnSp:Find("item"), function () uv0:emit(BaseUI.ON_ITEM, tonumber(uv1.benefit_condition)) end) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnSp, function () if uv0.spCheckMark.gameObject.activeSelf then PlayerPrefs.SetInt(uv1, 0) uv0:clearSPBuff() else uv0.spItemID = tonumber(uv2.benefit_condition) PlayerPrefs.SetInt(uv1, uv0.spItemID) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("levelScene_select_sp")) setActive(uv0.spCheckMark, true) end end) setActive(slot0.spCheckMark, slot4 ~= (Chapter.GetSPBuffByItem(slot3) or 0)) triggerButton(slot0.btnSp) elseif #slot1 > 1 then slot7 = "levelScene_select_SP_OP" setText(slot0.spDesc, i18n(slot7)) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1) do slot9 = cloneTplTo(slot0.spTpl, slot0.spContainer) setText(slot9:Find("desc"), slot8.desc) slot0:setTicketInfo(slot9, slot8.benefit_condition) setActive(slot9:Find("block"), false) onButton(slot0, slot9, function () uv0:setSPBuffSelected( setActive(uv0.spPanel, false) end) end onButton(slot0, slot0.btnSp, function () if uv0.spPanel.gameObject.activeSelf then uv0:clearSPBuff() PlayerPrefs.SetInt(Chapter.GetSPOperationItemCacheKey(, 0) setActive(uv0.spPanel, false) else setActive(uv0.spPanel, true) setActive(uv0.btnSp:Find("item"), false) setText(uv0.spDesc, i18n("levelScene_unselect_SP_OP")) end end) if slot3 ~= 0 then slot4 = nil for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot1) do if == Chapter.GetSPBuffByItem(slot3) then slot4 = true break end end if slot4 then slot0:setSPBuffSelected(Chapter.GetSPBuffByItem(slot3)) else slot0:clearSPBuff() end else slot0:clearSPBuff() end end setActive(slot0.spPanel, false) end function slot0.setSPBuffSelected(slot0, slot1) slot2 = pg.benefit_buff_template[slot1] warning(slot1, tonumber(slot2.benefit_condition)) slot0.spItemID = tonumber(slot2.benefit_condition) slot0:setTicketInfo(slot0.btnSp, slot0.spItemID) setText(slot0.spDesc, slot2.desc) PlayerPrefs.SetInt(Chapter.GetSPOperationItemCacheKey(, slot0.spItemID) end function slot0.clearSPBuff(slot0) warning("CLEAR") slot0.spItemID = nil slot0:setSPBtnFormByBuffCount() if #slot0:getLegalSPBuffList() == 0 then setActive(slot0.btnSp:Find("item"), false) elseif #slot1 == 1 then setActive(slot0.btnSp:Find("item"), true) setActive(slot0.spCheckMark, false) elseif #slot1 > 1 then setActive(slot0.btnSp:Find("item"), false) setText(slot0.spDesc, i18n("levelScene_select_SP_OP")) end end function slot0.setSPBtnFormByBuffCount(slot0) if #slot0:getLegalSPBuffList() == 0 then setActive(slot0.spItemEmptyBlock, true) setActive(slot0.spDesc, false) setActive(slot0.spCheckBox, false) setActive(slot0.btnSp:Find("add"), false) elseif #slot1 == 1 then setActive(slot0.spItemEmptyBlock, false) setActive(slot0.spDesc, true) setActive(slot0.spCheckBox, true) setActive(slot0.btnSp:Find("add"), false) elseif #slot1 > 1 then setActive(slot0.spItemEmptyBlock, false) setActive(slot0.spDesc, true) setActive(slot0.spCheckBox, false) setActive(slot0.btnSp:Find("add"), true) end end function slot0.setTicketInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = nil for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.spOPTicketItems) do if tonumber(slot2) == slot8.configId then slot3 = slot8 break end end if slot3 then setText(slot1:Find("item/count"), slot3.count) GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync(slot3:getConfig("icon"), "", slot1:Find("item/icon")) else setText(slot1:Find("item/count"), 0) GetImageSpriteFromAtlasAsync(Item.GetIcon(DROP_TYPE_ITEM, slot2), "", slot1:Find("item/icon")) end setActive(slot1:Find("item"), true) end function slot0.getSPItem(slot0) return slot0.spItemID end function slot0.SetDuty(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot2 or not slot0.duties then return end if slot0.duties[slot1] == slot2 then return end slot0.duties[slot1] = slot2 slot0.duties[3 - slot1] = nil slot0:RefreshDutyBar() end function slot0.UpdateDuties(slot0) if not slot0.dutyTabEnabled then return end slot2 = 0 for slot6 = 1, 2 do if not slot0:IsListOfFleetEmpty(slot6) then slot1 = 0 + 1 slot2 = slot6 end end if slot1 == 0 then table.clear(slot0.duties) elseif slot1 == 1 then slot0.duties[slot2] = ChapterFleet.DUTY_KILLALL slot0.duties[3 - slot2] = nil elseif slot1 == 2 then if slot0.duties[1] then slot0.duties[2] = slot0.duties[1] < 3 and 3 - slot3 or 7 - slot3 elseif slot0.duties[2] then slot0.duties[1] = slot0.duties[2] < 3 and 3 - slot3 or 7 - slot3 else slot0.duties[1] = ChapterFleet.DUTY_CLEANPATH slot0.duties[2] = ChapterFleet.DUTY_KILLBOSS end end if slot2 ~= 0 then slot3 = "lastFleetDuty_" .. ( or 0) for slot9, slot10 in ipairs({ slot2, slot0.duties[slot2] }) do slot4 = 0 + bit.lshift(slot10, 8 * (slot9 - 1)) end PlayerPrefs.SetInt(slot3, slot4) PlayerPrefs.Save() end end function slot0.RefreshDutyBar(slot0) slot0:UpdateDuties() slot0:UpdateDutyBar() end function slot0.UpdateDutyBar(slot0) slot1 = slot0.contextData.tabIndex == uv0.TabIndex.Duty for slot5 = 1, 2 do setActive(slot0._tf:Find(string.format("panel/fleet/%d/DutySelect", slot5)), slot1 and slot0.duties[slot5] ~= nil) end setActive(slot0._tf:Find("panel/sub/1/DutySelect"), slot1 and not slot0:IsListOfFleetEmpty(3)) if not slot1 then return end for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.duties) do for slot11 = 1, 4 do setActive(slot0.dutyItems[slot6][slot11]:Find("Checkmark"), slot11 == slot7) end end for slot7 = 1, 2 do setActive(slot0.dutyItems[3][slot7]:Find("Checkmark"), slot7 == 1 == ys.Battle.BattleState.IsAutoSubActive()) end end function slot0.GetOrderedDuties(slot0) if not slot0.duties then return end slot0:UpdateDuties() slot2 = 1 for slot6 = 1, 2 do if slot0.duties[slot6] then slot2 = slot2 + 1 end end return { [slot2] = slot0.duties[slot6] } end function slot0.SetAutoSub(slot0, slot1) if tobool(slot1) == ys.Battle.BattleState.IsAutoSubActive() then return end if not AutoBotCommand.autoBotSatisfied() then return end pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.AUTO_SUB, { isActiveSub = not slot1 }) slot0:UpdateDutyBar() end function slot0.GetValidFleets(slot0, slot1) if slot0.mode == uv0.SELECT then slot2 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1 and { slot1 } or { FleetType.Normal, FleetType.Submarine }) do for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot0.selectIds[slot8]) do if slot14 > 0 then table.insert(slot2, slot0.fleets[slot14]) end end end return slot2 elseif slot0.mode == uv0.EDIT then slot2 = {} slot3, slot4 = nil if slot1 == FleetType.Normal then slot3 = 1 slot4 = 2 elseif slot1 == FleetType.Submarine then slot3 = 3 slot4 = 3 elseif not slot1 then slot3 = 1 slot4 = 3 end for slot8 = slot3, slot4 do if #slot0.eliteFleetList[slot8] > 0 then slot10 = {} for slot14, slot15 in pairs(slot0.eliteCommanderList[slot8]) do table.insert(slot10, { pos = slot14, id = slot15 }) end table.insert(slot2, Fleet.New({ id = slot8, ship_list = slot9, commanders = slot10 })) end end return slot2 end end function slot0.IsListOfFleetEmpty(slot0, slot1) if slot1 > 0 and slot1 < 3 and slot0:getLimitNums(FleetType.Normal) < slot1 then return true elseif slot1 == 3 and slot0:getLimitNums(FleetType.Submarine) < slot1 - 2 then return true end if slot0.mode == uv0.SELECT then slot2 = nil if slot1 > 0 and slot1 < 3 then slot2 = slot0.selectIds[FleetType.Normal][slot1] or 0 elseif slot1 == 3 then slot2 = slot0.selectIds[FleetType.Submarine][slot1 - 2] or 0 end return slot2 == 0 elseif slot0.mode == uv0.EDIT then return not slot0.chapter:singleEliteFleetVertify(slot1) end end function slot0.GetListFleets(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2 = slot0:getLimitNums(FleetType.Normal) slot3 = slot0:getLimitNums(FleetType.Submarine) if slot0.mode == uv0.SELECT then for slot8 = 1, slot2 do slot9 = slot0.selectIds[FleetType.Normal][slot8] or 0 slot1[slot8] = slot9 > 0 and slot0.fleets[slot9] or nil end for slot8 = 1, slot3 do slot9 = slot0.selectIds[FleetType.Submarine][slot8] or 0 slot1[slot8 + slot2] = slot9 > 0 and slot0.fleets[slot9] or nil end elseif slot0.mode == uv0.EDIT then for slot8 = 1, slot2 do table.insert({}, slot8) end for slot8 = 1, slot3 do table.insert(slot4, slot8 + 2) end for slot8 = 1, #slot4 do slot10 = nil if #slot0.eliteFleetList[slot4[slot8]] > 0 then slot12 = {} for slot16, slot17 in pairs(slot0.eliteCommanderList[slot9]) do table.insert(slot12, { pos = slot16, id = slot17 }) end slot10 = Fleet.New({ id = slot8, ship_list = slot11, commanders = slot12 }) end slot1[slot8] = slot10 end end return slot1 end return slot0