slot0 = class("SubAIAction") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.line = { row = slot1.ai_pos.row, column = slot1.ai_pos.column } if slot1.target_pos and slot1.target_pos.row < 9999 and slot1.target_pos.column < 9999 then = { row = slot1.target_pos.row, column = slot1.target_pos.column } end slot0.movePath =, function (slot0) return { row = slot0.row, column = slot0.column } end) slot0.cellUpdates = {} _.each(slot1.map_update, function (slot0) if slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachNone and slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachBorn and slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachBorn_Sub and (slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachStory or slot0.item_data ~= ChapterConst.StoryTrigger) then table.insert(uv0.cellUpdates, slot0.item_type == ChapterConst.AttachChampion and ChapterChampionPackage.New(slot0) or ChapterCell.New(slot0)) end end) end function slot0.applyTo(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1:getFleet(FleetType.Submarine, slot0.line.row, slot0.line.column) then return slot0:applyToFleet(slot1, slot3, slot2) end return false, "can not find any submarine at: [" .. slot0.line.row .. ", " .. slot0.line.column .. "]" end function slot0.applyToFleet(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = 0 if not slot2:isValid() then return false, "fleet " .. .. " is invalid." end if then if slot2.restAmmo <= 0 then return false, "lack ammo of fleet." end if not _.detect(slot0.cellUpdates, function (slot0) return slot0.row == and slot0.column == end) then return false, "can not find cell update at: [" .. .. ", " .. .. "]" end if not slot3 then if isa(slot5, ChapterChampionPackage) then slot1:mergeChampion(slot5) slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyChampion) else slot1:mergeChapterCell(slot5) slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment) end slot2.restAmmo = slot2.restAmmo - 1 slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) end elseif #slot0.movePath > 0 then if _.any(slot0.movePath, function (slot0) return not uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.row, slot0.column) or not slot1:IsWalkable() end) then return false, "invalide move path" end if not slot3 then slot5 = slot0.movePath[#slot0.movePath] slot2.line = { row = slot5.row, column = slot5.column } slot4 = bit.bor(slot4, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) end end return true, slot4 end function slot0.PlayAIAction(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot1:getFleetIndex(FleetType.Submarine, slot0.line.row, slot0.line.column) then if then slot7 = "-" .. _.detect(slot0.cellUpdates, function (slot0) return slot0.row == and slot0.column == end).data / 100 .. "%" slot2.viewComponent:doPlayStrikeAnim(slot1:getTorpedoShip(slot1.fleets[slot4]), "SubTorpedoUI", function () uv0.viewComponent:strikeEnemy(, uv2, uv3) end) return end if #slot0.movePath > 0 then slot2.viewComponent.grid:moveSub(slot4, slot0.movePath, nil, slot3) else slot3() end end end return slot0