slot0 = class("GuildViewMissionNode") slot1 = 200 slot2 = 150 slot3 = 100 slot0.LINE_LEFT = 1 slot0.LINE_RIGHT = 2 slot0.TOP_LINK = 3 slot0.BOTTOM_LINK = 4 slot0.CENTER_LINK = 5 slot0.TOP_HRZ_LINK = 6 slot0.BOTTOM_HRZ_LINK = 7 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0._go = slot1.go slot0._tf = tf(slot0._go) slot0.slot = slot1.slot = slot0.parent = slot1.parent slot0.childs = {} slot0.offset = 0 slot0.lineContainer = slot0._tf:Find("lines") slot0.lines = {} slot0.subLockBg = slot0._tf:Find("sub_lock") slot0.subUnlockBg = slot0._tf:Find("sub_unlock") slot0.unlockBg = slot0._tf:Find("unlock") slot0.lockBg = slot0._tf:Find("lock") slot0.nameTxt = slot0._tf:Find("Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.selected = slot0._tf:Find("selected") slot0.tip = slot0._tf:Find("tip") end function slot0.Init(slot0) slot0:UpdateStyle() slot0:CalcOffset() slot0:SetPosition() end function slot0.IsFinish(slot0) return end function slot0.IsUnLock(slot0) if not slot0.parent then return true else return slot0:ParentIFinish() and slot0:IsActive() end end function slot0.ParentIFinish(slot0) if not slot0.parent then return false end return slot0.parent:IsFinish() end function slot0.ParentIsFinishByServer(slot0) if not slot0.parent then return false end return end function slot0.IsActive(slot0) return end function slot0.GetParentId(slot0) if not slot0.parent then return 0 end return end function slot0.UpdateData(slot0, slot1) = slot1 slot0:UpdateStyle() slot0:UpdateLineStyle() for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.childs) do slot6:UpdateStyle() slot6:UpdateLineStyle() end end function slot0.UpdateStyle(slot0) slot2 = not slot0:IsUnLock() slot3 = slot0:IsMain() setActive(slot0.subLockBg, not slot0:IsFinish() and not slot3 and slot2) setActive(slot0.subUnlockBg, not slot1 and not slot3 and not slot2) setActive(slot0.unlockBg, not slot1 and slot3 and not slot2) setActive(slot0.lockBg, not slot1 and slot3 and slot2) slot0.nameTxt.text = slot2 and "" or slot0:UpdateTip() end function slot0.UpdateTip(slot0) setActive(slot0.tip, slot0:IsUnLock() and and not slot0:IsFinish()) end slot4 = { "blue", "gray", "yellow" } function slot0.UpdateLineStyle(slot0) slot1 = nil function slot1(slot0, slot1) if == "line" then slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/guildmissionui_atlas", slot1 .. "_line") elseif == "head" then slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/guildmissionui_atlas", slot1) elseif == "adapter" then eachChild(slot0, function (slot0) uv0(slot0, uv1) end) end end slot2 = slot0:IsFinish() for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.childs) do for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot0.lines[slot7]) do slot1(, slot2 and uv0[2] or slot7:IsMain() and uv0[3] or uv0[1]) end end slot3 = slot0.lines[slot0] or {} slot4 = slot0:IsMain() slot5 = true if slot0.parent then slot5 = slot0.parent:IsFinish() end for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot3) do slot11 = nil slot1(, slot10.type == uv1.LINE_LEFT and ((slot2 or slot5) and uv0[2] or slot4 and uv0[3] or uv0[1]) or slot2 and uv0[2] or slot4 and uv0[3] or uv0[1]) end end function slot0.Selected(slot0, slot1) setActive(slot0.selected, slot1) end function slot0.CalcOffset(slot0) if not slot0.parent then slot0.offset = 0 return end if #slot0.parent.childs == 2 then slot2 = slot0:GetParentOffset() if math.abs(slot2 + -1) <= math.abs(slot2 + 1) then slot0.offset = slot0:IsMain() and slot4 or slot3 elseif slot5 < slot6 then slot0.offset = slot1 and slot3 or slot4 end elseif #slot0.parent.childs == 1 then slot0.offset = 0 - slot0.parent:GetFirstNodeOffset() end end function slot0.GetLocalPosition(slot0) if slot0.parent then slot1 = slot0:GetOffset() slot4 = slot0:IsMain() and 0 or uv1 return Vector3((slot0.slot - 1) * (uv0 + slot0._tf.sizeDelta.x), slot0.parent:GetLocalPosition().y + slot1 * uv2 + (slot1 > 0 and slot4 or -slot4), 0) else return Vector3(0, 0, 0) end end function slot0.SetPosition(slot0) slot0._tf.anchoredPosition = slot0:GetLocalPosition() end function slot0.AddChild(slot0, slot1) table.insert(slot0.childs, slot1) end function slot0.GetChilds(slot0) return slot0.childs end function slot0.HasParent(slot0) return slot0.parent ~= nil end function slot0.HasChild(slot0) return #slot0.childs > 0 end function slot0.IsMain(slot0) return end function slot0.GetOffset(slot0) return slot0.offset end function slot0.GetParentOffset(slot0) return slot0.parent:GetOffset() end function slot0.GetFirstNodeOffset(slot0) slot1 = 0 slot2 = slot0 while slot2.parent ~= nil do slot1 = slot1 + slot2:GetOffset() slot2 = slot2.parent end return slot1 end function slot0.AddLine(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) SetParent(tf(slot1), slot0.lineContainer) if slot2 == uv0.LINE_LEFT then if slot0:IsMain() then slot1.anchorMax = Vector2(0, 0.5) slot1.anchorMin = Vector2(0, 0.5) slot1.pivot = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, 0) else slot1.pivot = Vector2(1, 0.5) if slot0:GetOffset() > 0 then slot1.anchorMax = Vector2(0.5, 0) slot1.anchorMin = Vector2(0.5, 0) slot1.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, 90) slot1.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, 0) else slot1.anchorMax = Vector2(0.5, 1) slot1.anchorMin = Vector2(0.5, 1) slot1.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, -90) slot1.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, 0) end end elseif slot2 == uv0.LINE_RIGHT then slot1.anchorMax = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.anchorMin = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.pivot = Vector2(0, 0.5) slot1.anchoredPosition = Vector2(0, 0) elseif slot2 == uv0.TOP_LINK then slot1.anchorMax = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.anchorMin = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.pivot = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot0.lines[slot0][1].tf.sizeDelta.x, 0) slot1.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, -90) if slot3:IsMain() then slot1.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot3:GetLocalPosition().y - slot0:GetLocalPosition().y, slot1.sizeDelta.y) else slot1.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot6 - slot5 - slot0._tf.sizeDelta.y / 2, slot1.sizeDelta.y) end elseif slot2 == uv0.BOTTOM_LINK then slot1.anchorMax = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.anchorMin = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.pivot = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot0.lines[slot0][1].tf.sizeDelta.x, 0) slot1.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, 90) if slot3:IsMain() then slot1.sizeDelta = Vector2(-(slot3:GetLocalPosition().y - slot0:GetLocalPosition().y), slot1.sizeDelta.y) else slot1.sizeDelta = Vector2(-slot6 - slot5 - slot0._tf.sizeDelta.y / 2, slot1.sizeDelta.y) end elseif slot2 == uv0.TOP_HRZ_LINK then slot4 = slot0.lines[slot3][1].tf slot1.anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot4.anchoredPosition.x, slot4.sizeDelta.x + slot4.anchoredPosition.y) slot10 = nil if slot3:IsMain() then slot10 = slot3:GetLocalPosition().x - slot0:GetLocalPosition().x - 2 * slot0.lines[slot0][1].tf.sizeDelta.x - slot0._tf.sizeDelta.x else nextNodeLposX = slot8.x + slot0._tf.sizeDelta.x / 2 slot10 = nextNodeLposX - slot9.x - slot0._tf.sizeDelta.x - slot6 end slot1.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot10, slot1.sizeDelta.y) elseif slot2 == uv0.BOTTOM_HRZ_LINK then slot4 = slot0.lines[slot3][1].tf slot1.anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot4.anchoredPosition.x, slot4.anchoredPosition.y - slot4.sizeDelta.x) slot10 = nil if slot3:IsMain() then slot10 = slot3:GetLocalPosition().x - slot0:GetLocalPosition().x - 2 * slot0.lines[slot0][1].tf.sizeDelta.x - slot0._tf.sizeDelta.x else nextNodeLposX = slot8.x + slot0._tf.sizeDelta.x / 2 slot10 = nextNodeLposX - slot9.x - slot0._tf.sizeDelta.x - slot6 end slot1.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot10, slot1.sizeDelta.y) elseif slot2 == uv0.CENTER_LINK then slot7 = slot0.lines[slot0][1].tf.sizeDelta.x slot1.anchorMax = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.anchorMin = Vector2(1, 0.5) slot1.anchoredPosition = Vector2(slot7, 0) slot1.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot3:GetLocalPosition().x - slot0:GetLocalPosition().x - slot0._tf.sizeDelta.x - 2 * slot7, slot1.sizeDelta.y) end if not slot0.lines[slot3] then slot0.lines[slot3] = {} end table.insert(slot0.lines[slot3], { tf = slot1, type = slot2 }) end return slot0